Page 18 n THE ASIAN REPORTER N.W. JOB MARKET / BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES NORTHWEST JOB MARKET Join our Team – We’re Hiring <> BIDS, SUB-BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS .NET/SQL Programmer OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY JEN-HSUN AND L ORI HUANG Worksystems is seeking qualified and experienced .NET/SQL Programmer services to be available for planned system development. The RFP is posted on Worksystems’ website at <>. Proposals are due no later than noon on July 31, 2023. Worksystems is an equal opportunity em- ployer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are avail- able to individuals with disabilities upon request. To place a free relay call in Oregon, dial 711. You Belong with Team Tigard Join our Team – We’re Hiring <> BIDS, SUB-BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES REQUEST FOR BIDS BULL RUN FILTRATION FACILITY: S-25 PACKAGE (Plant Electrical) Mass. Electric Construction Co. is preparing a pro- posal for the Bull Run Filtration Facility: S-25 Package (Plant Electrical) project in Gresham, Oregon. We are looking to utilize Certified MBE, WBE, SBE, EBE, DVBE & OBE Subcontractors & Suppliers for the work areas below: w Electrical Equipment: w Electrical Bulk Commodities w Lighting Fixtures Switchgear, MCC’s, Etc. w Excavation/Backfill of w Generators w Electrical Testing w Electrical Ductbank w Fire Alarm Devices / Install w Security System Devices / Install w PV / Solar Panels w Lightning Protection w Janitorial/Trash Removal w Mobile/Trailer Rental w Warehouse Management w Employment/Staffing Services Interested parties can e-mail <> for more information. REQUEST FOR BIDS MWH-KIEWIT JOINT VENTURE’ (i.e., CM/GC) PORTLAND WATER BUREAUS FILTRATION FACILITY PROJECT MWH-Kiewit is currently accepting bids from sub- contractors for the bid packages shown below. Bids on these packages will be received from any subcon- tractor wishing to submit. Prequalification is not re- quired. • Package S-28 – Photo Documentation • Package S-29 – Plant Signage • Package S-32 – Permanent Fencing These packages will be awarded on a best-value basis. Bids are due August 4, 2023, no later than 4:00pm PDT. If interested in receiving access to the bid documents, please contact MWH-Kiewit’s Precon- struction Manager Ben McGeachy at <>. MWH-Kiewit is currently accepting bids from prequalified subcontractors for the bid packages shown below. Bids on these packages will only be ac- cepted from those subcontractors previously prequalified by MWH-Kiewit: • Package S-18 – Topside Improvements • Package S-26 – Landscaping These packages will be awarded on a best-value basis. Bids are due August 4, 2023, no later than 4:00pm PDT. If interested in receiving a list of prequalified subcontractors, please contact MWH- Kiewit’s Preconstruction Manager Ben McGeachy at <> REQUEST FOR BIDS Need to place a classified advertisement? Send your ad request via e-mail or fax: <> (503) 283-4445 REQUEST FOR BIDS MWH-Kiewit Joint Venture (i.e., CM/GC) PORTLAND WATER BUREAU’S FILTRATION FACILITY PROJECT MWH-Kiewit is currently accepting bids from prequalified subcontractors for the following bid packages: • Package S-16 - Raw Water Pipelines. • Package S-17 – Concrete at Areas 20, 30, and 40. • Package S-19 - Balance of Buried Piping. • Package S-21 – Concrete at Clarifier, Gravity Thickener, Sludge Storage Tank, and Overflow Pump Station. • Package S-22 – Buildings at Dewatering Building, Chemical Building, Ozone Building. • Package S-23 – Mechanical at Area 30 (Flocculation, Sedimentation, Filtration). • Package S-24 – Balance of Plant Mechanical. • Package S-25 – Plant Electrical. These packages will be awarded based on best-value criteria. Bids are due August 4, 2023, no later than 4:00pm PDT. Be advised that MWH-Kiewit, a member of the CM/GC Joint Venture, and/or Affiliate, intends to compete as a bidder on the S-16, S-17, S-19, S-21, S-22, and S-25 packages. If interested in receiving a list of prequalified bidders, please contact MWH-Kiewit’s Preconstruction Manager Ben McGeachy at <>. July 3, 2023 MWH-KIEWIT JOINT VENTURE (i.e., CM/GC) PORTLAND WATER BUREAUS FILTRATION FACILITY PROJECT MWH-Kiewit is currently accepting bids from Equity subcontractors (e.g., COBID-certified) for the bid packages shown below. Bids on these packages will be received from any Equity subcontractor. Prequalification is not required. • Package S-01 – Trucking • Package S-04 – Temporary Fencing • Package S-07 – Security • Package S-08 – Janitorial • Package S-10 – Street Sweeping • Package S-14 – Portable Toilets • Package S-15 – Owner Offices These packages will be awarded to the low-cost, re- sponsive bidders. Bids are due August 4, 2023, no later than 4:00pm PDT. If interested in receiving ac- cess to the bid documents, please contact MWH- Kiewit’s Preconstruction Manager Ben McGeachy at <>. MWH-Kiewit is currently accepting bids from prequalified, Equity subcontractors (e.g., COBID-cer- tified) for the bid packages shown below. Bids on these packages will only be accepted from those eq- uity subcontractors previously prequalified by MWH-Kiewit: • Package S-02 – Temporary Water • Package S-03 – Temporary Roads • Package S-06 – Waste Management and Recycling • Package S-11 – Off-Site Road Improvements • Package S-12 – Erosion Control • Package S-20 – Septic System These packages will be awarded to the low-cost, re- sponsive bidders. Bids are due August 4, 2023, no later than 4:00pm PDT. COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION COMPLEX NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis, OR 97331 Trade Package #3 Metal Wall Panels Interior and Exterior Framing Proposals Due: 7/21/2023 at 2:00pm The general description of work for this Request for Proposals can be found in the formal RFP documents on Building Connected. Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting via Teams July 11, 2023 9:00am: Metal Panels 11:00am: Interior/Exterior Framing To request an invitation to bid, the pre-bid Teams meeting invite, or to submit questions, please e-mail Hayley Sherman, Project Manager, <>. Submit proposals through Building Connected using the appropriate bid form by Friday, 7/21/2023 at 2:00pm. 6712 N. Cutter Circle Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712 We are an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourage the participation of emerging small business, women-owned, disadvantaged, disabled veterans and minority enterprises. CCB # 218297 WAITLIST OPENING FOR YOUTH Nám’u qas Vancouver Housing Authority (VHA) is accepting applications for Project Based Vouchers for thirty 1- and 2-bedroom units at Nám’u qas. This is a multi-unit apartment building located at 5115 NE Hazel Dell Ave. The units come with screened Juliette balconies, in-unit W/D, AC ports, spacious layouts with 9’ ceil- ings. The building offers tenants fobbed building ac- cess, a community room with kitchenette, kids’ playroom, reading room, TV lounge, two computer workstations, and, scheduled for early 2024, the addi- tion of an exterior playground. Ongoing supportive services will be offered at this building through VHA and Janus Youth Programs. Interested households must be referred to the wait- list by Janus Youth Programs as a youth exiting fos- ter care or an unhoused youth. VHA will draw from the waitlist to fill vacancies as needed. Please contact Jessica Smith (Janus Youth Pro- grams) at (360) 605-3391 if you have questions about a referral for the Nám’u qas waitlist. This waitlist is not available online. Vancouver Housing Authority, in accordance with various Federal and State laws, does not discriminate against anyone based on race, color, religion, sex, na- tional origin, disability, familial status or sexual orienta- tion. Vancouver Housing Authority will make reasonable accommodations to individuals whose disabilities require accommodation in order to enjoy full and equal access to our programs and services. If you would like to have this notice translated please call Aquella Pegues at (360) 993-9503. Si desea que se traduzca este aviso, llame al (360) 993-9503. Yesli vy khotite, chtoby eto uvedomleniye bylo perevedeno, pozvonite po telefony (360) 993-9503. Equal Housing Opportunity Additional career, public notice, bid & sub-bid listings are updated online as new opportunities arrive. View new posts at <> or <>.