Lunar New Year Page 16 n THE ASIAN REPORTER Year of the Monkey forecasts Black Pearl Acupuncture Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine are great for: - Acute/Chronic Pain (i.e. neck, back, sciatica & shoulder) - Treating & Preventing the flu and colds - Stress Relief - Headaches/Migraines Continued from page 14 Sita Symonette Licensed Acupuncturist Call to schedule an appointment: (503) 308-9363 505 N.W. Ninth Ave., Portland, OR 97209 C o m pre he nsive Educ a tio n fo r To m o rro w’s G lo b a l C itize ns O pe n Ho use : Ja n 28, 6- 8pm IB C urric ulum Info Nig ht: Fe b 25, 6- 7:30pm p e rso na l to urs a lso a va ila b le • February 1, 2016 La ng ua g e Imme rsio n in Sp a nish, Ja p a ne se , o r C hine se • Inq uiry-b a se d , Inte rna tio na l Ba c c a la ure a te PYP Wo rld Sc ho o l • Sma ll c la sse s; e xp e rie nc e d te a c he rs Pre K-5th intlsc ho o l.o rg 503-226-2496 MUSIC t DANCE t FOOD t MARKET t MARTIAL ARTS KIDS’ CARNIVAL t ARTS & CRAFTS t HERITAGE w sure to do thorough research. Steer away from risky opportunities, despite how tempting they sound, to avoid bad fortune. n Water Rabbit: Your enormous empathy makes you the go-to person among friends who are having difficul- ties. Though it is great to help out, try to avoid becoming too emotionally involved in their problems or you will find yourself depleted of both energy and time. n Wood Rabbit: 2016 will bring challenges, Wood Rabbit. Though it might feel like you are working hard to no avail, you are building a strong foundation and gaining knowledge for achieving long-term goals. n Fire Rabbit: De-stress during the tumultuous Year of the Monkey by pursuing a hobby or activity that has always interested you. Not only will this keep your energy up, but you may meet someone who can help improve your fortune. n Earth Rabbit: Tempting though it may be to strike out on your own, teamwork is pivotal to your success this year. Though you may have to make some compromises, a group effort is what is needed to bring you closer to your desires. w The Dragon Though the Monkey Year promises a few rocky patches, overall it is looking prosperous for the Dragon. Hard work and flexibility will enable you to dodge difficulties and soar to new heights. n Metal Dragon: A perceived lack of progress achieving your goals may leave you feeling defeated and wanting to quit. Hold onto hope and keep plugging away, as you are far closer than you think. n Water Dragon: Watch out for those whose words say one thing, but whose actions say something else entirely. They are motivated by their own interests to the exclusion of yours. Be very careful choosing whom to trust to improve your year’s fortunes. n Wood Dragon: Life will keep you very busy this year, Wood Dragon. Don’t forget to lay down your load and spend time with loved ones, lest they start feeling bitter and neglected. Even small gestures can go a long way in making them content. n Fire Dragon: Consult with trusted friends before embarking on large projects this year. Their insight may prove key to avoiding pitfalls. Remember to give them credit, or they will be reluctant to help you in the future. n Earth Dragon: Your finances look golden this year, Earth Dragon, provided you don’t let your greed cause you to overreach. Avoid being impulsive and listen to your inner good sense to maximize your fortunes. w The Snake Sha S Share Sh h ha ar a re r the t th h he e f fu fun u n un We’ e’ r e 31! W We 3 1! 31 1 ! O Oregon r e g o n FEBRUARY 20 & 21, 2016 Lane Events Center, Eugene Sat. 10am-7pm, Sun. 10am-6pm Adults $6/day, $10 both days, 12 & Under Free Presented by Eugene-Springfield Asian Council FREE STUDENT TICKET For ages 13+ and college students, at Oregon Communy Cred Union. See As the Year of the Monkey comes swinging in, Snakes will experience many difficulties and roadblocks. Stay the course, focus on your goals, and you will find vastly improved fortunes at year’s end. n Metal Snake: Explore your artistic side in the Year of the Monkey. Whether you create or just appreciate, the arts can bring a calmness to your otherwise frenetic life. n Water Snake: Don’t de- spair at your current situa- tion. Though it may seem as if you are stuck in a rut with no end in sight, your hard work will be appreciated and eventually rewarded. You just need to practice patience. n Wood Snake: Carve out some time from your busy schedule to spend time with loved ones. Not only will you find your energy restored, but you will strengthen your bonds with them. n Fire Snake: Keep your professional and personal lives separate, Fire Snake. Mixing the two may cause conflicts that lead to poor outcomes in both realms. n Earth Snake: A vacation may be just what you need to ease the year’s stresses, Earth Snake. Whether you are able to travel to a favorite place or simply spend a relaxing day at home, the time off will rejuvenate you. The Horse Don’t let your attention wander from your desires, Horse, lest you miss out on some wonderful opportunities! Nipping problems in the bud will prevent them from snowballing and disrupting what otherwise looks to be a great year for you. n Metal Horse: Your optimistic and kind nature will open the door for new relationships this year. Enjoy the newfound energy they bring, but don’t allow them to distract you. n Water Horse: Your friends will have some good advice for you in the Year of the Monkey. Take time to listen, keep an open mind, and you may find an innovative solution to a problem that’s been bothering you or a positive new goal to apply yourself. n Wood Horse: It’s a good year to avoid excesses, Wood Horse, especially financially and in your social life. Moderation is pivotal in maintaining your health and mental wellbeing. n Fire Horse: Be sure your agreements are ironclad. Forgetting to close loopholes may result in others not living up to their end of the bargain, leaving you in the lurch. n Earth Horse: Things will take off in the Monkey’s year, Earth Horse. Be confident, pursue opportunities, and tackle new challenges that come your way; you are more than ready to handle them! w The Sheep The Year of the Sheep is coming to an end, but don’t despair, the Year of the Monkey also promises to be prosperous. Though the year looks full of opportunities, don’t forget about those who have contributed to your success and reach out to those who are struggling. n Metal Sheep: Fortune has been smiling on you lately, so why not reach out to help others who are in need? Mentoring or volunteering will bring great satisfaction as well as an opportunity to expand your social circle. n Water Sheep: Stop bleating about the things you don’t like in your life and focus on fixing them. Though it is easier to maintain the status quo, there are greener pastures out there if you just overcome your fears and start to make changes. n Wood Sheep: Be sure to maintain a good balance during the Year of the Monkey. Too much time and effort spent on one thing may lead to the detriment of other opportunities. n Fire Sheep: The outlook for Fire Sheep in 2016 is quite good. This makes it a great time to set goals and work at achieving them. Keep loved ones in the loop as their support is critical. n Earth Sheep: The year will bring some interesting people into your life. Avoid the ones who are too chaotic and cultivate the ones who bring harmony. These relationships may lead to lifelong friendships. w The Monkey It’s your year, Monkey, and it promises to be a wild ride with both tremendous highs and gut-wrenching lows. Remember to take time to recharge your energy by connecting with loved ones or finding hobbies or other pur- suits that make you happy. n Metal Monkey: Avoid gambling and instead direct some of your funds into well- chosen investments. Wise financial choices will pay off for many years to come. n Water Monkey: Focus energy on being disciplined. Making this effort will bring positive rewards. Beware, however, that half-hearted efforts will be noticed and treated accordingly. n Wood Monkey: Seek help instead of toughing out your problems. Whether a friend or professional, someone outside of the issue will have a better perspective and can lead you to a solution and a much improved outcome. Continued on page 18