Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, September 27, 1900, Image 1

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UQ 147 1
VOL, 2 '
i AV .
New Things Selling Fasti
riiycii iaii and Surgeon.
fhe in i Intel tU.x-k. Junction. Or.
Crown ami Bri';hj:-'ork a Specialty.
Eugene, Oregon
Lodge Directory.
Diamond Loixjic No. 6. Pwbkr Or
Uttsoit. Meets tlrst ami third Wednes
days .f cui'ti month. ViHiting raeuibers
wtrdiallv invited to attend.
Miw. C K Nichols, C. of H .
Mikh Guack Parrkr. Recorder.
Oabi Lojkjk No. 41. 1. 0. O- F. moot
vvery Saturday evening. Visitors, in
good standing areinviUxl.
11. W.WwKrN.G.
L. B. Mookk, Secretary.
ait 7 Camn. No. 44(k Wood
men of the Worldieeta In the- A. F. 6
A.M. hall, every Wednesday rfbt, t
A. L. Cook, Con. Com.
U. M. Mimoaic. Clerk.
LUCULLUS LODGE, No., 63 K. of P.
aieets every Thursday eveuin of each
week at 8 r. W. Knliitits in good atma-
ing invited to attend
11. B. 1IYLAXO,
.1. T. Clow,
K. R. of S.
tneets twioa every monft, Seoond and
Fourth Fridnya.
8 0 Starr,
l'resklent, 8PGilmoic,
Rpeording Swratwry
Kvergreeu lietwkah Lodpo, No. 42,
1 O.O.F., weots every second and furth
Wednesdays in A.O.U.W. hall. Viait
ing membeiMcordiaUy invited.
Mins Minnie Starr, N. G.
EvolytvBhrton, Ree. Sec.
Centrallv Located.
l'eoe Sample Rooms
K'ectric Lights and Bella.
Eotel Engene
HoLtisNBKCK Bros., l'roprieters.
Rates, 1 to 2 per Day.
Headquarters for Commercial Travelers
and Mining Men.
Dress Goods
Bilk Waists for 63,50
Silk Petticoats
Collarettes from
' to $35
Ladies' Capes
Ladies' Jackets
Hisses' Jackets'
Children's Jackets for
01.50 '
Men's and Boys' Cloth
ing GOODS.
Paints and Oils
era riotiEiir "
Easl and South
Southern Pacific
Shasta Route!
Trains leave Junction City for Portland
and way etntions at 4:25 a. m. and
1:37 p. m.
ht Fortlttinl :!10 am 8 :3t pm
I.t Junction City ." 1 :37 piu 12 :4 am
Ar Aelilrttui 12:23am 11:30am
" Hncrainento .. ft 00 pm 4 :35 am
San Franclfc. 7:45 pm 8:Vntn
ArOlcn ..5:45am 11:45 am
" l3i.vtr i:00am 9a00am
" Kansas City,. . 7:25 am 1 7 :25 am
" Chicago 7:45 am (:30am
Ar Ix)s Angeles.. . 1 :20 pn 1 :00 am
I " El Paio 0:00 pm :00 pm
" Fort Worth... 6:30 am, 6:30am
M City of Mexico 0 :55 am 9 :55 am
" Houston 4 :00 nan 4:00 am
u New Orleans. . 6 :25 pm 0:25 pm
Washington ... 0 :00 am 0 :42 am
New York 12:43 pm 12 :43 pm
Pullinttn and Tourist cars on both
trains. Chair ears Sacramento to Og
don and hi Paso, and Tourist cars to
ChUngo, St. Lome, New Orkans end
Connecting at San Srancipco with pov
eral1 steamship lines for Honolulu, Ja
pan, China, Philippines, Central and
Son4h America. "
8ie Mr. L. B. Moore, agent at June
tion Ci ty stat ion , or address
Poitland, Oregon,
Stage leaves Junction every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 6 a. m. Re
turning, leaves Blachly Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday at 10:30 a. m.
Fare. Round Trip.
Franklin.... 50 75
Goldaon fl.OU 1.R0
Blachly.., 1.50 2.50
J. M. NICHOLS, Prop.
The Weekly Ohcgonlan and Boutin
2: for a. year.
Corner Grocery
evekv Thing im the grcoerv lime.
4- produce Takes In Exchange.
function Glty, Oregon.
Just Received!
ootwenr .
j. i
T. A. Gilbert
Eugene, - Or.
9th and Willamette
Springfield, 111., Sept. . 25 General
John M. Palmer. ex-United Stales Sen
ator from Illinois, died at his residence
in this city at 8 a. ui., trom heart fail
ure. General Palmer was an honorary pall
bearer at General McClernand'a funeral
hut Saturday. Last night ho was on
the street viewing the state fair illumi
nations until a late hour, apparently in
good hearth. Ho had complained yes
terday, liewever, of a jnh in his chest.
He slept nneasily last night. About 3
o'clock this morning Mrs. Talmer
called a physician, who did not think
the General's condition alarming. The
General awoke about 7, still complain
ing. He talked to his wife for a short
Umqt then fell asioep and expired soon
Flint to arrive with tjie telegraphic
neThs Weekly Oregonian.
nently cured by nsing Mokl TEA. A
pleasant hero-drink, cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, bleep
work and happy. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money back, 25cta. and Sttcta.
Sold by all druggists. -
The annual races at Prineville- will
take place Oct. 25 to 29; There will be
two or three dashes eacb day for purses
Granted: t Pacific States inventors this
week. Reported by (E AVSn6w.s Ccm
Patent Attorneys. - Wa&Uingson, D. C.
H. C. Behr, San Francisoo, Cal.vhoist
ing apparatus. E. F. CVssel,: Seattle,
Wash.,, cipher code system. EiA P.
Couture, Gualala, Cal., rotary engine.
'J. M. Wolbreoht, Los Agelesr neii
matlc tired wheel. 1
i For copy of. any of above patents,. send
ten coats in postage Btanips with date of
;thia paper to C. A.. Snow &. Co.,. Wash-
tern -t if
SS3S . ...
Waiihbvgto!?, Sept. 17, 19C0
Gen. Chaffee d theAmerictitttrsopi
now there arc likely t&tt their Chriat
m dinner in Pel in, so far aa caa be
seen at present. It fs believed tnat the
refusal of Xngland an4 Germany to
withdraw their troops raoeed Bawnia to
change it mind, and that it wu beesnst
of a knowledge of tfcat change alihewgh
there ha been no official annunco
ment, that this government made- a
promise of protecting LI Hung Chang.
.if he needed protection, which makes it
I . II. . . ... ? it. .1 J--. . ...Ml
p racucany cenam umi or roi.ijw .a
tions wbleh LI an.l several ou-r tr:iia
men are to conduct on behaU ef the
Cliinese government, g en therer1 Min
ister Conger hns sent an important com
mtnication coneerning those negoti
tlons, but the Department of State de
clines to give it out. It is known that
Mr. Conger does uot feel as much con
fidence in Li Hung Chung, as this gov
ernment lias exhibited, and he has
probably sent a word of .warning as to
the danger of trusting him too far.
Shrewd observers are predicting that
soon after tne opening of negotiations
with the Cbfneee the allies will split,
and that each nation will endeavor to
get the be settlement it can regardless
of what the others get. That fs believed
to be the end that Li Hung Chang is
aiming at. The, number of those who
believe that Germany and Russia will
in the end be found aeting together and
that both will demand territory is in
creasing. It nmv be necessary for Uncle
Sam to show his willingness to tight for
his treaty trade rights in China, If not
actually to fight for them before the
business fe settled. Several of Iris allies
arc his greatest trade rivals, andlthe old
centleman has need to' be very wide
awake to escape being buncoed.
Mr. S. Iwaumra, who is a graduate of
the Japanese Imperial University and
Chief Secretary of the Kyota Chamber
of Coramerce. who is making a semi
official tour of the United States, with a
view to increasing business between
Americans and Jananese,. is now in
Washington. He expresietT himself as
follows as to what ought to be done by
the powers in CBina: "There are two
possible courses for the powers to taker
in dealing with the future in thina
One is to make a confederacy out of the
country, with the different provinces as
independent States, like the German
Empire. Tke second course re to pr -j
serve the Chinese Kmpire under new
rulers. The formation of a confederacy
would be no easy task for the powers,
and they would have to act as protec
tors and general overseers all the time.
If ifc powers interested in China would
stand firm in the maintenance of theChi-
nese ConMeracy, the thingHould be ac
complished; The present dynasty has
nott sufficient support nor popularity to
maintain its authority. Many of the
ignorant and superstitious- natives are
led to believe through the "star-gaaers'
tin t th pi1 of the vrwi-t dvi,at i
iittr, and ti e miltitn' look fW a new
reijjn within hrt time, A strong
army will le n-Ned in China all tbn
time, aod JapKtt can t arnisk this arir
if the other interested powers will coruo
fwward'wHb the mony."
Washington jeople have already done
much for the Galveston sufferers, but
they are to deroore. Wednesday of this
week has been set i!e as Galveston
day. Every theatre in the city will give
a tiem'fit performance, the entire groe
receipt? to- feo to the feliaf fund, and
there are few persons in the city who
will not contribute something, directly
or indirectly, on that day.
Ex Secretary nd ex -Sens tor CarlUIe
WHk in Watihingtoa on legal huines for
several days, but all efforts to get an ex
pression of opinion from htm on current
politics were met by be smiling reply
tl.At he was ontof txditics and had notli
iiij? to ety at this time. Mr, Carlisle In
wil to be rapid! r accamulataig wealth
in the practice of law. '
The government is being ran just now
almost entirely by minor officials, al
though the osnal' vacation season is
about ever. One rea?en for thi is that
the President and members of the Cab
inet spent more time than nual, owing
to the Chinese troubles, in Washington
during the past summer, and they are ,
now getting some rest and recreation
preparatory to the winter's work before
thm. Another reason n that the polit
ical campaign is bow fully nnder way
n several me mber of the Cabinet are
in demand as stamp vpeakers. The
President teat Canton, preeuuiahlr for
rest, but the telegraph reports him as
constantly holding important confer
ences with his political friends, so he
evidently isn't there entirely for rest.
Aitorney-oaneral onggs anat Secretary
Hitchcock, both of whom bavt Lad long
vacations, are the only member of the
Cabiaetio town. ',
. 5etf Protection.
EWiille.f Say Ned Jast feel in the seat
of my pant. '
fSL Well Wilii,I give it ap, bat
13 like to knw what you have got that
board iu there for? . ;
IWillie. Well, yoa see my ma said
she was going to give me a waaluT thir
afk'rnHn, and you bet she w kales m fel
ler hard, m T j.it ihif vlitar lex iid biv
wedv it. in n3n m muke t.4jiMv fn i
Usfire tl.e board; gives oo. I kinder
feel sorry for the cigar box lid, don't
your J
Ned.J i How
did yoa faston it in,
there pq good? .' " - : '
Willie. J ;Well, I was in at Barker's
Gun- Work one day they sell sewing
machine,, you know-' Well, I saw a
woman that the sewing machine wouid
pew right through a cigar box lid, and
he done it all right. Thea 1 knowrd our
machine would, because we bought it of
them Barks Gun Works, so when ma
was out I jivjt slipped in and sewed this
box lid iu. It is just in the right spot,
ami it dan't slip, for it is sewed tight.
You bet its good for me tbu we got our
machine when we- dki. Sny, Ned!
Ain't you sorry for the-ether boys?
Try trading it Barker's Guu Voiker
Eugene, Oregon.
It is estimated that Oregon wHl pw-
duce thin seasoiv 130 io 150 carloads of
dried pruinjs Although the crop ia
ehort, the quality is excellent, prunes
running 30s-40a and 40b-50s. The Cali
fornia association has fixed the premium
on larger sir.es, such as are grown in
Oregon this year, at 7 coats per pound ..
STiows th state of yoa feelings- an
the etateof your health-aa weL Impure
Uoodroakea-itself apparent in a pale and
sallow complexion, Pimples' and Skiia
eruptwns. If you are feeling wak aiuf
worn. out and do not hare a healthy ap
pearance, yu should try Acker's Bloocf
Elixeir. It cures all blood dtaease
where eheap aarsaparilias- and so eallecl
purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell evsryr
bottle on a positive guarantee- Soldi byr
all druggiat. .... .
The Lakeview Council Has awarded
contsract for 450 cedr posts for the town
flume at 11 cents per' post.
EverybiHty wants t
Oregonian has to aay-
tnow woa? T
er.. use ; '
Ackea English. Remedy in ary fsw ei
cough, oolds or croapt. Should it krJ t
give immediate relief money refn:ufljc2L
25ct. and SOcts. Sold by air (h-agu?-
InJepenilent and rtllablt Tlia Ottsw-
lucene - : Oregon
tlugton,.D. '
- ii,a o
V - .