N.W. JOB MARKET / BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES September 5, 2022 NORTHWEST JOB MARKET BIDS, SUB-BIDS & PUBLIC NOTICES FISCAL SPECIALIST 1 Find general information about the city and employment opportunities at: <www.hillsboro-oregon.gov> DEAN OF CLARK LIBRARIES AND ACADEMIC SUCCESS SERVICES (CLASS) Clark College is currently accepting applications for the Dean of Clark Libraries and Academic Success Services (CLASS). Salary is $105,266 annually. For complete position description, closing date, require- ments and to apply, access our website at <www.clark.edu/jobs>. Clark College Human Re- sources, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA 98663 (360) 992-2105. AA/EO employer. Portland Public Schools NOW HIRING CUSTODIANS! Clark College is currently accepting applications for a Fiscal Specialist 1 in our Facilities department. Salary is $3,246 monthly. For complete position description, closing date, requirements and to apply, access our website at <www.clark.edu/jobs>. Clark College Hu- man Resources, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA 98663, (360) 992-2105. AA/EO employer. CHILD AND FAMILY THERAPISTS Family Solutions, Vancouver WA has multiple FT openings. Provide individual, family and/or group mental health therapy to children, youth and families. For more info and to apply, go to: <www.family-solu- tions.net/careers/employment-opportunities/>. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNERS BORA Architects has 2 positions available in Port- land, Oregon. Will work on architectural design as- signments as planned, directed, and supervised by senior-level architects or interior designers. For more info and to apply, go to <careers@bora.co>. Be a part of creating safe and comfortable school environments where students can thrive. Custodian openings exist throughout the city of Portland at various school locations, with year-round evening shifts. No previous experience is required! PAY: $19.21 per hour to start w Paid holidays, sick leave, and paid time off (PTO) w Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Representation w Excellent Medical & Retirement Benefits PROGRAM SPECIALIST 2 Network Technology Department Clark College is currently accepting applications for a Program Specialist 2 in our Network Technology de- partment. Salary is $3,401 monthly. For complete po- sition description, closing date, requirements and to apply, access our website at <www.clark.edu/jobs>. Clark College Human Resources, 1933 Fort Vancou- ver Way, Vancouver, WA 98663, (360) 992-2105. AA/EO employer. Apply online at <https://careers.pps.net/> and search: “Custodian” For more information about Custodian openings, please call Gracie La Pietra at (503) 916-3544. AREA I ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM 2 SR. PROJECT MANAGERS – The Area 1 Inside Electrical JATC, an equal opportunity apprenticeship and training program, will open for applications March 1, 2022. The closing date to turn in an application will be November 18, 2022. Sector Leads for Clean Energy & Construction Worksystems is an award-winning nonprofit serving Multnomah and Washington Counties and the City of Portland whose mission is to build and invest in a com- prehensive workforce development system that sup- ports individual prosperity and business competitiveness. We play a critical role in helping job seekers get the training and support they need to get a good job or advance in their career. Join our team! Make a difference! We are recruiting for 2 key Senior Project Manager positions to support the workforce needs of the Clean Energy and the Construction sectors. These positions will be responsible for developing relationships with businesses in these sectors to create strong linkages between employment opportunities and customers receiving training and career coaching across an ar- ray of publicly funded workforce programs. Success- ful candidates will be adept at understanding and supporting business needs while prioritizing connec- tions to job seekers who identify as women, people of color, people with disabilities, and people who are chronically underemployed. These positions will also support work-based training programs such as paid internships, On-the-Job Training, and registered ap- prenticeships. See the job description on our website for a full list of Essential Functions and Qualifications. NOTE: Worksystems is a federal/state contractor. As such, we are subject to vaccine mandate(s) and fol- low the CDC guidelines for public health emergen- cies. Proof of being fully vaccinated or an approved medical/religious exemption is a requirement of em- ployment. Click here to apply: <https://worksystems.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php ?id=30&source=aWQ9MzI%3D> Please include résumé, cover letter and three professional references. First review of résumés will be September 7, 2022. Position open until filled. Hybrid work location - Must live in the state of Oregon or Washington. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer THE ASIAN REPORTER n Page 17 Applications will be sent via e-mail only. No in-person information will be accepted or given to interested parties. For more information about program requirements, please visit our web page at <www.nwelectricaltech.com> or request an application at <info@nwt-at.com>. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. We’re looking for CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERSTARS Hannah Pet Hospitals is a veterinary practice and so much more. We are currently hiring for several Service Coordinator positions. The Service Coordinator drives the flow of Members and Pets through the Hospital, maximizes the produc- tivity of the veterinary medical team, and ensures ex- cellent communication with Members and Team Members. This position coordinates the care of Mem- bers and Pets in a happy, welcoming, friendly, and ef- ficient manner. Part-time and full-time positions available, $15 - $18/hour with competitive benefits package, including generous discount on Hannah To- tal Lifetime Care® Pet plans. To apply, please send your résumé with cover letter stating why you should be considered for the position, to: <membershipteam@hannahpethospital.com> REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS OREGON CONVENTION CENTER/ PORTLAND EXPO CENTER VISITOR VENUE SECURITY SERVICES RFQu 4054 The Metropolitan Exposition and Recreation Com- mission (MERC) of Metro, a metropolitan service dis- trict organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Ave- nue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is hereby requesting submissions for qualifications for Visitor Venue Secu- rity Services. Sealed bids are due no later than 2:00pm, Septem- ber 30, 2022, at: <https://bidlocker.us/details/3087_Rfqu_4054_Ev ent_Security_Services> A voluntary pre-bid conference for all potential prime contractors is scheduled on September 8, 2022, at 9:00am. Zoom Link can be found in the RFQu document on BidLocker. Interested sub-contractors are also invited. MERC is interested in hearing from qualified firms that are capable of providing uniformed and peer t-shirt event security personnel directly to users of OCC, P5, Expo and Zoo facilities. MERC anticipates that it will qualify one or more firms to act as authorized non-exclusive providers of event security personnel. MERC will select firms as qualified to provide (a) uni- formed event security personnel, (b) peer t-shirt secu- rity personnel, or (c) both types of services. The qualified firms will be authorized to provide the type of event security services for which they have been quali- fied. Qualified firms will contract directly with users of OCC, P5, Expo and the Zoo for event related security required by MERC policies and procedures. RFQu documents can be viewed and downloaded from BidLocker at <https://bidlocker.us/de- tails/3087_Rfqu_4054_Event_Security_Services>. Metro may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substan- tial rights if such action is deemed in the public inter- est. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages minority, women-owned, emerging small businesses and service disabled vet- eran owned businesses to access and participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services. Metro Local Contract Review Board Rules require all Bidders to follow and document a specific outreach ef- fort to State-certified Minority, Emerging. Women-owned and Service Disabled Veteran owned Businesses. Certification of good faith compliance and a declaration of any actual utilization pursuant to both programs are required at the time of Bid Open- ing. Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s), employee or applicant for em- ployment based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, political af- filiation or marital status. Metro fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, see <www.oregonmetro.gov>. The Asian Reporter is published on the first Monday each month. The classified advertising deadlines for our next three print editions are: October 3 issue: Friday, September 30, 2:00pm November 7 issue: Friday, November 4, 2:00pm December 5 issue: Friday, December 2, 2:00pm For more information, contact our Advertising Department at (503) 283-4440 or e-mail <ads@asianreporter.com>. SUBSCRIPTION COUPON ************************** Have The Asian Reporter delivered directly to your home or office and receive a $4.00 discount. See page six for subscription options and an order form. Expiration date: September 30, 2022 Discount applies to new subscribers only. (Please include coupon with your order form.) The AR’s advertising sections may be viewed online at: <www.asianreporter.com/nwjobmarket.htm> w <www.asianreporter.com/notices.htm>