C. F. Huritlttrtt VriT?utarTmwt!i H the tone"Whil Bathing; ihiiwid we- imrnrM o tn by Merchandise iwi4roS5a wclio 4ii tbing at the e Mar.- twtothe vtpie ! town, but w-sjsfcmarsias w started to Ili8ctlmtiitodyii8 ftiadtytlu SttCeVSVed. "Vewot "with . rt5wd f other tern JSSmms&atv- "Mil HI l lUI Hit. .3BBSMIHWWK- lui Um mm nimsall lft twrn Tester- ittwvanmit otork tdr the -rtver, -which -t... . .. , . n.i,. . ,1 r- i' 4 iaale treat "Wwa. """"the T4ace "where Tile Largeet line 1 1 mi ii -tBTTT m--ttfr.-sm-W -aned HytBut 4 leet deep. imbu , mi mi nn wiiimii) TMof ih m waili nexm, d they - - - .... - mi -ni, i mi - - in "rii.r ,tinain-ni,c, Iwm) ifawy ouuid then paidla tor shore. twrtTimanan-w nfiih mmsr "3iir. T3JMttanelfeBnirted mt he step- -Hed-mtaahoJa-acd fell over -back ward. jAjri ! -HerwsujTOrhane strangled 8 he did not awnWftgi ? to try uo yet oat. "Tue boys that inn wmia TOiyiTOji win arewa. jlc ( iii Ae auMVS three times nd -waeti t iamethey spoke to him tout lie did not nen stake a straggle '""VMssmTjtswperis the eldest Mn of r r-tmt it -wni "n 4 j.... - .trammer a a s 10 wb, dlS4sysald: -Hef-was a Hey .j 4-UJced tty-Mli-andthe ineswill 4e deeply -fr-ri BrfTi.. tfet"y tthe -peroie f Janctinn. IThe ,r -we. -, i'sial t'i i lu'g wgi a -held mt iheTresi- I mi 1 1 ft TrtiaMr Msce.'th'f1 nftetraqon -at '-2 o'clock tad I me -remaann "teie Jaid to Test an the T3cuuu uwueiat . tdudBfiededime jBorewiel child ijLnd oiio feentvrith faring smile, and ciggped opt darling 'i hami. miy XLanehrlhe iiasee jmd sad the hoars, fiiiMsewiT iear aueiuiB gone, BcLaiia6iiwt J Bnt nl-s.irihter itame thn ma, in tawgniaAia own." J IhwiiuiwHiiieri -fiwtttn, Aug t "in ".the Stale "Neariy 3CS),000. Ihe atate chool iand a todny made the -iaigenl fanlheKate. TTheydiBbimed 1199,9058 j.ttfTILSS-pBrwiipjU. "This yaar'a school shews 122,399 Thildren vf Bchool t piTi themtate. JLast -year there -w9r 1ian753,Tii t.hflnmonnt then diatribafod Xi5Q,TO.B0nrJL20)ercapita. Inhere liiM teenjui iumaaee of only 1G35 in the xif achool Jaildren srinee last -year jTFetthemmaimtmppTjrtianepig $13028 XHiildreu, ,460 ."788 .3,183 "" "ju. f'l - -.m. w - ' - Tl IT-TTi -T tT "Tim 1 1 ,-mmi- - II Wh-IMai '"""' 3IIMMIBB.l'lr'"-BII IIIWIHIattgTBUglE ' , i mil wi mil -ii Hill- l ll I. '''''MM"",lBWaMBWWWI , ti. JMJ i , . " i'i' -'lil'H llll Mil"! lllll mi i t iiiiiii iii mi I miii nut T 1 1 ii n 1 1 I 1 '"H"" i ' " - - t. ! ' ' iwwtTT .-iiiii itaw ""lllllll 1 1 IIIIIMIMMIII "TS Ii III Ml ' " --TTlnWfmjW"lMnt' " I "i'?'fa Argjutr I "-:-. c ,J-g"- '3t mi .. ii mi -iMa 5r. -j&: B immiiiTn mwnraii ?Tli iiinmi it""" -rriin-MrTin-thi -' ... . in iii iiii I duicxzibi i JWjS5ORy 111111 11 l " ' - gri.i, niiiiii inwn - itaae ni iiiiiiw .awmMmrr iiaiii n i.imiiaaKmn MUJiej Ju,7 .-i,-- "T1 i tiiti ii n.1,,1,1 in, iimn I ii mit j1"1"" , ' " imii nT i-fiiiiiir-"iiin "tmm iiw.,miimw iiiimiii r m mil liliewe Ba i IT 1 i JUemalas ' " ,M ingwiiiiiii i mi i in i t ir w, Trafm-grKidrJi "Atg v hnm, j J """'-458 1 1 mi 1 whim 11 g'-a3BBSgliMapin mil' .'3iiaiAaaie"-ianii -y.T' " "BZ3tocr, arraTirnn.i,ldAn"""" p. 1 a"ZSMJMMmMijwMMtjy S J . .., ., ., ' """" -- -- limn iiiw IBMMMMMB. ,ri " , - -y f -y J Mn : 9 S33 " " " ' " 11 " tm-tmr a gMM gMMgM mm 11 -iiiiaic iiif it -Xliut iiu millmw """ ..V miii i ' i iiiw i nun - - i. , r 2 1 tafrnoniah .--2385 Ea3" L ,'s " 3BBJMwaJ223Enat?BiUiBwaaBy '"wxh . 38B7 , I - wiii..i..,i JMJ?-3aatJs ju' "'"'''sTOrB .1302 5m-mm5 iMrni-ri ii i mi' Iii JiuKmaoi; 1,C72 " 'in i 'in in '"ZmmZ)-"' wfjniiwni I a ii wii Mii'T''iiiiM iinwtZ, aiiajmTrmidaoJu ."Tff ? f rmwi r 1 1 ii "fr"4iJIl:)t' r" -immBmrvSmmmmmmmittm,,: i ii " ' tx?ixxi& TSaahiaiitoa 5,704 - :inwr in i hi w-" imwij!i.iuw TftBaattTa' mhm i'8SC IIIIIMirHI IB JnMf'IM ,JJ1 JaB---J-'j;a3MB - ' J ., JX, v SS. r-TS ll'l H ll llllil llllll'FUr - I i IIHW TI'MVi i iw ii ii 'I 1 ' "l"'i " " JMB? ajtjggBHB'J J ' t -ldLBts"l MtW dtifl TO1 .ggaMBMM MBilll llll IBIMIII IK-yM,.-!...!.!!' --- r " -JT -ai mi mii in 1 mi ii n - i Z3dittirliiulletia. -!MM5i - ; A-sh5btbt. . -y err' ,M, ihhiii TI 11 ;sMn . 22hmib' ST'imff 'lOTirryw. I ' ttiiiiiiM ii - .. j ,,,l,"' iiniiiii i i imi i ii mil W( P - a iPWM' ' 'Hi iiiiiiii ii .i!w- m i , J 37S6 :'rftg "706 -JLttit'i $fiSA is -3,?i4 60 J1131088 5,84872 3,29333 5,64136 1(80033 1,06606 -7,57733 2,98376 :Jtf75Sl 1,46470 7,83256 3,61182 1,B7157 -1,41789 10,73610 -1,96904 10,849 35 1,83991 .14,84783 A30335 1362135 5.86937 1,96602 -2,52472 8,83803 8.41825 -2,99880 6,50206 8,61304 Latal 122,388 $199,90588 "ThfthTTj?n innreaaein tlie apportionment inly rine to "prompt peymentg of in ratuicn xaia -year sacre men oetter tnan LtuteaigMst. JtS OEBGON KJY Ll C.lknnwnid Fortntiflt t)f ogn 3tet -fterwatnt of"TifBtle inxskjfValimteeTa. A picture sf Dreed C. Hammond, I inene bay , appeared in theThnrada'y ttregmuau. 3he iuliowing is "what it JutMir .hout him: Orejron ran claim .j wuum! e-rfmrngtrmn Mvr-4.ljBre f Kebraaka'e glory, dfted C )"Hanrmond, -frnrt sergeant tli ttonlpariy 1 . mi -n in mi-- -. : l-mi j First Nehrauka volsntoera, i the eldest d-allttmIJTymn)f Mra.T'.-A.. Kankin, cf Ensrene lie is a amtive nn of a native daugter, iand was born October 9, 1874. tJti the Maks f the clastic LonsTom. He re ceived hm education in liagene -eehoois iand-wag itw thnte testa A ataderrt Of the ;ity nf Oresan. lie was in Omaha, Keb., "han the first call ior volunteers ruawade.Tnd he -was among the -first tocnliet atXiaeoln , -with .lite hoptg of Tomato Cuha. "The fire t "Nebraslta vrere 4nt to Xaxon, an si wwre in all the wWst i Jhtmj?, innlt tiie takhtg of Jdanila up to ifce' irme they boarded the transport ! lisnrock ior inane. Totuig liammond feniietedai a private, bnt was pronroted to faTHtnerreant hwt November. iTTENTION. Thp "veiroliir mjlMWiptioii pries mi THi; J5UJLLETIN in $1J50, nad the wpuiar - mrbmiripyon yriee of the Weekly Oreconian 4S Anv mne eutwftriblnp tor TIIEErlLrnN and pay iau year in advance ti;g t th the Biillriiii mmd Wsekh' Oregon iasl i "i rf ff tMw iter .wwu Is Also the Most Complete in the City" in The ity, ai3RrSTogk er My Stock oV 7V Toe 1ARGEST line of BOOTS SHOES. gSMf tfildES Are the Lowest. PHOTJtJOS ot all kinds bongh' at the Highest Market Price;' WANTED! Chittem Bark and Crape Roo( SUITS' MA.Di TO ORDlt; The rinaat L.ine of BtmpU Bw Display nr. Call and Extmide Gobla On A Lark. . Tinggtlt: Dr. Oglesiiy'( lit on some od easions quite a jdker, and Ima 1 Ht effort in that line came pretty near mixing one) of Eugene's proninant attorneys up into the belief that he had been oat with the boys. It seemed that attorney Iitfic Bilyen and the doctor were stdjfp'tag mi the Hotel Sherwood Tiie&lay trlght; BilVevi laving over for the morning local ILdd the' doctor taking the. morning the -morning stage tor Bohemia. The gentlemen occupied t doiMe fcftftn trad when the doctor arose in the morning he gaxed for a iime at the sleeping Lark in the other bed. "Lark" is said to be synonymous of a good time, and a grlraf smile stole over the features of the Clever" old doctor as he, per choce, recolected days wgore,' -whWh "larks'' were rtiofe numertftfs. The temptation was tod great to be withstood, so the doctor' quietly placed the legal gentleman's shoefi in the stove, hang his socks m tlief bedpost, put his necktie hi tile water pitcher the familiar gold epeck in the lamp chimnev, kicked the lenghty trouserg tindcY tlw bed and slid fftrt for Bohemia. It is said that when Attorney' Rilyen awoke be was not jvst certain bow he had spent the evenihg, but after" a diligent and streeeasfol flea;?!; fY-f bh wearing apperal, lie decided that he watf not so bud m he britf seemed, it M caii however fhKt the case will have another' heartd when Lark hopes to win out; th yesterday's Telegram' we noticed i lieading, "Brute BnU a WcWan" slid when that piece U ftniiihed' tilcrther' piece is headed' ' lietrxaikrilie Ressne,' trot on readiitg the taut arti44 tt was found to be only a medicLM avertise tnent. The foreman of that papef 1sw ""onto his o""