THE A. P. BliTrCRSWORTH, JR.. Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OOLUSBY Associate Editor. 8CUSCR'.lvrtOS RATKS. One year, if paid in Advance tL50 months, .3 Three months, - - t .50 Advertising rate insula known on application, Uutered tlu postotliee ut Junction City " as seeond class mail matter, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. r SITED STATiS . William Mr Einley President Theodore Roosevelt, Vice President STATB Of ORKOON. T. T. Goer Governor 1T Dunbar Secretary of State Charles S. Moore Tmisurei J. H. Aekermaa School Superintendent W. II. Leeds tute Printer P. 8. 6KSATOR9. G.AV. MeBride Joseph Simon COXGRESSMKX. M. A. Moody Tho8. II. Tongue 8rP?EME JCIHjK9. F. A. Moor " R- ltoan C. E. Wolverton. PECOS D JUDICAL DISTRICT. J. II. Hamilton Circuit Jndu Geo. M. Brown Prosecuting Attorney LANE COCXTY. II. "R. Kincaid J. B. Hill II. I. Edwards W. W. Withers E.U.Lws A. S. Patterson W. M. Miller P. T. Burton C. M. Collier Walter Griffin County Judge Commissioners Sheriff Clerk Treasurer School Superintendent Assessor Surveyor Coroner OCR CLUBBING LIST. - Weekly Orcgonian and BruxriN'.. .?2.00 Thriee-a-Weck New York ttorld and Bclletix.. 2-15 V Lane In the $cnat. , The Salem correspondent of tho Ore gonian, in discussing the merits of tena tors, has the following ubout our Lane couuty members: Kuvkondall of Lane is ono of the most pleasing speakers in the senate and always has oiutuing to say worth listening to when he rises to address his colleagues. He has had no opportunity to show his ability at spirited debate, but has already proved himself a leader in plain vpokun explanation of matter before th eeuate. His best addres thus far was his earnest und effective plea for the proper support of tho stau university. ........ As a plain, inatter-of-taet, business talker, Senator Ikxith of Lane has fw equals. In nominating Me Bride foi senator on the second day of the session, ha displayed eloquence, but seems gen eraliy to incline toward unadorned statements of facta and conclusions. , Advertising is ft business projKisiUon. ' That U. of O. Appropriation. Tho appropriation of $47,500 annually for the University of Oregon, as pro vided for in the Han is bill and passed bv the Legislature, puts that institution on a sound nnanciai looting, .it. i Strousr. the President of tho University, is an educator of the practical port, a man of exceptional ability, and an inde fatigable worker aim will place the I . of 0. in tho front rank of educational institutions in the West. To the untir ing efforts of S. II. Friendly, more than to any one person, is duo the credit tor bavin the University iHjrmanently fi nanced. Foi months before the Lcgis- lature met he gave his valuable tune and personal expense in gathering data with which to go before tho nglsla tivo committee. Tins act of the icn-la live assembly is not only a great help to those seeking higher educations, but is an advertisement fcr the Slate that will be worth many times the cost to the taxpayers. As Bill Nye said about kistsing a pretty girl, "if von becin advertising for business, don't try to grab ii at once. Take your time. It's there." East and South ' ill, via ' d 1 ' Id i; 1 Southern Pacific COMPANY. "-. """'!' ''',' Shasta Route! rrains leave Junction City for Portland and way nations at 3 :I!0 a. m. and 1:S7 p. m. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER; Lv Portland Lv Junction Cttv, Ar Ashland ...... " Sacramento . .. " San Francisco. 8:;UUm 1 :37 pm Upturn 5'tW pm 7:43 pm 8 :l0 pm 12:40 am 11 :110 am 4::i5 am 8:15 am ArOgdon ....... " I'ct.ycr.. " Kansas City.. " Chicago...... 5:45 am :00am 7:23 am 7 :45 am 11:45 am 0 M am 7 .23 urn 9:110 am Ar Im Angeles.. . 1 :20 pm " El Paso.....!, fl :00pm Fort Worth... fl :30 am " City of Mexico 9:55 am Houston ...... 4HK)aiu M New Orleans.. 0:25 pm " Washington... i:ovant New York 12:43 pm l'liMiimi, n.l Tourist, cars on both trtini f'linir Mm KiuTiimelltO to Oif- don and El Paso, ami Tourist cars to Chicago, St. Lout, New Orleans am 11V. . 1. i k t Run Rrftnilseo with SCV tr ol..,,..ul.i, 1in.M fur Honolulu. J A ..... ; pan, China, Philippines, i entrai nnn South "ArnrirH. Se Mr. L. B. Moore, agent at Junc tion City station, or address r. tt M AUK H AM. G. P. A.. Pol Hand, thegon. The Weekly Oregoniari and Bcixetin $2 for a year. . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Kotable amonz the pleasures aflorded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section w ill ever develop fresh points of interest and added sou rets of enjoyment, under its ennny skies, in the variety of iU in diistrie, in its prolific vejclation and anions its nun derless resorts of moun tain. slnrc. valley and plain. The two daily Shasta trains from Portland to Calif rnia have bten re cently cri!:ippotf ith the n:ot approvid pattern of standard and t-nirifit sleeping ars, but the low rates of fare will fctill continue in effect. Ilir.htrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and Arizona may he had on application t C. II. MAKKHAM, G. P. A., Portland. Oregon. Congressional Notes. Owina to the pressure of appropria tion bills, the Ship Subsidy bill is not making much progress in the Senate. The Oleomargarine bill has been re ported to tho Senate, and its friends will endeavr r to get it through, but lack of time makes their s iccess doubtful. The Senate Committee on Territories has practically decided that there will not he time to art on the bill for the ad mis-sioa of Arizona to statehood at this session of Congress. . 4 4 t Extra session of Congress talk has been civen a boom by no less a person acre than the President himself. In a idiort message transmitting the report of the Philippine Commission to Con cress, the President recommends speedy 1. giidation for the Philippines. HOW TO TRAVEL. Information i-ou the public, In s?!eeliii'.' your route to the Es'.st you cannot afford to overlook the ad vantages and comfort.? off-rcd by th Ilio Grande WeHtern Ilniiway i Connw: Hon with the I'enver & Rio Grande and Coivradi) Mi'lliind Railroads. It is too ' transcontinental line passing di- 7 :00 am 0:(X) pm ti:H0 am 9:53 am 4 :u0 am fl:25 pm r:42 am 12:43 pm COMPLliTE STOCK OF . . GROCERIES, GRANITE, TINWARE, ETC. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR .... POULTRY AND OTHER PRODUCE. EUGENE, .Uo xy SkeeSs Successor to I. O. Ehloehurt, OREGON. Professional. Prtlclin. , VV. W. OGLES BY, Thysician and Surgeon. Ofllce In Hotel Block. Junction, Or. Lodge Directory. Tit aunvn . Y.nraiK No. n. Dire Or Mcrtu flrHt and third Wednes days of each month. Visiting members cordially tnvueu toaiienu. JTd. I' V. IVir'll.iI I (if II . Oi.ia t ntvo Vo. Jl. 1. O. O' F. UlW't every Saturday evening, lsilors, in good standing are trvueu. L. R. MooHit, Secretary. i.,,,Mnn Pitv Canin. No. 440. Woxl- men of the World, meets in the A. F. & A. M. hall, every firs', and third aionuay nights io the month. a l (,., rv.n Cnt-n. ' "7 11. M. Miluorv. Clerk. LUCULLUS LODGE, No., 52 K. of P. meets every Thursday evenin of each week at 8 r. M. ivnignts in goo nnw ing invited to ntteuu, - . B. S. Hvlasd. J.T.CI.OW, O.C. K. U. of S. MILLIONS CABIN N. S. O. No. 8, me twiee every month, Second and Fourth rridays. lr..ditont. SPGlIMORR, KCfoniing rw'rrmnry 'octozs find . A Good Pres criptioii formal WANTED t-A mm of W kwl(ti R f P A N 8 wIJl no btmto. Th.r bnlh mln pfoloi lilt. hiilM rllc(. Not Iht word H I P A N H uo p VK. n4 cctl no Mibtiliuu. R I PA N 8, 10 lf tni, mr U hl at tny drui ior. Mmpln nd uo llimiwnl UittmxnUU will b m(lt to nf ddri Ux eU, luwnlri to i'i. Itlpw Clxnikal Co., No. to Sprite Sirtcl, Ntw York. . jTctly tin-oiigli Li.l.o City, and in addition to the plimps.e it affords o. tli Temple City, the Great Salt Lake, the Halt Palaee, and tho i,i-tnrefqKe Utah Valley, it offers choice f distinct rentes to ti e Kf.ct and tho most ma;? jiifur r:L g?eni-ry in tin) world A doiihls daily train tcrvic and through Pnllman I'iiiace and nrdir.r.ry Hleepiiit ears, In.e reclining clipir cars a pei fi et iinii:i!i car service aru now in op-erftion h thestf lines. . For pamphlets descripti-.-" "f the. "Gre:U Salt U;k Ronte' upply to J. D. ?.h;i!--.hild. ti'-oeral Ag-tt. 'IVA Waiing Jon, Ptnl.iin!; or to o. W. Ileintz, Aetmif General Passenger Aent., Salt i.wk,;City. ..RAILnOADlNG PATENTS. A siniil'! !iri: ( Pat; iit' Lawyers, 0, A. .finow d Co., of Wttliington, 1. C, have i;i tho last yar jiroeure.l ,;:() patents f jr tiieir clients, many of tlwm for re jected inventions. C A Snow A Co. have Wen a'".a!si;d cf railroading patents throtvih tho Patent Oflic", huttiiey insis il.ij liicntnolifiil in better than OX rartiriR tl'.n m for by the bitter prows the inv.iiit )r cucn a:ea oiore m gets liis patent. Weekly Oregonjp.n and Dcllbtis cn!y 2 a je; r. Senator Dejew doubt of the construction of the Nicaragua Canal by this government. In his speech in favor id the Ship Subsidy bill he said: "With the construction of the Nicaragua Canal, which will ba completed in the next few year.?, the necessity of tin auxiliary fleet und a merchant marine will be- co no -ti!l greater." 444 . t The brewers won their fight in the Senate Finance Committee, and the amended Revenue Reduction bill, re ported to the Senate by unanimous vote of that committee, cuts I he tax on beer to $1.5') a barrel. The claim is made for the brewers that they have positive a? j-urancos that the Senate 'will stand by them cud compel the i House to accept the rat.j iixed for th j tax on beer. i t r Representative ILC. Smith, of Mich igan, has introduced a hill, providing for a National Freight Commission of twelve members, who shall hold o.Uce for life, the duty of which shall he to supervise, resrulate and classify railroad freight, and to fix the division of freight rate! between connecting railroads am transportation lines. The trill was evi d'.-t)Uv introduced more to be discussed than with any expectation that it will be acted upon by this Congress. , ir,.h..Lvih I-oilae. No. 12. I.O.G.F., meets every second and f"tb I AC...l.,..a. ivq in A ti ll. M . lUlil. ISil- ing members cordially invited. Mis Minnie Starr, N. (. Evelyn Bartmi, Rec. Sec Centrally Located.' i 1 w . ..... j"- K'eetric Lights and Rdls. riBST-CLASS. Hotel Eugene Hot.i.KSBECK Bkoh., Proprietors. 1 to t' rifr DnV. IleadouarterH for Commercial Travelers 1 ,.'i.-r ana itiinuiK . Emene. - - - - Oregon. Farms for Sale. ' Lant Foa Salk -4:0 acres with barn and out buildings, running water.twoor chards., S3 acres in farming land, within nine mile of Junction City, for flfiOO. Inquire of S. Templeton, miles southeast of Junction City, No agent. Lane County's Valuation for 1300. Ti.rt .mrnimrv of t'ho Lano county assessment roll for ltjOO litis Wn com- nleteil the 20 Per cent, being taken off the original assessment. The footings furnish the following array of Interesting figures: ..118,121 . .l',W,u!5 WHEN TiOU WANT A PAIR OF . . , AND ONLY WANT TO PAY .OHB:'PRICS FOR THEM, AND THAT ONE PRICE A r ilczcisstaliio PricQ, . -!. .. ' GO TO YORAN'S Acres of tillable lands ; A..-..M i t iion.t ill'iSh' hinds Improvements on deeded or patented land Tow n aiel city lots Improvements on town and city lots Improvements on lands not deeded or patented. ' - 1 . I lA..l...l.J....a I 1 id "1.11 Miltsa of railroad oeo, teiegrapu anu iciejuiuuu nuvn Itolhng stock ....... Steamboats, sailboats, stationary engines and manufacturing .machinery Merchandise and stock in trade Farming Implements, wagons, carriages, etc Money, ..' Notes and accounts , Shares of stock .,. . Household furniture, watches, Jewelry, tic, Horses and mules. Cottle : Sheep (louts ' Swine f drops valuoof all property Exemptions I .. ti ii. it . Totitl value of taxable property as nuaiiy cquauwu ny urn Connty Board of Penalization Total number ol residents subject to p ill tax Total assessment for 11)00. Total assessment for to''.' 1 1l10 ino 1,52 8,211 19.2S4 17,710 o,4:w r,2Hft 1.9 U ;ti2.2:vi 432,;i0l) 55:1 ,5 IX 157.1 25 2l)i,liai 20,195 li!),145 2l,3: 159,370 113,1185 380,520 74.045 :122,5KI0 182,540 2K(t,litlO s:i,i;io Rl,295 ,14,190 4,933 3? mm m mm iiuujf Eugene, Oregon i (0,281,021 820,010 $5,45-l.81 f 5,154, 8l 5,358,910 Increase for 1900 over 1890... A noticeable feature about this summary is that there is only 118,121 acres of tillable land, while the non-tillable oggtegates 998,595 acres. Of this vast acre age not subject to cultivation, nearly all of it is valuable timber, mineral and pa? turelaud, which makes it equally as valuable or moro so than tho tillable land.. Ono big item is the 00,000 head of horses and mules, cattle, ehcep, goats and swlno," Old Lano is a pretty solid county after nil and is yet only in the infancy that points to a splendid future. . " , ' . ;: -- , I ..' 1: