Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, September 27, 1900, Image 2

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then the Hot Vre Certain that IT
Wm the Man. .
In the life of Sir Ueorge Grey, one of
Knghuufa explorers and statesmen, la
a pleasant awry of his meeting with
some boys In the Natural History Mu
seum at South Kenslugtou. Lads aud
lassies were his delight.
"There Is something In old age,' he
paid, "that like to have a young mind
clinging to It." He took groat pleasure
lu lingering at the museum and watch
ing the stream of visitors. Uue day he
paw half a dozen boys gathered about
an Interesting specimen. Presently they
noticed Sir tJeorge, and a delegate ap
proached with the request:,
"Please, sir, can you tell us the name
of this creature?"
Strangely enough. It was a specimen
which he had seut home from Austra
lia. He named it, and then the lad j
"Where did It come from?"
He told them that, and the next ques-
Uon came:
?Vh killed it?" "
A pucker gathered upon Sir George's j
face, and he hesitated, arguing with 1
"If I tell them they'll think me an j
Impostor, aud perhaps discount the j
other information I've given them." .
But the boy was waiting, and Sir j
George could only say: "Frankly, you
know, I believe I silled it myself." j
"Here, you fellow!" rang out the lad's j
merry voice. "He says he killed It! Did !
yon ever!" j
The other boys left the animal to i
stare at what they considered even & !
greater curiosity. They formed a half- j
circle about him. "Oh, yes," said Sir
George. 'It's quite true. Now, If you'll j
listen I'll tell you the whole story, and I
then you can decide for yourselves." I
He began, and their amused Incerdu
lity vanished. They listened breath
lessly, aud when he finished, bats and
caps were off. and they chorused:
Thank you. sir!"
It was a memorable afternoon.
j i Hot-breads, hot biscuits, cakes,
muffins, puddings and crusts made with Royal Baking
Powder are wholesome, delicious, quickly made, always
light, never sour, and most economical.
Royal Baking Powder is specially refined, and
equally valuable for the preparation of the finest, most
delicate cookery, and, substantial, everyday food. In the
easy, expeditious and economical preparation of whole
some and appetizing food it is indispensabje.
Lord Rnasell of Killowen, Who Died
The most famous and probably the
most popular man In the legal profes
sion In England is Lord Russell, of
Killowen. lord chief Justice of England,
who died recently. As a barrister.
Lord Russell was long without rivalry
j Handles of forks and knives are
.utilized for the storage of salt and pep
per under a new pateut, each handle
being formed of a tube, which has
spring clips to hold it on the shank,
with an internal reservoir for the salt
and pepper, wbici is shaken through
the ends.
: Moil Wonderful Morilcina of the Age,
I This it n uef scientific womters and '
carets Csndy Cstbsrtle are tinotiK theui.tlie
I modern laxative, perfect, unvtualed. 1'rug-
(1st, IOC, SJoc, Sue.
From the Missouri district, chiefly
in St. Louis, the government draws
:4 bvnivto revbuuo from tooucco inanu-
factred than it does from any other
quarter in the country.
in the law courts. He was a Urst-class
Jury orator and at the same time a deep
and sagacious lawyer a combination
rarely fouud united in one person. Nu
merous stories are told of the chief jus
tice when, as plain Charles," or later ad
Sir Charles Russell, he made It ex
tremely trying with distinguished wit
nesses in his terrible cross-examinations,
or cast confusion upon his pro
fessional opponents by his biting satire
or his sudden springing of a new point
In law. Sir Charles appeared In some
of the most famous cases at the British
bar. He defended Mrs. Maybrlck, In
her celebrated murder trial in 1889, and
appeared in the Clietwyud turf scandal
case In the same year. In 18M Sir
Charles, who had been knighted In 1893,
was appointed lord chief justice of En
gland in succession to Lord Coleridge.
In 1S9 Lord Russell visited the Unit
ed State's and was royally entertained
by members of the American bar.
wIafrrd distorter of th dmmmti
with protruding pile brought on by conslipa
tloo with which I wu afflicted tor twenty
year. I ran across your CASCARKTS In tba
tows of Newu, la. and nerer found anything
to equal them, To-day 1 am entirely tree from
piles and (eel like a new man."
O H. KBtTX, Hit Jones St., Sioux City, la.
I f&$jl CANOV '
Sowinu need in dry weather may re
suit in but few of the seeds germinat
ing. If the ground is veiy dry it will
take moisture from the seeds, but if
the soil is dump the seeds draw moist
ure from the soil. The lack of moisture
is the cause of seed being slow gerinl
nating unless when covered too deep,
which canses the seed to be longer in
pushing tlirough the ground.
fo Vnur Feet A eh and Burn?
Shake int.) your shoes Allen's Font Kate,
powder fur the feet. It makes tight or
new shoes eel essy; gives instant relief to
fortin and (union. It's the greatrst m
fort dUcortrV of the ntfe. Cures swollen
feet, til ixter and callous sikhs Alien's
FiMii-Kuse is a certain cure for incrowhis;
nulls, sweating, smarting, hot, nthing fiei.
We imvnover .m,00u tesiimoiiials. Iicures
while you walk. All drtiggiKm and shoe
stores fell it. 2.'. Trial iaikse FKKK
tv mail. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, be
Rot, N. Y.
During the year ended May SI the
home circulation of the Chioago pullio
library was 1,749,775 volumes, which
the Chicago papers say, exceeds the
record anywhere else in the world.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wiuslow's Sooth
In it Syrup the best remedy to use for thrlr
children during the teething period.
ina is often alluded toasabe-l, " "Va" w.ver ...mr a w..n nonenoi.
ed region, but there is oaT liltlti J !"r ,hI -'- "'.
om, the Hermit klDgfeni of'V'T .7 ,"'"V u " i
' . .... .... , there i one laiuluiil iitetluiuc, hlih has
, that is entitled to the lm o inl , , ,., .. u
Kefus to Ha C ivil !!.
( hlnii is often alluded to as
darkness as far as civilization and
modern ' progress goes. The trouble
with China is that the people will not
adopt systems of the foreigners, while
Corea, it seems, cannot Missionaries
aud others have been endeavoring to
instruct the Coreans iu the use of
American tools, but, with all the labor
involved, they prefer to do the work as
their forefather did, , . , . .
llltitousnsss Versus Rights,
The golden rule is not -"hill of
tights," Hather does it represent the
will to do right. In all the teurhlng
of Christ the word "rights" finds uo
place; but the word "rlht" or "right
eouintW occurs with exceeding fre
quency, True, no iiimu evr did
much as Jesus to secure the rights of
every member of the hutimn race.
Woman's right, children's rights, the
rights o( strvauts and niAslers, the
rights of the poor aud the weak and
the ignorant, all haw fouud an increas
ingly : clesr tecognitlon aud respect
with the spread of the gospel. Yet
this has come about by the persistant
iuculcatiou of the principle of right
and the equally pemUtetit restralitiu
of the spirit wliloh demands "my
r'retirlt Hljle f Ntailliis Font flares,
In an American srplntiug race the
starter onlers the rttiinr on their
marks, thun tells them to ''get ready,"
then calls out "set"' slid a couple of
secouds latrr Dies the pl.lol. At the
I'sris races the stnrter onleied the men
on their marks, called out "attention"
mid fired the pistol so soon afteiwsrd
that the Americans could not get into
a crouching position, After the first
heat or two the American were always
set by the time stii ntioii was called
aud started at the word instead of pit
tol, thus gaining a yard or two.
A Mueh-Marrled 4'enlenwrlan Turk.
In the t illage of Ho'lr.t a Turk ''anted
Ismail, aged i'.'il veurs. is lu such good
health that he frequently walks to lUr
tin, six hours distance, to ell eirgs, for
he is a poultry deslrr. lie has had HI
wives, the lst of whom ha married
only a few days ago. The bride Is" 00
years his junior, aud the marriage was
celebrated with much solemnity t the
souud of drams and llfes and of vol lets
from flremaruis. The whole village
was en fete. The wedding procession
included all the male progeuy of the
patriarch bridegroom, consisting of MO
sous, grandsons and great-giandsons.
! The number of his female progeny is
not stated.
ItenrerUtlnn of Money.
lu 1ST3 a silver dollur wm wonlione dol-
By local applications, ss they rannot reach the
dlneaoed irtiriloii ol tba ear. There U ony one
way to cure di aiuets, and that la by eoiutltu
tlonal rumedte. pealura is raused by an In
fltmcd roiidlilott nt the mui'ou iinlus of the
Kuatacblatl Tube. When Ibis tut gets In.
flamed you hare a rumbling nvoiid or hnper
lect hearltiK. and when It Is entirely closed
dealnvti Is the result, and unleaa the Inflamma
tion ran Ve taken out and thin tube restored to
Its normal condition, heartus wltlbe destroyed
lorerer; nine csaes out ol t' O are caused by
catarrh, which U nnihitis but an Inflamed
condition ol the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Hollars (or any
cse of Deal nes (raused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Mall's Catarrh Core. Band lor
circulars, tree. . .
t. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by DruggUts, 7.c
ball's FamUy i'Uls are tbs bast
Pleasant. Palatable fotent. Taste Good. Do
flood, Nsrer Bieken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. Jjc. Kie.
SUrllaf Zimt4j Cmfu;, CklMfa. ImM S Ir. lit
Sold and ensranteed by all Srng
lto !' K P. Tohneeo Habit.
A young girl in Missouri was taken
to an insane asylum the other day an f
faetniy from ta rAniarlralita ftalnaitn
that she is compelle-l to sit on a red JeUM thV tavf ",ort f Wa' ln'
Dairying is a business, and some
farmers will succeed where others fail
been working iu a hotel kitchen.
January and Octobeer of the same
year always begin with the same day.
So do April and July, also September
and December, February March and
offered to
our students
A Natural Conclusion.
The Philadelphia Kecord prints an
amusing atory of the late President
"William II. Allen of Olrard College and
a lady of more inquisitiveness than in
telligence. On one occasion a business J
fnatter called Mr. Allen to a small town
In the central part of Pennsylvania. '
While sitting In the parlor of the coun
try hotel In the evening, after transact
ing his business, he was taken in hand
by the wife of the proprietor, who '
wanted to know all about his private '
Mr. Allen took It all In good part, and
for a time was rather amused. Finally !
the asked:
"Have you much of a family?"
"Oh, yes," said he, and he smiled as
his mind reverted to his hundreds of
"How many children?" she persisted. '
"Well," . said Mr. Allen, with great
earnestness, "I have Ave hundred, and
all boys!"
The good lady was speechless for a 1
mom&nt. Then she arose, and hurrying
to the door, called softly to her hus
band: ".O, John come in here! We've got
P.righam Young stoppin' with us!"
Lame school rooms, oerfect eaulnment. runs-
ers, complete courses of study, enable lis to do mitierlor work In all we
KfHiiinif, pemne. ,rsmmsr, Arithmetic, renmnniinip,
law, flookkeciiiK,
Are numerous and substantial
tile teat;
undertake. We teach
t'orresnondenoe. Commercial
Businens Practice. Shorthand. Typewriting
Mimeographing, Legal r'orins, Court Papers, Onicc Work, fctn.
all the year. Htixlentu may enter i
fully. Call or send (or a copy. It
Hanklior, Kuslness For inn.
letter Copvlng, ManKoldlns.
rk. fctn. Htthool s oien
at any time our catalogue explains all this
win pay.
Park and Washington Stroost
A. P. Armstrong:, LL, Principal J. A. Wesco, Penman and Secretary
ness principles. the dairyman who
gives particular attention to the care
of his stock will always be repaid for
his labor with larger yields and greater
profits. ,
Four times as much can be grown
on an acre of laud by the nse of, wheel
hoes and hand seed drills -than when
the land is cultivated by horse power,
as both the rows and the plants can be
closer together. Whethor the hand
system will pay depends upon the kind
of crops grown and the location of the
farm to markets.
lfo.ietur'it Hointu'h bluer. It always
has heeii Hip one ren.eil v fr Indigestion,
dt-iMit or klil'irr t!uUl;e.
Thecal Host authtmtlcated sea fight
is said to have beuu that between the
Corinthians aud the Corcyreun. in
which the former conquered 00 11. C.
I'lso'i Cure munot be , liiirl.l v nw.keu
..f a couyi rure -.! V'. tl'l'mfs, isi
Third Ave., N.. MimIH'iiimjIIs. Minn., Jan.
, llK.
1 i
Within the last 20 years the number
of American etnl Kuglish female phy
sician in 'Asiatic countries has in
creased from 20 to 220.
The storage aud keeping of apples is
a matter of great Important?! where
there is a Urge crop. The main jioint
is to keep them cool. It is warmth,
not co'd, that Injures them. Home
one who has tried it states that apples
can be kept in water at a few degrees
aoove tne ireezin temperature, ine
majority of growers pack them in bar
rels ands store them in a cool cellar,
first picking out every imporfoct specimen.
What arc Humors?
They are vitiatt d or morbid lluids t-ours-InK
the vieus and alb-cling the tissues.
They are commonly due to defective diges
tion hut sometime Inherited.
How do they manifent themselves?
Iu many forms ol ciiiuneoiis eruption,
salt rheum or eczema, pimples and boils,
mid in Meakiicis, languor and general
How are they expelled? Hy
Hood's SarsapaHHa
Which (lino builds up I hi' xystem that has
stillered Ironi tlieui.
It Is the bent of all meilUiiius for all
20 to 40 Per Cent
That's Cpod Interest Isn't It
We can name a Stock which pays abont 20 per cent per annnm now and will
pay atout 40 per cent before the end of this year if bought now. This stock is
steadily advancing and will go much higher.
Another Stock we can tell about that will be a Dividend payer and ii now
selling as a prospect.
We will be glad to advise you about these stocks and any of the others on the
Mining Exchange. Write us.
318 and 319 Chamber of Commerce,
REFERENCES: Exchange National liank. Colorado Springs, Colo.; Mer.
chants' National Bank, Portland, Ore., and many others.
You can never tell how little a dudf
knows by the height of his collar.
Made of the Best Materials, thoroughly seasoned, by competent workmen. It stands
without an equal Call on our Agent, or address
320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon.
A ffunrftritecd Cure for Catarrh and
Consumption. AH DrugglntH, Sl.oo.
W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, N.Y , Prop's.
JOHN POOLE, Pobtlakd, Obsooh,
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel 1 XL windmill, sold by him, is un
Home Grown Seeds to Sow This Fall
Two of the Rresiest Grs scfxls, two of great.
eHt food prnrlururs Ilia world has r trlwl.
KUIMIlia INKinil. tbor l; nr 100.
TAI I, SIK IMMV OAT (1UAM4, loo par
ttiorfiopor 100. .
ItliHtf N M'KI.TZ, Idc per It. or $1 per 100.
J OHN Wll KT, Uic per m or f.iier KM.
For fnrtliiir particulars, sdilress - M.' J,
ftlllKMiH ft ).. Ill o. row, IImIi 11, (trowors
and Importers sllklndsof KrHsxand IImUI seeds.
N, P. N, U.
Ao, 3H-IWOU.
WHEN writing; to ail rurtlsera iilruse
mention this imper.