Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901, August 04, 1899, Image 1

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Epitome -of the TelegrapUd
News of the World.
" j p n j s r t
. . , ..' j t ; e
An Iatarmtlag; CallacUo af It Fi eat
tka Tw HnUipknw Ii
V la CMtw) Fa
4 a., T -. y ' r
The California volunteer Irai failed
'for home. '
"Dievfii. is repotted to be seriously ill
with a fever.
American stock now command con
fidence throughout Euiope. .... . -
, Caroline islander want to be'an-
t nexed to the United State.
- PregiJent Heureaux, of Santo Do
' tningo, baa been assassinated.
The body of the late Robert O. In-
(rersoll waa cremated at Fresh Pond,
,.K. Y. ,. ... j
'- The fight, between' the liuseed oil
' combinations baa been amicably ad-
Justed, . j j .. ; . t m
'The messenger boys' strike in Fitt
burg has been aettled. The boys claim
' a victory.
At Hertford City.Ind.. Ralph Shelby,
a 9-yejr-old boy, waa thrashed to death
by his playmate. . ., , ,: , ,
Otia reports another engagement
with bandits in Obu, In which Ameri
' can forces were victorious."-
A Chicago negresa is alleged to have
attempted the stealing of four children
within an hour. She is nw in jail.
Four life-timers in the Colambus,
O., penitentiary were so nnrnly that
. ciiecial steel cells were bailt for tbeii
Otis haa been cabled to send volun
teeis home as soon as possible, it being
the desire of the president to have no
delay in the matter.
William II. Proctor, who went tc
California iu 1849, remained there 18
years and accntnnlated a fortune, is
' dead in Brooklyn, aged 81 years. X -
It faas been decided to discontinue
the nse of coal as fuel on the Sew
York, New Haven and Hartford rail
road and to substitute coke for it on
all locomotives.
United States manufacturers will be
benefited - by oar new treaty with !
France. Farmers, however.! will re
ceive no help, aa maximum jatiea will
stay on agricultural product
The Illinois Central has a new com
petitor on business from Chicago t
the gulf. The St. Louis A Southwest
ern is building a connecting link to
Chicago and Eastern Illinois.
-- Rev.' John Morrison, pastor of - Cal
vary Presbyterian church, of Portland,
died at Cam j Wiley, near the Grand
Canyon hotel, in the Yellowstone Park,
where be had gone on a pleasure trip.
Martial law is suggested has a method
of settling the Cleveland street cat
Fire at Tapper lake, in the Adi
rendacks, destroyed " a hotel and 16
Yellow fever as broken out in the
National Soldiers' Home, near Hamp
ton, Va. .
Twenty governor will attend the
trost conference to be held in Chicago
in September. " - -
Cubans are finding fault with the
sensus. commissioner appointed by the
United States.
President McKinley will tender Ad
miral Dewey a reception when he ar
rives at Wash igt ion.
Private James A. Doyle, of company
- D, Second Oregon, succumbed to dys
entery at the Presidio.
Becanre a volunteer would not re
- enlist. General Otia denied him a per
mit to go into business in Manila.
The tripartite committee has abol
ished the kingship of Samoa adjudging
it to be without authority and useless.
The 39-knot torpedo boat destroyer
Goblsborough, waa sucoeaefnlly
launched from the ways at the Wolff &
Zwicker iron works at Portland, Or.
The Hani in an Alaska expedition haa
returned. The expedition, both from
- - a scientific and pleasnie point of view.
was an entire success. A journey of
over 9.000 mile waa made.
The Nebraska regiment and two bat
teries of the Utah aitillery, have ar
lived in San Francisco. The Nehraa
kans have 100 wonnded men. Tbeir
losses including sick, amount to 201.
- Tbey say they have had enough of
Philippine fighting.
The rumors regarding the formation
of a Chino-Japaneso alliance are semi
officially denied at Pekin, and it ia as
serted that the envoy recently sent to
Tokio were appointed simply to prove
the friendly relations between the pow
ere. '
A Paris dispatch says two automo
biles beat the Paris-St. Mole express
train in a race between those eitiea, a
distance of 226 miles, making the best
time ever recorded for an automobile.
The distance waa covered in 7 boors
and 48 minotes.
. Two syndicates, one inelodnc tht
richest and most powerful men in Eng
land, the other lepresenting the largest
financial interests in the United States,
have combined to build more tb
3,000 miles of railroad in China.
The report on the production of cop
per in 1S93 has jnst been submitted to
the United States geological survev by
Special Agent Kirchhoff. The produc
tion in the United States in that year
was 526,375,591 pounds, which k by
far the largest product ever reported.
The Belgian cabinet haa resigned.
in uiympia win stop at aplee on
eek. . w . . ,
.tCole Fan ia said d 4 negotiating
for a coaling station near Chile.
DisUjJJHjiibedRaesiani are Jn Chi
p0,10 t7Ameijca,ii,, railwayeeiv-
Ta retarded vol no toer are leported
t be H'ing a'good time n San Fraa-
cise&. ..J . 3
Ingersoll left no wilL He consid
ered it anneesary, having confidence ia
Ui law. .
Tito ;Nortliera pee and Great
Northern sure believed " to be friends
one Bore. : , 4.
The gunboat Dolphin was injured ia
New York harbor by eoUiJiu wib a
Theie has been a general advance in
tb pric of lamber from IS to 25 per
cent since July 1.
Nine hundred employe of
shipyards, Brooklyn, want anoi pay
and have quit work. -
' 1 L. Wilsow killed Walter Cava
naugb, a brother of his sweetheart, ia
saloon at San Francisco.
, A Filipino has cued an English mem
ber ol the Filipino junta at Hong Kong
for f 50,000 damages for libel.
Mrs. E. B. Crocker ha presented
Sacramento lodge of Elk with her spa
cious residence in that eity valued at
A Christian Scientist ha instituted
proceedings against Mrs. Eddy and
her followers for $125,000, alleging
criminal libel. ,
Four were killed and six others bad
ly injured near Boone. Ia., in a wreck.
The train jumped the track and all the
cart went over the bank.
James Entwistle. Dewey's fleet en
gineer, baa been raised to the grade ol
rear-admiral for excellent seivios in
the battle of Manila.
The remains of John Brown's raiders
will be taken from Harper's Ferry and
buired beside those of the their leader
at North Elba, N. Y.
Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, who
it waa feared bad been lost, has been
heard from at Nagasaki, Japan, where
he had been quarantined. .
Eliho Root has taken the oath of of
fice. He waa congratulated by Secre
tary Alger, who prayed that God would
give him strength and bless him.
Chicago will try to get Dewey,
Schley, Sampson and Cervera for Octo
yn t,,dnrin; the rjjiw farierfil bnild'mg
corner-stone laying. President Dole
and President Diaz will also be invited.
The messenger boy of Boston have
gone on a strike for an increase of pay.
The cup-cballenger Shamrock it
about ready to start for New York.
Henry Villard is visiting Poitland for
tb first time since 1891.
Martin Dots, said to have married
us women, all but two of whom ars
now living, was arrested ia Chicago.
Admiral Eautz has raised Lis flag
on the battleship Iowa, which is now
the flagship of the Pacific squadron.
The long-overdue Macduff, with a
cargo of grain sacks from California
has been sighted off the Columbia.
The garrison at Fort "Monroe has
been .ordered to move north as a pre
caution against yellow fever.
New York and San Francisco capi
talist will start a national bank in
Hawaii about September 1.
Ex-Ambassador Eostis has written
the facta in the Dieyfos case and tbey
sre soon to be published.
The North Dakota. Wyomings and
Idaho have left Manila on the trans
port Grant.
Fred L. Ballan, of company H, First
Washington, was wounded in the
shoulder during the capture of Ca
lamba. , -
Bombthrower are making life miser
able for . the population of , SeouL
Seventeen persons have been arrested
by the police.
The Al-Ki bat arrived in Seattle
ith $300,000 -in Alaska gold. One
third of the amount ia from the famous
Tread well mines.
Governor Jones, of Arkansas says so
long as negro outrages upon white wo
men continue in the South there it no
remedy for lynchings.
Admiral Sampson baa entered suit
libeling the Spanish vessel Maria
Teresa and claims large prise money
for the battle of Santiago.
Brakeman Constable was killed.
Firemen Goldewortby fatally and Con
ductor Frame aeriously injured in a
wreck near Winslow. Aria.
Governor Poynter was on hand to
welcome too 'Nebraska;. Tbey were
given a great Ovation bv tb citizens of
San Francisco and are now in camp at
the Presidio. -
'The monthly statement of the gov
ernment receipts and expenditures.
show a deficit fox July of abont I8.H8,
The total receipts for the month
were $8,054,259.
Aa officer of on of the volunteer
regiments now in the Philippines has
written a letter to the Associated Press
laying there ebrould be 100,000 tal
disrs in the islands. " ' "
Admiral Dewey it paying the penal
ty of greatness. Curious crowds follow
bin whersver he goes aad kodak fiendt
make life a burden to him.
Jerome Hall Raymond, the new
president of tb university of West
Virginia, was a news boy in bis early
life. .' - .
.The new revser wbioh recently broke
out before tbe FoonUin hotel in Yel -
lowstone National park, baa been named whither it west ia eearrb of great rub
"Dewev." in honor of tb her of Ma- ; bar foresta, in th interests of Kansas
aila bay. ' ' 1 - - ,
Message From Oregoti 'Bo js
Supposed to Be Dead-
tmik t '
mm mm MUIa,f
Frlvata IfcCay, Lwt
Cutpw.li, Vka Bh Bmm
San Franclaco, Ang. 2. Thsre waa
rejoicing in tb Oregon camp this
morning when Captain" Poorman. "of
00m parry M.poate4 a eaT)Iegn fromj
uenerai mm?m uiai mym acMnv
James E. lawwne an4 Chutesto' Mill
are still alive and wil im tW Philip
pines, tbougb priseawra of tborebeie.
Since April 28, these men have been
given us aa dead. On that date, at
in the sBorning, tbey were tent to r
eonnoiter territory adjacent to Mariloa,
ear tb company camp. All were
heavily armed, and were to retftm at
or before noe a.. That waa the last
beard of the trio until yes tar day, when
General Otis learned that tbey had
been spared by tb insurgents, who had
taken them aa prisoner a. , No detail
were received," '
Company M ia jubilant tonight, and
everybody feel like celebrating, for
the men long mourned as dead will, it
ia thought, soon be on tbeir way to the
friendly shores of Oregon. - All aie
member of company M, and many a
day waa spent bv tbeir anxious com
rades in scouring the swamp and bam
boo jungle to find some trace of them.
The remains of Private Jamea Dulye,
who died - from -dysentery-Saturday
night, were buried with military hon
ors this afternoon at lb . Presidio.
Chaplain ' Gilbert- performed the last
rite at tb'bero'a. gjave,.- A message
was received from the brother of the
deceased, in Prince George island,
Canada, asking that tb body be in
terred in the military "cemetery.
The Oregon - camp looks deserted.
and everything belonging; to the gov
ernment has been removed, except beds
in the tents.
The bovs of the Second regiment in
vited the Nebraska' men to lunch with
tbero today, and two hours of good
cheer and fellowship' were spent hap
pily. The Oregoniant have done tbeir
share in welcoming the returning vol
unteers, and met them in a body at th
transport dock. K f ' ...
- J" ."" -r"v. -
Manila, Apig. S. Snio? j.f?sht at.
Calamba waa a warm oo7 Tit insor-
gents were unwilling to abandon the
place, which ia th key to tb lake
road. General Hall, bearing that Gen
eral Malbar waa preparing to make an
attack, sent Major Weieenberger, with
three companies of th Twenty-first in
fantry, three troop of cavalry and on
of Hamilton's gnna, to attack th insur
gents. This detachment found a force
ef 1,000 rebels behind hastily made in-
trenchmenta. The rebels held ' their
fire until tbe contingent of the Twenty
first waa within 300 vardt, when they
fired a volley. Tbe American dropped
in tb high grast out of tight and re
turned tbe fire. . .
Lieutenant Love, who was walking
erect along tbe front of th men, was
shot in the arm.' An insurgent officer
equally brave, stood at tb top of the
trenches directing the fire of the insur
gents until he was killed, when tb
Filipino fled. '"' " ' - -
During tbe fighting on the north side
of th town, a small body of insurgents
attempted to enter on tbe south tide,
but a troop of cavrlry repulsed them.
The total American loss at Calamba
was seven killed and 20 wounded.
Sixteen' dead insurgent! have been
found. Tb American garrison at Mo
rong is going to Calamba.
A body of insurgents bat visited Tay
tav, where tbey killed native bo
were friendly to tbe Americana. -
rillplaas attack Calsmka.
Manila, Aug. 2 After concentrat
ing their force for two days, tbe Fili
pinos yesterday morning attacked Ca
lamba, tbe town on Laguna do Bay
oaptnred by General Hall Wedensday.
Tbe engagement lasted an boor, aud
tbe Filipions were drivea of, carrying
away tbeir dead and wounded. Tb
American force lost two men killed
and tiz wounded.
Tw Elaetraaatlaa la tia Mug.
Kew York, Aog. S. Louis Pullerson
and Michael McDonahl were put to
death by electri ity in Sing Sing prison
today. Pullerson waa taken to the
electric chair at 8:21 and a current of
1,720 volts was turned on st 8:22. Af
ter 65 seconds bo - was declared to be
dead by tbe attending physicians. Mc
Donald was put to death at 8:42, a
current of 1,710 volta being turned on
at that time, and continuing for 65
second..; Mceaald'f. body, resisted tb
electrics current more than ' any other
man put to death in Sing Sing. It
took 19 seconds longer to kill him than
it did Pullerson - r , r-
i "- -- - t l
Aral v Baaallal OCara Martae.
Waahingtor.. Aug. 2. Secretary AI
ger baa directad Uiat tli Jottab Simp
son hospital at Fort Monroe be turned
over to the marine hospital service if
it it wanted. Tbe' hospital contains
1,000 bed.' . ' :
. . Extarailaata kj Iaiaaa.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 2. A party
of explorers, headed fey two- Kabaaa City
men, Weldon . Williamson and Mar
cus ,K Kirk, in which -was Alfred
Greenfield, ef Mapleton,' Kan. which
left this eUy Jn Mareh, 1898. and haa
been beard from since Jnae,
j 1898, i now believed to bav been ex-
terimanted by a hostile , trib of in
. dians in the , western part of Braxil,
.City capitalist. ,
tW FiM Was mmuymm.
During b ftrst eagsgeBtewt wkilt
thoeotrrpaay firing at will iatw th
wood ahead, scys eergeaat Kiag is th
Minneapolis (Ka.) Xessaatger, a fot-
kn water ' bwffalo, tb Fhtltpptae
beast of. Imtdea,. xadexMl into the
rice field directly j frent eC tb lis.
Tb writer iaaased'iately treeted fc
fir toward tb cSalo, with mm appar
ent reauit. Aiterwaid. csiaar a US
ia tb firing, w hamfaC eeatfessed
to having: waited ooz itreoctb i- thkr
igtMblo maaner aad wero sorwriacd to
Umrm that every aiaa had dose like-,
wis. . At aH event, the least aaada(
good it eaeap. fcr it Mtimt'.y wted-t
deJ ahead wetil t-"V ;ia.bo sw-'lnwedj
it p- Daring tUj a Cfleml
daabed tram bemeatB a bam boa fcwj
tnd, apparently. l?r.n that all Gu,
cem notion waa fj. hi fcanfis, thosgftf
best to retire. As lh pig dahi pact
tbo writer, w gently insisted with a
shov from th btt of oar gna ai
thought ao as ore si it for cem tJasav
Afterward, anew glancing to th rear,
w aaw foar or Cv toldser in he par
sort of tb saasa poor littla twin. Jt
i laugbablo, evsn ia time f aeace, t
watch another maa chaa a hog. bat
whes men formk their places, tor get
tbo roar ef caafiiet, the has mt balbtta,
the shout of tb victor, and Ikm waila
of tb wounded, t grapla with aa
eight-pound hoat, th aeea became
ludicrous ia tb extreme. W took the
trouble to leara that th pig got away.
At Calocaa tb lebsls had aaoaated
two monstroo assxiJe-toaJing gana
captured in former time front th
Snaniah. Tbey attempt .! t fir on
of these,? with I direful resalta. Th
American collected th remain of 29
rebels kitted by th expiosio of th
gun. Th inwaTgeat had not tbe cowr
ag to fir th reasaiaiog caaaoa,whidb
was loaded.aad prised wbeaj lifacaa
wa captured. Tb natives bad loaded
tb gun with s com piete eor ieeity shop.
Tbecannoa waa filled with teiasAr.
knives, coal, pieces of briik, aaila,
bolt, a tbetasoeBeter, a hvaahw, a
car link, a piece of rabber Itoso, aad, to
crown it ail, a Urge quantity of hoop
iron had been drives into tb muzzla
so tightly that it wa accessarr to 1
it before th charge could be draws. A
double dot of powder wa fowad, aad
also a quantity of dyna-mit. 5 woav
der th other cannon exploded.
Saaaa mt tmmtm mt tmm TrSailfl !
al ta tala VteisHy.
The reot.: disease ioa ia tb papers
mt to enec wprm lorn naman yatni
of food mad with alum baking pawaVra
and tb opinion that kavo bee pub
lished from noted scientists to th
effect that such powder lender th
food unwlioleaome, hav eaased aaaaes-
out inquirie for th name of th vari
ous alnm powder.
Tbe following list of baking powder
containing alum ia mad p front th
report of Stat Chemist Kicbolaon, of
Nebraska, the City Chemist mt St.
Louis, tbe Food Commission ef Minne
sota, ot other reliabl author ityt
Bafclac rawaa CaatetaVa Alaaas
K. C Contain Alnm
JaiiM Xfo Co Caleaaaw
CALUMET Contain Aloaa
CahmuH BaUnc fowder Co- CBieaca.
HOME Contotn Aloaa
nets Bklnr Powder Ceu iaa Fmariar
WASHINGTON'. Contain Aiaa
rartfie Cbeaaieal Work. Taeaauv
CKESCEST.. Contain Alois
Cmrent Xfe. CaU SeaUIev
WHITE LILY . . ..Contain Alas
D. Fcnera A CowTataau.
BEE-HIVE ..ConUina Alans
WaaMiwloa atfav Ca aaa raraeiamk
BON BO.N Contains Alans
Grant Chemical CawCateaea.
DEFIANCE Contain Alma
Portland Coffee 4 8vlee C. toetlaaA.
PORTLAND. ........ .Coauin Alota
Beaa A BaOia, f artlaad.
Ia aoMitioa to these, it ia learned
that many grocer are telling what
tbey call tbeir own private or special
brande. These powdera are pat ap for
th grocer and bi nam pat apon tb
labels by manalactarert of almn pow
der in 8L Louis. Chicago, Kanaaa
City, Tacoma, 8aa Franeiaeo aad ela
where. Tbo manafaetarwr. it ia sakf.
find tbeii efforts to market tbeir goo is
In this way greatly aided by tb ambi
tion of tb grocer to tell a powder with
bit own nam upon tb label, especial
ly when the grocer can make aa ab
normal profit apon it. Many grooera;
doubtless, do not know that th pow
ders that tbey are tboa pushing
alum powdera which woald be actually
contraband ia maay section if aoUi
without dlsgaiae.
It it quit impossible to giv tb
name of all th alana baking powdera
in tb market. Tbey are eonataatly
appearing in all tort of disguise, aa
der all kind of cognowea, an.! at all
kinds of prices, even aa low a five aad
ten cents a poo nil. Tbey can b avoid
ed, however, by the housekeeper wb
will bear in mind that all baking pow
ders sold at twenty-fiv cent mt leas
per pound are liable to contain ataas. mm
pur cream of tartar baking powder
cannot b produced at anything like
this pric. . ';'. f
Baa Kaaasra . '
Husband Don't barber as, mj
dear. I'm studying political economy.
: Wife WU, yon needn't work ao
hard at It. Uoodae knows, yon 'a
tomctentiy strong o to economy part
01 it now. JL relit Journal. "-
--- arra.
"It waa a good opportunity," said
tbe actor, "bat I had to give it a p." '
"What kind ef a cbaraetct wa itT
1 "Wasn't th salary enough?
' "Very liberal, and tb maaager
fentleman; but when I wa a boy I
atomised my mother at I wta Id aever
nok a eigaretu "Washington Star.
Tb Monad nock block, Chicago i
add to bav a daily population ml
1,000,' . :.v r
FlAG at. half mast
Petmsyhrsmias Btrotiglit Bead
Colonel Into Pott.
1 ait
Aa 3-TK Cartel
State ti aawpart Senator arrived (Might
fmea Xaaila. wislt her flikg at hal-
Alex Hawkiov e!BaiaaIe of tb
Teatli Fewmeylvaaia regiawat, UaRcd
State vltera.
Th Seaator aaileif frna JfarnTa w
Jofy I wta 2$ oOear aad 721 eattated
aaea. Tae trasapof t waa at Saaaafcx ,
a July 25, wh ColoBet Eawkiaa wa
taken ill wit aascer af tb bowel,
froos whkaj fcc had been a aafferer dar
ing th greater part mt mm caaspaiajs ia
th FhiUppta. aad for whieat b h
taergoo tisatiweat ia tb aailitary
hospital at Kaaila. Hi iUoeaa a
tiaed daria; torn foilowiag day (Jaly
IS.) when th Senator waa at Yoaw
baama, aad two daya bias h piasnif
away at tea.
CoSoaei Hawbaa iHaeai dstad fzoas
tbe hattl ef Xalaiea. wan be capaacd
kimaeU aloMat reakfaaaly in tea div
ease breeding diaaatav fi .waa rv
1 parted aad levd by eery atan of hi
coasmaad. aad ilia detatlt i aWpfy
atonrmed Bythatronpa. Eaabmiywa
placed in a harasatieally- seated taukat,
mad n th Sonday tniiowsa; oeatb
imaresaiv faaccal aecviae weraaoav
dauad by th chaslain mi tb regimcst.
all ef th efiUeta and xoen beta; in at
teadaaeav The reataiac were placed in th Rem
ef th vessel aad lay in state, attended
day aad aight by a gsard f booer dar
ing tb reamsiades ef th voyage Tit
;rl .ak. ..k. t.,... I
"T . " I
Cbloael Hawkia rank, after which tb
remain ef tb dead, eomaaaoder will
be seat to Pennsylvania tor iaternwst.
After th death of Coteaet Bawkia.
th eoaaasand mt th ceginaent waa waav
d ia IawteuBtebKMtl Baraett. ab-
.m U aad etet. m popaEar ag i
th eIte.I men. aad ataJ g.jod rea-
sad ia th wa. I sa n Ewf j
Of tb K9 eficev aad men whom in the Btarary f tiffeU
Colooel Eanwrtt aewsght to San Fraa-! tnaaatoni mt tSsm Seiseaav Senatrc-
riara. thie at ptsvatea ia th Sixth TBLarold and. t aaw oneo. n
artillwy, Cshed Stat atwTvssd mom he was Jiant saiinea,. and
wh wa L ft hehiad at Ymkt&mmm
when hi coaaanioac sat fed for thlM
port wa tb Eaacecfic. AoWmatew-
away were alas ea-aeeaid in th kmSd I
and were only bvwaght to ligiita&ec th
Senator left Tekaama,
Th Senator had good tris from
Japan, With th exception of th sal
illaea and deata af ta reainMnael
eomntander. ther wa s afeknsa n
board barrieg a few ease of aeaafcaa
aad half a doses ease of dysentery.
At sight ef (and nil th invalid wer
able ta kav toeii bonk ad iiae ay
on th stain dork, except an poor
chap, wh ha developed eymntoma of
apperuiicilis, and who will V opmd
apon ia tb hospital hem.
When tb Tenth Penseylvaaia aailad
fiora San Franciea for th Philippine
last year th master eoapr:aed tarn
avea. Twenty -foar wer kilied in Bat
tle r died in tb Mantis hospital and
th rest of tt sick and wonnded to th
aaaaberof erven am s th hospital
sbia Eeiief, wbica will arofatrVty aniva
her wuhia tb next few day. . .
Waata O. K. X. Baafa,
Portland, Or . Aag. X. Taa North-
rra Pacific Eallroa-i Compaar haa de
termised to com into Portlaail down
tb Ceicmbia river pas. If it easaot
get trackag ovet th Q, K. A N. aaaia
lia. it witl bnitd dow th sorth beak
af tb Colombia,
Daring his visit is Partiand bat
week President C. & Heilen, of tb
Northers Paeilc thss expreanal hiam
telf ta move than on aaaines aaan in
th cosra of private coDversatioa.
Hi statement wa so posiuv asd n
equivoeaJ aad iavofved as moeh ts
Portlaad that it baa been fepeatedften
privately, ad may aw b enidrd
a pnblie topic.
Tha Pmot fa araalaa
Waabington, Asg, 2. Tbre
of yellow fever ia tb soldier
bom at liaaiBtaa) aad oa death, ia
th official report reeaive-i toaigbt by
erngaon-Oeaaral Vfasa fraea Dr.
Waaita, th yellow favor expert a
duty at th institution.
' Norfolk. Ta, Aag. 3. Teliew fever
appeared today at Phaeboa, a lllll
town alaaoet a!jfwaiac th eUiar
Mae at xtaarpton. Tmm avearga ap
peared aaaMg th negro, aad eta
aaae aad tw dear he were reported.
Washington, A Kg. t, Tb tsoathry
statement ef th pnblt debt, wraed at
tb Creasary today, tfaw that at tb
eiot mt baataaa Jsiy SI. 1999. tb
debt, la caab ia th baaanry, aaoast
td t Sl,lJ.M:.tTl. aa fsereaae for
tbe avHtth ef f5.J7.a. Tbm
ereaae at aeatd far by a eavree pond
ing deereae in th amaaat mt
Ca naaala m Wmm
Greenoek, Aag. g. Ta taall tteaxn
er Dreanaiiary eotlided in n fog last
night with th yacht Vendetta off th
Scotch eoaac Th Droaaedary bwerad
boat aad eearesad in th tb; fraitle
ly for th yacht, which wvideatly ar
rived at Millport at dawn. Sh waa
cat down to th water mifft. Em
erw auta'aliy atneh t ta pomp, aad
tb 14 p rasnt an haard th Vendetta
were safely laadad. Tim Vndtta wa
towed I titi
Onr & water wS. aaS
T raw lanit C Sawt
Aasl weTJ aaritse tftca 1
Xa the rrfpies mt ggid. w
Im. tb saacc'a rax aaciuavt
Ic! ornm 9W rrwr sat Same aatvlSaw-
7 tike ak mt Soaw ee By
Aad laxer Oa ia tie aucbtT a2 '
Tarn nwtr mt Wait, aaut 3mv ...
tCm aiwarw
1st beaasif
Taxw aw Iiskv ak !&t
taeeur 1
T-i Mnimirn at jvor
. . . " ,5
Aad. oAT w"3 an in r&a aasaeiissr aaiav
Tim land mt Sweev
5 eeota a bsractr
j-aerycaaie inraa Qarjaie.
fJawaBSMsn, It w-a en a enwed titj
street: nd ttm heat wa aa laaeuettiat
Ppl went feaglB; to b
In th seemnSaa of tbefr
1 wta tax m BOBeaea,-' sail a pv
Hi vofee la her earc. She tmracd wtth
S atart. Tea mmmttttml Rt fead: set
maid a basea te-ytay, WTttt deft Soess
he aeieered to frnheat aad bent
feBe&en. and wtth a leak ef grstod
handed aim the ftnatra.
Erfa Beyaaaa waa a luaefy gftf. wfea
Cd mZ Im her powr Sa Lieip her eisi
aiothec Some days att aaid aVawerav
Aa Harold Xeiaott and ttt yonsa; "jtAx
with kirn lwh waa bSa fas) wntst on
their way Sean renaarked: "What: a
ftMff erf -r orz . .
" a a V I mum wa im
aeU Bowrer on tb
EarrWid In bia heart erfsaed br wurrlsv
Tii waa ant the ttrat dm h aad atcs
Erin aVrmaa.
And Erin fargat ta ery, TSaawra; 5
eeaua a immrStT ahewaa ataadiaa; 5n.
s7. c.iiav
- it r wm "iittasagv
et,ecUti?. cf jvmog mas wl
"3eaav daft taOc ta riddXea. act teft
as abora It," said hrr moti; geatlr.
Thea 5ea. in her Z&xt-b&xtttd tambr
foa, rriaued tlielr mxgmxSaaem- mt tb
I AH tbr thi reeftal Cie Hon.
i aald saMilng; he had aiaa en Erl.
I gewer mad vemtmttttKd. hes.
The neH dsy. aa ah wan aboet t
hall a ar,-caii0tsaWfi
voie aajtac; y j.arer, a eeaxc a
Tast Sa the glrV he tantferedV "aa
I the ptstnre- of Sella.'
Why la thaamaa talklaa; In thlatnan.
We aaaJ hav w tarn back and
read the pane pagan mt the Uimuny mt
the pnaenx Boo. rmterUSi XeJaanu
Yearn ag at eo&rgx-, be had for a
renea-niace a yonag ataa abont hisaam
age-, aained Leroy
Lemy waa n yowta of steady kabits
asd good eiaraeT. Tmtj anon b
faat frol aad eaUeg-e Bat
air mmmeHtStag imprnwrnmA. tav eanae a
drtftlBff apart of tbtwu Atanester-
tafmneat gSven by the swwtfenta t&x
hm3t Brat roet Neila Starttoav Calar-fcy
day; Both, atet ta lore. One Btg&t 1st
the M.Tji!y mt thefr mota ther attend
that eneh soooid da hi beat t wta. mad
that neither afaoahf bKeflTem wits th
SeH favored Leroy and whes he
proponed wa accepted. Waen Frwler
tek waa tohf by Leroy that h had bees
eepejrfed the biw waa hard, and nentv
Ij stonned aim. Tin. am b fur ismi
tisA that Sella, whoa he lawael stgt
auto nindseas. loved Leroy. Bin gnrf
mod rage knew a Donada,
He aevsaed Leroy of traehery; say-
fog- he bad not gren bias fair piayz H
coded by calXIs; him traitor ear tb
holy bond mt trUatAmmlp and sarins
h aever vrlabed to ace kla face agstn.
Mussed by wrt rnntment. Lemy at-
tered not a word, bat, eotLmeGag hi
things, left the room.
From that day to tUi FrwlerVi Sei.
ana and Lerny fymoaa had sot Looked
fjtto caes ther races. StsrST after
Fnderlrk rand mt the siarftag f La-
roy nod SeEav
A3 this erne Leroy aad bis yonsa;
wife were Brtng; aapp.ly together la s
stataAt city.
On year, tw years, paased. asd th
couple were blessed with, a tteaoxtfal
Ettle daaghter, whom tbey named Erin.
She waa the pride mt tbetr bearra; a2
their theaghta aad plana were for her
alone. One day a cruel blow teS gpoa
the head ef 5-Ca. Leroy had bees
kned: O. the terrlbie asgaUh: Bat an
wooXd be brave Car her baby glrfa sake.
ATer their ssosey waa gone Si-ila
kird some cheap roesa aad strportad
fceraelf and Erin by her seedle. And
now ahe defended os aar"davoghter or
opperr, a her fragSe hcnlOt prerested
her from even tit nutans of rwpporC.
Keaswhe Fredrek had siarrted s rv
Caed gitf saaaed LotrJa AaaVary. whom
after the Srst grief aast dUappatnx,
aaest a ward away, he Sowed. His
desire now waa awe fc aid friend
sad aak tie for-reaeaa. lassead' mt
oarvCnx the car he tetrneed: hla steal
and waHbed to wher Eds was arasd-
"I arm take the who! boater," b
sajd in a hantfavws-Sk tone, Erin ea3
bar taSes st h feet far grarrai.
gb had sokl aaUy twu, benches aa tils
jar at year ami
aa iieu' bay
siawtsf ca; aaaT swsrra wS i-r.;Ti
Zzzl laxsrr. as.il mm ste wa
it. Haswtgar aSsf-lsl!rtiK23i8-?i
mod aba aaM. lata sutsBteBS voices
mtr. fsm mm wm-WmOS'
Sisr-yw anew aw tm-?s&-tvwiiimm-
f deat -mmA hadrtsfcwaa. ?
atosi of MiBV 'aaak& Ix Tawrrj. Z3
wfeSeS. teaavrs wa MS&m?Xia&
attf TUa wa. tie-ctasuw- i"
had ewwHBfdiii waa hs v.i"Zzia?r
aamtr Tut Jacsssse 3t wSis3
mwi&iMKZ natar t. w mmst-tT
Sha-anas of Xaiwr 3tzmn. "
Ttmt wsa ay fea f rJ2K'?"
Sr!avtasesaik&trics. -
-H. sji tt. ate"
. . ... - .
tattEWaaVv'- r.
"And jwar atirT aa-aaiu-a.
Tins ysax Sarw paaanf ifaK- Spy5"
iovviy; tiais4 jsai4B or
TSesw- la- rooa. ta. Jsw graaiC'
(Ssa. Th mmvpT" estrtgi' are- Harnid
Seiaaai and. ErSav Bepoosm Bsmmm:
T5w goda asad ata gfana. Sat- only
one ymtm&T asys av joutt ofXadJ
Se aattrw assL sarttsar imsaaat:- tr th
bessera bttit, Tlm-Teommrti. tmz:
in nor strteiSr la. axeptaa; wtti- fets
T&erw are- two utaani.as fti - bta. oat'
TndmsaCaStiSi, and aaaxmBtpte
th Dearors. of th FarEt,.af ins-.
Bawsann asut yam It m Jawad. ear
as IssUam tfeat bwrtta- awt
r eaai. faaetaaf? pMeoesav and., av
wtSmt in. th Xatdvta. 3peatrrffw
ta th rerlena of Cuioset Trtir-ts-Aahownmsos
U tWtiUi-of Uiuv
ttres ts theator..
Gionet 17TSieC w&JIe sraXiir: pa-
enckw wan anrprtaed. t ap aenrassarlt"
aOofaredt him to arprMatTt. Thar bint
jaif rtttent t btrr waa
iaa; Intent:?; as 'f laaetnarM. at at Urrt"
poxca af Jamsl Iaa is, fmat
Lotk,taa;?s tzatnnnasdlrswtterav 2jawntawr
s brarmrd awa,tfaia; w. its befiy towmrd..
thb!7dL Hew stnrM Jilaaa-'
tnolaiunent was grvstarrwtsrm rsiaw-
!sa; ht gas, en bartcS. of wtileU wv
loaded:' w!ii bsIL aad ttvarar :2i acuv
stasv t2i aavrmraV threw imi . ttavw,.
atJt anriekcal 5a. a. wfiee- boaxsw- srlvi.
tarror; "SevSaUh. aovdaat atef'
Cnhwiet Tytfar far s momettt thorSr
oeautat be gnlaa; aaavL. TJHKta
meut hemwa man. .-ililaed laa itwnv
sraanvwtt&waiE(Q.l2er2danda boar and amar Is os paw;. a&ubUsje
befarehtai- 'TbTaamaniiTgsaed wnnav
UiufiTiHuinif fuaFUr; wbat. satil that" :at
that dtagstee bswM always aRpranett. -near
eaowga.- ts shoat t tsbttav aaxt-
cateti.aiemla.bi r.artd, .
A (flsagreea&i- trathv may be- crjnv
Taysd In a rilmarV nsasner- by th
execetawof UdeafclX. A yewmc; mast
called on after&ooa:. at th jswwrat
dweSIas: ef c jmts !aciy aapoai wtjoea,
he hsaiciid. aeverft'. Uoia Jjftra anal
wh waa begsHBig: tae iV&or Z",f
weary of bl atterrSooa.
On otar ofsatons. It aaTP" A'?
sac at tenaev aiut hw aatreiy laft hbt
emrrl and. went awayi
Be bavC not waiSd nway bba-fcav
whes hwmet heron th aMewwi rw
tsrBtoar heasav and- th StOswrtttaj -vraatiaa.
tae placer
"Ab. 2flan TIwwipnav hear da ywsc
"Qttlt wC. I taxde: yec, Ur. 3aca
asrc IJesatrrol day. isat ItT"
"It ta. lodoed. By tha wayr 2Xjny
TBattrpsoaV'I haWwJmessjfa8myBojrr
hnanav. LcnErf ta.amwyjrn.'" '
"Did ynt7 ah aoli. Tt&atas bset C
Ti stgciiVance rf lnuaT dil ncr-escsps-
th yunrta; ntaav mtior m. emm
BMopiae resnart or two, ie boaie- bee"
gaddayBd pssasd os aad b aever'
emSed IgniSL
SaaniaarT, la sBttet? dkw vnr&nm oaaf
a whirs, tt baa bees pas !a tSenrta and;
iisdswrrteav aCu eosscsnaw t at st.
extent t Ear a waant- nrodoeC It Uaw
rv?!Bty been. Caanid. howa.int, that naC
only th aawadant tact att th rwfSHa t
aawmlSav stay be svajttaseoBaty TitE
Hied in th wwBarfaetiaw of" estetsar
csztild!. Far tht Deapoaw tie- dmac
awaaav stafiat. ee eerrav at emUmmSsmA
by s ratd aaut atmple ptneaanv and 1st.
tU eoatS2oac fnratasr a ettawsal b-wn-taily
vaiaaiile in tiste o"bct3oav TL
etarenel Is nam tbtwsc&. an arspawntnav
Sar wdaetag; Jt to a Sa oowrtas; and:
tht latter Is mtxed. wtti am entsal.
TrmjrCry of tbi Hmei and tie ralxrar(
sbsxtttad; Cortes haerm to an eteetrfaa
! eorreat of trttssmty sfdSfiest to nete.
trosv Th rawdorHoei r rhw carfcbi
wnuaenee at ocafe, sad In tie- aftad
esMr !eaBpitav taismiirsi,T matartai.
hems; hm mi ) easnresuest t z mt:
-mm Sst eommareav
Oty Buy
A GaSawn Cawaary farmer- btreat
hay from t ctty ta wstirt bfas thaanau
th aaanner. Th farmer taii th U4
tt gt osx t-tha imm lot and. matt tie
calf. nait ceoa; npirff asitaad..
isdisHroaaty rabbeet :r 1st tt tUT
hiae. Tha eo4t gn ater tb erdf Sar
tSt salt and' bad. abowr bQ t& hair
Iletad oaT th. animal bxAttw its U-t!wwasdlatjiaiii--taM.
- faocst gasmrwiBHiiiiat pstiM--jii
pary t& etsy swsriy jnW far eaar
aediea 'a darceaU tit
; en ess't vt tarjett i , -
, ami