Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, February 07, 1901, Image 2

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4il-S ANNA tMil.KSBT. ,
Aocil Killtur.
rablUhrd Kvory Thtnd.
115 if I DM
j Interesting Collection f tems From Uu
Two r emisDfteru Presented In a
CiHlfJ Form,
The queen' bod; was laid at rest
at Frogmore.
The Italian ministry was atarked
la the chamber of deputies.
Secretary Root replies to the senate
on the deportation of Tag&ls.
Mrs. Nation was arrested while
"joint-sinashing" in Topeka.
The president has sent a Ions list of
army nominations to the senate.
The Astoria city council has granted
- a 75-year street railway franchise.
Titled guests are begin ing to arrive
at The Hague for Wilheluiiua'a wed
ding. Five inches of snow has fallen in
New York city during the past 24
John Marshal dy exercises were
held at the national capital and at
ether cities.
Mindoro natives in the Philippines
rose against the insurgents and killed
the rebel governor.
Federalists in BalbJn province, Phil
ippine islands, warned the insurgents
to cease operations.
Oregon appropriations to the anount
of $396,380 have been agreed upjn by
ways and means committee.
The Masonic temple at Toledo, Ohio,
was destroyed by fire, entailing a loss
of $150,000, of which $50,000 is on the
Senator Hansbrouifh has reported
from the committee on lands a bill
providing for the establishment of res
ervoirs for storing waters to irrigate
arid lands.
Railway traffio is seriously inter
fered with by a land slide on the
Southern Pacific in the Cow creek can
yon country. The track is covered for
over 200 feet, ranging in depth from
15 to 20 feet.
Captain JRayand Sulzer, of the volun
teer quartermaster's department, died
on the transport Pak Linn, which has
i arrived at San Francisco; Captain
Sulzer was a brother of Representative
Sulzer, of New York.
L. A. Wing, manager of the Tacoma
theater, was assaulted by two men as
he was going home and twice knocked
down. He fought energetically and
called for assistance, and so was not
robbed. He received slight injuries
on the forehead and wrist.
Consul-General Pierce says the Boers
are not beaten.
Governor Nash says be will prevent
the Jeffries-Ruhlia fight. j
Eulogies to the late Senator Davis
were delivered in the house.
Edwin Markham read a poem in
Philadelphia dedicated to Queen Vic
toria. Ex-Senator Hill declares that he is
not a candidate tor the presidency in
1904. . j
Iron Dyke copper mine in Eastern
Oregon changes hands; consideration
A plot was discovered to tar and J
feather Mrs. Nation, the saloon !
Fire in the trimming department of
the Krug Packing Company's plant,
St. Joseph, Mo., did $100,000 damgaes.
Fire from an unknown cause de-j
stroyed the large plant of the National I
Wire Company, at Fairbaven, Conn., j
entailing a property loss estimated at
Fire at the W. B. Earthman Lum
ber Company's plant, Nashville, Tenn.,
destroyed Inmbei, warehouses, 12 tene
ment honses, and nine freight cars. ;
Loss, $100,000.
The worst storm of the winter pre
vails throughout Kansas, Nebraska,
Iowa, Colorado, Michigan and Wis
consin. Railway traffic is somewhat
interfered with.
Mrs. Thomas Green, an aged woman,
wife of an old-time mine prospector,
was burned to death in her home in
the suburbs of Aspen, Colo. It is sup
posed the fire was of accidental origin.
State of Washington cannot have one
of the new battle-ships named for it.
The Union Pacific Railway Com
pany, by purchasing the entire hold
ings of the Huntington estate and Stanford-Crocker
estates, has secured con
trol of two-fifths of the Southern Pa
cific railway stock.
The president lias issued new cre
dentials to Mr. Choate as ambassador
of the United States to Great Britain.
They are similar in form to those held
by Mr. Choate, with the exception that
i they . accredit him to King Edward
VII instead of Queen Victoria.
Contracts Will Co to Newport News, Bath
Works and Ntsf it & LeVy.
Washington, Feb. 4. Bids for the
construction of three protectod cruisers
were opened at the navy department
today. ,
The attendance of bidders was neither
as large nor as represeutative us in the
case of the last opening. It is doubt
ful if the Cramps or the Union Iron
Works have been unrepresented before
in any bidding since the birth of the
"new navy." One of the Moran Bros.,
of Seattle, was the solitary representa
tive of the Pacific coast interests, but
did not bid. There were oulv four
bids in all.
The first bid opened was that of the
Newport News Shipbuilding Company.
They offered to build a 6, 700 ton
cruiser with a speed of 22 knots in 36
months for $3,741,000. The Bath Iron
Works offeted to build a cruiser of the
same proportions for $3,750,000. The
William R. Trigg Company, of Rich
mond, offerd to build one cruiser for
$2,7SO,200, being the limit of cost
fixed, by congress, or two cruUers for
$5,480,000. The last bid was the
lowest, and was submitted by the
Neafie & Levy Shipbuilding Company,
of Philadelphia. It offered to build a
cruiser on the department's plan in 36
months for $2,740,000.
These cruisers are designed to be the
tnost formidable vessels in the world of
their class. Thev wlil resemble close
ly the type of second-class armored
cruisers and might be easily mistaken
for such. The act ot congress author
ising this class of cruisers states that
the vessels should carry "the most
powerful ordnance for vessels of their
type, and have the highest speed com
patible with good cruising qualities
and great radius of action." Admiral
Hichborn, chief constructor . of the
navy, who has been foremo.it in the
preparation of plans for the building of
the "new navy," says that in au en
gagement the new cruisers would be
able to cope with and prove more than
a match for some of the armored cruis
ers of foreign navies.
The new vessels are to be named
the St. Louis, the Milwaukee and the
Charleston, the last to continue the
name of the ship wrecked November 2,
1899, in the Philippines.
Caused by an Explosion of Chemicals in the
Wicke Factory.
New Yoik. Feb. 4. The extent of
the destruction wrought by the confla
gration wbkn destroyed nearly a
wboie block of buildings at Thirty
first street and First avenue last night
could be better appreciated this morn
ing. The huge factory of the William
Wicke Company was almost level with
the ground. Contractor Joseph Cody,
of the building department, with a
force of 100 men, had labored at the
ruins all night pulling down dangerous
sections ot the walls.
Other property destroyed was the
six-story building, numbers 404, 400
and 408 East Thiity-second street; the
five tory tenement at 646 and 548 First
avenue the five story tenement at 463
East Thirty-first street; JackHon' iron
foundry and a two story brick building
on Thirty-first street, occupied by ttie
Swift Dressed Beef Company. About
70 families were rendered homeless by
the burning of the tenements.
Fire Chief Croker said today he be
lieved the fire was caused by an explo
sion of chemicals in the Wicke fac
tory. He was informed that a watch
man had gone into the vault in the
cellar with a light ind that tbj vault
contained the exp'ofires. The chief
added that he did not know what bad
become of the watchman or who he is.
He said the explosion that started the
conflagration might have been caused
by illuminating gas getting into the
cellar from the gas main, but be did
Dot think this was the case.
Policemen Thomas J. Fitzpatrick
and John B. McMnllin, who were on
duty at the fire, are reported miasing
It Is Supposed the Chiefs Rebelled During
the Absence of Menelik. .
Paris, Feb. 4. A dispatch to the
Francais from Cairo says news has
been received there from Abyssinia of
a great battle in which 7,000 were
killed. It is supposed the chiefs re
belled dnring the absence of King
Menelik, who has gone to the Egyptian
frontier in connection with the delim
ination of the Egypto-Abyssinia fron
tier, i ,.
London, Feb. 4. A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph Company from
Cairo says severe fighting is reporter!
in Abyssinia. The causalties are said
to number 7,000.
The foreign office officials know noth
ing of any difficulty in King Menelik's
territory, but it is not unlikely they
think that certain malcontent chiefs
may have taken advantage of King
Menelik's absence from the capital to
foment an insurrection.
. Belgium Has no Navy.
Belgium has no navv execnt a train
, lag ship for the merchant marine.
Petition Filed Against Delegate
Wilcox, of Hawaii.
Olfsrtd till Services to Aguinaldo to fight
' Against the United States-His
Election Was Illegal.
Washington. Feb. 4. A petition
containing charges was submitted to
day to the house committee on emo
tions No. 1, against Delegate Robert
W, Wilcox, the Hawaiian repnweiita
tive in the house of representative.
The charges are made in writing by
George D. Gear, of Hawaii, who sub
mitted letter pui porting to bo copies
of letters written by Wilcox to Fili
pino officials. The alleged letter are
of a highly sensational chatacter.
j One ol the let. era said to be written
i by Wilcox is given in duplicate. It
lis dated Honolulu. January 31, 18t!,
and addressed to Dr. J. Joseph Luanda.
Captain Marti Burgos and Senor J.
Luna, aud introduced to them a
"friend of mine who is a very able
man to help you iu your causa."
Among other thing, the letter says:
"Mr. - will be a useful ally to
fight for the caune of the Filipinos,
One thing is sure, that you could re
sist any army of invaslou you have
a popolation of 12,000,000 aud alraa ly
a disciplined army of 30,000 will be
eqiiptwd with modern arms. I have
alntadv mad nn ml mind to toin with t
yon in your country agiot America
in case they lnwlt to ignore the right,
the justice of your t-austi. I know
well my profession as an artilleiy otfi
cer. I have no fear of the whole world
when 1 tight for a legitimate cause like
yours. Between General Apu'naldo'a
determination and myself, it will tie
but very little chauce left to the in
vading army of the United State to
conquer your country. Tell Geueral
A go inn Id o that 1 am already giving
my service for vour, country aud I am
ready to obey orders to go to jour conn
try and tight lor the independence if
your people and country at any u c
nient." The letter bears the alleged signature
of Robert Wilcox.
Another letter dated Honolulu,
March 8, 1899, says:
"Jam thinking of going to the Phil
ippiiiefUiaod and give my assistance)
to Aguinaldo against the invaders the
hypocritical Vankees, the carpet-bag
politicians." i
Mr. Wilcox declined to make any ;
extended answer to the charges filed
by Mr. Gear. He says he has no fears
of the charges made, tie admits that
he wrote a letter to Dr. Loxado. Cap
tain Burgos and Senor Ltiua C. Caesar
Morena, an Italian of this city, whom
be baa known while the latter was in
Hawaii in the '80s. Morena had a
meteoric career in Hawaii. For a few
days he was secretary of state. Wil
cox says Morena is the person to whom
the unaddressed letter tiled by Mr.
Gear was addressed, but says he was
unable after a cursory examination to
say whether the letters tiled were ex
act copies of those he sent.
The petition of Gear recites thnt
there was no election machinery when.
Wilcox was elected delegate, Novem
ber 6, 1900, and that many voters did
not believe that a valid election could
be held without it and therefore, made
no attempt to vote. The petition then
brings forward personal charges
against Wilcox, relating to his mar
riage and also to his career, nuder the
kingdom of Hawaii. It is also alleged
"that Wilcox, in his speeches prior to
the election, made use of anti-American
utterances for the purpose of car
rying the election, telling the native
Hawaiians that the Americans had
stolen their country and that a vote
for him was a vote for the restoration
of the queen, and that, if he were
elected, the queen would be restored;
that Wilcox was and is guilty of trea
son against the United States, in that
he did, as petitioner is informed aud
believes, since the annexation of said
Hawaiian islands, write and send
through the United States mails let
ters highly treasonable in their nature,
wherein be did counsel and incite oth
ers to engage in open rebellion against
the United States, and did offer bis
service to General Aguinaldo to go to
the Philippines to fight and engage in
open rebellion against the United
States, copies of which letters are beta
with filed."
I Kansas City Theater Fire.
Kansas City, Feb. 4. In the total
destruction by fire last night of the old
Coates opera house an aggregate loss of
$150,000 was suffered. The building
was valued at $75,000, the furniture
at $50,000, and the property of the
Walker Whiteside Company, which
had just begun a week's engagement,
at $25,000. The opera house and con
tents were insured for but $40,000,
while Whiteside carried absolutely no
fire protection. Mr. Whiteside lost,
in addition to his trunks and proper
ties, several valuable manuscripts that
were to have been produced shortly.
Appropriation Bill Carries Qnt Hundred ind
Eighteen Million.
Washington, Feb. 6. The army ap
propriation bill, making prmUiou for
the army, under the reorganisation te
ceutly enacted m completed by the
house committee on military affairs
and reported by Cbalimau Hull. It
carries approximately $118,000,000, at
against estimates of about $1 80,000,
000 made by war department orltclals.
The total of army appropriations, gen
eral aud deficiency, (or last yar aggre
gated $118,000,000. Chairman Hull
stays the present bill will be ample,
aud will uot entail a deficieucy meas
ure later. The contingency appropria
tion of $1,000,000 to "meet emeriten
cles constantly arising," was stricken
out by the committee. The main
items a nltowed are: Pay of olticer.
$5,000,000: pay ot enlisted men, $1
000,000; pay of retired oft'icer. $l,
500,000; nurso corps, $130,1)00. The
total lor subsistence approximate $13,
000,000, of which amount $13,000,000
is for regular rations aud $0:10,000 for
sick and convalescent rations.
The a;ireK (' quarterma.
tor's dopartmaut is the largest In the
bill, reaching $57,150,000, The chief
items are: Quartermaster' supplies,
$9,000,000; iucidetital supplies $3,
400,000 horses for cavalry aud artil
lery, $750,000; barracks and quarters,
$3,000,000; transportation of army and
supplies. $31,000,000; clothing, etc,
f H.000,000. Owing to the weed of the
paymasters department, the bill grants
authority for the detail of captains ot
the Hue as paymasters while there
may be necessity for such details.
Kitchener Reports Fall of MddmforU In -No
Ixmdon, Feb. -The war ofllce ha
rceeived th following dispatch from
Lord Kitchener, commander-in-chief
iu South Africa:
"Pretoria, leb. 4. Our twist at
Muddentfontein, in the Gaterrand,
southeast of Krugersdorp, was attack
ed by 1.000 Boer. The relief column
sent out from Kmusrsdorp failed to
preveut the fall of the pout. No de
tails yet at hand, but officers and men
captured at the punt are arriving at
Boers In Portuguese Territory.
Lourenco Marques. Feb. 6. There is
a commando of 2,000 Boer on Porto- j
gue territory. It is supposed ibstj
their intention is to rescue the Boers I
here. The Portuguese authorities have !
decided to remove to Madeira such
Boer refugees as decline to surrender
to the British.
Kaffir Rifles Lost Heavily in the Engagement
Near Senekal.
London, Feb. 6,The Cape T6wn
correspondent of the Daily Telegraph,
wiring Sunday, Buys:
"It appears that in the action be
tween General Knox aud General De
wet, near Senekal, the KafUr rifles sua
tained about .100 casualties. More
mounted troops are still needed. Three
Boer invading columns, of which Her
sog's was for a time the advance guard,
are now moving toward the Oramia
river. It is believed that Piet Botha's'
force of 2.000 men, with seven guns, j
from Smithrield, has crossed into the
Colony. British conceutiation in pro- j
ceeding. Outlying garrisons are be
ing withdrawn for the purpose of seour-'
log the main lines. General Dewet is
expected to enter Cape Colony. j
French Captured s Canyon. j
London, Feb. 6. -General Kitchen-!
er, in a dispatch from Pretoria, dated;
reoruary o, says:
"French's column, in driving the
Boers oust, captured a 15 pounder and
picked up parti of a second gun dte
abled by our fire. The commandoes in
the colony are being hustled. The
Midland commando is being chased by
Haig in the direction of Steytlersville.
Sixteen of them have recently been
killed by our ineii."
The Moddersfonteln Affair.
London, Feb. 8. Lord KItoheneri
commander-in-chief in South Africa,
reports to the war office as follows:
"Pretoria, Feb. 5. Oar ca-ualtles
at Moddersfontein were two officers
killed and two woondei. It appears
that the post was rushed on a pitch
dark night during a heavy rain. The
enemy numbered 1,400 with two nuns,
'"Campbell, south of Middelburg,
engaged 500 Boer, who wore driven
back with lose. Our casualties were
20 killed or wounded. ,
' "French is near Bethel, moving east
and driving the enemy, with slight op
position. Fonr of our ambulances,
while seeking wounded, were captuied.
The doctors were released.
, "Dewet 's force is reported south ot.
Dewetsdorp." "
Boer Prisoners Escaped.
gebastopol, Feb. 6. Dlspatohes re
ceived here tay that four Boer who
escaped from a British ship at Colom
bo, Ceylon, sought refuge on ttie Rus
sian vessel Kherson, whose passengers
received them enthusiastically.
Mindoro Natives Turn Against
the Insurgents.
Rebel Governor ( ths bland Killed-f eder
Hits In a Luton Province Warn
ths Insurgents.
Manila, Feb. fi.Natlves have re
ported at Batatigas that a week ago tb
native of the island of Mindoro mh
against thV iuaurgeuu a ltd killed the
Insurgent governor. There are no
troop at Mindoro,
The Federal parly of Bataan prey
luce, iucloding the president of each
pusbio, held a big meeting at Ursula
yesterday, and resolved to notify the
Insurgents of Bataan that they inu.t
cease ojratlon4 wlthiu a week or the
people will assist the Americana to
capture them.
Surrenders and minor skirmishes
couilnue in Southern Lusou. A lew in
surant have been killed. There wr
no American casualties. ,
Public discussion of the piovlncial
government bill has been completed.
The bill will be pad Wednesday,
and soon afterward the com mi loser
will begin their tour of orwnuUiii
provincial government in thone prov
ince of Southern Luww which Gener
al MaoArthur and the commissioner
consider sofllclently pacified. Com
missioner Wright and Ide, who ate
drafting criminal and civil codes, may
remain in Manila temporarily, to com
plete their work by February 23, when
the commissioner and prrctlcally alt
the employe will leave for the south
ern islands, where they will examine
the conditions and continue the t!?sn
isatiou of government in province
which are found to be prepared for self
government. Tb commissioners ex
pect to spend four week ou their south
ern tour.
Fewer than 400 persou attended the
meeting called by Senor Bueuoamino
at the Uiaal theater, in the Ton do
ward of Manila, to iuauguraU th
evangelical movement. Considerable
interest wa manifested in the pro
ceedings, and thrre was some expres
sion of approval of the addrese. No
attempt, however, was made to com
mit the meeting to Protestantism, that
aspect of the case being left for subse
quent action at bis discretion by Uv,
James It. Keger, a missionary ot th
Presbyterian board, who wa present.
Senor Buencamlno explained the relig
ious effort a wholly outside the Federal
party, which had been oruauised solely
to promote political police,
Engaged Mays Indians and Killed and Wostaded
Thres Hundred.
St. Louis, Feb. fl.A special from
Oxaco. Mexico, says: The military
anthorite have been advised of an
other engagement which took place be
tween the government troop and a
large force of Maya Indians, The bat
tle took place about nine mites from
Santa Cruz, th stronghold of the reb
els, and resulted in a victory for th
government troops. The casualties on
the rebel aid were heavy, it being
estimated that they lost over H00 men
killed and woun4ed. Several hun
dred reinforcements have joined Gen
eral Bravo' command. It is aseerted
that there are several white men.
among the ofllcers of the Maya foices.
They are believed to bo EuHllsbmen
from British Honduras, which country
border on the Maya territory.
Anti-Jesuit Demonstration.
Valencia, Spain, Feb. 8. The anti
Jesuit demonstrations which began in
Madrid iu connection with the anti
Clerical play "Eleolra," have spread to
Valencia. Today crowds gathered in
front of the Jesnlt church of th
Sacred Heart, where a confirmation of
childien was in progress, and shouted,
"Liberty forever," and "Down wit;i
the Jesuits.' A Jesuit who wa leav
ing the church was hooted, and then
the crowd marched to the Jesuit col
lege and stoned the windows and doors,
still shouting, "Down with the Jesu
its." Finally the demonstration was
dispersed by gendarmes,
Philadelphia Editor Commits Suicide.
John T. Williams, edi'tor of the Key
stono, a Philadelphia trade paper, com
mitted suicide by poision at St. Georg
hotel, New York.
Receivers for Locomotive Works.
New York, Feb. , 6. William Har
bour and John O. Bennington were to
day appointed receivers to wind up th
business of the Rogers Locomotive
Company, at Patterson, N. J, It I
likely the works will be disposed ot at
private sale.
Trains Again Running Out of Peki.u
Berlin, Feb. 6. The Gemnu war
office 'bus received a dispatch from
Count von Waldersee, dated Pekin,
which announces that railway com
munication baa been restored between
Pekin, Feng Tal and Pao Ting Fu.