THE ASIAN REPORTER December 5, 2022 C O M M U N I T Y n Page 19 C L A S S I F I E D S THE ASIAN REPORTER CAN BE PICKED UP ON THE FIRST MONDAY EACH MONTH AT MANY LOCATIONS, INCLUDING: Uwajimaya 10500 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy., Beaverton BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES H Mart Lily Market Lao Vieng Market 8350 SE Division St. Portland 13600 SW Pacific Hwy., Tigard 11001 NE Halsey St. Portland 1032 N Killingsworth St., Portland FOR SALE FREE REAL ESTATE Home Entertainment Used newspapers For Rent/Sale/Lease HOME ENTERTAINMENT INSTALLATION TURN-KEY RESTAURANT FOR SALE Established restaurant for more than two decades & located on a very busy street for sale. Business has a spacious kitchen, large storage areas & more. All kitchen equip- ment, chairs, tables & more are included in the sale. For details & information, please e-mail: <> Tin Seng Trading FREE NEWSPAPERS! Does your garden or yard need weed protection? Are you an art teacher who has upcoming papier-mâché projects? Are you a dog owner train- ing a puppy? Does your business need packing material? First come, first served! Please leave a voice message at (503) 283-4440, ext. #, or e-mail <>. Need stereo & HDTV set-up for the perfect home theater surround sound? We can do it! Great prices, expert service! Please contact Digital Connections at (971) 853-2576. FREE Used bulbs FOR SALE FARM-RAISED PIGS FOR SALE Raised in Newberg, Oregon. Meat available as half or whole pig. Processed by a butcher in northeast Portland. For pricing & details, please call (503) 980-5900. SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Classified advertising deadlines for our next three editions are: FREE USED FLOURESCENT BULBS We changed out our light fixtures, so all our 48” Exolux 32-watt used flourescent bulbs are up for grabs! Please call (503) 289-6373. January 2 issue: Thursday, Dec. 29, 2:00pm February 6 issue: Friday, Feb. 3, 2:00pm SURFING THE WEB? March 6 issue: Check out our last two issues, jobs, news, past stories, lists of community groups, and more on our site: <> Please stay safe while flu, RSV & COVID-19 cases are high. Wear a face covering in crowded areas and indoor spaces. OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 600-sq.-ft. Portland office space for lease. Space has its own entrance door and private restroom. Unit is lo- cated across from PCC Cascade on N. Killingsworth St. For details & info., call (503) 312-5224. ************* Have The Asian Reporter delivered directly to your home or office and receive a $4.00 discount. See page six for subscription options and an order form. Friday, Mar. 3, 2:00pm For more information, please call (503) 283-4440 or e-mail <>. Expiration date: December 31, 2022 Discount applies to new subscribers only. 2023 ADVERTISING RATES & ORDER FORM: Phone: (503) 283-4440 * Fax: (503) 283-4445 * E-mail: n n n n n n n n n q Display Space (Asia, Opinion, Community, A.C.E. sections) $24.00 per column inch; Reservation deadline: Wednesday prior to the next issue by 1:00pm q Special “Business Card” Display Ad: o $70 per issue (1 month) o $190 for 3 consecutive issues (3 months) o $330 for 6 consecutive issues (6 months) n n n n n n n n n q Northwest Job Market/Bids & Public Notices section $24.00 per column inch; Text/Fax deadline: Friday prior to the next issue by 2:00pm n n n n n n n n n q Community Classified Page q Boxed Ad q $24.00 per column inch; Text/Fax deadline: Friday prior to the next issue by 2:00pm q Line Ad (up to 35 words): o $24 per issue o $51 for 3 consecutive issues o $90 for 6 consecutive issues q Name Listing (4 lines maximum ~ about 10 words): o $14 per issue o $30 for 3 consecutive issues o $51 for 6 consecutive issues q Prepayment required with Line Ad, Name Listing & Business Card. q Add $1.00 per issue per line for bold headings (Line Ad & Name Listing). q Add 25¢ per word per issue after 35 words (Line Ad). q All advertisements must be submitted in writing; no phone ads accepted. Main classification: Run date(s): Ad type (circle one): Display ad Business Card Total ad cost: Box ad Line ad Name listing ad Name: Address: City/State/ZIP: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Ad copy (attach a separate sheet if necessary): Mail, Fax, or Deliver with payment to: Asian Reporter Classifieds, 922 N Killingsworth Street, Suite 2D, Portland, OR 97217-2220 Fax: (503) 283-4445 * E-mail: <> For Visa or Mastercard payment only: Name (as it appears on the card): Type of card (circle): VISA Mastercard Exp. Date: Zip Code & Address of Cardholder: Card Number: Security Code: Hong Phat Supermarket 101 SE 82nd Ave. Portland BIDS, SUB-BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE SMALL WORKS & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ROSTERS, PUBLIC WORKS & VENDOR LIST REGISTRATION Consultants, Contractors and Vendors are hereby no- tified the Port of Vancouver is seeking updates to its ros- ters on ProcureWare. ProcureWare registration places companies into categories used for notification of up- coming solicitations and provides approved accounts with access to solicitation documents. ProcureWare in- cludes Professional Services Architectural and Engi- neer (A&E) and Small Works rosters as well as Public Works and Vendor lists. Users of ProcureWare are en- couraged to log in annually, at minimum, to provide up- dates and maintain an approved account status. Idle accounts may be placed in inactive status or deleted. The port maintains a Professional Services Architec- tural and Engineering (A&E) Roster. The requirements for A&E services comply with the scope of the general definition of professional practice in chapters 18.08, 18.43 or 18.96 and 39.80.030 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Services include, but are not limited to, disciplines in architectural and engineering services like construction administration for port projects. Con- sultants currently registered must log in at least once an- nually to verify information and ensure licensing requirements are current. The Small Works Roster invites contractors bidding on public works projects with an estimated value up to $299,999.99. The port will make a reasonable effort to contact all contractors approved on the Small Works Roster and those qualified for particular projects on a ro- tating basis. Availability of work is not guaranteed. To qualify for this roster, contractors shall be registered and licensed to do business in Washington, meet responsi- bility criteria as defined in RCW 39.04.350, and upload a current insurance certificate and signed small works contract. Registration for the Public Works list is for contractors bidding on public works projects with an estimated value of $300,000 and over. Port staff notifies registered contractors of solicitations through the ProcureWare system. Lists including Vendor or others are also established on the ProcureWare web site. The Vendor List is for companies proposing on personal services, materials, supplies, equipment, IT, purchased services or compa- nies interested in “notifications only”. New registrations are reviewed for approval through- out the year. Use of the system is free and can be found at the following website: < ith-the-port> The Port of Vancouver highly encourages participa- tion of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Port of Vancouver Title VI Policy assures that no per- son shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and as amended, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.I. 100.259) be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Washington State Department of Transportation. The Port of Vancouver further assures every effort will be made to ensure non- discrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs or activities are federally funded or not. In the event the Port of Vancouver distrib- utes federal aid funds to another governmental entity or other sub-recipient, The Port of Vancouver will include Title VI language in all written agreements and will moni- tor for compliance. The Port of Vancouver's Office of the Title VI Coordinator is responsible for initiating and mon- itoring Title VI activities, preparing required reports and other Port of Vancouver responsibilities as required by 23 CFR 200 and 49 CFR 21. For further information, contact (360) 693-3611.