N.W. JOB MARKET / BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES Page 18 n THE ASIAN REPORTER NORTHWEST JOB MARKET BIDS, SUB-BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT 3 Join our Team – We’re Hiring <www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/jobs> Clark College is currently accepting applications for a Communications Consultant 3. Salary range is $4,385 - $5,900 monthly. For complete position de- scription, closing date, requirements and to apply, ac- cess our website at <www.clark.edu/jobs>. Clark College Human Resources, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA 98663, (360) 992-2105. AA/EO employer You Belong with Team Tigard Join our Team – We’re Hiring <https://www.tigard-or.gov> JOIN THE PPS NUTRITION SERVICES TEAM Now hiring part-time rover assistants for the 2023-2024 school year. <https://linktr.ee/ppscareers> SR. INTERNAL AUDITOR 2121 SW Broadway, #200 Portland, OR 97201 The Sr. Internal Auditor conducts audits to assess the effectiveness of internal controls, the accuracy of financial records, and the efficiency of operations and business systems. Responsible for ensuring that ap- propriate policies and procedures are in place and fol- lowed consistently throughout the organization to safeguard its assets, verify the accuracy and reliability of its data, and promote adherence to prescribed poli- cies and procedures. Required Education and/or Experience: Mini- mum 5 years’ experience in auditing required, includ- ing experience in managed care. Preferred: Bachelor’s degree in Business, Ac- counting or related field; Designation as a CPA or CIA. Please apply to Health Share of Oregon at: <https://www.healthshareoregon.org/about/health-s hare-employment> FACILITIES MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Position Summary: The Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) is seeking a Facilities Maintenance Technician to join our Operations & Maintenance Group (O&MG) at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant. This vital role requires a broad range of knowledge and skills in various crafts and trades, including electrical, plumbing, mechani- cal, carpentry, and related facilities trades. Portland Parks and Recreation is seeking a Facil- ities Maintenance Technician to join our team at the Mt. Tabor Maintenance yard. The role entails conduct- ing preventive maintenance and repairs on a range of building systems, including heating, cooling, ventila- tion, lighting, electrical receptacles, and other equip- ment. A successful candidate must possess hands-on experience with heating and cooling systems, en- abling them to identify potential operational issues that could result in breakdowns or inefficiencies. They should be adept at making the necessary repairs to re- store equipment to its normal functioning. What you'll get to do: • Conduct inspections, adjustments, installations, repairs, and preventive maintenance of facility equip- ment and structures, including windows, doors, locks, plumbing, roofs, HVAC systems, workspaces, furni- ture, and exterior grounds. • Troubleshooting and resolve maintenance is- sues. • Collaborate with internal and external stake- holders to develop, document, and implement solu- tions for facility maintenance and repair. • Demonstrate emotional intelligence, passion, teamwork, and empathy in your work. • Operate at a journeyman level to safely maintain and repair facilities and their components. To apply: <https://apptrkr.com/4743427> Need to place a classified advertisement? Send your ad request via e-mail or fax: <ads@asianreporter.com> w (503) 283-4445 November 6, 2023 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Fair Housing Council of Oregon FHCO, founded in 1990, is at the forefront of fighting housing discrimination in Oregon. We have a $3 mil- lion budget, 20+ dedicated professionals, and part- nerships with local organizations, government agencies, legal experts, and community leaders. We are seeking an exceptional leader with non-profit experience, financial acumen, partner- ship-building skills, advocacy prowess, and a commit- ment to diversity and inclusion. As Executive Director, you'll provide organizational leadership, strategic planning, financial management, staff supervision, program development, fundraising, and community engagement to advance FHCO's mis- sion. <https://bit.ly/FHCO-ED> BIDS, SUB-BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES CEDAR RISING – BRAND NEW NOW LEASING! Cedar Cedar Rising located in the Aloha community of unincorporated Washington County offers 82 af- fordable apartments. Now taking pre-applications for 48 units affordable to households earning up to 60% of the area median income (AMI). Monthly rents are 2BRs $1,482 and 3BRs $1,711. Pre-applications for the 60% AMI units will be available online and at our temporary leasing of- fice starting on November 7, 2023. Starting Novem- ber 7, visit <cedar-rising.com> to download a pre-app, or visit our temp leasing office at 280 SE 12th Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97123, from M-F, 9am-5pm. Our leasing phone number is (971) 384-2051. Disabled applicants are encouraged to apply. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability. Income and other restrictions apply. Rents subject to change. EHO. BRIDGE Property Management Company. Celebrate The Year of the Dragon February 10, 2024 to January 28, 2025! The AR’s Lunar New Year special section will be published February 5, 2024. Display advertising space reservations for the special issue are due Monday, January 22 at 5:00pm. To place a space reservation, please contact our Advertising Department at (503) 283-4440 or <ads@asianreporter.com>. LEGAL NOTICE SMALL WORKS & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ROSTERS, PUBLIC WORKS & VENDOR LIST REGISTRATION Consultants, Contractors and Vendors are hereby notified the Port of Vancouver is seeking updates to its rosters on ProcureWare. ProcureWare registration places companies into categories used for notification of upcoming solicitations, providing approved ac- counts with access to solicitation documents. ProcureWare includes Professional Services Architec- tural and Engineer (A&E) and Small Works rosters as well as Public Works and Vendor lists. Users of ProcureWare are encouraged to log in annually, at minimum, to provide updates and maintain an ap- proved account status. Idle accounts may be placed in inactive status or deleted. The port maintains a Professional Services Archi- tectural and Engineering (A&E) Roster. The require- ments for A&E services comply with the scope of the general definition of professional practice in chapters 18.08, 18.43 or 18.96 and 39.80.030 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Services include, but are not limited to, disciplines in architectural and engi- neering services like construction administration. Consultants currently registered must log in at least once annually to verify information and ensure licens- ing requirements are current. The Small Works Roster invites contractors bidding on public works projects with an estimated value up to $350,000. The port will make a reasonable effort to contact all contractors approved on the Small Works Roster and those qualified for particular projects on a rotating basis. Availability of work is not guaranteed. To qualify for this roster, contractors shall be regis- tered and licensed to do business in Washington, meet responsibility criteria as defined in RCW 39.04.350, and upload a current insurance certificate and signed small works contract. Registration for the Public Works list is for contrac- tors bidding on public works projects with an esti- mated value of over $350,000. Port staff notifies registered contractors of solicitations through the ProcureWare system. Other lists are also established on the ProcureWare web site. The Vendor List is for companies proposing on personal services, materials, supplies, equipment, IT, purchased services or companies interested in “notifications only”. New registrations are reviewed for approval throughout the year. Use of the system is free and can be found at the following website: <http://www.portvanusa.com/about/doing-business -with-the-port> The Port of Vancouver seeks and encourages par- ticipation of Small, Minority, Women and Vet- eran-owned businesses. Port of Vancouver Title VI Policy assures that no per- son shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and as amended, and the Civil Rights Restora- tion Act of 1987 (P.I. 100.259) be excluded from partic- ipation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or ac- tivity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Washington State Department of Transportation. The Port of Vancouver further assures every effort will be made to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its pro- grams and activities, whether those programs or activ- ities are federally funded or not. In the event the Port of Vancouver distributes federal aid funds to another governmental entity or other sub-recipient, The Port of Vancouver will include Title VI language in all written agreements and will monitor for compliance. The Port of Vancouver's Office of the Title VI Coordinator is re- sponsible for initiating and monitoring Title VI activi- ties, preparing required reports and other Port of Vancouver responsibilities as required by 23 CFR 200 and 49 CFR 21. For further information, contact (360) 693-3611. The Asian Reporter is published on the first Monday each month. The classified advertising deadlines for our next two print editions are: December 4 issue: Friday, December 1, 2:00pm January 1 issue: Friday, December 29, 2:00pm