Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, March 14, 1901, Image 2

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Spring Medicine
There's no Season when good
medicine is bo much needed as in
Spring, and there's no medicine
which does so much good in Spring
as Hood's Sarsaparilla. .
Do not delay taking it.
Don't put it off till ytrar health
tone gets too low to be liftciL
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Will give you a good appetite,
purify and enrich your blood, over,
come that tired feeling, give you
mental and digestive strength and
steady nerves.
Be sure to ask for IIOOD'S, the
best medicine money can buy. It is
Peculiar to Itself
Bad Fueling In Spring'-"In the
spring I was reefing very badly. My blood
was very poor. I began taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. It did me much pood. I
think It is a wonderful spring medicine and
reccramend it to all sick and suffering."
Ethkl L. Baajr, Eaton Center, N. II.
A Rare Fish.
The rarest fish In British waters is
the ribbon fish. Only 16 specimens
have beeu recorded la the last cen
tury. It is an inhabitant of the great
depths of the ocean.
With local applications, as they cannot reach
theseatol the disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional dtM-ae,nl ui order to cor it
you must take internal remedies, Hills Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internallv, and aets.lirectty
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is not a quack ruedieinc. It was
prescribed by one of the best physlcisnt in this
country for years, and isa regular prescription.
It is composed of toe ben tonics knon. com
bined with the best blood purifiers, scan di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two Ingredients is what pro
duces nch wonderful results in caring catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
W.J. CHEN ky A CO., Proprs., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 58c.
Halls Family Pills are the best
He Wanted Tew Know.
Ticket Seller (in theater box office)
Seats in the parquette are 3, and
in the dress circle $2.
Uncle Pumpkinduster (of Swamp
Junction) Say! be that your "askin'
price," or what you expect tew get?
An Inactive I.lver. Stomach Din
orders. Hick Headache aud other
ills arising from an Imperfect
digestion are cored br G tttriKLD
TEA which is made from HERB?.
Spheres of Influence.
"Spheres of influence" embrace
pretty much all that is worth appro
priating of , Africa, territorially sls
serenths of the continent. '
This signature is on every bos of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
the remedy that cores a cold 1st mm day
Manufacture of Glucose.
Glucose is now manufactured large
ly from corn starch. Its commercial
Talue lies in its use as an adulterant
of cane and beet sugar.
Particular Interest to Thrtshermtn and
Rupsell & Co., of Portland, Ore., the
largest dealers in machinery on the
Pacific Coast, have just issued at con
siderable expense a neat and veiy com
plete account book for up-to-date
tniniliniH..a. a. mi .
..iiCDMciiuiu, etc. ine ucoks are lor
free distribution, and all people who
want mem should write immediately
to Kustell & Co., Portland, Ore.
Police Judges in Porto Rico.
Mayors of the different towns in
Porto Rico at present have exclusive
Jurisdiction in police court cases,
whether or not they know a word of
law; and from their decisions there
Is no appeal.
Pino s Cure is the best medicine we ever
used for all aHcctions of the throat and
Fe'rioTrjOtl' ' E"DHhx Van buret., Iud.,
Well Enough.
"Didn't I tell you to let well enough
alone?" said the doctor to the con
valescent who had disobeyed and was
suffering a relapse.
"Yes, doctor," whined the patient,
"but I wasn't well enough."
The Best Prescription for Malar!
rhlil rJe t!t.1s ." of Grove' Tasteless
Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine In
a tasteless form. Ko dare. Mo Pay. Yrlce fiOo.
A Long River.
Long rivers drain a large territory
of country. The Ganges Is nearly 1600
miles in length, and drains an area of
750,000 square miles.
l.r muwm all ilt Tails. rf
Use f j
' s s new wuhu onip, i antes uooo.
I. J in tune. Hold hf aruueiot.
imnmy-im what is the greatest
lorce u wcai pontics? Tommys Pop
-roe police force, my sou.-Phlladel-
pbla Record,
Old Gentleman Here. sir. bow la It
I catch you kissing my daughter? The
Uver By sneaking lu on us. sir.
Philadelphia Press.
There's a lucky tnnu for yout
"How's thatr "Why. he's got a but-
!?r so dignified that he even awes the
cook into submlsslon'-llrooWlyn Life.
Teas Mr. Phoxy seems very anxious
to nave uis wire make over ber Inst
year's gown. JessHe'll make over
$30 or $40 If she does. Philadelphia
"Yes, your honor, the butcher was
ugly. I asked blm for a choice cut."
-What did he give your "An under
cut. "TUree dollars and costs."-
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"I suppose you love to give pleasure,"
said the altrurlan to the humorous lec
turer. "Yes, Indeetl." replied the other.
"I'd have to quit If I didn't, you kuow."
Cleveland Tlaln Dealer.
So your sou has returned from col
lege, has heT' VYes." "Did he get his
degree?" "Yes; he got about fifteen
degrees below the graduating require
meat." Itlehmond Dispatch.
She Indeed. It's not au easy thtng
for a girl to get a husband, lie Why,
a pretty girl can make her choice of
four out of every Ave men she meets.
She But It's the fifth man she wants.
"What do you call these?" he asked
at the breakfast table. "Flannel
cakes," replied the. wife of his bosom.
"Flannel? They made a mistake and
sold you corduroy this time. Haiti-
more American.
Over Nothing: "This wireless teleg
raphy reminds me of a groundless
quarrel." "What possible connection
Is there between the two?" "It's prac
tically having words over nothlug.
Philadelphia Times.
Mrs. Housekeep Why don't you gc
to work? Weary Walker Well, lady,
yer see I'm wat yer might call an "un
happy medium." Mrs. Housekeep In
deed? And what do you mean by that?
Weary Walker Why, I'm too heavy
fur light work and too light fur heavy
work. Philadelphia Pres
Elderly I saw you with the charm
ing Miss Uedstrong to-day. I know
ber parents very well. Youngman Do
you? I wish you'd pnt In a bad word
for me with them. Elderly You mean
i -,
a "good" word, of course. Youngman
No, I don't. If I only get ber parents
to oppose me I'll land the girl sure.
Philadelphia Press.
"I never undertake an Important
business venture In the afternoon; his
tory has established a superstition that
makes It seem unfortunate to do so."
"To what historical event do you at
tribute such a theory as that?" "Why,
the fall of Adam. That happened at
the approach of Eve, you know."
Richmond Dispatch.
Tallied One: "Enphemla," said young
Spoonamore, "will you marry me?" "1
will not!" replied the young woman, in
dlgnantly. "Miss Llckladder," be re
joined, making an entry In a small
memorandum book and replacing It In
his pocket, "you have the honor of be
ing the first girl who has refused me
since the new century began." Chi
cago Tribune.
Harry Uncle George, at the end of
tills marriage notice of Cousin Tom's
It nays: "No cards." What does that
mean? Uncle George It doesn't mean
anything, Harry. Tbat Is to say, It Is
only a blind. It Is a promise tbat Tom
will give up cards; but, bless you, he
won't be a month married before he'll
be back to the poker table again. Bos
ton Transcript.
Johnny Pa, doesn't a man sometimes
speak so rapidly tbat the stenographer
can't follow him, and say so many
wonderful things that they are lost In
admiration of his eloquence? Pn Yes;
I have beard tbat something of the
kind does happen now and then; but
why do you ask, Johnny? Johnny I
notice that when you make a speech
the papers always say. "Mr. Breeze
also spoke." Boston Transcript.
The Real Trouble: Mrs. de Style
(lookliig from her paper) The idea! I
told that reporter not to meatlon my
name in connection with the Glugere's
reception, and yet he's done it. I'll
Just go down to that newspaper office
to-morrow and see about this. Mr. de
Style Oh! I wouldn't pay anj atten
tion to it, my dear. ,Mrs. de Style I
wouldn't, but they've got my name
spelled wrong. Philadelphia Press.
What Hurt Worst: "I don't mind
beln' accused of kidnapln', y'r honor,"
the prisoner said, the hue of shame and
mortification mantling - his grimy
cheek; "what grinds me Is that any
body sh'd accuse me of stenlln this
boy, w'en I know Ms dad couldn't pay
two bits to bave 'lm brought back, an
wouldn't if he could. I hate to have
folks think I'm a durn fool!" And be
looked fiercely around the court room,
as If be would like to fight the whole
crowd. Chicago Tribune.
The liability to disease is greatly
icrae tea when the Wood is in gcxxi con
(tittrvt anil iVij ;-fMi1iitirn Tifultliu and
vinmn. t- ,.. .11 t.f
is promptly carried out of the system
otherwise it would rapidly accumulate
fermentation would take nlace. the
Mood become polluted and the const!
tution so weakened that a simple
malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion aud strong, healthy
As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S.
has no equal. It is the safest and best
remedy for old people and children
because it contains no minerals, but Is
maae exclusive! v of roots and herbs
No other remedy so thoroughly and
effectually cleanses the blood of im-
purities. Atthe
same time it builds
up the weak and de
bilitated, and reno
vates the entire sys
tem. It cures permanently all manner
of blood and skin troubles.
XTm W4 Is V.I I - TTk... n
bad Eosema on my bands and face tor
five- years. It would break oul in UtUe
White) Dustulaa. eriuta would form uul
drop off, leartna the skin rod and inflam
ed. The doctors did ma no good. I used
all the medtaatfd soaps and salves without
boned!. R. SL H ntirrtd mjt- &nrt tttw mkin
ia as clear and smooth as any one's."
lira. Henry Siegfried, of Capo May. N.
X, says that twenty-one bottles of B. M. t).
cured ber of Canoer of the breast. Doc
tor and trteuU thought ber case hope
less. Riohard T. flintnep. WinrnU. tL ft..
suffered for Tears with llolle. Two boU
wea of h. 8. 8. put his blood In good eon
diUon and the Soils disappeared.
Send lor our free book, and write
our physicians about your case.
Medical advice free.
For Telephone Girls.
Shower baths are being put In the
Paris telephone exchanges for the use
of the telephone girls. It Is thought
that this will aid them In keeping
their health. In America the girls In
many telephone exchanges have long
enjoyed this comfort.
Absurd Sayings. "
De Tanque Conventional saluta
tions are absurd. A man will often
say absent mlndedly that it's a nice
day, when it's raining cats and dogs.
O'Soaque Yes; I treated a blind
man to a drink yesterday, and he said:
"Here's looking at you." Philadelphia
PerNet System Cleaners.
Keep clean Inside ss well as outside and
Jl? nre splines;, casrarets caniy
tathartle clesnse and purify your body Inside.
Udruiis,K)c,zs,6uo. '
, Armament of New Ships.
The armament of the new British
battleships Queen and Prince of Wales
will be of a tery powerful character,
and in each case the guns will cost
75,000. When ready for the pen
nant each ship will have cost
000,000. Montreal Herald and Star.
When vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Ton to.
uccBuse oo lurmuia is piainiy printed on every
bottle showing- that It Is sltnply Iron and Qui
nine in a tasteless form. io cure. No far. b
Public Baths In England.
Out of 34 towns In England and
Wales, one-third maintain one or more
public baths. They are crowded by
factory and shop hands. '
To Increase Governor's 8alary.
A proposition Is being urged In Ten
nessee to increase the salary of the
governor to $5000 a year. It is now
$4000. It is thought also tbat the
state should supply an executive man
slon for his use.
There Is an end to
acute suffering when
St. Jacobs Oil
promptly enres
A guaranteed Care tor Catarrh sna
Consumption, fi.oo. V Lock Box 145,
W. H. SMITH a CO., Buffalo, II, Prep's
N. P, N. V,
Ao. li-ieoi.
WUKJf writing to advertisers please
mention this paper.
MISS FRANCES AU ANDERSON. duhtsr n.v jtmnn
ANDERSON, of Virginia, Is at present In Washlnrton. IX CL. m Cor.
responding Secretary of the Higher Educational League of that city.
Cured of la grippe by Peruna.
Corresponding Kferetary of the
Higher Edirathnat 1. aue,
writes from thVAstorla'Wash.
Ington, I). 0., the following:
"About two months ago I was
taken very III with la grippe and
was oouged to go to bed. I took
three bottles of Peruna with very
beneficial results, and was able
to leave my bed In a week and re
gained my usual strength very
have nothing but praise for
Hcruna, and recommend It to
those similarly afflicted when
ever I can." 'Prances M. Ander
son. La grippe Is, strictly speaking, epi
demic catarrh that is to say, a va
riety of acute catarrh which is so con
tagious and runs a course more or less
definite, the same as scarlet fever,
whooping cough, etc.
During the acute stages of la grippe
It Is not a very fatal disease, but the
condition in which It leaves the sys
tem baa caused the death of a count
less number.
Indeed, nearly every person who bas
had la grippe within the last three
years finds himself more or less de
ranged by the pernicious effects of
this disease. The majority of those
who have escaped death find life
scarcely worth living.
If this vast multitude of people
could only know with what certainty
and promptness Peruna would relieve
them of all the bad efTects which la
grippe has brought upon them, what
an untold amount of suffering would
be averted!
Thousands have already heard how
quickly this remedy will cure in those
cases and have been saved; but tens
of thousands bave not yet beard, and
$3.00 FOR
A new bona tide scheme by which yon may
Obtain 13 worth f anv vnnria In thm
ot Montgomery, Ward A Co., Chloago, lur k,
or any amount at the same rates. Write at
once lor particulars. Hoe how we can do It and
yet make money. Hent of reivrencp. Agents
wanted. C'O-OI'Klt ATI vie mivivi
45-9 Jamleson Building, Spokane, Wssh.
p...,,,. ; ' " ' For Catalogues
ret til, 1 hn -
iBS0W ' Address - '
continue to suffer on, dropping Into
the grave one by oue.
Peruna cures catarrh In all stag
and varieties, whether acute or chron
ic, and is therefore the most effective
remedy ever devised for removing all
the derangements which follow la
Samuel M. York writes from lT"oni
Grove. AJa the following letter:
"Dear Sir: Last week I was taken
with la grippe and catarrhal deaf
ness, I wrote you for advice and fol
lowed your directions. After taking
two bottles of Peruna I found myself
well of la grippe, and my bearing was
fully restored. My health Is better
than it has been in five years.
"My wife Improved In health tery
much after taking Peruna." Samuel
M. York.
Miss Caroline J.
writes as follows:
"Three years
Kahl, Otlsco, Ind
had la grippe
trouble. I was
and pulmonary
very sick. I had hemorrhages of
the lungs nearly every day for a
year, and three bottles of your
Peruna cured me. The doctor
said I had consumption. I am
now In better health than I have
been for many years.
"I highly recommend Peruna to all
my neighbors and friends. Peruna is
my favorite medicine, I shall always
have Peruna in the house." Miss
Caroline J. Kahl,
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case,
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, president of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Buy from the manufacturer. Price In lull rolls
9 (set wide, l.'0 feet long....
, " "
i - . . 1.80
a ii
turn m
A fit
essseesit 1iBt
All Kindt of Wire and Iron Work.
149 front St., fortlantt, Oregon.
Always rreth.
Always the Best
are sold everywhere.
. 1W1 Seed Annual free.