V .hm jt.i1. j wfri86r WfflJ.Jfir I Personal vs mm vim m M g0 S uv A Weather clear, bright, re Taylor, the photographer. Notice our now adi In this inane. Dr. Lome, oculo-opticlan, Eugene. lrOt;hby, pttynlclan and aurgoon. If you have something lo eell, ndver tiia It welt. , " All kinds of up-to-date job work done Goto Mllllorn Bros, when in town for your groeorieg etc. Tim lit tel U putting In now UghU In 1 ijo oHleo ana timing mmt, Ioetori Smith, onteonnthlc phyglchia, Loun & Hating ltank hldg., Eugene, Or, We kindly requext our corroiondentii to !'! in tlti'lr communication hy Tuowlny of each week. Tuki your laundry to1 0. 8. Keek's harber np, Ho hn the agency for th iroy I unary, of rortinnu. -"You kin gtt yo dally hread by pray In," a i Undo Moms 'hut do ni jhtly chicken haa to bo hustlo4 fo" Master Ponnld McKay cut hi foot Humlay morning.. Dr. Ouloahy waa -called and ut la ft fow tditchen. Dr, 0. It. Holt, dontlut, ran ho found nt the Junction City llou-l Tuwday and Friday of each wee, fcatiafuctory work KUhrunuHHi. Uorn-To the wife of W. W. Mode, , Tooaday morning, Feb. 5, 1001, a girl. Mr. JJorfa reside on Fergueaon Creek, hout S iul!o by north went of Junction. Eimnett Mulholland, the lioy who tendu to the Orctonian'i circulation 1 ere, i indiiBtrioiia and attentive to bin Imalnc, and dewves the patronage u the citlxena of thla community. We acknowledge receipt of the annuu number of the"Golden Wetst", an Inter toting illustrated and descriptive maga jtino, itmued by the Wap publishing Co., Bun Francisco., Twenty excellent atorlea and aneo litc of Tttoodoro Bwrnt-velt, never bo- fore iirintcd, and tohl anonymously by the 4,inlimato" and clomwt friend a of the Vife-l'renidenvelect, will be rub- lixluHl in the next iue of The Ladlea Home Journal. Mis Jeswla CJilutrap, daughter of Mr, und Mm. Ifc ruiittrap, and Mr. Iloinco M. Oilbcrt, of Baleni, were united in marriage by Iter, J. A.Cleland at the First Presbyterian church, Eugene, yea terday morning. Tito January and February uum bora of "8uccoa", publidhed by McUraw Mardeti Co., Xew York, have benro- ceir() with approbation at thi otllco They are aparktin with information and gofd reading matter. J. .Vf. Cook purchased 17 milch cow the punt week. Thin mnken 23 cowa Milt own, alt of which nr hing milkci und their prodiKM jyUI to the Creamery TIiIh kind of nn Invcwtniwit pay a well Thoo wlionre not 'engaged in it, ahoul invcHtijiuto and he convinced. ; Congreiwman James D. IMthardaon of Tcuiiessw, now wears the hallowei manthj of tlie great Albert I'lke.' In t!ur word. Mr. KiehardHon aucrcdt) to the exaHcd ofilre of hovereiyn Oram Commander of th Southern Juricdic tion of the Ancient and Accepted Beot- tixli Hite of tree Maaonry. The CaKCudo I.rU4 Store will Imj ready for '-buaiiicM by the 11 rsl of next week M'?en. (iillftle A I'ltney, tho propne tan, are t'iiy .'ttin thinn in thnpo to opei up. Their, jdnco of lulnineHS in in the at ore room formerly occupied by V M. Keeuo as a eigAr atore, in the hotel block. i '.-Junction City Camp, No. 4-1(1, Wood- men of the World, have secured the tser ,"ic(! of Prof. Meakin, one of the moat distintfiihihod western orators nnd dra matic renders, who will entertain the citizens of Junction some tinjo iiext month, l'rof Aleakin id devoting hia iie to the interests of hninnnity. lie L one of tho mont interesting fraternal workers of tho West, and makes un fehinonnd pldnty of it wherever ho goo. Don't fail to hear him wien ho cornea. Watch tlw Bcr.UKti.v for date of Ida com io(i. 11. A. Stafford of Albany, was in tow n looking over tho Paber warebouao property, with the view of j urchaaing same, this week. Mr. Stafford ia cs Oou'nty Asnesaor of Lion county, having held that ofllco two terms. Ho is en Rnud in the mercantile and warehouse ' biiHiness at Albany. Prof. Grnggett, principal of our tchoolu, M as in tho em ploy of Mr. Stafford for five years, and speaks biahly of that gentleman's bui-, jiioss qualincationa, vJ'he HtiixmN luipoa that lie will locate here, Thcro is no better point in tho Valley for a wide awake warehouseman ' KHZ :-; Mlt JJello Milllcan apent Sunday at Eugene. ' L. I). Green, of Eugene, waa la town Saturday. Mri. C. F. Hurlburt went to Eugene yesterday. Mr j. J. W. Geary went to Halaey on a brief visit May. Prof. Gruggett returned from ft trip to Ilaloey bunday, II. V. Johnaon and wifo went to Eu g ne yeatcrday. - J. E. Enger and wife returned fromi Canuy Saturday. . Mr. Joe Nichols returntd from ft fiait at Albany Tuesday, MIm Hawd I5u Her left today for her home at Monmouth, C, A. Harp left on Friday moinlog'a overland for Stockton. It. A.ltampy, of Harrlaburg, waa in town Monday en busiueaa. Attoruey G. F. Skipworth tnado buaineaa trip to Eugeno Jionday. Mra. W. M, Keene, who lias been sick for aome time, is now able to bo out. F. A, Osborne, of Eugene, was trans' acting bu&ineas In Junction Monday. G. J. Ilyan was regmterel at the Hotel Engine from Junction Saturday, Mrs. fi. E. Cummins has moved Into the reaidence lormerly occupied b Bud Dougherty. Geo. Ilaiiey and wife went to Tertian Monday on tho belated overland for a brief visit. Barney May, one of Harriaburg's pop ular young merchant, was a Sunday vltfitor here. Craig IHya is circulating ft petition for ft free rural mail delivery west of Junction City. Rev. Sibert boarded the local at Irvinir Monday night, at which place he preached Sunday. Mis Amy Hurlburt. of Eugene, who has been visiting relatives here, re turned to her home Sunday. Mrs. Col. Fotsom left today on the local for Lorane, having received word that her mother is not expected to live. Mias Anna Samuels, of rortlarul, was tho guert of her brother, M. Samuels and family, a few days last of the week. 8. Erown and wife, who have been guests -of Col. Folaofn and family, re turned to their home at Everett, Wash, first of the week. L. F. Lamping, representing the Ihuringia Insurance Company, of Seat tle, was .in town Monday adjusting the claim of H. V. Johnson for damages caused by fire. ' President Frank Strong and Regents S. 11. Friendly ami J. J. Walton left for Portland laot evening to attend a meet li g of the Hoard of Regents of the U. of 0. nhich convenes in that city. Regis ter. W. S. lonsor, one cf tho oldest and most popular 'conductors on the South em Pncilie, has been' taking a mi'ch needed rest. He wal isHljig in Eugene this week, the Censers having been one of tho old time families of that city. Read Ii. !llyTimTrc1Z8 ad. in this issue. - - -1 --- - - ii j Vote on Senator. Salem, February 6. Fmtth, fusion Corbett, republican. . ...... i'. , McHride, republican Hermann, republican Moore. . Fulton x Lowell ...... .......... , Absent und not voting. .. . . . 2i) 30 21 7 1 I 1 A Good Way to save the cost of suit or overcoat is let us Imvo new the old one to ho cleaned. Wp will return it looking like new. Eugeue Stoma Dye and Cleaning Works. Tho Junction City Bulletin this week has a eplundid write-up of Lane eounty and Junction City. Guard, Feb. 1. A first-class SOcent show would draw a full house in Junction City. Best opera-house in the Vulley. ' Managers should address C. F, llulbnrt, Junction City, Ore. Dead Men's ' : . ' Good Intention's v ! v never shelter tho homeless nor food tho hungry. , Good acts unfail i lgly produce good results. Ono of the host of these is to join tho Woodmen of the World, nnd thereby provide for thoeo dependeiitnpon you. HAURISBURG. Barney Jfay returned from Portland Thursday, C. F. Cunningham, of Boise Citv. ia visiting io our city, tl.e guest of hi family, . The Irrepressible Bob Yat of Mon roe cast ins ahadow athwart our side walks thi week. -Invitations are out for a dance to bo given . by Mrs, M arner on Friday even ing oi nut weoK. -J. It. Wyatt, one cf Albany's bright et attorneys, visited over Sunday with ins lamer s ioiks. John Blew, of Jondion City, was entertained t tho purUjtn of-'cott& jones one evening this week. Dr. T. C. Maekey has moved into the modernly fitted residence laudy va' cated by the Sam May family. The dog poisoner Is ratnnftnt aeain. Fonr dogs, mor or less valuable, have ueen givvu a quicius mis week. Mr. D. R. Busy has sold hi 315 acre (arm. situate three miles north of here, to a Mr. Bule of Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Alfred Humphrey and dauah ter Florence, of Olympia, Wash., are hero teviewing pioneer laud marks, LANCASTER. Subscribe for the Junction City Mrs. A. Richardson and daughter were oaptised Sunday. John Curt Hunt has a force of men grubbing hoj)s this week. Rev. John Handsaker preached here bundays to a good audience. It seems hop and hep work is the main topic in this neighborhood. Some of our neighbors are talking garden already, .lock out lor irost Sam Temple ton, of Hirerview, was visiting friends here the last of tho week jiiss morris commenced ft term ot school Monday with ft good enrollment Mrs.AUieSehenck w as moved to her mother's last week and is reported very sick. Mr. Morrison tok possession of his farm last week and is making pi-epara tions to commence farming as soon as the sun shines. , v Bright Foley and famuy moved from Harrisburg Friday and took pos session ot their old camping place va catea Dy wr. aiornaon. MONROE. Dr. Bennett, of Dusty, waa in town this week. , . , " ' Elder Ford will preach at thechurcli hero next Friday and Sunday evenings. Mim Sibyl Elliott, of Eugene, is vi-- iting iter uuele, w. li. Kay, na o::er relatives. ' : ' Mrs. Clemm is Visiting with her lather and mother, .Mr. , end .Mm I booms, near Mouroe. ' ? ' We understand that the Wr. O. W will have an organiser here soon. More particulars next week, 'j.h, t "Undo liia Kelly has been very low for the pnst few days, and at' last report was not improving. Mr. and Mrs; Cuvener, of a hose ill ness wo spoke Jas. week, ere now Ini proving aiu are able to sit up. From ttio sounds that, came from some chicken coop about 2 o'clock this morning, some Out) must be a chicken or vwo uiit-au, . Clyde Thorp, of near iHisty, met with a serious mishap while eiaehing brush hist week. His partner ia-th work etrucK at a limo, toe ax glancing and striking Jlr. ihorpou the kg btlow tho knee, nearly severing it from liis body. . ",,-;. . , '.. .- Do you know that tie Seattle Fruit and Pro duce Co., oi Eugene, pays the highest cash price for poultrv eggs, veal and all kinds of farm produce. Prices this week Chickens, 7c per po-uid ; veal, 7c j geese oo ducks, 7c: turkevs, bo; eggs, ; f km't forget the place Sth Street, next door to coup factory. soroSis 'THE BEST. $3-50 Woman's SHOE IN THE WORLD. 14 Different Styles To A GILBERT, SOLE AG EXT, Eugene, Oregon Corner Grocery fSfTompIete ON every -Thing ih thsgrqgery line. 1 . S - - - , , w produce Taken In Exchange. ', ; ' Millioim Bros. ' Junction o S.p viand &Co. Real Estate and Investment Brokers Have farm and timber Linn ana asenion uounties. Parties having farm or timber lands. or any real estate whatever, for sale, can get the henefit of having their lands ad vertised free of charge by listing same with na. . CoLamiEsioii low. ; B. S. HYLAND & CO., Farmers We carry Loggers GRIFFIN HARDWARE COHP'-Y, ' V C ... ,;.; '.V 5..ECGEXE, OREGON. v.'-. 'l'.-f ' i Render, tho columns of the Rtlletu aro ojHn to all. Send in your communi cations. .EUGENE STEAM DYEING : " , and . CLEANING -WORKS West Eighth Street , Near Steam Laundry Chris Msrx, Jr., Proprietor - Clothing Cleaned, Colored and Re paired. Fated C'othiag Restored to Its Original Color to Look Like Ilea SATlSr'CTlo guaranteed. Telephone ficd 48-4 ; S SCHOOL SUPPLIE."?,- s S . TARLET?, INK and ( ? C PENCILS. ETC. . . : f y Cameras & Supplies S I rue TUB f AMATEUR ar.d ' S C i'ROFESSION AL. .-; S ?Mail orders will receive S prompt attention. Write to us S v for further particulars. S ' Snhvarzscliild. i c i j i r t- i v rk. v ,;' !: ' Qtock HAND. City, Oregon. 2 lands for sale in Lane, Persons living at a distance and desir ing information in regard to prices of lands, resources, or any facts at all in connection with this part of tho Wil lamette Valley, write to . Junction City. Ore. a Full Llne of Stoughton Wagons, John Deere Plows AND HARROWS. . We are Headquarters for". . . SIMONDS SAWS end ." Logging Supplies OUR OWN Condition powders "FOR Horses, Cattlo, Sheep and Hogs. ' ALSO ' For FOULTBY. itS" We make theco .powders oiu selves, tlierefore do recommend them. Mueller & Hill Druggists. CYRUS XoBLE (Bourbon and Rye) - , ROAL OAK and LACEY , (Sonr Masb) MANHATTAN CLUB (Rourbonund Rye Wbifkie.) Fiuo Line of Imported und I o ineatic Ciars. MONOGRAM ; .Junction City . flANHATTAN ' Eusrene. W. &7. TRIPP, General Blacksmithine' IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. IICKSBSHOKIXGi A. Sl'ECIALTY jXj Corner Fifth and Greenwood Sts.i Juncti m City, . ' Oregon.