THE A. P. BETTERSWORTH, JR., Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OQLESBY, Associate Editor. SCBHCRIPTIOX KATE8, One year, if paid in Advance 11.50 Six months, ..... I .75 Threo months. ..... $.60 Advertising rates niado known on abdication. fc.uterHl th pocttotttctt t Juuction City as second class mail matter. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. William McKiuley President Theodore Uoosevclt, Vice President STATK Or OKKOON. T. T. Geer - Governor F. I. Pun bar Secretary of State Charles S. Moore Treasure! J. II. Aokemiau School Superintendent W, 11. Leeds titate Printoi . W. McBrido Joseph Simon CONOKESSMEX. x . a. Moody Thos. II. Tongue SVPHKME JUtX'.KS. K. A. Moor R. S. Bean C. E. Wolverton. 8 COIN l JUDICAL DISTRICT. J. II. Hamilton Circuit Judie Geo. M. l'.rown Prosecuting Attorney LAXB COl'XTT. II. It. Kineaid J. U. Mill II. 1. Edwards V. V. Withers K. U. Lee A. S.ratti-rson V. M. Miller 1 P. Burton CM. Collier . Walter Gritlin County Judge I Commissioners Sheriff Clerk Treasurer School Superintendent Assesor Surveyor Coroner OUR CLUBBING LIST. V.'eeklv Oreonian and Bci.tETi.. $2.00 Thrioea-Wetk New York World nnd BrLLKTlX 2.15 The Weekly Oregonlan and Drumx f 2 for a year. SOMETHING NEW. Just unblishetl by the Southern Pa t-ifie Co. is a pamphlet upon me re sources of Western Oregon, which in eludes an excellent map of the state, and contains information ou climate, lands, education, etc., existing industries tnu their capabilities. Attention is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. '- Tlii- publication fills a need long ex perienced 1jv Oregonians, ill replying to inquiries of Eastern friends. Copies mav he had of local agent S. P. Co., or from" C. H. M AakHAM ' G. P. A , Portland, Or. A WISE MAN From the West Who intends going East vill see that bid ticket read by way of Salt Lake City and the KioGbaxde Westkr! Rail way in connection with either the Den ver tk Rio Grande or Colorado Midland road?, for these reasons: .First, most magnificent scenery in America, en route; second, choice of three dis tinct routes through tho heart of the Rocky Monntaius; Is the only transcontinental line parsing directly through quaint and picturesque Salt Lake the City of ihe Saints; fourth, jerf;ec dining car service; fifth, three fast through trains daily between Og ih;n, J)vr and all points East, con-iii.-t.irig with all trains of the Southern Pacific, Oregon Railway & Navhfatbn Comtcny and Oregon Sliort Line; sixth, through " Pnilnian Take:- and Ordinary Sleeping Can; from San Francisco,. Port land, etc,, to Drrnvrr, Omaha and Chi-cak-o. Theiti ar rn:iny other reagmi.s why the route through Salt Lake City ov 'r the Rio Grande Western Railway Is the Ri'.rt comfortable and enjoyable in the whole country. By inquiry,: you can learn a grv3t deal on the subject or transcontinental tiavel. J. I). Mans field, General Ayyut, 2"3 Washington St., Portland, Ore. ; Georgo W. Heintz, (oneriil City. Pa:-senger Agent, Salt Lake Ti A i LI 10 A 01 X G PA T E NTS . A sinv'le linn of Patent Lawyers, O. A. Snov & Co., of Washington, U. C, have in the last year procure! 1,030 luteals for their clients, many of them for re jected inventions. C A Snow &Co. have been accused cf railroading patents through tho Patent Office, but they insi t that this locomotion is better than ox carting them for by the hitter process tti' inventor often dies before begets his patent. Snd 50 eenUsfor six nienths'subpcrip lion to The Illustrated Youth & Age ; nnd we will also send it free for three jn Tiths to three of your friends who are Iiot now taking it. Address Yocth A Acs Tcr. Co., . Nashville, Tenn. Weekly Oregoniun a:i .2 a ear, d Bulletin enly .Crop' condition In Laue county r exceptionally favorable at the present writing. t ' j In the election of John II. Mitchell, Oregon once more baa a Senator that in point of ability has no superior and few equals. The "despised Mitchellltes," as some alleged Republicans hereabouts art pleased to term them, seem to be doinj pretty well just at the present juncture. One of the greatest benefits Oregon will receive from n first-class exhibit at the PanAnierlcan Exposition will be emancipation from the shadow of Cali fornia, in w hose name now many of her nnest products are put on the market. When Oregon is known for what she really is, she will stand second to none in tho.United States in reputatiou. t t t The vanguard of the army of home seekers that are coming to the Pacific Northwest this seasou arrived in Tort land last week. A $30 rate from Chi cago, with step-off privilege at any points desired, is the big inducement that is bringing so many this way. It is to be hoped that all purchasers of return tickets via the Southern Pacific will be granted tho privilege of stopping off at points through the Williamette Valley without having to pay extra local rates. If some inducement of the kind is not made, this portion of Oregon will receive but little benefit from this added immigration, and Washington and East ern Oregon will gel it all. Honor to Whom Honor Is Due. While the "Guard" and "Register" are airing their personal grievances, as they did during the State t lection, they should be just and give credit whore it is due. Is it not a fact that Mr. S. II. Friendlr, although not a member of the Legislature, furnished facts and figures that in a great measure influenced the legislative committee to report favor? ably on the University appropriation bill and the members to vote for it? And is it not a fact that Messrs. Friend ly, Chambers and Woodcock are "en titled to some credit lor the defeat of the attempt by Linn county to annex part of our territory? The Bcturm does not wish to detract one iota from the splendid records msde by Repre sentative Harris and Senators Booth and Knykendall, at this session, neither does it want to see those gentlemen who sacrificed their time and money for the benefit of the people entirely ignored when it comes to the bestowal of honors. With this issue the Bcu.ef.ix begins the third year of Its existence. It wil be our aim to give our readers a better newspaper than in the past, which will be possible as its patrcnage increase ar.d to devote its cohimi s to the up building of Junction City and this por tion of the Willamette Valley. Thoa sands of immigrants from the Eastern States will visit the Pacific Northwest iu the near future looking for locations The Bclletijc will endeavor to place be fore these homescckcrs the advantages in climate and soil and the wor.derfu resources of our beautiful Valley. We hope that our efforts in th!s direction will be appreciated. We thank those who have favored the paper with their patronage In the past, and will try to deserve a continuance of same. Communications received from Flat Creek and llarrinhurg just as wo were going to press. We aro very sorry they are too late for this- Ume, as these cor respondents . always send In good art ides. Kindly send in all comrnunica tiom as early as Tuesday of each week if possible. ' A GENTLE HINT. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature rain wind and sunshine often intermingled iu a sinirle day it is no wonder thht our childien, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neg lectcd colds, half the deaths lesulting directly from this cause. A bottle o German Syrup kept shout your borne fir immediate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor a bill, and per naps, death, by tlia use of throe or ton doses. For curing Consumption, Hem orrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Cough Croup, or any diaoa3j of the Throat or Lungs, its success is simply wonderful as your druggist will ti ll you. Get a sample bottle free from Mueller & Hill Regular size, 75 cts. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Farm for Sale. Land Ton Sa'lk 480 acres with barn and out buihlir gs, runrdna water, two or chardtf, .T) acres in farming land, within nine miles of Junction City, for lo0) Inquire of S. TempteCon, M miles southeast of Junctiou City. No agent. S0R0SIS THE BEST Woman's $3,50 SHOE IN THE WORLD. 14 Different Stylos St.a, GILBERT, SOLE AGENT, Eugene, Oregon . OUR . SHAMPOO Cleanses the Scalp and Removes Dandruff. 23TSee ns for prices on BLTJEST0NE. , EUGENE STEAM DYEING AND" ,4 x CLEANING WORKS ''..Wert Eighth Street - Near Steam Laundry CbrU Marx, Jr., Proprietor Clothing Cleaned, Colored and tie paired. Faded Clothing Restored to Its Original Color to Look Like Netu 6TIrGTIOI OUARAINTCBD. Ttlmphonm nd 49-4. CYUVS NOBLE (Bourbon mid IJye) ROYAL OAK and LACEY (Sour Mush) MANHATTAN CLUB (Bourbon and Kye Whiskies) Fine lane of Imported and I o mestic Cigars. . MONOGRAM . . Junction City . . riAMIATTAN Eugene. 4- WHEN YOU WANT A PAIR 0V . . v AND ONLY WANT TO PAY' M PRICE FOR Til EM, AND THAT OSR PKICE A Reasonable Price, GO TO t mm Eugene, - ' - Oregon. L-JT w J 9 n. Real Estate and Investment Brokers Have farm and timber Linn and lienton bounties. Parties having farm or tlmWrlaud. or any real estate whatever, lor tale, can get the benefit of having! their lands ad- veriirfou tree 01 charge by listing saute wim us. , commission low. B. S. HYLAND & CO., UNIVERSAL COMPLETE BT0CK Of . . GROCERIES, GRANITE, TINWARE, ETC. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FQIt . . . . POULTRY AND OTHER PRODUCE, EUGENE, HOUSEWIVES: STEEL AND CAST RANGES, COOK STOVES, TINWARE and CUTLERY ... . ALSO THE ... teieDraiett retaiuma lncnpator arooaer Griffin Hardware Co., fe: 'THE Bank. Of JUNCTION CITY, OREGON. .Bcan.v:U, Geo. W. PiCKim President. Vice Preaident. W. C. W AHI! HtlK.S'K, K. W. Vaiuu bs Cashier. At Cashier. Has the beat faeilitii-f? f r bundling the hanking httirineH A North I -tine and South P.nton countica. Board of Director : J. A. PuMmell, C. W. Wahbnrne Geu. Pickett. .1. P. Milliorii, T. A. Milliorn. A.G. IIovkv, L. G.IIpmx, Preflident, . Cahler. P.. II. IIovkv At, Canhier. Lane County Bank. A. G. HOVEY & CO. Tiaiisacta (?enernl hanking biiHincn8. Established, 1182. OldeHt bank in tho county. Eugene, Or. EXPERIENCE v . a TnBt Marks Vl-'w Designs Anvorm unndlnu a skefrh nrt dwnrlntlon mn UUInfily norertnlii our optnUm fren wliotlinr nil Irivmitlon U prolmlily PutmiUhio. Conmiuiilra. dont fre. old l't!itj tiikon tliniuuh wunu A C Kit'tul rMUst wlttiout clmfu, u tlia l'tiifj tiikon triruUKh Wunu A to. rul74 n. t)ttMt HUfiimv foi ntitirliiir britciiiLH. Scientific Hmcricatt. A handnnmety lllnatraMsd wookly. Lnwont e'f. oulhUon of liny tulvnUtig l'iiirnl. Term., lit rein four Montiii, il Hjia bjrftil DAWsnoiiion. Urttucfi cn:w, oa F BU WattiliiLtoa, -i I Go. lands for salo in Lane, Persons living at a distance and dciif ing information In regard to prices of lands, resources, or any facts at all in ronuoetlon with thin part of the Wil Inniett Valley, write to , Junction City. Oro. PROVIDER. 11 cee is JSticccMor to J. 0, Rhioeharl. OREGON. LSD A OF nythtn yn Inrmit ertmprMrj alo K'l CAVT,T(f0E.liBK. COPfHICMTor OEJlbM PR0lCTIOK. Hinl wo let, fckcltU.orpbnW. for tru. fcmtntlin tiil 1v(c, BOOK OS PATENTS ""owJi $rC.A.SMOW& CO, TiiUmt Uwyor. WASHINGTON. O.C. School Books AND SCHOOL RUITLIES,. TAULETS, INK and PENCILS, ETC. Cameras & Supplies ran tub .'. AMATEUR and ' PPvOl'-ESSIONAL. 'prIuil orders vill reeeivfl prouint attention. Writ to un for further imrllculars. E. Schwarzschild, Eiijeno, Oregon. M. TRIPP, General Blacksmithinc ." IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. f Ilonflicaaonixa 'a Sntcui.Tv jttfjl Corner Fifth und Greenwood Bts., Junction City, Oregon. S7 11