t'i ii i nil Employes of Manila Companies Under Arrest THE EVIDENCE IS STRONG AGAINST THEM Belgian Coninl, Who Wei Alo SutptcUd, Haiti ly left I f Europe-Rebel Garrisoa Captured on Civile Coast Manila, Feb. 21. Captain Jones, of the Eighth Infantry. Us been arrmtod at a town oo tbe bar province of La teuna, FlorenU Ortuna end Mignl Ponce da Leon, agents of tbe Tabaca leira Company, and Willlara Webb, l'odro Lorenzo and flctorla Fceuta. employed by the lliilipplne Trading Cmtitunv. on charges similar to those brought against D. M. Carman, the American contractor, namely, famish tng the insurgents lth supplies. Tbe Tabacnlerla Company, the rtobeat cor poration In the Philippines, ii accused i)t aiding the Insurgents often and actively. Ttie men arretted are prowl uent and the evidence against tbetn is very eirong. M. Brliholtermen, a Belgian, eon seeled with the Philippine Trading Company, haa been arrested at Ma nila, and M. Edward Andre, the ISal glan consul here, and manager of the Philippine Trading Company, hastily left Manila with bla family, on hit wiv to Karon on the steamer. Monte vidlo. Andre had previously been aoa peeled. Other arrests are expected. , Colouel Schuyler, with 100 men of the Fortyelath regiment oa the gnn boat lUmoo, lauded on the Cavite count, near Ternak, and, proceeding Inland, captured a email rebel garrison. Con tinuiug bia march along a mountain trail, Colonel Schuyler was aiucked fcy rebels cl Trlaa' command. Alter a eharp fight the enemy went beaten and acattered. One American was killed and one vat wounded. The United States traotport Koee cran baa returned here from 0 nam, after landing there the Filipino prison era who have been deported to that plate. Tba prinonera wre landed January 12. Tbev occupy an eicellent ' ttrlaou aite. four mllea from Agana. The nrisou ia called th4 1'retidio. It la aitoated on an ascent, and atrict dis cipline it maintained. The officials of the branch of the I long Kong bank here, bave announced that Boss, the Englishmen In thoir employ, who wrote a letter published ia an Australian paper, criticising the Philippine commission, American offi cer! and American policy in general, haa been ordered to proceed to Hong Kong. The British eominunltv here ia well pleated that the man bat been aent away. General MeoAithur's reception at Malaoan axoeeda anything in the Span lib regime. The palace waa beautiful ly decorated and brilliantly illumi nated. Thousand! of poreona attended from army, navy, official, consular, clerical, basinets and social circlet, American and foreign. Tbe Filipino population wan well represented. General Barry was master of ceremon ies. General MaoArtbur and the ladies of tbe United States commission re ceived the guests. Dancing followed the reception. The Filipinos were especially pleased at betug accorded a privilege never before afforded them, and Oeueral MaoArthur'a tact and courtesy were greatly appreciated. IN A VENEZUELA PRISON. Aibury Park, N. J., Man In Jail Incommunicado for a Tsrm of Five, Months. Naw YorV. Feb. SI. -II. O. Bullls. of Aahbnry l'ark, N. J., after having ndured imprisonment for 'more than five months in Maracaibo, Venezuela, m turned home to pi ess a claim for $50,000 damages through the United fttntes government against the South American republic. i Mr. Bullls waa appointed rneobanl crI and electrical engineer of tbe Mara ihn ir.lnctrlo Liirht Company two vears ago. In a political nprlsing he was compelled to olimo a teiegrapn nniA and seek protection under an American Aug, which he tied to the twin. Tha nolioa last Auuest found a Quan tity of ammunition mtheeleotrio plant v with which Mr. Bullls was oouneoted, and he was arrested, charged, as be supposed, with being in league with tbe .ftvmntionlRta. Ha declared bis inno cence, bnt repeated appeals to the American consul were unheeded. The .nthnritiat. heliavina be had no friends, caused his removal to a military prison, where he waa kept nve montns incom nnnin. Mr. Bullls smuggled a let iter to the Amorioan minister and in 24 Hirnm afterwards the Veneauewnu gov ernmcnt complied with a peremptory demand for his release. Contract for Yukon Boat : Pittsburg. Pa., Feb. 81. James Reose & Sons have'just taken a con trunk to build for the Canadian Devel opment Company a $100,000 tow and passenger oraft to ply on the Yukon t-ivar. The rjnrchasinff company la a Chiongo interest, of which VV. II. Ison .Is one of the chief executives. . BENT ON LYNCHING. Officers Successfully FolUd a Mob of Rati rotd Men In Topcka. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 28. The vigil ance of the officers was all that saved "flick" fclster from lynching by an Infuriated mob tonight, lie will yet be iynubed If be can be found. Slater assaulted 17-year-old Lottie Gerberick Mondav evanim. and was cantared by the Topeka officers tbe next day at Carbondale. This afternoon it became known that he waa here, and immedi. ately the Santa Fe shopmen; of whom the assaulted girl s father, ueorge uer berick Is one, decided that he should be lynched. Ther at once sent a commit tee to watch the Jail while tney quiet ly arranged tbe details of the expected lynching. . By e o'clock there was an angry mob of 1,000 around the jail, demanding that tbe prisoner be delivered to tbern. A brigade of sturdy boilermakers, r.imel with haw aledite hammers. stood ready to make short work of the Jail in case tbe demands were not granted. Sheriff Cook told the crowd that the prisoner bad been removed, and offered ti let a committee search tbe jail. Ten men, headed try George Gerberick, made a thorough search, but Slater could not be found. They re turned and told tbe mob, but tbat did not satisfy them, and twice they started to break in the Jail doors. Fatly in the afternoon, tbe sheriff. In anticipation of trouble, ordered a deputy to get Slater out of town. He was ordered not to leave bim in Jack son county nor to take him to Leaven worth. The deputy drove to Hoyt with Slater and entered a north Donna kock Island train. It is thongbt that Slater is now in Jail in Atchison. Tbe Santa Fe shopmen are calmly (determined to lynch Slater when be is brought back here lor trial. They have appointed a large vigilance committee to be con stantly on the outlook, and vow tbat Slater will never leave Topeka alive. The shopmen have pastreoord in cases of this kind. They lynched John OH- pbant 12 years ago for a like onense. i3II01H 4 Discovered In the Books of the Oregon Land Office. IT COVERS THE TEARS 94 AND 1893 KOBE HOSPITAL BURNED. Tots! Collections la Thtt Period Wers $99 689.03-Only $68,79-30 Hu Beta Accounted for as Yet A FURIOUS BLIZZARD. Aa Unusual Storm Raging la Northwestern Penniylvtnla. Corry, Fa., Feb. 82. In the history of thla region no storm ever reached the fury of today's billiard. With half a doten feet of snow on country roads and outlying out new, and listen street burled under 12 feet of snow, Corry caught about the worst part of tbe storm. - Tbe Western New York and Penn sylvania' railroad . accommodation train, doe here this evening, was stau din a drift bieber than tbe engine stack, while rushing down a bdge grade south of this city, it was oug out with dlffloulty and again started on Its precarious journey toward Buffalo. It probably will not get tbrougn tonignt. This road Is operating its trains with three engines, and has three plows at work oa 90 miles of track. The worst drifts are at Summerdate, where tbey reach a height of 20 feet In spots. On the rhiladolphla & Erie, a snow plow jumped the track at Jackson's, while endeavoring to force its way through big drift. Tratlio waa ueiayen sever al hours. For tbe first time in many years this road hat been compelled to une mow plows. The Fire is also compelled t operate hastily lmpro vised snow plows, something unheard of on the main line west of Salamanca. The Lake Shore & Nickel Flato are running their trains, but many hours behind time. gatetn, Feb. 32. The discovery of a defalcation of f 30.949.7S is the sub statu of tbe report made by tbe iolnt committee appointed to examine tbe books and accounts of tbe state land department. The alleged misappro priation occurred in 1891 and 1895, under the administration of George W. Davis, as clerk of tbe board. It ap psars that the shortage was effected in varioos amounts, by taking credit twice for one payment of money, or by urina tha book entries kwi kj creait tha clerk with more money than be hut nld. In some cases It is barely iht that an Innocent error was nnmrnitted. while in others there is a plain alteration of tbe books by eras ing one set of figures and writing in sithara. Th committee found no errors In tbe accounts of the present adminlstra tlon, and so reports. , Tha vt.nnrt la aa follOWt: "We, your committee appointed under concurrent resolution No. 5, beg loava tn ronort aa follows: That have checked nt ' the achnM fonds no to and Including 1894. Tbat for tbe years 1894 and 1895 we Bad tbat tbe dork of the state land itn.ni haa Millftcted mcney to tbe amnnnt of 20.919.73. Wblch Sfiid SUffl has never been turned over to the state treasurer. We append a statement hereto annexed and marked Exhibit A, showing tha amounts collected and tha amounts fdr which the said clerk has receipts. Tbe balance, at shown, was never turned over to tbe treasurer, but the books were balanoed by a number of false entries. The principal entry credited the school fund with $10, 449.94 twice, when be bad but one receipt covering the amount; another hnc. a niM of 3.000 on a receipt of the treasurer, and a number of other cnuliu for which he held no receipts. We submit herewith a statement hnwinir those we have found to date. Thnra mar ha others tbat we have nnt found, owlna to limited time at our disposal, having Md tbe greater tart of our time before we came to thla 'For the cast five years we find all moneys turned over to the treasurer as by law required. The present officers have been very kind and obliging to us, aSowinir na everv courtesT possible, and furnishing as with all papers and (tonka Moneated. , . In regard to Invest igation of land matters we beg leave to say tbat our work is just fairly com menoed. This Is a work ot no smal magnitude, and ralrea a vast amount of careful and nainstaklng work. It is m. work of sreat importance to tbe state, however, and should be attended to." fwenty-One Patients Perished la the flame Eleven injured and Several Miwinj Victoria. B. -C., Feb. 24 The tamr Idzuml ilaru. which arrived this morning from the Orient, brought the news of tbe burning of tbe hospital attached to the Kobe university. Twenty-one patients were burned to death, 11 injured and several are miss log. . The secret convention believed to have been concluded between Bossia and China bids fair to prove a source of serious trouble In the far Kast. xne Janannaa mens accented the report as to tbe eiten?e of a secret Ruiso-Chi- nese understanding without reserva tion. Both Marquis Ito and Mr. Kato, mi niit (or foreign affairs, bave ad m it ted tbat tbe present situation can- not be pasted over, and wsirucuooa have Accordincrlv been sent the Japa nese representatives in London and Ber lin to ascertain toe exact views oi a governments to which they are accred ited. The minister of foreign affairs has dlspatohed an official telegram to Rt. Petenhnrs'. aikins for a definite re ply regarding the alleged existence of a secret agreement. Knwian troons are commuting depre dations along the northern frontiers of Corea. Tbey often cross the Lumen river and loot villages, carrying on valuables ..as well as zraio and cattle. Their excuse is they are pursuing Box- art. Tha Corean government naa lodged a vigorous protest with tbe Rus sian minister lor transmission w d. Ptftrlnrf. Yoeng Wnan, a Chinese reformer, was shot down while teaching an tng Hah clue in ilomz Kong, a man sneak ino in end firinsr four shots, all of wnicb took effect. 'Another reformer waa shot tbe previous day. REVIEW OF TRADE. Activity Is Becoming Mors Pronounced ia tha Wool Market. HOLDINGS OF THE FRIARS. THE SIOUX MAY RISE. Secretary Root's Answer to a Resolution c Inquiry. Wanhinoton. Feb. Z4-8ecretary Root hat made answer to tbe resolution of tbe senate calling on bim for Infor mation as to tbe extent or tne noming of lands by religious orders In the Phil ippines, and as to any aeciaiauuu ruade by bim or obligation assumed re specting tbe disposition oi tnese lanus. Th aaflretarT. bv war oi answer, re fers to the president's inetructlons of Atwil 7. 1900. to tbe rnlitpptne oom mission, directing tne commission wj nriAnvnr to investisate tbe land title of ndltfiona orders and to endeavor to afford jurtioe and to settle mess in manner to aafezuard properly ngnw and equities. It la added that no one in hh if of the United States govern ment haa entered into ant obligation other than tbat set ont in the peace treat in rerrd to these lands, nor nas any policy been announced. Tbe com mission baa stated the mult of its in quirles under this Instruction in Its re port, especially In the sub-divlalons entitled, "the friara," "pobllo lands," and "land titles and registration." The commission haa especially investi gated tbe San Jose college claim, and referred It to the supreme couxt of th islands. - ""-' - THE CUBAN CONSTITUTION. Signed by All tht Deletes Except Cbneroi tht Anti-American. B. G. Dun A Co. aays: Business In hji Rat and norticularlv alonff tha aww p-- - r m North Atlantic coast hat been catching up wlto tne rest oi tne country a mue this week, so that in the lines whera . complaint has been beard of late the tone is better. Tbis comes from the working off of retail stocks which tbe owners feared would bave to be carried tn next season. In builders' hardware tbe buying has been nota bly better, and tbe distribution in the grocery jobbing trade has been given a considerable stimulus. Kven the laggard dry goods market bat shown a good measure of improvement, thouch in cotton eoods there is still much to be dedred, for tha larger buy ing has not brougnt any improvement. . . Ml in tne general tone, ana in some u inac tions tbe matket Is slower than a week ago.," ' r Footwear ia firm lv held at unchanged prices, with good buying of sprins lines in tne Boston market, western trade is less active and some ordera have been countermanded. . No diminution acDears in the move ment of iron and steel products. Mills are rushed with orders and new con tracts are taken at full price. Pig iron is freely bought and prices tend nnward. Rillets and other cartlallT manufactured forms are firmer, and finished goods would command higher prices if immediate delivery could be secured. Grain markets are devoid of wide fluctuations, although many reports are circulated regarding the condition of winter wheat, but it is too early to secure definite tn formation. jews from India and Australia indicate larger ciop than last year's. Failnrea lor tbe week in tne united KtatM were 253 aeainat 201 last year. In Canada for the same period tbey were 39 against S3 last year. LYNCHING IN ARKANSAS. Negro Fiend Hanged by a furious Mob Had a Bad Reputation. St. Louis, Feb. 82. A special from Mnna. Ark., save: A mob of elsbt determined men took l'eter Berryman, a desperate negro, out of the city jail at 1 o'clock this morning and hangod bim to a tree. 1 he crime oi wnicn nnrrvman waa accused was an assault on a 12-year-old girl, whose condition is critical. Tne masked men met Nicrht Offlcei Jones and compelled him at the point of guns to hand over tbe keys and his revolver, xwo oi tnem were left to guard Jones, wnile tne others went to the jail and secured the negro. About 3 o'clook they re turned to where the oflker was being guarded, and gave Dim his keys and gun. Then the men quiet ly disap peared without a word. About two months ago this negro at tacked an engineer with an ax, nearly killing him, and he lias neen guilty oi numerous other offenses. Prompt ac tion waa taken by the authorities, but no clew has been louud SB to who are the members of the mob. New Minister From Colombia. Washington, Feb. 22. Dr., Carlos Martlnes Sllvella, tbe Colombian min ister ot foreign affairs, appeared at the state department today to arrange for the presentation of his credentials as minister of Colombia to Washington. The new minister comes here princi pally to advance the interests of Colom bia in connection with the Tanama canal, as opposed to the Nicaragua route, and the length of his stay will depend on the outcome of the canal legislation. Indians Serlouily Contemplate Opening Hos- tilitca Council Meeting Held. Omaha, Feb. 92. Information from direct sources obtained by the World Herald, indicate that the Sioux Indians are seriously contemplating an uprla mg, if demands now being formulate for submission to Washington are not oomplled with. Several council meet Intra have already been held, particu larly among the Ogallalla Stoux, and preparations are now being made for a great council to solect delegates to Waahlneton. Owing to a desire to aroid sensationalism, the gatherings of the small councils have been given little notice, but tbe aspect is now considered grave. Keoent orders of the Indian commit tnnar are resnonslble. say the Indians, favthnir attitude. One chief openly declares hostilities will begin If relief ia not forthcoming. Tbe trouble is ovnr tha cuttina down of supplies and a claim unpaid for ceding of the Black Hills. Mot-ana. Feb. 94. The Cuban con- titntion. first submlted by the central committee to tbe convention at the public session of January 27. was sign tod. Tha nresldent and vice-pres ident signed first, and then the dele gates, lienor CIsneroa oreated a sen ration liv refusing to eiarn. Several delegates endeavored to dissuade him from his course, but ne was immov able. As tbe delegates retired, benor Taniayo remarked: "We are all Cu bans, Senor." and Senor Cisneroa re plied: VYea, when the time cornea to fight the Americans, we will fight them together.", cannr 1ttontfl. president of the oon- vention. will deliver the document to General Wood tomorrow. A copy in English wltl then be sent to Washing Denial by H. 0. Otis. Waahlncton. Feb. 22. Statements having been published that General Harrison Gray Otis was seeking tht nfrtfla of tension commissioner, Gen- . . . i . 1 1 . 1 -.1 oral Otis tonight auiuorizea h aemm vi thn uubllcatlons. ssying that they were without a shadow of foundation. Flnt Mali From Nome. cattiM. Feb. 23. The first mall from Nome anived in Setitle at an hon this niornlna. , It consisted of six pouches containing about 3,000 letters. The latest leu oonu vember 23. ton. Boers Captured Foodstuffs. Johannesburg, Feb. 24. The Boers destroyed a culvert between Natal Spruit and Klip river on the railroad just south ot here, at dawn today. Tbey captured a train load of food stuffs, and after taking ail they oould conveniently carry, aet nre to tne rest ot it and disappeared over the veldt. Policeman Arrejts His Son for Theft A Philadelphia policemaa recently arrested his eon oa a charge ot theft. Traveling Salesman Commits Suicide. Will L. Wood, traveling salesman for a Fittaimrg, Kan., meat hrm, com mitted suicide in a Par-sons, Kan., ho tel. He was shorflu his account. Movements of Trsnspcrts. San Francisco, Feb. 84. A cargo oi 5,000 tons of general suppl ies tor tne t,rmy In tbe Philippines was taken by the steamer Wyefield which sailed vAatArAnv for Manila direct. Tbe IV"v"tf - - - freight transport Saoma which carried horses, from this port for the German army in China and was later purchased by the United States government for the "transport service, left Nagasaki, Fehruary 18 for this port. The trans port Bufford, with returning volunteers on board, left Nagasaki for San Fran Cisco on Februaiy 19. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market Onions, new yellow, $2.50(g8. Lettuce, hot house, f 1.60 per case. Potatoes, new, 18. Beets, per sack, $1. Turnips, per sack, 75c " Squash 2c. Carrota, per sack, 75c Parsnips, per sack, $1.25(31.50. " Celery 60o do. Cabbage, native and California, 2o per pounds. Butter Creamery, 25c; dairy, 159 18c: ranch, 16c l8o pound. Cheese 14c. Egga Bench, 20c; Eastern 20c. ; i. Poultry 13c; dressed, native chick ens, 13Hc: turkey, 15c. Hay Pnget Sound timothy, $15.00; choice Eastern Washington timotny, $19.00. Com Whole, $23.00; cracked, $34; feed meal, $34. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton, $20. Flour Patent, per barrel, $8.40; " blended straights, $3.25; California. $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra- ' ham, per barrel, $3.25; whole wheat flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00. Millstuffa Bran, per ton, $15.00; shorts, per ton, $16.00. Feed Chopped feed. $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $23; oil cake meal, per ton, $29.00. , Fresh Meata Choice dressed beef steers, price 8c; cows, 7jc; mutton 7?4-, pork, 8c; trimmed, 10c; veal, 10c. Hams Large, ll4c; amau, breakfast bacon, lS&c; dry salt sides. 8Xc. , Portland Market Wheat Walla Walla. B5Kc; Valley nominal; Blueatem, 67o per bushel. Flour Beet grades, $3.40; graham. $2.60. Oats Choice white, 45c: choice gray, 43o per busheL Barley Feed barley, $16.50 brew ing, $16.50 per ton. Millatuffs Bran, $16.00 ton; mid dlings, $21.50; shorts, $18.60; chop, ' $16 per ton. Hut Timothr.$12(a 12.50; clover,$7 9.60; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 50 55c; store. 27Ko. Eggs 14o per dozen. c.hMAne Omron full cream, 13c; Young America, 14o; new cheese lOo per pound. Poultry Chiokena, mizea, o.ov per down; nens, o.uu; epimsn, o ftfi o 8.50: ireese. $6.00 7.00 dos; ducks, $5.00 6.00 per dozen; turkeys. live, llo per pound. Potatoes 40 50o per sack; sweets, $1,65 per lOOpouna. Vegetable Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab bage, l?o per pound; parsnips, 85c; onions, $2.252.75; carrots, 75o. Hops New crop, 1214o per pound. Wool Valley, 1314o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 12c; mohair, 25 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers $476; ewes, $4.50; dressed mutton. 67o per pound. , Hogs GroBS, choice heavy, $5.85, light and feeders. $5.00; dressed. 67c per pounds. Beef Gross, top rtoers, $4.604.76; cows, $4.004.60; dressed beef, 6 7o per pound. Veal Large, 77K; "mail, 8$ 9o per pound.