November 6, 2023 U.S.A. THE ASIAN REPORTER n Page 11 Do you need Extra Help paying for prescr iptions? Plus get $0 dental, access to the Delta Dental net work, and more. If your income and resources are limited, you may be able to get help paying for your prescription and premium cost s with the Medicare Extra Help Program. Get these savings and more with a Providence Medicare Advant age plan, including $0 prescriptions, $0 vision coverage, and a $280/ year over-the-counter allowance. Have questions? Call now to see if you can get Extra Help (866) 713-2186 (TTY: 711) ǧ­ȘĉȘĴďǧĨȘĉȘȧq­ÆðťÆĴðĉÐȨ every day or visit print Providence Health Assurance is an HMO, HMO-POS and HMO SNP with Medicare and Oregon Health Plan contracts. Enrollment in Providence Health Assurance depends on contract renewal. H9047_2024MK_PHA285_M