Asian Heritage Issue Page 10 n THE ASIAN REPORTER May 7, 2018 Celebrating Asian Heritage The Asian Reporter celebrates Asian Heritage Month with this special expanded issue and with our May 21 issue covering The Asian Reporter Foundation’s 20th Annual Scholarship & Awards Banquet. In this edition, we mark heritage month with a look at Singapore-born Subashini Ganesan, Portland’s new Creative Laureate. Installed in January 2018, Ganesan is the first woman of color named to repre- sent Portland’s creative community. The issue also highlights “Gamanfest: Reclaiming Identity through Art & Activism,” an event featuring two days of free activities — music, spoken word, performances, and visual art — scheduled to take place May 11 and 12. The issue continues with “Select Works by Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani,” an exhibit about the life and work of artist Jimmy Mirikitani (1920-2012) that just opened at Emerson Street House in northeast Portland. The display is a poignant exploration of the lasting impacts of war and discrimination and the healing power of creativity. “Wham! Bam! Pow! Cartoons, Turbans & Confronting Hate,” an exhibit of illustrations by Vishavjit Singh, whose cartoons emerged from a tragedy — the 9/11 attacks — is our final featured story. The display, which opened this month at the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience in Seattle, features cartoons, photos, a shield selfie station, a turban video installation, and an interactive space. Finally, our expanded events calendar provides a monthlong guide to Asian art, history, culture, and entertainment. Enjoy! asian heritage month May 1-31 O.A.M.E. Oregon Association of M inority Entrepreneurs 503.249.7744 30th Annual Entrepreneurship Trade Show & Luncheon featuring performances every weekend from local cultural organizations representing the cultures of China, Japan, &DPERGLD,QGLD7KDLODQG,QGRQHVLDDQGWKH3DFLoF,VODQGV Owen Blank Attorney Tonkon Torp, LLP Sandra McDonough Michael Lewellen President & CEO Portland Business Alliance VP of Communications Portland Trail Blazers Jaime Lim Publisher The Asian Reporter Luncheon Guest Speakers Oregon ConvenƟon Center Thursday, May 10, 2018 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Free admission to Trade Show, luncheon is $85 Hall “D” 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd Portland, OR 97232 ōŸNjsÞŘ¯ŸNjŎǼÞŸŘǼɠɠɠʳŸŎsʳŸNj¶ˤ˟ˢʳˡˣ˨ʳ˦˦ˣˣ Become an online reader! / asianheritagemonth Presented in part by support from The Jackson Foundation Herbert A. Templeton Foundation Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust Special Ticketed Event A Celebration of A sia: China, Korea & Japan 0D\SP Individual tickets $30 members , $35 general , $15 student Purchase your tickets at Visit <> and click on the “Online Paper (PDF)” link to download our last two issues.