Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, August 04, 1899, Image 4

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' "4
faatwaertlkf a4 Plaaatlei tla,paltgt
of lalatttl I Ike fitaela
HllUll tt.
111 Begat at Mar4,
Tiro ar lively Ih in. I emend th
tdg heal angar factory al lltnard, ('al,
Poillleen thnntand, hln lnni.lf. ami
Rflf rr of heel hat lawn plant I
In lhal vmlnliy and ar no being 1 r
pared for. harvest. Over l.iino mn era
angagd In thinning h dwelt, for
Willi' It lervlc Hie receive (f,40 (tV,
on an average, Tli nw em will
ammtnt to elmt Sno.noo ton nl dwii,
ml whan th are pttt thmngh the
tt at far-tor ilia result will h that
ahtint 80.000 ton of refined linear I
ready hit Iha mark!, In II U eell
Waled Dial Iha rrnp will average about
IH per rent lanrdirln matter, A large
ileal hi Just been rmnetimmeted, wIhh-
by tha American Heel Nngar Company,
wliiiih own Iha Oinard factory, hn
tmrflhased Iha larg Pattermn tench,
whlnh contain ,lit0 aciee, Tha pur
thai prha la lahl to ha afar (110(1,000,
Tli la la Iha largest ilngt pun hat put
through In many years In Ventura
county. Tha new fnotnry now Ima a
capacity of 8,000 torn nl heat per day,
ml alnra iha imparity wua recently
doubled, It la now . Iha largest sugar
factory ami rflnir In tha world,
A IlliOiii Market fur rinnr.
Tha Hlg Hend flour mill at Haven-
lnrt. Wash., annually hlii li umlroila
of burial of floor In III Orient, where
II liaa bitlll up a reputation Hint give
It a steady sale. Tlia ntber aid of tha
Paolflo, mher tba countries aia dense
ly populated furnishes a inarkut fur a
vast quantity o( American flour, and
heavy Invoices ar shipped direct to
that foreign market I rum th l.om
mill. At tha present tlrno tha Hig
IS ml mill la turning out several thou
land banola of Ita superior brain) of
floor foi Japan, ami thia la only bo
tinning ol what promises to reach
greater shipments lu tha lutura to tha
Japan market.
Washington Pop.
Tha vine are reported to he making
sicellent progress and in ninny tortious
the hopa never looked butter. Neatly
til tha largo yardi ate In fine condi
tion, and, aa rule, are for this season
well advanced. There are plenty of
liaa, but the aprayera ara keeping tlmm
In t'heok. There havo buen aoine cun
tract! made at from 10 to 13 cents,
but grower! are generally backward
iboot contracting.
(treat Fall Wont.
Great Fulla, Munt., haa proved Heel f
to be the hlghflit and hoot inarktit lor
wool In tha atate of Montuna. Uver
878,000 pou ml 8 of wool wni mlil one
day last week, and it bi ought very
good price!, the liigheflt price puid be
ing 30 centa, and the lowimt 17 S-8
Oenta, the whole averaging highnr tlijin
any lota of wool 10 fur Bold in Montana,
and the highuBt price paid lining the
toy notoh at which Montana wool have
to far been aold.
Tar tha New Water Hatm.
The first carload of itnel pipe to he
need in the Cedar river pipe lyatmn nt
Seattle, aritvod at that place hint week.
There are 118 foot, or 18 tone on th
car. A train of ahont 40 can In now
on the way containing over 600,000
pounde of ateel pipe. Each cur Inn
four piece 28 feet in length, or, it the
pipe ia ourved, five piocea 81 foot long.
A California Creamery a
The Chlno Valley creamery, at Chi
no, Cat., la malting all ita milk receipt!
Into butter now, the price of buttur
having gone up to 60 oenta, it ia more
profitable to make butter than olicnne
Tha aaiociatlon ia receiving 7,000
pound! ot milk a day and Manager
8teele any that as beet pulp cornea in
for feed the receipt will run up to 10,
000 pound per day.
Northweat Newt Note.
Pendleton want a city paik.
Btarbuck, Wash., ba a haunted
Taooma will laaua (1, 000,000 in re
funding bonds.
Spokane brewerlee art now running
with non-union men.
Pflolflo A Idaho Northern will build
$15,000 depot at Weiaer.
Baker City 'a water eupply la to low
that irrigation bad to be (topped.
A copper lead 00 miles long has been
found on Fifty Mile river, Alaska.
Great Northern agent are during a
new right-of-way through Spokane.
"Dal" Wright killed a 1, 000-pound
griaily bear in Northweat Territory.
Can iick have atopped boat on Lake
Lindematt Irota carrying passenger!,
Astoria baa Invited President Mo
Elnley to attend tha coining regatta.
Coal ia now to be uiod In linking
haft at Itatnpait City on tha Yukon
Committee haa reported on Taooma
a tha beat location for Wbitworta col
lege. Denver and Omaha man will erect al
matter In Kiiklaod, Wash., a aubuib
of Seattle.
Zlne ore la being ahlpped from Spo
kane directly to England, by way of
tba Horn.
Work will ba begun aoonon Rnohoin
lib and Willapa river batoheilea in
Tha upper Willametta boat! ara able
to ply tbelr trafflo much later thia year
than usual.
Seattle's aipoaltlon will run In op
poaltlon to the Washington atate fair at
North Yakima, both bavlng cboaen the
same detea. ,
Tba Great Northern paid (85,000
for 40 acre of land on llavarmal
Island, fpokane.
Pooqualuila falls, Wash., la now In
karnesa and will eoon bo furnishing
power lot Seattle and Tacoma.
Water at Five Finger rapids, Alaska,
ta higher than was over Ufoie knosra.
Eaat Oregon farmers complain great
ty ol Canadian, Kuaslaa and Chiuaai
On of tba transcontinental llnee re
porta that It haa sold over half a mill
ton acres of Oregon farming land In tha
past year.
Bonanta and Eldorado districts In
Klondike bav been closed to pro"?
ton y vana.uana, who will leaao ait-
iavaloMsJ territory to largo coui
80 kaa
arf ftf.f tt t
$ ka l a ta
li, ri, firtn 4k Vimtmnf, la)
weekly raviaw of t !, ri
Th' 14 eeflilhlf M ('if arnnt rf
ran, lin tha volnma af av maata
ihMngh tha etearlng ho, In intf, fa
ti l t mhI l'r than lat yar tha
tt of all iiim y. P great a
atf aura) wmiM variant tfrtait af
-nil aetliart aniter mllniy rtKHM
titicea, Thia fear, th nnanal '
lm ffna laiMtt tfiwM, a'-iHl Jaly l
la full me l l.y mm $ignt nf laolnry
u alrlka, be,na great rk era
liiitte-l far ahead arid cannot halt Wl(h
ant IrHi, Hut lnlrrniilni af l.nelnae
by htlx'f trmihle of all ! ha bean
!- than In any nthar July for yean,
Nor la Iha movement af ptodaote name
ered, tVealern rmelpta af whaat If
Jaly have been lf,MS,l2l bahat.
agnlmil l,mi9,Bn3 bnehela 11 year I
del, and !irn, 00, 4ia.49t boahaU,
giiind B, 1 511,8.14 linahal tail yr,
even Iha laleat week ihowina larg
gain over lM year. Kipnrte of
wheat, from both rmt't. wara f,lfl9,
IMt) bimhela, flour Imloded, again!
t.Hnl, loa bnahela lat year. Copper I
tmng, with pol nira and lal weak
t (l.fin, but tin I quoted at(II.H,
lamilon leudii g a iimial.
Khlpmeiita el boot wid (boa from
tha Kaat, In four week, have bean
194,174 cane, again! InO.Mt lat
yaur; and In 1H0A, the neareal pravlon
year, 801, Hon rina leather cnnllmiea
irongand trntcr, witlt a earahlaallon
of packer llfllnar price of Mea al
('liicago, o that many of Ida taker ara
quilling thai market.
failure fur Ilia week hat bean lit
In tha United fttate, against 888 lad
year, and 80 la Canada, againit 88 laal
eatt'e Market.
Onions, new, 1.85 per laok.
Potatoel, new, 1(4 11,0 pel lb,
lleet, per sack, fldtl 85.
Turnips, per sack, tOdflOo.
Carrots, per sack, (101.85.
Parsnips, ier lack, (I.
Cauliflower, 40(gtl0a per dos.
Cabbage, native and California
1.50 per 100 pounds.
Churrlos, BOo75.
Peanhea, 76c.
Apples, (1.00(91.35 par boa.
Pears, (1.50 per box.
Prunes, (1 per boi.
Butter Creamery, 88o per pound;
dairy 16(3180 ranch, 18(il6o par lb.
ftk-gi, 82 a.
Cheese Native, 10 (Jt Ho,
Poultry I laWoi dressed, 15 Wo.
Fresh uieate Choice dressed beef
steers, prime, Be; oows, prime,
7 c; mutton, 8o; pork, 7,o; trimmed,
8o; veal, 8 10a.
Wheat Feed wheat, 120.
Outa Choice, per ton, (88.
Hay Puget bound timothy, (8(38
choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, (13.00.
Corn Whole. (88.60; cracked, (34;
food meal, (34.00.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
(2 5 (Si 20; whole, (38.
Flour Patent, per barrel, (3.60;
blended atraiithts, (3.35; California
(3.36; buckwheat flour, (3.60; graham,
per barrel, 13.00; whole wheat flour,
(3.76; rye flour, (4.60.
MillstuITa Uran, per ton, (18;
shorts, per ton, (17.
eeo unoppea reeu, 3l. 50 per
ton; middlings, per ton, (23; oil cake
inuttl, per ton, (33.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 665B,'c;
Valley,67c; Uliiestem, 68oper buahel.
Flour licet gmdui, (3.36; graham,
(3.05; Buperllne, (2.15 per barrel.
Out Choice white, 4846c; oholca
gray, 4303411a per bushnl.
Barley Feed barley, (1030; brew
lug, (31.00 per ton.
Millstuffa Bran, (17 per ton; mid
dlingi, (23; iliorti, (18; chop, (16.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, (8(30; clover, (7
8; Oregon wild hay, (0 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 8540o;
eecond. 8885os dairy, 87X30o;
lUre, 82(Ct85o.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13o;
Young America, 18o; new cheese,
i oo per poumi.
Poultry Chickens, mlied, (3(34.60
per dosen; hens, I . 50 (J 5. 00; springs,
(33.60; geese, (4.00(16.00 for old,
4j6.60 for young; docks, (5.00(
6.60 per doren; tnrkeyi, live, 12 (ft
13 s;o per pound.
Potatoes (101.35 per lack; awaeta,
8c per pound.
Vegetahloe Beeti, (I; turnips, 80c
per sack; garlic, 7o par ponnd; cab
tinge, lli&ia per pound; cauli
flower, 7 oo per doien; paranipa, (1
ber-ns, 6(06o per ponnd; celery
70(fl75o per dosen; cucumber, (Oo p
boi; veai, 804o per pound.
Hops 11(4180; I8W7 crop, 4(3o.
Wool Valley, 13J13o par pound
hastora Oregon, 8J13ci mohair.
3 7 ( 80c per pound.
Mutton Oroea, beat sheep, wethers
and awes, 81 o; dressed mutton, (ia;
lambs, ie per lb.
Hogs tiroes, cholco heavy, (4.60;
light and feedera, (3.60O4.00; droaead,
(5.00(38.00 par 100 pound.
Beef tiroes, lop steers, 4.00(3(4.35;
cows. 1 3. on 8. not, oraeted bwof,
iit)io per pound.
Val-Urge, 6a7o; imalL fWSSc
per ponnd.
aa Praaelae Market.
Wool Hpiiug Nevada, 1008 13e par
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(ftl4o; Val
ley, 17(41 tie; Northern, ItjllOo.
Millstuffa Mlddlinga, (1719.60;
bran, (1(H 1S.60 per ton.
Oulone ai!;erkin,Hp(t(lpr aaek.
Butter Fancy creamery, l8(J80o;
doaeconda, lutt7c; fancy dairy, J7o;
doaeconda, 14 1 1 4 S per ponnd.
, Eg Store, 16418a: fancy ranob.
Hope 1808 crop, 17,'o.
Cltrna Frolt Orangea. Valencia,
(3.76(13.85; Moilcaa 1 1 rasa. (4QI4.60;
California lemons, 75cdJl.Uj do
cbotoo, (1.13(41.; Pr Dot.
Hay-Wheat, (3d 8; wheat an J
oat, (6.60(48; oat. 1(S9; bast bar.
ley. (597.60; alfalfa, (5 (il per ton;
straw, 80(i40o per bale.
Potatoea Early Rose, TM90O
Oregon Udikank. (I.ISg(l.(5; ivr
Bnrbanka, 76oHl; Saliuaa BurUaka,
(I (4 1.35 per eaca.
Trephal fraita Banana, L60d
3.60 pel bench: pioeapulaa, ij
4 (-;
ria data, ( pa
) fa a4 a 4 ra
fee Aee ttff.
Weehieilrtn, Aaf f Iht !
8ll o-Ivmm ree ef a a tn f V!rli
tNlM !iiW Ima I f 14 e an I
ifealli I Mm reiNW fee at !M
triM ' at fUwptnw, Va, (if
aa es 4inpt at Iha knur llef ,
I ho far lb Hi h bn enftMnel
Ut Iha hm, l"t all nira'lir.i le
si ai'-lte!, and a ''i'i ;iniiN
I r-ting tlrtiled,
Wadla, af Iha ntarleo aMll
aeivleo, m in eM'ft-a of affair at
Mampn, and re working Is (('
llan Willi lb hi I lm, f .!!rt,
Ho ia (irengiherte-l lb gi.!n atm
!h inn of I'h'wbii, oli' I, f a u
In fry bad nllary ..ii.lillin. tba
f'l thai only no ai pei' I
liefsf I aiir'niKflaa" In Iha nnl, Ul
bar, who ara taking arf Wita M
prevent pral of Id ill , They
feel thai Ih U lhal lb a(fela. U.
lalliy la in llo liandaof lb goem.
want and nnder no managamanl, will
bo of greal vain In dealing with Ih
"iiilfge, ani enable belter reauli In be
uktanled than nhere pldml brok
out I) aoMttterclal ptaca.
Nile I af Waefee.
Ifnnolnln, July 86, via ran Franeie.
ro, Aug. 3. Tba late report Irmn
Ih volcano of Manna Ia, rerelvad l
day by way of Kalaiaha, la to Ih
effect thai a greal change took plare
In tba emirs of the lava fluw on Ih
rrlglil ot July I. The mlghly lram
of burning lavs which steadily
flowljif Inward lb low of lllloand
tbreatenlng It destruction, he len
dlverte.1 In Its court so lhal Iha dang
er lo lit and property la let liritnl
nent than al Ih lima of Iha prevlon
mall advices from bare. Ever since the
flow began, July 4, Iha cmtrs of tba
ilream of lava ha been from tha high
eel active c7lnee down In tba mountain
bearlr dn east, past all Ih sources of
lava till It reached and parity cewted
Ih flow of 1880. Then It turned
abruptly to the north in tha direction
of Kalaieha, on Iha able of Manna l-oa.
It spread all over the sble of the moun
tain, occupying an area almost a mil
wide. This was the condition of things
up to Ih nlgM of July 18.
Home time during that night Iha
firs! part of the stream, flowing east
ward, broke through Its hanks about
half way from Its source, to wbero It
turned northward down the mountain
parallel with Iha old ohannel, but
fin ther west Tbia la carrying tha
lava lesa directly toward Hi In ami
keeping it neaier tha ridge which di
vide Iroin t bs slope off In tha dliertloit
of tha Kohnla roast.
The lava flow from Manna Lo lu
changed Ita course ami the city of llllo
is no longer in danger.
No Remeitr far Siuilhtra l.yaeklaf t.
New York, Ang. 3. Governor D,
M. Junes, ot Arkanss, teplying lo a
query from the lime ns to the cuus
of lynching in the South, said:
In my judgment, the so-culled de
lays in the administration of criminal
law so fur lis Arkansas la concerned,
have not been the cense of the lynch.
Ing of any person accused of crime.
The lynching lu this sUto have gen
erally been in chits of rap and attempt.
rd rape, ami especially when the as
sault lias been made by a negro uimiii a
white woman. This crime Is so hein
ous and revolting that all the laws In
the world, no matter how severe the
punishment or how speedy iti initio.
lion, cannot In my judgment prevent
lynching! when the accused falls Into
the humli of the enraged mob.
"1 can mggest no remedy, because
there Is none except th cessation of
the crime itself. Of course this is to
he deplored because It is alwavs bent
that the h should he permitted to
take its regular course, hut as long as
human nature remains as it is, the con
ditions in this respect will not b im
rtnycott la Cleveland.
Cleveland, Aug. 3. Every branch
of the Big Consolidated system was In
full operation today, tat car carried
few, If any, passengoia. Tha bocyotl
la becoming the most important luotor
In the atruggln. The romps nv oftt
dale say It is bound to fall of its own
weight within a few day. On the
other hand labor leaders declare the
boycott haa just begun and that when
it reaches Ita full scope all classes and
all Intereata will ba affrnted.
Th ooroner today found 1 1 aw ley.
non-onion con. luotor who shot and
killed Henry Coniiwr.lt, guilty of kill
Ing without provocation or cscuae,
llawley la In jail.
It pert aa Mmtller Hlrlke.
Denver. Aug. 8. The state board ol
arbitration t inlay Bled ita raport on tha
Investigation of the imeller strike
The decision leached is a compromise
between tha demands of the smeller
men ami the concessions of Ilia c.mi pan
lea. Th question of onion or non
union labor la Ignored. It I thnnght
both aidea will accept th decision, and
work will b resumed soon.
rita Kill laaa kielntUa.
Detroit, Ang. 3. A Special to th
Nawa from White Cloud, Mich., aayst
A thresh ir.g machin engin eiplmle.
near Big Prairie. Charlie Height, Al
pha Height, Chart Crabtiee, tleorge
Ovarly. Cecil I'riest and lUymon I
I Iowa wer killed. Oscar Evana an-l
Ueorg llalght war aeveialy Injured.
Haalt kammary Jatllre.
Honkinavlll. Ky.. Ann. 8 MS
Fnani U.KKlwin. a miUmer at Pan -
view, ime vnonii, tnui ami mona'.ir
woomled L''yn Allegro. Sb charged
that b wiota scurrilous ni-te ami nil
offensiv phraaes in her window with
a diamond, bb waa ielad wlthonl
A Washington oorimmdnl ay Iha
boundary ditputa may renlnally r-
soil In tow
and Canada.
between Orvat Britain
faaaeariil I f ltai4.
Lomlon, Aug. 8. It la tifllciatly aa
noanced tmlay Ibat Sir Julian Panne,
lot. British ambassador to tba United
Mate, who wa th bead of the British
delegation lo Ih international pear
ctmfoieiic al Th Hague, ba lw ele
rated tt th peorag.
Ta Ha rir..
Ran Jo. Cat., bad two dttmctlv
fir, on ilevlroying a !! leuca Valued
at f and a aecund Ai destroy
ing a frail warehout le-i !, with )
carhntila of yioa, entailing kiaa f
fnify Uf f fr7
&i . f "t eW
(VeofteeVA (4ir4 erle pff' t
W kS '
tthth 0t" ae-wV
i, 4t 4
f w. lU ffl & i '"
W ftlb tf- fl
ftttk Ult Aman rf1
A a 4ia' f fM,
t'Mtii . iit mi rf an
fit Ilea' nrf '. Tni tn' bl
n abead Ibal b lt an dtfcf
tf II, Ih i'l ' teem N b tM'
f7.l ! attain lharyl f Ih
"ew in Mr. Yie d'4 H
I a. I olnter, aa I fay I wanted I ba M
friend and Ike fneml at ll!. erl
a v 'ir-in lrn yr b'
and la-irh at a.. I f nib.el b
aa what I dt. I mean M rv 4d.
w Hi , M ( ilarka,
W aall Ih trow ami ! amt ery.
Ihlngib!; bnt "4 pltf n, and gtv
daylight. IU d m't want a to d
ilinKibr, II pity a.
"St bard f.r m in bellv In u.ai
lhal Jeua la Ih Pn f lil( I fl
li(friii In wy fet. My old fh-
. . j . t i .ii
Hineil iM W ilinr"nt. imi an
art.fy ihlng. I Iry tn d flak I. and
rar tl.nl. I rnl lo b twlfl In O'M's
Nirch wer Ih word nf converted
Indian on J,,lnl" 'l?11 rbarsh.
A Urate Hlaa4ee.
Kavar ran hap waa mor. r.gr.l.M
order glren than that which ant a
bumlreil cavalivmen against th mm
federal rear gnard at falling Water.
Two dplete. aompanle ot tli Ml ath
Mb hlaan earalry Coaler' man Ibey
wer and lierne avey on war order
l lo charg lb braattwnike wblc'i
Oeneral Ileth and Pettlgrew h-d
thrown op to ever Ih retreat of Iha
Hontbern ami v eciote Ih Potomao, ll
we bopeltt, luit ih men nvr Tel
le re. I. They galloped along, nnmnleat-
d at first, for no one dreamed the
could bo I' ii bin men advancing lo an
attack. Prnlly that eurmounted a
Hill knoll where a number of officer
war standing and dierd th group,
mortally wounding (Joneral Pettlgrew.
Ileth a men now opened opnn them a
murdnrona fire, and, a was lung i ap
posed In ih Houtti, wber th pluck of
th hnpelet onset waa rnnch admired,
wer shot down. A a matter of
fuel, si i men nf tha ha ml red Jived
through th fir and rod or tan bank
to llmir line. On of the, Lieuten
ant Eliolt M. Norton, aftewrard Wou a
medal of honor. N. V, World.
Kill ar are.
MItrM What la thl itiang smell
In th kitchen?
Colored Servant I'm jea' makln' a
love potion fob dat niggah dat promised
lo marry me, an' now Iter's trylu' lo
back out.
"Are you mi th potion I a good
one? Are yon mr It won't hurl him?"
1 don't Veer if it kill Mm at ll
lon't act d way it oughtor." N. Y.
(let What Y
a frir-
CACtro are WUir karsri. a sartry easekskla nai iasa. 9 aeataHal ar anaaiat etlss ta gatiaresa,
ate rrtrf Siaaraat af tfca ttaaMtk, Uver a tatettiaet. tkey att aary f ataMlwsllea. kat sartert aay eeary kaai krtiaa t tea
Uttnat, aaiaUkwr, aaaaat. Taste get, a (at. tr awkta, wets ar grla. Wrrta let fcatkm ta4 ket ttaistt. 44nt ItllUM
ta Hfi,a a dteraa 't hard
rip nm fn.
rtr-l It US
Itol ft hi r al-
jiia "l'inl wrtaiivit atailathn.
llrmt lovlinii, u
tutil bait Ma aa.ed
1 floore's RcVtaltxl Remedy
kd th.y n4 It la lime, It nr lull I te
tj.: -it at rit'na uHiiwaa.i& i w fmt muie
ii ri.ur lr((iti a,
tMiet t yir Iwy wre well I
ka kata 1 1 tak.
rtrkaso I
um t twit.
iMw.lkaaee tina'lein
any t ihaa yt ink.
A.a km aw
kwtttf ttKftT ttWii
CAurosMA na ayrlp c.
17 rr rm m m a
i4 i.... i.nkii,iii rj
Ukaiaiinw I tt fl
j 1 t ,'-
kui" Oa
.. M. t
fwaea r-i-if ."!
Wl ff
.. j k !- . i
ftmttn 4 t U it.ee
a fe.,..,.l k, ,e - (
' .fM n-M"r tii rXHwav
''f"l t, fet r t t ,
beet f M fc" Si. a) a 4 S lei .;
4rleg lw kwa
I i; f ! 1
'i ' ' ' p '
i I - l-o N .
1 1.', f, jMP, ,
?(,i'nftwi .tr-ii will arf
n f t aiM - tU
If Old mt Ur .
IVf af IM pammlf t awe at Usetf
luMren lat'f tHe Uh,f( a'b4.
Tii leH f lft nf l'f I
Mrtly Ihin.t 'al af titmn.
f tal awl r '' ' lit ) fr-n-tl.).
N.f, . .( . tli ,
I iafi-I, ft tnl, t fi-i, , lv.
At Indlanarwll far Umtt ar ft-.
llJ tim IS Ll 11 Iuhi, 1 J.I U.t !
Utt y,
An terefM-l lrrr V rtbrt
! llrtgnrt -t Wa-HH'r'"" PS T r
tiwt. 4,.rea, l-S l it, p.,iii.4, Ul,
In ftnuatlilr wr' wg fr
full week' wirt ainot W from
(Ltd l ( V It,
f!rihiif lhal yn tan kiy ! Mnnr
A. A. Wiiioioy In earn an. a lhi it
rl.l f..f arlinafy wbi.lty, Ita4ky4
nulan VMr aixl Hras'glet.
I Th la'g'tt aela n plael In Ih
world I tn M ret, at Alien, U.
r,-Mt aiaM
t f a t
.4 .t a M t.oa) b m
Utt, i-e..er
Mlnr near "n Ion, II,
(3.80 for 10 hour.
C, demand
A bora h J-it di. In Undo
whkh bad Ih lr dittinetmn of bav
Ing medal onfrrd npnn him by
(j'teen Vlntoila, IU waa lt I Itubert'
Vf ' ''rf Vomdel. 89
, Tb
on bl marllngat during br majmsly'a
jnbiie piovion.
"Out nf h 1.3'X) men rnmpnelng
tha Twentieth Kan tat, only III ara of!
foreign birth," according? In Iha Kan
City Journal. "Nearly th who! an
of Anglo-Mason bomd, and a good inany
mot than n-balf ai Ih tone of
A peenliar que. Hon of athle haa
ariten between a dry great sliir pro
prietor ot llaclna, Wia,, and on ot hi
clerks named VUdWUr Allmann. Alt
mann look In a dollar of I no t In pay
ment for aorn goods, and g'l (l.om)
fur th rar wdn frnui a I'blcao dealer.
Now the proprletnr elalma that th
coin should have gone Into bia till,
Tli "kitting bug" (mlnoll
piclt) ha no pnUin gland, ccnr I.
Ing to Professor L O. Howard, thli f
entomologist for lb federal depart
ment of airrtenllnra. "lb pultun fmnt
it bit," h state, "ia probably da
In pathogenic germs, accidentally car
ried upon th littl etrat beak.
Tber la no aiplatnabl rean why lb
lip should b lb onl portion ot th
be attacked."
re aa Wire Vto.k-
roaTi.aHr wiag a inn wnRiii wiki
kn4 tri.a lrrlt le raiileir.eie. ! A4r. ;
Mabla,f aa kaeidle.
rafriiniiri'iiiri. yonra. w.
niarr. SMfeiit. ia fci rim st-, r.'ii-anil. i.
..TAfUM L-VgkJ
ft I IS Hl Metal
f9U. .
jottt ron.r. ran.t, o
e'l riv you tba kl kai-aalti In (tneral
l--i,irv, nctn, b-Mir, lank. xait,
float iieita ! aiii.ln.lli. I be new
"! I X L windimil, aubt ky btca, I e-
W halaaal lrata ) f fcvV
t -1 l 1 1 a.
-- - -
r rtirri ra it r-ant rn. is D tit sk. - w f aw,, ma.
8 t ! Ma a . t f m .,.,-.: , IV'aa ta arnmjia
kai aKa iary. rraaaaatlag tuauoaaaW.. ( 6n vcaa a ra.la.t tN4 J I aiiiij JB laTa ftoat. '
tlt aM aiis ." -
tiitt JM, ptlmfy 4m I.. -0 4.. txr, t
, .. .
' "
t.4 ,? II f r j
' ,, f f I ft' -t -f '
I at fl r' - 4 :
i . tf. b j ' e 1
vftaf . tm-9 . . ' i
!. M w-i
fa) se t
lei ,ir. a aw -.!..
t- ( f "' t -
t . UrHrn f ' k
, fhm f '-fl 4 -.r ' i
t- nf " a-a e-l
r-H' .''" turn 'rj
-t M"-" " -
a .- 4t -- e"e
it .v, f
A M, A.".a I i,l 8
j It), t ln !. 4 k.
i , I m I ..L d 1 1, a afeU.a ai
a anil. f
(sri ftfini
WaaArnm 0 .(4
li M I mat. a tot If rt.
' "V T irvf f I ' . t T .. i
W M.na4 - I f
mim ft i .- e-v. f
mi' t't m .
. Uft't t I aww4
k twK . e.
, a
I MM., I ,.t IA
4w'lt JN atawt a4 t - uar-ht M
. r '?- iw W a (Wb4 8 4M
' " " . 'ss.
... r- Un,
Iawtitt ledyki get (t SI f..
avn lrora
j Tf nlgil draft th -wifirVfwrV
rmaliii4lin I In Ih (. ml
)l4rgirt Hill, al A (. . Jle.
ilia IU a grmln t !. f U.
S , w,'h birn f ll.a .-.tlt wl.
ih Urmm,l.
I On f C Lmgaat ,'iev bird w r
old rtid rnl!y In L"lm. It waa
w named P--ky, Iha pvanf af
lb rilnr of Wat, f art eealarf
ami a ij uilef obi. t'g In 8 ye of
eg elepi,nt ai gftl aaetnmtr of
fonerala n gan.far ar
ff S8wwWHW
; anrwl by II elernymen at Jw limn. :
wlk, n. J. axil
ml llMt
nnnawet(y ami koM'I
f ain
pon th-tr a tletgymen. btt a n -
of Ik amiMiot f "nw-Uy let. i.,m.
of la lar i ni men k ! rt.
t)r. felig Itrnnet, t anrgenn f lb
freneh navy, ha pavf-wtatt n,enn ef
reinnvittg lailimasarka, llrt-.r.rfe ll,
I rm.it a I nf ih mark k lw nl
let f no llltl diffleqlly n-l e ".
bl IH. !rre' SMrt. It ta,. . hm
y ami apM, Wltlmnt Ming
A jour nay bllhei'-s anetaUl by an
Amerln wwsian h I I. b kn
ma I by Mi, ii. it. Hiee, wife
ih mandg"r ia (; A. af ii.a
llablwin f4fnmntlvo Kuril, sIm a
umtMinll bar botbaml avrw Ih great
Miberlan Waal aa-l lleptMI, Vr ba
nnenmpietwl T'n fiber Ian fail y
and by wg"n and 11 e I aa flaw ..
Petertiiitig M fl.i:otia-b, 7J,n beaek
key rf g,a;T Vaisl a kum p I 1
In 41 ilava.
44wf loy CASCAPETS CtnS-j OlSsHtc. Tky 1
fwtniui W fioiUhxty d4.V. r r? rt aV'e.
Billons tnJ iwttfituUi vt tptn offtnJ ly 4U A "rut
irfVtj " avti AW W a 4j ai ttfhtn CutsrHs vf ttZU4
far. Siibfidlu la kvfkt mtj Cucmu tt nj
(tiy'tfti th vijr ftnulm Cuntt f ywJtt.'tr, mmit
US, W WaT OUet fAgfll fiutfiij A ftttifl ffkt tH aVVa
6.000.000 BOXE9
WOOOtue t . I aHl M , e 'e4
I rm sv 01 a It Ml!
t f f O-f
9 ,
tr X e Wff tf
I -: r-. M'-a. w . t
- . r.-4a,r
fi w
Q lOflllSMEuKEJ,.
1 ! !- l. !
I 2af ptl1 iliM'SUt
I rfym ..jrn.r-i.s-i ,
nn mttiiiifiiiraowianti
UfltUUtiild uvtR rlLLij
ONW WOt ADOtK. " H-etrM
"-4. 4 I i, ,H4rK.r).lMnn
iii,rsula..rraM ri4 it.
i " f - - lK a.l1tr, .
r ivciicr for Women
tw -! aiw. M
f M' HO
m e r ag,
i ' '---"- (-'.
' w m-m t
f tf m .,,,..., , a.
a at Imnm
f 4 ' W 0 e a c
' !::, jU
4Hf tmf , V k
f tm..-''m '" f
H fur nf
-! Bpmtut,
V . r fMakiMt. A
, f xi
l"W Catwee,
V -
9 K
( w aa
. v a1! .
1e e4fei, I
l.4.a M 44 t tt.f
I S! ti-ai. ! l ft a4 ho
!. ia b ! m a I ita gr'f tt, tm4
' ff
ii it a -i linntn
ftt twn. I f mm0&
fia a ..)
Hr . rr,.
WiMN aei n aUaa a ,
le eat a Ms. ! g oaaas,
Wl ftlt :a. i t
f Ym. MT. M. O.
t )t,itii', O ) . ).
: 1 ' ' ' ' ' " t .. i
I s.. an-, iiai
Wktt w f a l.4i to ., aAa6
I tha a of wlh4 -t lM .
' ? at 't man f l' - I mm
'htrWt potM wotw'l Uearo 8a
i-f k ,
i fln o fnl yxg lly tail
f"" fal'r iU
Im riity f M it-ni 3 yeiy.
j ! ! M W-eN H, a4
Ih tbf th tekvt.
t hp i aiwar r.if m )
by lb bat kv , ai.r II I
Swell r e4 laal e m4 t!e.
'UlM, r,ff, mmtnm u
! w.tM Is ar
mi1 l.. ah lka M. t .
niaj I l gt Ik g'aatta
JtM'o Ik m .
It t '! lei wtM f&al M
pa-! .e k IMS tiy Nte
teittte"! t) kthating la1 MM Ve
elli gvely tat't Or only iPot af
,e"t twegrst'' ytveeelf Ikal t.
f1aayitt 4-la' then ya at al
bi i-rn-n ba a "wtaoly g4 yi
b 4atnW b-MS 9i'-k ami! I
f'U m.Ut
wkn h ! "
When yi taxt Ilra.t fn f ras
j !- tjea el
l-r4 .
bn alt itarym a
j " . whN w
'! the ai.Ml-1,
ftaiMe' twtt fe
, ;.Hl. lmta-a, .
t1.,iia t;,w.ttf im ! ol ;
; ki. Mm , j-n bV.t swats,
" 111 1 "' ' -
25c 50c
rrtw. rtwcwtr a aarwJ
kwMta Ma4a MewiiM
asnsat CO.caKa aswr-Jwaj.
fatM e-4 WMt aiOTpae
'- 'ma)
..r ait TiMr
i, 1 r. fMtwru-i
n J.:1;" n?.
" ";
I 11V"" .
' g. e mr.x 4 w V LVi
. 1 -TI 't'.r C.-
; r.--