Lunar New Year Page 12 n THE ASIAN REPORTER February 5, 2018 Year of the Dog forecasts To find out what sign and element apply to you, turn to page 20 and look up your date of birth. By Madame Mingmei Special to The Asian Reporter The Rat The Year of the Dog is looking to be a mixed bag for Rats. Although your desires are attainable, you will need to run through a maze of challenges to achieve them. Hard- working Rats who practice patience will be successful. n Metal Rat: You are burn- ing the candle at both ends, Metal Rat. Take time from your busy schedule to reconnect with loved ones. They may be feeling lonely and left out of your life. n Water Rat: The stresses of the year can be held at bay by taking a break now and again. If finances allow, a vacation will give you a much needed boost. Rats on a budget may achieve the same effect by exploring new experiences locally. n Wood Rat: When you run up against obstacles this year, seek a mentor for help, though you may have to swallow your pride to do it. Asking for assistance from someone with experience and listening to their advice will aid you greatly in achieving your goals. n Fire Rat: Your personal life may begin to feel a bit tense, Fire Rat. Be sure to watch your words; a little diplomacy can go a long way to sooth ruffled feathers and bring harmony back. n Earth Rat: Keep an eye on investments and take care to spend wisely. The year’s challenges may include some financial hiccups, so prepare for lean times. w The Ox Overall, the Dog Year is shaping up to be a good one for Oxen. However, keep a leash on your anger, Ox, lest it alienate loved ones or friends. One strategy is to plow the energy from your ire into physical activity, which will calm you and lead to better health and smoother rela- tionships. n Metal Ox: Your diligence and hard work will bring positive attention. Avoid false modesty and take credit for your accomplishments. You have earned it. n Water Ox: Cultivate the healthy relationships in your life. Toxic ones may bring you down this year, so be sure to remove them. Trust your gut to guide you on which relationships are worth your energy. n Wood Ox: Practice some self-care this year, Wood Ox. Going nonstop will take its toll on your mental health and physical wellbeing. Also pay attention to what your body CELEBRATING THE LUNAR NEW YEAR 3257/$1'38%/,&6&+22/6LVVWURQJO\ FRPPLWWHGWRSURPRWLQJEXVLQHVV(48,7< LQFUHDVLQJVXSSOLHU',9(56,7