Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, February 07, 1901, Image 8

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    Superbly Splendid.
Cohtiuuod from first page.
tkm, pruning and science of pollination.
Here as elsewhere horticulture calls for
paiustakiug and intelligent work and
great patience. Large profits have Won
made in the past, depending of course to
considerable extent upon the energy,
care and capital expended, as well as
selection of stock aud locality.
Apples, peaches, pears, prunes, grapes,
watermelons and walnuts are the chief
fruit products. It is surprising that
wine giapes have not beeu grown here
more extensively. The hillsides of Lane
t-onnt v stiiMiKl be eovtreil with vine!
yards, and no better quality can be
raised abroac .
' In 1S0S Oregon shipped 500
Afi'LES carloads of apples to Germany,
England, Mexico, Asia, and
the Atlantic seaboard. This output will
thow large increase as new acreage
conies to bear and old orchards have
letter care. Years of experience have
demonstrated that Lane county can
successfully grow apples as a commer
cial product. The fame of the rod apple
of Western Oregon is well established ;
it ierfection is due to the moisture in
air and soil at time of maturing. Here
in Lane county the Paid win, Spiuen
targ and King are the leading varieties,
with the Ben Davis, Johuuthan, Wine
sap ftr.dGravensteiu.
Oregon ranks a good second in
pkcxks prune production, which is
uow practically confined to
the Pacific states. Ever sensitive to
environment, the successful growth of
the prune will always bo confined to
favored localities; it cannot bo reared
far and Wide lke wheat cr berries. ' The
early settlers found that the plum was
peculiarly adapted to growth iu West
ern Oregon, particularly Lane county,
and that its yearly yield of luscious fruit
was nearly as sure as the coming of the
seasons. "Gradually the sjecessful cul
ture of the prune and its profitable re
turn brought the fruit prominently be
fore the public, and today -we find an
acreage of prune orchards in the Wil
lamette Vallev exceeded only by our
neighbor, California. But hete no irri
gation is neecssarv, which insures a
meaty, sugarv fruit of large size. Va
rieties are here grown that nrj not
found elsewhere, and the heated evapo
ration process of passing otr through
the fruit, gives a clean and bright pro
duct obtainable by no other means.
The price of prunes has not yet
touched h tigura so low that profit U
wanting to the Oregon producer. So
long.au transportation facilities are fa
vorable (as they exist here), that sec
tion of country which can grow a prune
of required quality at the least outlay of
labor and money, will be the longest in
the raeev The"' Willamette Valley has
unquestionably thersoil and the rain;
land .is not expensive; the trees grow
vigorously and bear heavy crops and
large, showy fruit. Cultivating and
spraying call for little labor or expense ;
the fruit-is better cured by thj evapora
tors tha,n in the sun and quite as cheap
ly, since plenty of fuel is aihand. In
line, no other locality enjoys greater
advantages at the start and up to the
point of bearing. The demand for Ore
ton prune is steadily increasing in the
markets of the world.
The.6hipuients from Oregon in 1SDS,
tiie latest statistics we have at hand,
Dried' prunes. . '. lfi.S-'W.OOO lbs.
Green prunes.. .. 3.750,0M lbs.
Total . . .
. .20,530,000 lbs.
Lane county is last becoming one ot
the .great cat' j producing counties in
the State. The mild winters.the (act that
native grasses remain green during the
year, and thee.we with which cultivated
grasses can b3 raised mak-J it an excel
lent country for every kind of stock.
The general practice of Line county
farmer, is to, provide fodder for only a
small part of the year, during the bal
ance of which the stock roam at lare.
Running water ie abundant, and stuck
does not lac' wat -r in the driest season.
The largest owner3 of homed stock are
improving greatly bv infusing line blood
into their herds. There are numerous
breeders of til-inborn Galloways.
Polled Angus, Ayrshire, Hereford,
llolsteins, Divnns, Alderneya and Jer
seys in ithe Willamette Valley. The
larga introduction of fine bl"d into the
cattle herds ( this section has greatly
increased their value and the profit of
the business.
Daring the past ten years a number of
our active farmers have been intrcdnc
lug the Angora gout in'-o Lane county,
especially. i:i the foot-hill country.
These. thrifty farmers had but one object
in viow at the time these goats were
purchased, and that was to clear up their
latins a small expense. They bought
tlii goat for his work and riot for Ids
wool. During the past live years, how-,-ver,
tljeie has beori a great revolution
in" the'oat industry. Manufacturers
t.rts beginning to discover the many ad
vantages and Bpecial qualities of mol-air.
Kumerou desirable and ehvant fabrics
tre now being made from this wool, and
it has been found that the goods are ex
ceedingly fine and durabla. Another
special feature of this goods is, that it is
jntfctr more free from the attacks of
luoths than goods made from sheep's
-woo". . For this reason, it is said that
Uitf :uiaojr portion ut valuable up-
holstery now used in railway cars, is
made of goat's wool.
The entire number of Angora gsats In
Lane county today will probably not
exceed 0,000 head. When wo come to
consider the vast area of good brush
country iu this county, so well adapted
to goat gracing, we can readily oo that,
Instead of the small number now kept,
we could keep to advantage hundred
of thousands of goats in Lane county
alone and keep them well. We are
speaking now more particularly as to
hie value of their wool and increase
and of the profits that are IhhiihI to 6e
cur by continuous and thrifty care of
the domestic goat. As to their adapt-
amnty to our euimite there is no ques
tion. anl as to the numerous advantages
arising from raising goats, this has been
thoroughly and satisfactorily settled
long since.
We would earnestly commend this
subject to the active and enterprising
farmers from the Eastern States, who
are now locating and who oipect to lo
cate in Lane county, recognuinir that
this industry may be made one of the
most useful and profitable within the
eutire range of farm and field products.
The estimated amount of timber in
Oregon is 300,000,000,000 foot (in round
numbers), board measure. Lane county
leads with 23,800,000,000. .
The lumbering industry 1ms assumed
greater proportions during the year than
ever before. The Willamette, McKcn
zie, Siuslaw, Coast Fork and West Fork
Rivers, Long Tom, Lake, Grceuleaf, No
Tie, Fish. Nelson and numerous other
creeks afford the best facilities for Heat
ing logs to tide wtter, or to most any
point on the Sou hern Pacific for a dis
tance of 2)0 miles. Great bodies of the
finest noble fir (commonly known as
larch), sugar and yellow "pine, cedar,
oak, ash, maple, balm, and numerous
other species of soft and hard woods, lie
allabont ns. untouched, awaiting but
the investment of capital to place it on
the markets ot the world in the various
forms known to the wants of man.
Timlter lands can be purehased for from
$4 to $7 per acre, the price depending
upon the amount and kind of timber
and its loeaUon. The Southern Pacific
Railroad Company has thousands of
acres of tine timber lands for g ile.
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company,
the largest manufacturers of lumber in
the county, are operating; three large
plants, at Coburjr, Saginaw and Wend-
Ung. with an average ilaiiy vapaeiiv
of .'HO 000 feet, the great majority of
' r l
majority on
which is shipped to points outside of
Oregon, the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company having constructed 22 milts
of railroad for the exclusive purpose of
reaching and hauling out the output of
the Wendling plant. The main oflices
of this company are in Eugene.
There are numerous other smaller
plants in the count.
The total cut of lumber and shiwrles
for 1S03 in the State of tregon was WO,
425,000 feet. Of this the mills of Port
land alone cut 150,000,000 feet.
Steadily increasing demand comes
from China, Japan, Siberia, Australia,
Mexico, South America and Eurrpe, as
well as California and the Eastern States.
Of merchantable hardwoods, myrtle,
maple and ash grow to goodly size, ami
are used in furniture and implement
manufacture, but this branch of indus
try has thus far bean of limited extent.
As a dn'rying section Lane county
possesses many advantages. Grasses of
all kinds, both native and cultivated,
grow in luxuriance. Cattle have to de
pend but little upon bay, since the
warm rains, from early in the full folate
in the spring, keep the erass growing.
Even in the dry summer reason grass
remains freh and green in toe mead
ows alonir river and creek bottoms ami
in the mountain valleys. Timothy i
Hie leading grass, but write and red
clover make remarkable growtlm, espe
cially the former, which springs np
spontaneously on the hi'ls wherever the
destruction of trees and underbrush
gives it an opportunity. The natural
grasses, tho cool summer breezes blow
ing in from the Pacific, unfailing water
supply, the luxuriance with which the
clover" and rots thrive, combine to
make Lane county the ideal home of the
cow. Net returns to dairymen range
from ?'5() to $50 per cow per annum, de
pndhijf upon the trade of the cow and
tin intelligence with which the dairy
man manages his herd. The numerous
ocean-goinif craft leaving the ports of
Portland, 'Seattle and Tiicoma for the
Orient and all parts of the globe is a
perpetual guarantee of a never-failing
market for dairy and all other products.
The mineral resources of Lane county
are extensive and valuable. Tho dis
tricts attracting the most attention are
tho Bohemia and J'due River. In the
former S stamps are now installed.
There are any number of rich mines
in the Uohomiadistrict, principal niwmg
which are the Helena, Annie, Musick",
Htocks & Harlow, (iolden Slipper and
Champion, and it is destined to become
u second Cripple Creek, Probably the
richest, body of ore iu the district at the
present time uncovered is in the Helena
property. Where they ure working now
the ore is so ich the miners break it
down on canvas and sack it np to carry
it to the rni'L It fairly sparkles with
the thousands of specks of gold sticking
all over it.
Subscribe lor Tim Bulubtis.
Junction City.
Continued from first page.)
inhabitants, and is surrounded by as
fertile farming laud as there is in the
Valley. This is tho homo of the hop,
which proved so profitable to tho grow
era the past' Benson. Harrisburg has a
Hour mill, bank, several general mer
chandise stores, a good hotel, several
churches and a first-class graded school.
The Willamette River is navigable from
llarrisburg to Portland.
In the south part of Linn and Ponton
counties and the north part of Lane
county is to bo found tho best farming
land in the Willamette Valley.
(In this write-up and description of
this section of the country it has not
been our intention to misrepresent or
over estimate anything, and those visit
ing the Valley will find this a fair but
limited representation. Editor.
B. S. Hyland
& Co.,
Real Estaic Dealers,
Have tho following farm lands for side.
Any inquiries In regard to same will re
ceive prompt attention:
30 acres of the finest land in Lann
county, one mile east of Junction City.
This land is all in gtae but 4SJ acre.
Price $50 per acre.
1 1SO-acre farm four miles east of llar
risburg. in Linn county ; 140 acres in
cultivation ; voting orchard ; new house,
fair barn ; plenty of water; 25 per acre.
100 acre farm, 2,la mile east of liar
risburg; 130 'acres in cultivation ; bal
ance meadow; good improvements;
house, barn. ' orchard r ll miles to
school house.1 f 23 per acre.
200 acres of good level firmjand,
three miles south from Ilarrisburg;
about lib acres in cultivation ; 30 ucres
in light timber; 10 acres in hops ; splen
did on-hard of 4 ai res : school li.nise 1
miles distant. This farm is well fenced
and plenty of water. The property 1ms
been previously held at 122 Ss per acre
It can now bo purchased lor 120. It you
t j k Uj0 ,,. lb 0IJ ,Tvaxu t,
the Willamette Vallev yon couldn't find
a belter bargain. The owner netted
I'JOO from the 10 acres of hops the pait
403 acres of fine prairie land. 4 miles
southeast of Junction City, on tho river
road; good unfldings and fences; gvl
orchard. This laud runs to tho river,
It is nearly all in cultivation, but has
plenty of timber. Cau be dividi d east
and west m as to give each Waif part of
limber. Will be divided of sold as a
whole to suit. Prke t35 per acre. This
is the old Halio i
an acre.
land & co.,
Sound, sweet sleep, so necessary to
the active business man, is the reward
of having his proj-rty insured in a com
pany like the Phcenix Assurance Com
pany, of London, or the Queen, of
America. "As sound as a golden
guinea." Miw Anna Olosbv, resident
agent. 1
The Weekly Oregonian and tho Bet
trrix for 12 a year.
Oregon has fout paper mills, two pulp
mills, two excelsior factories, four
broom-handle factories and one cigar
box factory.
A Piano?
If so, you will find no place
where you can buy n first
class instrument at a lower
price than at tho F. A. Ran
kin Music Store.
. We carry a very large lino
of Sheet Music and all kinds
of Musical Goods, and we
promise you fair dealing and
the lowest prices. '
4J7"A1I Sheet Music sold
at half price.
Mail orders will receive
prompt attention. . , 4 - '
P. A. Rankin
7 th Sir t, Eusene
i Fire! Fire! Fire! Ii
Tho poorest business man in the world is the one who
has no insurance on Ids property. Ho 'may bo well-to-do
one day and a pauper the next. Can you afford to
tako such a chance? flier are any number of axd
and safe com panics waiting to write you a 11 Icy, chief
nuioiit, which are tho
Miss Anna
Resident Agent, . .
Also Manager Postal Telegraph Company.
In iJlultUo ofllce.
2 Typewriting Bono
Celebrated Petaluma
Griffin Hardware Co.SS
Ask your dealer for
Cream cf all Laundry Soaps
Manufactured bfss5
The Eugene Soap Company
Eugene, Oregon
I 0 Saves' Pimvs, i
pcror Stoves & Ranges
All Fully
A Poultry Paper Free.
Tho liuu.KTix has made arrangements
whereby wa can send "Tho Western
Poultry News" one year free to any j cr
son paying one year's subscription in
advance. Old subscribers who pay np
and pay one year in advance can take
advantage of this offer also. The West
ern Poultry News Is a big ld-pago
monthly thicken paper, published at
Lincoln, Neb., and is an acknowledged
authority on poultry methods. It not
only interests fancy breeders, but the
housewife in town or country, who
wants to make some profit from a few
hens. It also 1ms n I'.elglun hare de
partment. If you waul a poultry pa
per, here Is your chance. ,
John Taylor, tiie photographer, has
locuted here for the winter and has his
photo tent north of Crain's jewelry
store. fiive him a call. Satisfactory
work guaranteed.
snyt hin
you Invent or Improve also
PROTECTION. Bund model, skbtch, or plioto.
for free erftinlnallon and ilvl. ' j
i Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C.
ot London. ,
. Junction City, Or.
branch oflka
at Reasonable Rates.
Incubator & Brooder J
Guaranteed. if
' Pi
Cluhh'ma Offer.
OFFER No. 1.
Cosmopolitan, one year...... $1 00
Everybody's Magazine, one year..
Success, one year.
Pearson's, one year
Home Magazine (N. V.) one year.
Household, (Hoston), one year,..
Kv'ry Month, one year
ledger iV onlhly. one year..
Modem Culture Magazine, 1 year.
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
The I'uixktin and any two of tho above
for 2.W)
Tho RuusTiM and any three for $3.
OFFER No. 2.
Medina's, one' year. . .'.fl H
Leslie's Popular Monthly, one yr... 1 00
Munsey's MngaMue, one year. ..... 1 00
Aiohlee's Magazine, (N.Y.) 1 yr... 1 00
National Magazine, (Boston) 1 yt . . 1 00
Delineator, one year 1 00
Designer, one year 1 00
Tho I5ui,t,KTt.s and any two of tho abovo
for $3.00
OFFER No. 3. ,
Review of Reviows,(new subs)l yr.f2 CO
(inrrcnt Literature, (new Bubs)l yr 3 00
Short Stories, (now subs) one yr, .. 2 50
CuhscU's Magazine, one year.
l BO
1 CO
1 50
2 00
2 00
2 OOi
Qui vor, one year. , ,
Cassell's Little Folks, ono jear.
Bookman, one year t , , . . ,
Toilettes, one year, .v
Country Gentleman, one year.
The Bulletin and any two of the abovo
for 13.75 '':