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About The Asian reporter. (Portland, Or.) 1991-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 2019)
Lunar New Year Page 12 n THE ASIAN REPORTER February 4, 2019 Year of the Pig forecasts To find out what sign and element apply to you, turn to page 16 and look up your date of birth. By Madame Mingmei Special to The Asian Reporter The Rat The Year of the Pig is looking to be full of good fortune and accomplishment for honest, patient, and practical Rats. Many Rats may find clear direction through transition during the Earth Pig year. When change occurs, remember to stay open-minded and be sure to investigate all new ideas and possibilities as you await your year in 2020. n Metal Rat: For Metal Rats, the Year of the Pig will be packed full of activities. n Water Rat: Be sure to set clear goals to yield good results. n Wood Rat: The Pig Year will bring new adventures and experiences to Wood Rats. n Fire Rat: The year should be full of good decisions if Fire Rats remain practical. n Earth Rat: An opportunity to improve your life may present itself. w Pig. Adjustments may affect personal and professional aspects of your life. During the year, clear-thinking, confident, and diligent Oxen may encounter much-needed peace and quiet. Remember to sow seeds to nurture future relationships and partnerships. n Metal Ox: Set new goals — big or small — throughout the year. n Water Ox: Remember that without clear targets, not much will be accomplished. n Wood Ox: The year 2019, Wood Ox, will be a year you need to work hard. n Fire Ox: Always give your best to make each day a lit- tle better for those around you. n Earth Ox: The Year of the Pig is one to get a lot of sleep, which will help keep you happy. w The Tiger The 2019 Pig Year should be a good one if you take time to care for your health. It may also bring opportunities for educa- tion and development. Ambi- tious, determined, and open- minded Tigers will have many chances to learn, understand, The Ox The Ox will undergo some change during the Year of the CELEBRATING THE LUNAR NEW YEAR 5HFHLYHRSSRUWXQLW\QRWLߓFDWLRQVE\UHJLVWHULQJRQ PlanetBids. Click on Vendor Registration at Get an educat ion bigger t han a neighborhood. A nd it all begins w ith Preschool & Kindergarten. The International School offers a preschool and elementary school education that goes beyond language and cultural immersion to open a world of possibilities. Discover your child’s potential. Visit or call 503-226-2496 x110 to schedule a personal tour. The Rabbit Relationships and partnerships should be a focus for the principled, diplomatic, and intelligent Rabbit. The year will highlight community involvement and important talks about your future. Also re- member to check in frequently with friends and family. n Metal Rabbit: Don’t be timid during the Year of the Pig. Give to others unselfishly. n Water Rabbit: Water Rabbits will take on a new pro- ject this year; try not to be indecisive. n Wood Rabbit: An important decision will descend upon you this year; seek advice if needed. n Fire Rabbit: Focusing on good health is an impor- tant goal during the Pig Year. n Earth Rabbit: A chance to travel will present itself; set aside some money for the trip. w The Dragon PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT is strongly committed to promoting business EQUITY, increasing supplier DIVERSITY, and creating pathways to OPPORTUNITY through actively supporting and providing outreach to Minority-Owned, Women-Owned and Emerging Small Businesses. For additional information, Aidan Gronauer (503) 916-3113 • and explore new things this year. n Metal Tiger: Look deep to find passion in your hob- bies and career. n Water Tiger: Focus, Water Tigers, on personal rela- tionships. n Wood Tiger: Become a better listener during the coming Year of the Pig. n Fire Tiger: Remember to be kind to others and put your best paw forward. n Earth Tiger: Health and wellness should be a priority for Earth Tigers during the Pig Year. w PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS After a tough Year of the Dog, the Year of the Pig will bring unexpected change, nonconformist ideas, and good news. Energetic, sincere, and self-sufficient Dragons should feel free to express opinions and consider serious commitments. The year may present many new responsibilities. n Metal Dragon: Meeting problems head on this year will help put your life in order. n Water Dragon: Remember to stay in touch with fam- ily and friends while pursuing spiritual development. n Wood Dragon: Luck is on your side this year; take on an unforeseen task. n Fire Dragon: Make time to focus on a hobby that you’ve neglected. Continued on page 14 chinese new year year of the pig February 5-19, 2019 year of the pig events include • Lion Dances every weekend • Dramatic Lantern Sculptures • Meet Shadow, “the friendliest pig in town” from the N W Miniature Pig Association • Children’s Performances • Feng Shui Talks • Kid’s Activities • Martial Arts Demonstrations and more! PERSO N A L TO U RS AVA ILA BLE Sup p o rte d in p art b y g rants fro m: Sign up at: C hine se • Spa nish • See a complete schedule of Chinese New Year events at Ja pa ne se Inte rnatio na l Ba c c a la ure ate Pre sc ho o l – 5th gra de Dow ntow n / SW Waterfront, Portland He rb e rt A. Te mp le ton Found ation