Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, February 28, 1901, Image 1

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    t i
n ii ii i
'Ay A AX. wo " :
VOL. 3
S. Hyland
& Cdff
Real Estate Dealers,
Cast and South
Southern Pacific
tltl lill II . If II iiis ilia
Ladies' Jackets
. . ' A . V - .. -t-
Fur Collarettes
(All New Goods)
' i
For 2 Price.
Hampton Bros.
Pitts Harrow.
superior foVQQ& Ranges
All Fully Guaranteed.
Operate Finest Train In the World.
"Yes, sir, it U an undisputed (act that
our company oporatcs tho finest trains
that were em built."
Thii statement wn made by R. W.
' Foster, passenger representative (if the
IlurlinRton Route, who was a caller at
"Th llCLtrnx" office during the pant
"There are two of them Identically
alike and 1mUi marvels in construction.
Electric-lighted, steam-heated, all the
fancy scroll work is of various different
varieties of inlaid wood, each of its own
-natural color, highly varnished and all
"Our west-bound travel, is extensive
at present, hundreds of people availing
themselves of tho low rates now in
effect. Our headquarters in tins terri
tory are at Portland, whore we maintain
one of the fl neat and most expensive
offices on the Coast. And our service is
becoming exceedingly poputai here, as
it Is elsewhere, and we point with pride
to the fact that 'when a tassenger once
usee the Burlington soivlce they will
ever afterwards vouch for its superior
. "As soon as we can get it fully under
stood by the public that we can render
then) important, tervlco in connection
with their trip to any poiut east, and
have those who contemplate a trip writo
us for Information and rates, just that
soon will they realize the benefits to be
derived by tnch action. 1 -'
"The Burlington Company are putting
forth strenuous cuorts and spending
thousands of dollars in vertininir
nutting the State of 'Oregon boforo the
Eastern people, and we only ask the
support ol the poopio oi this mate in
'Our line connects with and we sell
tickets over all lines. This is something
no other route has to offer."
lM t . . 1 :.,-.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing warrants will be paid on prosGntr
tlon at my office on and after Feb. 21,
1901. Interest on eume will cense Febru-
?ry ?1, 11)01 ; All Lane county. warrouts
rora registered numbor8058 to 8004, both
; ' A H. Pattkrbon,
County Treasurer.
. PtOd, Eugene February 20, ltfOl,
Aaron Burr's Trial.
"No court in this country had ever
presented more impressive spectacle
than on the day when the third Vice
President of the United States was ar
raigned as a traitor," writes William
Perrine in tho February Ladies Home
Journal. "On tho bench sat the most
reuownod of all the long list of jurists of
tho Supreme Court, John Marshall, and
the courtroom and the streets about the
famous capital (Richmond), which still
exists among the most venerated cf the
historic buildings of Virginia, wen I
crowded with witnesses,. lawyers and
public men from all parts of tho coun
try. Burr was not pioved to bo guilty
nnder tho indictment and the evidence
submitted. His beautiful, brilliant
daughter, Theodosla, radiant with joy,
appeared in the streets of the town lor a
long walk with her father, amid the ad
miration of his partisans. . She had won
the hearts cf even his enemies with her
beauty and still more with her filial
devotion. The further ' proceedings
which had been meditated by the Fed
eral Government were dronned. for
Burr's most uncharitable foes must have
been satisfied with tho now outbursts of
popular feeling which his acquittal
raised agaiust him. Ho could not ap
pear in public without taking the rink ot
personal insuit or oi Doing mobbed."
Read B. 8. Ilyland & Co.'a ad. in this
I lop-Dry lag Box.
Tho last Issue of the Scientific Ameri
can has the following in recard to a hen-
drying box, invented by Adolf Wolf, of
Silverton, Ore.: "The inventor has pro
vided a construction hy whioh'a'hoi
drying box can do readily turned upside
uown without aiecnargmg tno contents,
tho ton boina left omn for n tl.
evaporation and escapoof steam. The
bnx has a removable top and a remov
able oouom, constructed and secured in
a novel mauner to attain the desired
end. -. ,. . v..
Some of OUr cltl.flia tirainn rv anv.
ions to get the Oregoninn Sunday that
tiiey seniweuanneM to Albany to meet
me nnou train na oring out u tew pa
pors.-Lebftoon Criterion,
Have tho following farm lands for sale.
Any Inquiries' in regard to ame will re
ceive prom pt attent ion :
30 acres of the flncxt land la I-ane
county, one mile east of Junction City.
This land is all in gross but y acres.
Prlco 00 per aero.
IflO-acre farm four miles eot of liar
rtaburg. in Linn county; 140 acres iu
culUvation ; young orchard ; tww house,
fair barn ; plenty of water ; -J wr acre.
100 acre farm, 2g miles eairt of flar
risburg ; . 130 acres in cultivation ; bal
ance tixtadow; good Improvements;
bouse, barn, orchard; miles to
school bouse. $23 per acre.
200 acres of good level farm land,
three miles south from liarrittburg;
about. 110 acres in cultivation; 20 acres
in tight limber ; 10 acres in hops; spun
did orchard of 4 acres; school noune y
miles dmtont. This farm in wen fence
and plenty of 'Water. The property has
been previously held at t22,'a ir acre.
It can now be rurchaeed for l-'O. If you
were to look tho length and breadth of
the Willamette Valley you rouldu't find
a hotter bargain. The owner netted
t'.MX) from the 10 acres of hops the part
season. -;
403 acres of fine nratrie land. 4 mile!
southeast of Junction City, on the river
road, ami 10 miles north cf . Kugeno;
K acres under cultivation; ,V) acres
fine hard w6id timber; reeidenco and
two Imrns; hot little graVel; 12-acre
orchanl; well fenced. Can le dlvlibd
enttand west so an to givd each half
part of timber. Will be divided or sold
m a whole to suit. Price per acre.
This Is the old Haliu farm, and t woith
f.'X)aa acre,
800 acres, 2j miles southwest of Jonc
tin; 250 acres under cultivation; 60
acres timber, oak and ah; watered by
tho Long Tom and several imi ll lakes;
over 10 miles of fence, divided into 10
field and pastures; could be .divided
into S farms and each one eould have a
good roa I all graded and gravel! all the
way to Junction City; 3 ftctk barns
40x50; I barn Px7:!; lnckM.;n Fh.ip,
ha scales, wngon t l.ei. aud mftoUine
sbcdi out uuildhijf id a --tliujr
tm of ft riXMos, gorde-iit,''.v . ? ;
two orchards, all kinds of Inat and ber
ries. Price, f 14 ptr aero. Ku".v term.
A great bargain.
Trains leave Janction City for Portland
ana way stationa at 3:30 a. m, and
1:37p.m. -..
Why Uncoln Wouldn't Take a Case.
Gen. John II. Littlefield. who studied
law with Abraham Lincoln, writes his
recollections of Ms great mentor in the
February "Success." Ho tells this at
tractive bit of anecdote :
"All clients knew that, with 'Old Abe
as their lawyer, they would a in their
case if It was fair; if not, that it was a
waste of tune to take it to him. After
listening some time one day to a would
be client's statement, with his eyes on
the ceiling, he swung suddenly round iu
inn cnair aim exciaimea :
" 'Well, you have a pretty good case
in technical law. but A nntv bn.t rma
In equity and Justice. You'll have to
!:eisome other fellow to win this case
or you. I couldn't do it. All the lime
while standing talking to that jury, I'd
be thinking, 'Lincoln, yuu're a liar,'
and I believe I should forget myself and
say it out loud.' "
Southern Callforna. .
- Notable among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route Is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of Interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
Us ennny skies, in the variety of its in
dustries, in it prolific vegetation and
among its numberless resorts of moun
tain, shore, valley and plain.
The two daily Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard find tourist slpepini
care, but tho low rates of fare will still
continue in effect.
Illustrated guides to 1 lie winter re
sorts ot California and Arizona may he
had on application to
. , ; Portland, Oregon.
"t ' M Will 'j I 'IU .
John Taylor, the photographer, has
located hero for the winter and has his
photo tent north of Cram's jewelry
fitpro . Givo- him a cU, Satisfactory
work suiirwitecvU
Lv Portland.. ... . 8 :30 am
Lv Junction City. 1 :37 pm
Ar Ashland 12 :23am
" Kscramcnto... 5 -00 pm
" 8ao Francisco. 7 :45 pm
8:30 pm
12:4(1 am
11:30 am
4:35 am
8:15 am
Ar Ogden
" Pei.ver......
" Kansas City.
" Chicago.....
5:45 am
9:00 am
7:25 am
7:45 am
11 :45 am
9:00 am
7:25 am
8:30 am
Ar Los Angeles., . 1 :20 pm 7 M am
" FA Paso.. 6:00 pm 8:00 pm
" Fort Worth... 6:30am 6:30 am
" City of Mexico 9:55 am , J:55am
" Houston ...... A :00 aui 4:00am
" New Orleans. ; 6:25 pm 6:25 pm
" Washington. .'. -6:00 am 6:42 am
" New York., ...12:43 pm 12:43 pm
Tollmen and Tourist cars on bMb
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og
den and El Paso, and Tourist cars to
Chicago, M. lxmic, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Srancico with rev-
eral steamship lint's for Honolulu. Ja
pan, China, Philippines, Central and
feoutn Amenea.
Heo Mr. L. B. Moore, agent at Junc-
tiou City station,' or address
C. H. MARKI1AM, O. P A.,
Poitland, Oiegun
Shortest & Quickaai
St. Paul, Duluth, Min
neapolis, Chicago
And All Points Kast.
Throagh Palaes and Tourist Sleepers,
Dining & Buffet Smoking Library Cars
Tickets to points East via Portland
and tho Gkkat Norther Rv. on sale at
Southern Pacific Depot Ticket office, or
Great Nobthehx Ticket office,
122 THIRD ST.,
. For Rates, Folders and full informa
tion regarding Kastern trip, call on or
City Tass. and Ticket Agent, Portland.
ako UniQli Pacific
Time Schedules
Salt Lki, Pen ver. '
Ft. Worth, Oma
K ll ha, Kansas City. fr
rjt .andEaat.
Atlantic Salt ljike, Denver
Express Ft. Worth, Oma-
8P &f. ha, Kansas City, 8:10 A. 51
via Han V Bt. Louis, Chi-
ington. i-ago and East.
r Walla WalfaTLew-
St.Panl islon, Spokan,
Fast51ail Wallace. Pull-
6 P. M, man. Minneapo-- 7 A. 51.
via ' lis, St. Paul, lu
Spokane leth, Jlilwsukee
Chicago & East.
Ocean & River Schedule
All Sailing Dates
pu subject to change. , v T
8 1 ' For San Francisco " 1 Ji
Sail every 5 days. .
I)aily .' . , ' ' .
Except columhl tiwr ,.,,:
Sunday . , . , 4 r. M.
8 P. M. ,.0 Astoria and 1:x e
Patord'T, y-LandinS9.
10 P. M. . ' .
Daily n R!Xf" v 4:30 P.5I
Ex. Sun. Oregon Ci y, New- t
6 A. M. 1?erg' a,em In,' Sunday.
dependence and ..
"B"ATM7 : 4:30 P.M
Tues. Corval'tsand Way- Monday,
Thurs. Landings. Wednes.
and Sat. ; -'" " ' . A Friday
i .A. .M . Y&mh 111 Klverm ": ' A, -! 1
iTndd. tty
,fave " SHAKE RIVER . Lave
3:40 A M Ripana , to Lew,s" 8:30 A.M
Dailv lon' Duilv
i : r-wwMMMww'iii " ' m
E. F. THAYER, Agent.
Salem, Ore.
Centrally Located.
' N Free Sample Rooms.
E'ettric Lights and Bells.
Hotel Eugene
Hollexbeck Baos., Proprietors.
Rates, fl to $2 per Day.
Headquarters for Commercial Travelers
and Mining Men.
ursaus Information.
The Burlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable
Bureau of Information for travelers a place, w hero
they can learn what it will cost to reach ANY point la
America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and
what there is to sea on the way.
If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and
get full information, or, if you prefer, write me about it.
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
;rr . . . - -
t -iiliid-h-
.ii i .i u
A. C. Sheldon, General Agent.
Cor. Third and Stark Sts Portland, Ore.
w 1