The Asian Reporter Pacific Northwest News q Volume 26 Number 1 q January 4, 2016 q Happy New Year! Sanrio says fan-site security leak is fixed Page 3 Mariota’s season ends two games early Page 7 Number of rhesus macaques growing Page 7 NEW YEAR 2016. A fireworks display is set off from the Taipei 101 skyscraper during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Taipei, Taiwan. As the final hours of 2015 drew to a close, many bid a weary and wary adieu to a year marred by attacks that left nations reeling and nerves rattled. Most places forged ahead with celebrations as many refused to allow jitters to ruin the joy of the holiday. Even in Dubai, where a spectacular fire raged at a 63-story luxury hotel, the annual fireworks display went on as sched- uled. See related story on page 16. (AP Photo/Wally Santana) Overwhelmed by debt? Want a fresh start? KELLY K. BROWN BANKRUPTCY ATTORNEY 503·224·4124 ★ LOW-COST BANKRUPTCY ★ Free consultation ★ Stop foreclosure and garnishment ★ Evening and weekend appointments 520 SW Yamhill · Suite 420 · Portland 97204 · We are a debt relief agency. We help people ile for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code. The Asian Reporter 922 N. Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97217 USA PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Portland, OR Permit # 2474 L O T T E R Y G A M E S A R E B A S E D O N C H A N C E A N D S H O U L D B E P L A Y E D F O R E N T E R T A I N M E N T O N LY