Hood's Sarsaparllia Hat won lueeees far beyond tba f(ct 01 advertising only, The true secret of lU wonderful tionn Iarlty is explained entirely and uly, y lu unapproachable Jrrif . Hated upon ft preaeripUon widen cured people considered insurable, which ftooompliahed wondora astonish log to tbo modloal profMMiioQ, Hood's Sarsaparllia Include; the concentrated value: of tho beat-known vegetable remedies, united by men. ia original and peculiar com blnation, propurilon and process as to secure enrativt power peculiar to itself. Its cure of mild and extreme caaea of acrofula, ecsema, pioriule, and every kind and degree of humor, aa well aa catarrh and rheumatism prove Hood's Sarsaparllia tbe beet blood purifier aver produced. lU curea of dyspepsia, biliousness, nervousness, lose of appetite and thai tired feeling make it the greatest tiora- ....it HMM..nnlMMi km) t M w art reatorer the world baa ever known. Hood's Sarsaparllia la a thoroughly food medicine. Begin to take It TODAY. Uet HOOD'S. Age ef Tree Maturity. Authorities on forestry say that Tfl f eara are required for tbe oak to reaob maturity; or tbe ab. larch and aim, boot tbe same length of time; for the spruce and fir, about 60 years. After this time their groin remains stationary for some years, and then de cay begins. There aie, however, some ti captions, for oaks are atlll living which are known to be 1,000 years old. CATARRH CANNOT CCBSD With total eitptleatloiu, aa thr enno re the aval ol the A ieeaae. Catarrh I a blood reach ood or tonaiituMonsldiM-aae.end m order to mre tt you nuiiitti internal remeatee. naira ca tarrh run la taken internally, end aetedlreMlf an tha blood and mui-eua earfarwe. Hall's Ce urrh Core la not a quark aaedtelne. II waa nrewrltwd br one of tha best physicians In Ibla covniry lur years, and laa reyular proarlitton. It li OotntHWd oi in p.i uroirs anuwn, row blned with tba host Mood purlOsrs, acttof di rectly on tba muwus surfaces. Tha perfect eon binatton ot tha two inaradlanU Ir what p ro ll urot tarn wonderful reeulte IB curing-ouuh. Hand lor teettmmiials, irwe. r. i. f MKNKY ft CO., Ptoprs., Toledo, O. fold by arunleie, price 75o. Malls family rule are the beet. Pittance Bctwtca the Earth and Sua. About 60 of tha principal observa tories of tbe world are now eo-operat tug in a great programme of observa tion. for Improving our knowledge of tbe distance between the earth and aua. aiva rmuwllf farad. Wa Sta ar t ilia H.r am '. nflr klta'Hial Nana Urr a.4forrKftK.eeiWJll.Kltr. EaTba. ft. 11 Kua,ll.,M4alUHttUa4lbJa.a Will Ravolutlenhs Water Navigation. W. A. Heath, of Kswlfua, ' Wyo.. gars he has invented flying machine which will evolatloaise water naviga tion as well as solve tbe aerial naviga tion problem. rOTJ KNOW WnAT YOU ANB TAKIHO Wbrn ton lata Orova'a Taatalau Chill Tonie, owau.a tha tonnulala plainly printed on avery MHtlaabowlnttbat It la alaplf Iron and Qn( sUia ta a mualeaa torn. No Cure, No fay. boo. la Memory ef Hamilton Fkh, Jr. A bronae bane relief tablet in mem cry of Hamilton Fish, Jr., who waa killed in the Spanish-American war, baa been erected in Columbia univers ity. ESlootl Poison There ta no poison so highly contagious, o deceptive and so destructive. Don't be too sure you are cured because all external signs of the diaesse have disappeared, and the doctor ssvs vou are well. Many car- eons have been dosed with Mercury end Fotssh for months or years,, and f re nounced cured to realise when too late that the disease waa only covered up Uka Bee Uke. ftSSS out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some ditcase, for no other poison ia so surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bod case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or aevere skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison eon lnear'ly ' Of tha PsVMtC. life, for it remains smoldering In the sys tem forever, uoltsa properly treated and driven out in the beginning. 8. 8. 8. ift the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it ouftof the blood, and It does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate vou afterwards. cures Contagious itiooa poison tn any ana au stsges; contains no mineral to break down vour constitution : it ia purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known that clean sea the blood end at the same time builds up tba general health. Our little book on contagious blood Klson ia the moot complete and instruo e ever issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It la free and should be in the hsnds of everyone seeking; ft cure. Send for it IHI IWIPT IPECIPI0 CO ATLANTA, M. BajasaHpaajaMBsa TaittM U(Kd. Vast 1 by Smairlm. i UUHtS WMLHt AH ,1 ttntlma. i Beat voiiKD ojrup, Hold br ST rZh r ART OF PYROQRAPHY. Tbe Neceaearr iB-trtsmsnt end Hew ta Vm Ibaitt. Tbs variety of usck to which pyrog rnphy may bo applied la endless. It lends Itself cMptKlally to the broad clement of large surfaces, but it can also be iinod lu tbe adornment of the inoNt dtilnty articles by delicate lines and soft shadings, aaya a Uood House Keeplng writer In preface to the fob towing practical Instructional The Iron style of earlier dnya baa len replaced by ft point of platinum, riutlnuiu la need for poker work, be cause it ia the, only metal that will ab sorb the gaa of the naphtha by which the aupply of heat ia sustained. The complete outfit conslata of platinum poluta, a cork-covered handle, a length of rubber tubing, ft naphtha bottle pro vided with connection for tubing, ft aplritlanip and rubber bulb with tubing attached. It ia also necessary to have some alcohol And naphtha. Be sure to have the naphtha botUe tightly IMSTSTJMItaTS VStP III Tn a Ar. corked and never open It In a room where there Is light or the smallest anark of fire, aa it ia very Inflammable. Tbe alcohol also should be handled with care. To do a variety of poker work an outfit of several points ia necessary, but it l well for the begin tier to bave at least two, aa illustrated In Flu, c and d. The first of these, c, la the more important, aa with It both outllntnir and shading can be done, but the second Is better for back grounds. He fore attempting a design tbe be ginner should practice on smooth nine board or a piece of wbltewood, which is better, aa tbe finer grain makes practice easier. To light the point put some cotton wool In the naphtha bottle and fill tbe bottle about one-third full of naphtha. Connect the bottle with tbe cork handle and with the bulb by tbe rubber tubing, hold the point la tbe flame of the spirit tamp until It la thoroughly lies ted and blow gently, by pressing the bulb until tbe point be comes redbot Tbe point may now be withdrawn from the flame, and lta beat can be kept up and regulated by tlie pressure on the bulb, which forces tbe vapor of the naphtha through the tubing Into the point, where It burns. The lamp may now be extinguished. The object of the cotton .wool In the bottle la to gtve more evaporating sur face. Fig. a shows the apparatus. Sometime a foot bellows (Fig. b) la used Instead of the hand bellows. Thla la less tiresome and gives the oper ator both hands for work. Now grasp the cork handle, not too near the hot point, and try to make true, even lines on the pine . board. This at first la very difficult, for an In stont's delay tn the touch of the point will make ft bole or deep dot In the wood, and the line will resemble ft smudge. To overcome thla first trou ble bring the point upon the board with ft sweep off the hand and lift It off In the an me way. Keep this a weep aa even and light aa possible until you have a firm, clean line. The begtnned will succeed more easily If the point Is not too hot Try different lines as you would learn to shade with a lead pencil. Make parallel lines, long and short, broad and narrow, even and graded, straight and curved, aa : ahown In Fig. e. ; , . " Designs are to be used In the follow ing manner: Draw them on the wood A ml burn In firmly and lightly A quick mode la to trace the dealgri on a piece of tracing paper and then transfer It to the wood by means of Im pression paper, then burn as de scribed. GRAIN PIT PERILS LIFE Araurtiut of th Aorta. Ia tbe Penalty of Indentation. The same disease that carried off rhllip D. Armour before hia time threatens thoso who go down Into the trading pita and stock marta to buy and sell where tbe changes of a few points In the quotations may mean poverty or millions, says the Chicago Chronicle. Aneurism of the heart- more accurately aneurism of the aor tas of tbe heart la the disease that killed the wealthy packer. It la caus ed largely by undue excitement, auch aa la hrnuffht on bv the scenes of the Board of Trade. For brief perloda ex- traordlnary demands are made on the ora-an that propels blood through the organ that propels body. This was the gist of a statement made by a renowned Chicago physi cian. He discussed the prevalence, f 9 AS unknown to tbe lay world, of an afflic tion often - erroneously classed aa "heart failure." Not tbe heart Itself, he said, but tlie aortas through which tbe blood is drawn or expelled display tbe real weakness. ; Aneurism of tbe heart Is the abnor mal awelllng of tbe aortas resulting from the great demands suddenly made titKra thein during momenta of excite ment. Tlie tlnsuee are unable to with stand the pressure of the blood preen ing. Terhapa there h also a little nat ural weakness, Tbe tissues yield and when tbe next demand Is made upon tbem tbey are still weaker. The en largement of tbe blood vessels contin ue day by day until at last tbe strain becomes too great and they give way. "Every man whose business or pro fession forces upon blm momenta of great excitement," said the doctor, "la likely candidate for this disease. One who has merely watched the opera tion In tbe wheat pit or has spent an hour in the gallery of tbe iew York Stock Exchange must have felt bla own blood flow quicker. How much fiercer, then, must bave been thetbrob- blncs of tbe hearts of those partici pating In the battles to aave or dou ble their fortunea! "Such men aa these are the ones of whom we dally read aa victims of heart failure.' That la a compreheo alve term which In many cases refers to aneurism of the aortas, usually the ascending one, through which the blood Is expelled. Where there la a alight weaknet s, resulting possioly from sick ness, tbe blood vessels will swell In their effort to avoid the pressure. It la as if an engine were pumping Into a pipe whose exit waa Inadequate for the occasion. "Allowlng for ft little exaggeration, this disease might almost be spoken of aa American, for the conditlona In tbla country offer a most tempting field for Its sproad. Nowhere else in tbe world are men and women subject to auch dally spasms of violent energy, mental or pbyslcaL They toll fiercely during brief periods, tax themselves Involved the rlghta of theater man to the top notch and then Imagine they tgef and patIVIL A negro bought a can requite nature by cessation for on the lower fioer of a Washington periods of rest But the barm done while tbey were in tne wmn or ex citement or strain may not be repair ed. 'Americanism' paya lta penalty at tbe demands of abused nature. lt would not be accurate to state that the men who spend a few mo menta or hours each day In the excite ments of grain or stock speculation monopolise the perils of . this disease. Tho pugilist, who for three- or six rounds calls Into play every resource of h'a syst-m. Is also peculiarly sua- ceptlble to iti attacks. While his heart la beating in giant throbs the wood vessels leading to and from his heart are strained almost to bursting. Any athlete who' participates In contests run a similar risk. 'The same may be said of those who lift heavy Weights or otherwise make heavy demands up on their physique. Intense grief also or rue MCsWrQ AOT HOW KXCITEMKa r CAUSES B BART PIS- BASK DIAGBAM SBOWlSO TUB NOR- MAI ASP THB AWilOBMAt AORTA. has been responsible for aneurism of the aortas." The ordinary , treatment prescribed by physlclana Is rest Occasionally needles bave been thrust Into the weakened part of the blood vessel In order to form strengthening coagula tions of blood. In olden days attempts were made with watch springs to re strain the aweillnga and threatened burstings. . Destruction by Trains. A signalman with a turn for natural history has ahown once again the ex tent of tbe destruction wrought by trains. He haa kept a list which, though necessarily not exhaustive. Is immensely long, of the victims along a stretch of line of about three miles. The list Includes cats, foxea, doge, hundreds of rats, rabbits, a cow, a sheep, an ad der, ft lon-eared bat, a hedgehog and thousands of frogs. Among the birds are a kingfisher, a keetral hawk, rooka and nightjars, to say nothing of the more familiar species. Iloldtnat Consumption In Check. tvvafha fiYim consuiiiDtlon In Fhlla lVUVm a ... AofimntAii m nnA-third than they were fifteen "years ago. Tbe health authorities say the Improve- Ana tn thlr continuous battle " Virtue eventually manages to get the laugh on those who throw mud at hex. " 1 '''iS lit 'mWA m AMOOMlj 40 T If MARION MORRIS. Tbe Once Favorite of Kapolsoa Com la Home tt 1I Marlon Morris, once one of the favor Itee of Napoleon III., la coming home to die. She Is an American, born in Mary land, and when but 10 years old, went to Kuropo, where site dazzled the most brilliant of European courts. Marion Morria, with Helena Edande and Es- MAR.I09 MOKBtS. tber Beaulteu, found favor in the eyes of the unfortunate Emperor of France. AoH(icas was Installed as a member of the imperial household aa a lady -J a-waiting. Tbe downfall and ban- wimx-nt of Napoleon kft her upon tbe wtrM, WHAT IS A THEATER TICKET ? A Qnettloa tbat m Waablntrtoit Coart Haa Paaa 1 Upon, little attention haa been paid to ft nxxwtlv decided at Waahlneton theater and attended i performance. During the evening the manager re quested the negro to relinquish hie place and leave the theater, offering him the money that had been paid for tbe ticket: "Thla waa refused and tbe negro waa ejected. A suit for dam ages resulted. The plaintiff in tbla cose did not take action under the civil right law, and only set forth his al leged rights aa a citizen to occupy a place in a theater upon payment of tbe usual fee. Tbe defense took the ground that a ticket for a reserved seat la mere ly a UeeiMKt revokable at the will of the manager In whose theater it ie sold upon a return of lta price. This contention, Which la generally beld by managers and in many eases put Into words on tbe tickets sold, did not stand In court where It waa de clared that a ticket-holder of a reserved seat In a theater haa rights similar to those of a lessee for a specified term, subject only to the- manager's police power to enforce order and maintain decency on his premises. , Going fur ther than this, the trial court cited an opinion that prevails tn tbe United States Supreme Court to tbe effect that a manager of a place of amusement to which the public Is Invited to come on payment for places la not a private en terprise owing no duty to Its patrons, but a place "clothed with a public In terest because used in a manner to make it of public consequence and to affect the community at large." This disposes effectively of the Idea that has come to prevail among certain manag ers that the operation of a theater la a "private business." Dramatic Mir ror. ' Horace Greeley's Prodigality. Horace Greeley was lavish In his gift& often to most unwortny recip ients, and waa most sensitive when ad monished on the subject by even his closest friends. He loaned thousands of dollars to a scapegrace son of Com modore Vanderbllt and, when Vander- bllt appealed to him to stop It, Greeley curtly, closed the conversation by say ing he did not expect the commodore to pay the loan. . In one of the many conversations 1 had with him In his dingy office in the old Tribune Building, I ventured to suggest that he waa a more generous giver than his means justified, to which he answered: "Well, I guess that's so, but I can't stop It I am like the,South ern planter, who, after spending the proceeds of his crop In winter reveling, closed up the account by selling a nig ger; I do It by selling a share of the Tribune, ne originally owned nearly or quite one-half the paper. When he died he had but one share remaining of the 100. Success. Conflicting Order. "The average photographer," aald Ilenpeck, musingly, "la an unreason able creature." "What's the matter now?" asked the i friend. "Oh. while my wife was sitting for her picture today the fool photographer sung out. 'Look pleasant, please. Be natural.' - -i-uuaaeipma t ress, A past master In politics often turns out to t a the future village postmaster. ' ' HARD TU BEAR Story of a Drnggist Who Was Always Compound ingltem-, edlr-8 for Others Yet Suffered Agonies . Himself. from Iht Rtpubllea ,Uloraiio, JO. ' Perhaps in no este where stomach trouble was tbe ailment has the effi ciency of a popular remedy been eo t boron ably demonstrated as tn tbe cse of W. E. Matbis, a prominent druggist of Eldorado, 111. The story as told by Mr. Matbis isaa follows: "In tbe spring of 1894 I had very aerions case of indigestion. My atom ch commenced to give me great trouble, and, while I knew tbe natare of tbe pain, 1 did not at first use tbe proper precaution. For some time I did not pay any attention, but it gradually grew worse, when 1 consulted phy sician, who prescribed for me. I used his medicine according to instructions. 1 began' to experience nervous spells, became subject to congestion of the stomach, and considered myself tn a precarious condition. The physician's medicine and other remedies I tried failed to benefit me. "One day a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale Peo ple. I considered it a useless experi ment, but as 1 had tried everything else, I agreed to take tbem. That waa three and a half years ago. When I had used three boxes I could note very plainly tbe change for tbe better. When I had used the seventh box I waa cured. "Tlie pills have not only cured the indigestion, but tney have also cured I my nervousness, my blood is in perfect condition, snd tbey have brought my weight from 140 pounds at tbe com mencement of tbe stomach trouble to 180 at present. "If anyone who reads this desires to know more of my experience I will gladly answer letters which enclose stamp for reply. Signed, . W. E. MATH IS, Sworn and subscribed to before me this 2?tb day of Jnne, 1000. . Thoa. D. Morris. Justice of tbe Peace. - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold at all druggists or will be sent direct from Dr. Williams Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Price 0 cents per box; six boxes, $3.50. Night la Kansas City. Conductor Why don't you stop for tbem three fellers that signalled? Motorman I got me week a salary in my pocket, and yon bet I ain't tak in' chances like that. - Thla aifnatara la on avery box ot the tannine Laxative BromoHJuinine Tbiu Ua remedy toa cwres ceM la atajr Paid $3,700 for s Cow, Tbe highest price ever paid for Hereford cow was brought by Carna tion, which animal was sold to J. C. Adams, of Moweaqua. III., for 3,700 at a Kansaa City exposition. The previous high price record was 3,150. Feople who hare for years aulTerea with tick headache bare never used Garfield Tea, for tbla HERB TEA li a positive cure tor constipation a 3d tick headaches. Will Experiment With Japanese Oysters. Eastern oysters do not reproduce well in tho colder waters of Oregon snd Washington. An attempt is to be made, therefore, to aoclimate there the fine large oyster ot .Northern Japan. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption raved my life three years ago. Mrs. Thos. ItOBBiNs Mapel Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1900. To Be Sure. Qulizer -''What does it mean by 'hiding your lieht under a bushel?' " Guyer " Sending valentines with out writiug your name on Vim." - Do Not Suffer! la unnecessary. Cascarets Candy Bufferint; Cathartic k III disease (terms, clean out the body. remove tha first causes ot suRerlug. All Drug, glsta 10O, 25C, 60C. Church Membership at Newton, Tbe ministers of Newton, Kan., have Just completed a religious census of tbat towu. Ihey found 5,353 persons in 1,453 families and of thse people 2,318, or less than half, professed to be church members. Union Elects Negro Vice-Presidents. It is the oustpm of the Alama dis trict of the . United Mine Woraorsto elect a regro as vice-president. The Powers That Be. "Hush! Not so loud. We're hav ing a conference of the powers." "Eh? Who is conferring?" "My wife, my mother-in-law, acid the oookl" Exports of Coal Grow. The exports of coal continue to grow monthly, and in 10 months this year this country has shipped abroad ooal and coke to the .value .of almost 20, 000,000.