The Asian Reporter Pacific Northwest News q Volume 32 Number 9 q September 5, 2022 q Sick dolphin calf improves with tube-fed milk, helping hands RESCUE EFFORTS. Volunteer Thippunyar Thipjuntar feeds a baby dolphin named Paradon with milk at the Marine and Coastal Resources Research and Development Center in Rayong province in eastern Thailand, on August 26, 2022. The Irrawaddy dolphin calf was drowning in a tidal pool on a Thailand shore when fishermen found him. The calf was nicknamed Paradon, roughly translated as “brotherly burden,” because those involved knew from day one that saving his life would be no easy task. But the baby seems to be on the road to recovery. See story on page 2. (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit) ROAD TO RENEWAL “Behold, I am making all things new” (Rev. 21:5) Need Refreshing? A New Start? A Renewed Spirit? The Asian Reporter 922 N. Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97217 USA The Asian Reporter is published on the first Monday each month. COME JOIN THE RENEWAL Sept. 24: Community BBQ (1pm - 5pm) Sept. 26 to Oct. 1: 7-day Journey to Renewal Services (7pm - 9pm) Oct. 1: Celebration of Renewal Services (10:30am - 11:45am) (Meal to follow ) Forest Grove Senior and Community Center Grammy- winning piano virtuoso! TUES, SEPTEMBER 20 Hiromi: The Piano Quintet featuring PUBLIQuartet The Reser, Beaverton 2037 Douglas Street, Forest Grove New Life Community Fellowship * (503) 282-0232 For tickets and more exciting shows, visit