The Asian Reporter Pacific Northwest News q Volume 25 Number 20 q October 19, 2015 q The Dalai Lama says Buddhist culture most important to him Lust, Caution star looks for chemistry on set Page 2 Mustache Brothers get serious for elections Page 3 PRESERVATION A PRIORITY. Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama arrives at a Tibetan school in Dharmsala, India, his first public function after returning from Minnesota in the United States, where he had a thorough medical checkup. The Dalai Lama says he considers it most important to preserve the Buddhist culture that has helped Tibetan people live together even in exile. Many Tibetans fear their culture may not endure for long and may weaken after the Dalai Lama is gone. (AP Photo/Ashwini Bhatia) important to preserve this rich and and said he advocated education of secular By Ashwini Bhatia profound culture that we have.” values. The Associated Press Many Tibetans fear that their culture Earlier this month, the Dalai Lama said HARMSALA, India — The Dalai may not endure for long and may weaken he’d had a thorough medical checkup at the Lama says he considers it most after the Dalai Lama is gone. renowned Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in the important to preserve the Carrying white silk scarves, dozens of United States and was in “excellent Buddhist culture that has helped the school children in traditional Tibetan cos- condition.” Though advised to rest by Tibetan people live together even in exile. tumes welcomed the Dalai Lama to the doctors, the Dalai Lama got out of his car “Our values have helped us Tibetans live event, the 10th anniversary of the opening and walked nearly 100 yards to the school. together as a people,” the 80-year-old of a Tibetan school in Dharmsala, the Ti- His followers lined the path with incense spiritual leader said at his first public betan government-in-exile’s headquarters sticks and flowers. The Dalai Lama sat on a event after returning from a medical in northern India. chair on a raised platform while others checkup in the United States. “So after He also said he regretted that some settled on cushions on the floor in a show of coming into exile, I have considered it most people were using religion to harm others Continued on page 7 D Orphaned sisters reunite after decades Page 7 Overwhelmed by debt? Want a fresh start? KELLY K. BROWN BANKRUPTCY ATTORNEY 503·224·4124 ★ LOW-COST BANKRUPTCY ★ Free consultation ★ Stop foreclosure and garnishment ★ Evening and weekend appointments 520 SW Yamhill · Suite 420 · Portland 97204 · We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code. The Asian Reporter 922 N. Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97217 USA PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Portland, OR Permit # 2474 L O T T E R Y G A M E S A R E B A S E D O N C H A N C E A N D S H O U L D B E P L A Y E D F O R E N T E R TA I N M E N T O N LY