Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, February 14, 1901, Image 5

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i Bulletin Board
8t. ValctilWa day.
ft Taylor, the photographer.
Dr. tt oculo-optltlan, Eugene.
lr Oglcsby, physician and aurgnon.
Coltf at llouston'i for dry goods and
All kinds t( updo-date Job work done
at tin omeo, r
Read tbe ad, of the Eugene Soap Co
1m 111! tsUt.
A new consignment of fresh oranges
at Houston a.
Goto Mlllloni Bros, when in
' for your groceries etc,
Born To the wife of Byron Mllllorn,
Feb. 11, lwi, daughter.
iHirtora Smith, osteopathic physician,
U)n & Saving Bank bldg., Eugene, Or.
Mra, J. A. SibbeU will soon present
tathn public a htre Hue of new spring
lluil F.ccltston. Muk and John Coon
went hunting Tuesday and brought In
J? ducks.
Tho continued spell of Md weather
lm disappeared ami warm mint preval
in Una acctloti.
Frank Tripp bad bU left arm badly
jtprahwsl Sunday, In Hairhburg, by be-
lug thrown from a vehicle.
Take your laundry to 0. S. Keek'a
iturlxM hoj. He baa the agency for tho
Troy laundry, of Portland.
Extra quality envelope, fie per bunch
School supplies at popular prices.
Cascads !)Kl! StOWt.
Dr, C. It. 1 loll, dentist, ran be foun
nt the Junction Oily Hotel Tuesday tuv
I riday of each wcei. Satisfactory work
Survivor Collier and fieneral Mana
aer 11. fc. Wallace have comiJeted the
Ktirwy of th Corvallia & Southern It
It. nearly to Monroe.
TSo f4lowlng real eatate transfer baa
Imh'H recorded: Catherine McEwen to
3. 11. MeFarland, the w , of lot l.Uoek
M, Junction City, f230.
Mr. J. A. Hlbbett informs us that
Mrs. HcHfrtii. formerly of tbia Uy, I
"ouiforUbly caUd itb bcrauntat
lA'iliiL'tvii. Va.. and U in exedlun
Hsnator MuIkpy,of Polk county, pro-
ftor l th Norui4ichooi, Monmouth
will dclivrr A iMjoriri! V iialniiKtoii a!
ln-M In tbe oinra boua in tbia city
Kri lay wfiiing, l ib.
Tba atUir of tbe C. V, Cburcl
unihUil bv Hpv. U I. Itvck, la to Im-rIii
i acria of iiiwlinga In Junction on the
fourth HuiiJay In tbia montli. wr.ik.H k
t an InUrojiiiig ajwakcr, Everybody
ahould bear him. s
l!(?i-mit inMio of tbo Oritonlan ftn
Tfl.LTnia contained I'icturn of Miaa
Amy May, htly of Jlarriaburg, but
now of I'orUand. ltotli papcra rpoko
i incoropliiimntary torma of her tmulca
tau nt ana mum pfjpuiarny. -Nice
thin Hkin tamona UOc dos;.
Fluo vnadi!S and nut at raaaonab
i rics. Cahkuor Vwa Stohs.
Dr. S. Hamilton went to I'ortlan
Mondav. wlum ho will vixit for suvcra
Inr nti.l ntft'Oil tlm meotilitr of th
' IJoard of IUvviiU of tlm Univcrnity
Oregon, of which h bi Iwng own
inciHbur.lkOM'bu.if Hcvknv.
.1. W. WVlch.of Aatiri. 15 rand Maa
tr of the f . 0. 0. F. ot th Hl:its ot Oro
gnu, w ill 1m bens Feb. on an uihein
vinit to Oama ImIi'c. No. 41, I. O. O. r
and Kvfcmrwn 11; Imkab lvsdi?. No. 42,
All mcmbcra of thews ) liic ahould Ik
recent and b'!i to make too vbit of
tirainl Mantcr WVicb a :lenwnt one.
Tbo .tundicttCUv Flouring Mill Co
in dbippiug Hour to Kngc-iirt and Cottage
, tirovc. aim .Manager iicorgo jiuiuifaKf
aaya tbu prmluet will bo going out in
car oad lota aonn, llux inr.I, na now
conditctt'd, ami tbe ("reniiiery nro tw
welirotiifl n'lilitSoia to tho conimercia
Interesta of tbu town, and bav a ten
tloncy towsril ciicouraiug other bu
neei entcrpriacM. .
Ifev. Samuel Wood, of Corvallia, orcn
rni'"i ties miliiit in the M. K. Church
Snudiiv int.ruing ami ovcnlii':, Uev
stvidmon'. the regular lU'Htor. being do
liiincnl , at Corvallia, hither bo had
cone to afcHii-tiu roligioua work, longer
tbiin expected. Mr. Wood deli vvrod
two good KcrmoiiH. lie is a llncnt and
lopienl la!kr, r.nd leaves theiinpresfiiou
upon bii benrera that bo is deeply later
ested in bin cb'en prof 'HHion.
Fino ucedlera orangi-n, flOe dox.
Largo ripo banan, 'Ma do..
Cancauu Dut.o STomc
Since its organisation,' Juno fi, 1S00,
tbu I'acillc Jurisdiction Wowlinen of the
Woild, hiiH paid in lien.ts over J2,(X!(),
0:K). To Oct. 1, 11)00, tho amounts bv
Suteawere: California, f.lO.lOO; Colo
rftilo, JfH0O,40; Idubo; fit,S(H); Mon
tana, t:i7,l00; Oregon, f t 12,100 ; Utah,
$MV,0(0; WaHhiiwUni, $24S,4;K); Wyom
ing, t23,8M; total, $l,W8,700. Tho pay
monla now are about (50,000 per moptli.
Tbo tuembertfhip Kept. 1, 21)00, waa 54,
20.', and tho insnrunco in fjree over
A largo party of young folks tenderod
n aurpriao party to (1. W. Tumbow and
aon, Hqniro J. 11. Tumbow, of Long Tom
diatrict, hiNt Saturday night. Wanra
not Hiiro whether tho nbova-nimod gen
tlemen were taken completely by bur
uriso. but of ono thing wo are certain,
and that is, that from tho time the
nartv arrived until midnight, when it
iliHDorHed, a good tlnio was enjoyed by
all. Tho young folka brought along
nio. cakea and lots of good cheer, anil
the Long Tom pooplo don't do things by
halves, About 1)7 guests wera present.
ill i m
Itoy Morgan, o! Euare ne. was In town
0. W. Turnbow. of Lontr Tom. waa In
town Monday.
sir, j, w. uearv returned irom a
. III k
trip to Halsey,
S. II. Ferifuoson. of Lona Tom. was In
thedly Monday.
Ror. II. N. Rounds, of Monroo. was
in our town Monday. ,
Dr, Oglesby la at Salem this week via
ting Hid Legislature.
I. T. Nicklln, of tbo F.ugetm Soap Co., f
F.ug0iit, waa in town Saturday.
larney May and Arthur Hcndera. cf
flarrlHburg, wero Sunday yiaitoraia thin
C. Winter, of Portland, waa In town
on a bunting trip a low day Urn of tho
C. I. Ilouxton went to Salem on Wed
newlay mornlng'i overland to attend
the legihlaiure.
(. lUckard.of Monroo, waa in town
Monday and renewed bin aubacription
tO thO j;VLI.KTI9t.
Dr. Taine, of F.ugene, made a profes
tonal cull tn tbia tdace Tuesday to aeo
Mr, iv. fe-ainticM, who la very ill
r. M. Crow, ol Whitman county,
Vah., waa ttio guest of Col. Jr. . vol
mux and latnily thia week
F. A. Cox, formerly awaigtant K. I
agent here, arrived laat Saturday for
lew uaya vikiI will) trienda
Mm. Col. F. W. Folaom retiirnel from
Loraito Monday, where fbo attended tbe
Mineral ol her mother, 31 ra. Crow.
Geo. W. llandnaker, manager of the
Junction City flouring nulla, ment Sun
day with bla family in Kugene. Uuard.
Rev. C. A. Woolcy, of Fairmount,
camo to town Monday and left f ueaday
on the early morning train for Albany.
Dr. W. V. Kuvkendall atopped off on
liia return from halem to Lugene batur
day, to call on Mixa LorcnaCook, who
(lUilO ill.
County Surveyor, B. F. Collier, of
Kugene, arrived Friday to survey tbe
!roiocd routo for the Corvallia &
Southern K. U.
C. D. and K. U. Io cam down from
F.ugew Saturday and tnent Sunday
with their parents. Dr. Leo linn Innsn
ouite ill with la grintH), but ia now
ahlu to no out.
Repreaentatlvo McQueen poised
through Junction Moi:day on bla way to
Salem. lie ia in very poor health, and
tho trip to and from tbo capital iaa
great tar upon bis strength.
Ocneral Manager Kruttwhmitt, of
San Francinco; Manager R. Koehler,
Sunt. L It. Hulda.of Tortland. Freai
dent Hayes, and othei 8. 1. ollicialg
paswnl through Junction Friday on a
aoocial traiu, aouthbound, on atoufof
N. R. Whitley, of Seattle, mnnagfr of
lh American Inauranca Co., and J. J.
Ibitler. resident agent of the company,
drove out to the aceno of the llolgate
fire Tuesday. Mr. Whitley Jur-non to
adiuxt, tbo bins, tbo property having
been ihured for f 250 in the A nierican
Dr. S. ILtmilton, of Roseburg, arrived
in the city Sundav on tha California ex
pre1 to vinit iiin aou-in-law, W, C
Waahbnriw.and grandson Master James
Dr. Hamilton hua Uen to Astoria, l'irt
land and Salem. He naid it looked to
him like tbo Itgmlnturo viu tiot going to
elect a aenator beforo the ex pi i at i n of
its term. He ih the hither of our t ir
cult Judge, J. W, Hamilton, nnd ia even
a finer looking man Mum his noil
"The Modern Ananiaa" Saturday, ev,
Feb. l'i, in the Opera House.
A kick U coming;
to the Ikn.ixriN in regard to
tbe giving ouf"tif tbe printing for the
coming flay, "Tbo Modern Ananias.
Mr. J. D. Hamlin, a member of the
dramatic company, bad the matter in
chn'gu, and asked the IU llkti.v t.j make
a bid for tho work, which was done.
Later tbe Timea gaein theii bid, which
waa in excess of the Bum.btin a hid, ac
eoroing to Mr. Hamlin's owti statement,
and yet he awarded tho work to the
highest bidder. If the printing bad been
of an individual nature, or if the Bpii.k
tin' had not been iif ked f "r a bid, noth
would have been thought of tho matter.
Under tbe circumstances, Mr. Hamlin's
eoiirco was manifestly unfair. Inas
much as Mr. Hamlin ia an applicant for
the position f Postmaster of Junction
City, it ia but natural to suppose that
his'admtniriiration of tho affairs of that
ollioe, if ho received tho appointment,
would be characterized by the same par
tiality and unfairness that bo displayed
in awarding the aforesaid printing.
"The Modern Ananias" at the Opera
House Saturday night, Feb. 10. Every
body should attend.
, Death of an Oregon Pioneer.
Mrs. Mary Crow, nged DO years, died
at her homo it Lorahe, 12 miles from
Cottage Orovj, Feb. C, 1001. With her
hUHband, John Crow, who enmo to Ore-
aon tn 1Ho2. She wiu born in Kentucky,
moved to Missouri, from there to Iowa.
im nro jourueyiiiK serosa iiio puun 10
this State. For 48 years Bhe bad resided
at the aceno of her death. Her husband,
John Crow, died in 18(10.
MrH. Crow was tho mother of Mrs.
Col. F. W. Folsom, of this city,
' ' ' '' "' '"?-,'"
9 Wg 0 WUWHHbllW jlj
Ollllam Kitchen and wifa of Irving,
were caller hero on Monday.'
Mlaa Edna Mackev west to Roao-
burgon VtHlneaday vlalting;
J. It. Cartwright baa the cultivation
of larga hop gardens well otaleraay.
George McCulloc'a waa ft wntwoiger
on eUneaoay 'a local en route to halem.
C. F. Cunningham waa a raKaenger
on Tuesday a overland on li)a way home.
Mias Calllc Tierce, of Rowland,1
tartwl on Tncaday for nn extcndeil viait
In California.
W. A. Christy, a live fanner, residing
east of HalNcy, was laying hi supplies
hero last week.
The town has bean mado lively dur-
Ing tho last week by the presence ot un
usual numbers cf drummers.
T. J. Rodnera and bis estimabla wife !
visited on laH Sunday with bis fatber'g
family, near Liverpool station.
J. W. Arebart is gaining considerable
notoriety with his patent doubletree.
U ia thought to be a good thing.
Tim farmers of this vicinity arc busy
preparing seed beds forspring crops. The'
fall sown grain ia reported toboiu extra
good condition,
Mr.C. K. Maxson.one whose Judg
ment on farming matters is entitled to
credit, stated that he is now pasturing
bis fall sown wheat cloatly with sheep.
P. F. Ratneril lately returned from a
visit to bis old homo in Wixconsin, and
be ia now confirmed in preference for
Oregon, and especially for Lion county.
May & Davis have a full force at work
in their hop field- U ia conceded that
if hop cultivation is Completed early, the
hop matures in better lorui and earner.
D. H. Pierce, of near Rowland, on
cxtenJve farmer and etock-raiser, wus
transacting bucineHS here Tuesday. He
says grain is O. K., but grass ia badly
Rev.Zimmermhn occupied tbe pul
pit of the M. K. church Isst Sunday, He
is a forcible speaker, and leaves out of bis
sermons the little quibbles of every-day
ife : hence his bigcongregation. ,
J. M. Pbilpot. with direct purpose
and push. cit? bv the modern meth
ods of Ida noble wife, has demonstrated
that the dairy business can be mode a
factor in tbe success of farming.
Twentv-five ladies of indiscriminate
detection met at the home of Mrs. Sarah
Williams last veek to e w carpet rags.
Forty pounds were sewed, A doliciona
lunch served and all were happy. Gos
sip was conspicuous by its absence;.
There will be a tnumcal concert given
at tbe City Mali on Thursday evening,
tho 14th inbt., under the auspices of the
Harrisburg Brass Band. The carrying
out of tha program will furnish an en
joyable occasion. jbvva never uo
things by the. halves. ; y v
Mies Dollio Lpo is on the sick list.
Mr. Al Darrow was a visitor in our
city last week.
Ed Ayers finished grubbing his early
hops Saturday,
Preaching next Sunday by Rev.
John Handtaker. V ,
Grandma andOrandpaDarrow have
moved back to ton. '
Mr. Morrison made a trip to tbe
mountains Wednesday.
Miss Nettie Schenck is suffering
from u spell of hi grippe.' ' .
Wo are clad to report that Mrs.
Ailie Schenck is improving. (
The fichool directors have purchased
a new stove for the school house.
Miss Edna Lee' and Philip Lurwell
were visiting at Brownsville last week.
John Templetou made a trip out to
the mountains to visit his folks last
week. ,. -
Mr. and Mr9. Ben Campbell, of
l,ong Tom, were visiting Mr. Monison's
folks last week. -
Sam Templeton, Jr., of River View,
spent a few days v.ating friends in this
neighborhood iast week.
Lost A few days ago, on tha road
between Junction City and Hartisburg,
a dress patten, tinder please return to
John Gosscr, of Lancaster,
, t
Miss IIenr.nl left for Corvallia Tues
day on a visit.
Mr. Louding, of Portland, was in
town Monday looking for a location for
a blacksmith shop. x
Dr. E. Bennett was in Monroo Mon-
dav. Ho reports that the sick around
Dusty are improving.
While Will Carpenter and Rob
Yates were out hunting Saturday, Mr.
Yates fired at some birds, a shot strik
ing a limb and glancing, hitting Air.
Carpenter in the eye,. Fortnuately the
sight was not destroyed.
William Jackson Kelly died at his
home in Monroe, Oregon, Feb. 9, 1901.
He was born in Owen county, Indiana,
Sent. 10. 1818 and moved to St. Joseph.
Mo., in 1851. where ha Tesided until
18515. He came to Oregon in 1853, set
tling in Benton county, Oresion. "Uncle''
Billy Kelly was an honored citizen, a
.faithful friend ami a conscientious
neighbor. May the influence of bis life
bo felt by tho people bf Monroe for
years to come.
Rend II. S. Ilyland & Co.'s ad. in this
issue. ;"..'
tui :
Corner Grocery
C omplete
produce Taken In Exchange.
':fJIUH6rn Bros
. Hvland &Co
Real Estate and
Investment Brokers,
Have farm and timber lands for sale in Lane,
Linn and Benton Counties.
Parties having farm of timber lands,
or any real estate whatever, for sale, can
get the benefit of having their lands ad
vertised free of charge by listing same
with ne. Commission low.
Loggers mMtmt
Frosty weather continues.
Chris. Tracer and Dolph Farley were
at Corvallia hist Wednesday.
Xeven Barclay, of Alsen, ia stopping
with las aunt, Mrs. Harvey Rickard.
Rev. John ilandsaker filled bis reg
ular apiwuntrcent at Brown school house
hist Sabbath.
Mr. Wm. Hngcins and Miss Grace
Hewitt were united in marriage at Cor
vallia Feb. t. 1001. Both are well and
favorably known in 'bis locality aud a
host of friends wish them a happy voy
ae through life.
A Reward of $10 ia offered by the
trustees of Oasis Ledge. No. 41, 1. O. O.
P., for the arrest and conviction of any
one found molesting the I. O. O. F. cem
etery or destroying the cemetery pro
perty. L. B. Mooke,
Sec. I. O. O, F. Lodge, No. 41.
ami S
$ TABLETS, INK und ? ?
S Cameras & Supplies S s
? V FOB TUB ? t
S STMail orders will receive
S prompt attention. Write to us S
for further particulars. C
E. Schwarzscliild, ,
j! Eugene, Oregon.
City, Oregon.
Persons living at a distance and desir
ing information in regard to prices of
lauds, resources, or any facts at all in
connection with tbia part of the Wil
lamette Valley, write to
Junction City. Ore.
Wo carry o Pull bine of"
Stoughton Wagons, John Dsere Plows
and harrows:
Horses. Cattle. Sheer)
and Hogs.
27 We make these powder? our
selves, therefore uo recommend them.
(Bourbon and Rye)
(Sour Mash) '
(Bourbon and Rye Whiskies)
Fine Line of Imported and I o
. mestie Ciears.
. . Junction City . .
fl A Mi ATT AN
General Blacksmithins
Comer Fiftli
Junction City,
and Greenwood Sts..
, - . Oregon.