Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 12, 1950, Image 1

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<Z4e Souihe/w i Öieaavi
Letter From
Washington. . .
By Hon. H a rri* Ellsw orth.
Congressmen. 4th D istrict
O ur constitution req u ires th at
th e P resident «Hull "from tim e
to tim e give to the Congress in­
form ation on the state of the
Union, an d recom m end to th eir
eonsderaton such m easures as he
shall Judge necessary und expe­
dient." P residents W ashington
and Adam s delivered th eir mes­
sages orally when Congress as-
w inbled Jefferson discontinued
this practice and transm itted his
message in w riting Tins becam e
a custom which was followed by
o u r presidents for 112 yours
u n til A pril 8, 1913 when P resi­
den t Wilson reestablished the
custom of addressing Congress
in person.
Ashland—Home of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival”
V o i. 1«. No. 44
A S H L A N D . J A C K S O N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 12. 1950
Dimes” Drive To Start Monday
Enrollment Up
10 Percent At
Southern Oregon
A ccordingly. President T r u ­
m an appeared in peraon and
delivered his message a fter
the opening of the second ses­
sion of this 81st Congres last
w eek.
T he reception given the P resi­
den t when he en tered the cham ­
ber und was presented was
splendid. The m em bers of C on­
gress on both sides of tile aisle
like Mr. T rum an personally, as
th eir applause clearly indicat­
ed. However, w hat he had to
say in his message was appluud-
ed only very lightly I w atched
tlie source of such applause as
wus given d u rin g the speech. It
cam e from a ra th e r sm all group
of the D em ocrat side which I
would identify as being the left-
wing contingent of the present
m ajority in Congress A size­
able m ajority of the Democrut
m em bers und practically all of
the R epublican m em bers ‘ sat
on th eir hands" as th e a te r peop­
le say.
Last you th in k I m ention
this lack of applause for the
messeae in a s p irit of hide-
bound partisanship. I must
p o in t out that m y com m ent*
represent accurate observation
and rep ortin g a* everyone who
was present w ould testify. On
the other hand, I consider the
n atu re and e xten t of the ap­
plause an im p o rta n t fc seldom
obtained in d icatio n of the gen­
e ra l a ttitu d e of the m em ber*
of Congress to w ard the P res i­
dent's requests fo r legislation.
In other words. I am now con­
vinced that most o f the D em o ­
c rat mem bers of the House do
not. in th e ir hearts, approve
of the President's pro g ram but
it w ill be surprising indeed if
they vote against it. The ad­
m in is tra tio n in po w er can
w ie ld a d is c ip lin a ry lash w hi ;h
its p a rty m em b er* are in c lin ­
ed to fear.
Single C opy 5c
Committee Heads
Report Progress
At Chamber Meet
, K WIN To Broadcast
Weekend Games
O fficers of the Ashland. M«xl-
ford and G ran ts Pass Kiwuuia
clubs w ere officially installed a t
a jo int m eeting of the three
clubs held at the Rogue Valley
C ountry C lub last M onday night.
A shland's new officers in­
clude E dw ard P B arn ett, presi­
dent, E dw ard Stevens, vice
president, and M artel P eters,
M orris B radley and S herm an
Hadley, directors. M edford of­
ficers installed w ere F ra n k
Rowe, president; ictor M ilnes,
vice president, and C hester H ub­
bard, Don N ew bury and Keva
Hutchinson, directors.
Elmo Stevenson, p resi­
dent of Southern O regon col­
lege, was p rinlipal speaker Giv-
ng an appraisal of the values
of life, he brought out th a t the
real values a re the ideals and
services individuals c o n trib u te
to society.
Dr Stevenson com plim ented
the M edford and A shland K i­
w anis clubs for th eir youth ac­
tivities and the scholarships pro ­
vided by the A shland club to de­
serving high school graduates.
W hile these activities are help­
ing to conserve ou r hum an re­
sources, we are still faced w ith
the fact th a t less than 5 percen t
of ou r high school g rad u ates
com plete th eir college courses.
He pointed out th at Russia su b ­
sidizes th e ir youth in education
and provides those w ithout ec­
onom ic o p p ortunity to develop
th eir late n t possibilities in edu­
cation. In closing, Dr. S teven­
son noted th a t the value of the
individual is determ ined by th at
individual’s contribution to th e
com m unity and to ou r g reatest
n a tu ra l resource, the youth of
today and the fu tu re genera­
Russell K urtz, Coos Bay, Ki­
w anis division lie u te n a n t gov­
ernor, elaborated on th e K iw anis
them e for 1950, “ Aggressive Ci­
tizenship, the Safeguard of F ree­
dom .” He urged th a t K iw anians
be on g u ard against dangerous
“ism s.” K urtz was installing of­
M edford’s P a st P resident, Ray
B aker, spoke b riefly to the as­
sem bled group a n d stated th a t
the M edford K iw anis com m ittee
fo r underprivileged children had
m ade arran g em en ts for 15 ton-
silectom ies and one cancer case
during th e past year. Incoming
M edford president, F ra n k Rowe,
spoke b riefly and introduced
A shland’s P a st P resident, B ert
M iller, an d incom ing president,
Ed B arn ett. Each spoke b riefly
and com plim ented th e M edford
___ _________
on a rra n g _____
in g the banquet.
R obert Neilson, incom ing presi-
dent of G ra n ts Pass, was intro-
duced and spoke briefly.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mac W hirter Directors
For 1950 Campaign In Ashland District !
The 1950 M arch of Dimes
cam paign will get u n d er way
F irst day enrollm ent for the j next M onday, Jan . 16, when
w inter q u a rte r at S outhern Ore-1 cam paign leaders w ill s ta rt the
gon C ollege showed in increase a n n u al solicitation of funds to
of tw enty-nine per cent over com bat polio.
J a n u a ry 1949 first-day en roll­
Mr. and Mrs. Don M a c //h irte r
m ent. Indications are th at w inter a re co-directors of the drive in
q u a rte r final reg istratio n figures the A shland area for the fourth
Ja n u a ry 14 will fall very little consecutive year. They a re being
below th e fall term all-tim e re­ aided in cam paigning by the
cord for this school S tudents A shland Study club and the For
atte n d in g fall term totalled 782 tn ig h tly club along with o ther
i .cal individuals and college stu ­
dents, th e nam es of which will
be announced later.
Mr M acW hirter said this week
th at he believed the need for
funds is g rea ter this y e a r than at
In an sw er to the year-end call any tim e d uring the past four
of the com ptroller of th e cur­ years. C ounty funds have been
rency, th e A shland branch of depleted and ari increase in the
the F irst N ational Bank of P o rt­ n u m b er of polio cases over the
land rep o rts deposits of $5,733,- state d u ring the past y e a r has
187; and loans of $2,105,135. In created an em ergency th a t will
charge of the local banking of­ req u ire additional funds to care
fice is G. H W enner, m anager. for tre a tm e n t of the disease.
T he A shland area raised ap­
On D ecem ber 31, 1948, the
figures w ere: deposits, $6,501,- proxim ately $2100 during the
1949 drive and M acW hirter said
982; and loans, $1.820,970.
The F irst N ational B ank of it is hoped to double th a t a-
P o rtlan d , w ith 45 branches, re ­ m ount this year.
M acW hirter highly praised
ports deposits of $476,427,181;
the w ork of the A shland Ju n io r
and loans of $151,055,062
C ham ber in th e ir successful ef­
A gainst this loan figure, th ere
has been set up out of earnings forts to buy an iron lu n g for
from J a n u a ry 1, 1949 to Dec­ S outhern Oregon. The iron lung
em ber 31, 1949, a reserve for is now a t the A shland G eneral
hospital and the Jaycees have
possible loan losses, in am ount raised
enough funds th rough v a r­
of $598,492. This reserve is to
ious projects d u ring the oast
apply against a n y loan losses
few m onths to alm ost pay for
th a t m ay develop in th e future; the instrum ent. A pproxim ately
it has n o t been allocated to any $300 is needed to com plete pay­
p a rtic u la r loans or type of loans. m ent.
——— - *—
T otal resources are $516,803,-
The B ellview district has been
857, according to F. N. Belgrano,
J r.. P resid en t.
On D ecem ber 31, 1948, the fig­
ures were: deposits, $490, 523,-
422; loans, $161,684.213; and re­
sources, $527,882,079.
Wenner Reports
Bank Business
ARAB REFUGEES COME HO M E— A rab famines are reunited
In Acre following repatriation of Arabs, both Christian and Moslem,
who fled Palestine during the fighting. M any of these refugees
were separated from their families for 18 months or more. Armistice
Commission and United Nations personnel are preparing for the
homeward flow of Arabs who took refuge in neighboring countries.
Kiwanis Officers
Installed At Joint
Meeting Monday
annexed to the A shland district
this year, M acW hirter said.
H eadquarters for th is y e a r’s
campaign w ill be located In the
.»s irfuu city n ail.
Vern Sm ith, A shland C ity Po­
lice Chief, is a m em ber of the
Jackson county executive board
for the M arch of Dimes d rive
and w ill w ork w ith the A shland
chairm en in planning and c a r­
ry in g out the cam paign.
M acW hirter said th a t a t p res­
en t tw o Jack so n county p atients
a re receiving tre a tm e n t fo r the
disease in Eugene, an 18-month
old boy. Shelly Cross, son of
Mr. a n d Mrs. Edw in Cross, of
M edford, is believed to be the
youngest victim in histo ry to
ev er need the iron lung. A nother
victim , a 32-year-old m other,
from M edford is th e o th er Eu­
gene patient. A 16-year-old girl
from Eagle P o in t was tak en to
S an F rancisco d u rin g the past
w eek for treatm en t.
At present, the iron lung being
purchased by the A shland J a y ­
cees is the only iron lung be­
tw een Eugene and Redding, Cal
Medford Man Dies
In Plane Crash
The Oregon — O regon S tate
1 basketball gam e F rid ay night,
w ill be broadcast to local fans
over radio station KWIN, It was
announced today. The broadcast
The M erchants com m ittee of w ill start at approximately 8
A rlo B. B arnes, M edford, was
the A shland C ham ber of Com­ o’clock
in ju red fata lly w hen th e lig h t
m erce are going ahead w ith
Im m ediately
follow ing the
plane he was flying crashed on
plans to secure ap p ro p riate deco­
a ski run in th e Siskiyous Sun­
rations for the next Yule seas­ broadcast a re-broadcast of the
edford-C entral P oint gam e w ill
day. A passenger, J a c k O. Davis,
on, it was announced by Abe M
be heard.
also of M edford, w as only slig h t­
Neslin, chairm an of the com ­
ly injured j n the .crash.
m ittee, when m em bers of the
B arnes, flying an E /coupe, was
A shland C ham ber held their gam e on S a tu rd a y night will
also be carried over the local
circling o v er a group of M edford
noon luncheon Tuesday
station a t about 8 p.m., it was
people who w ere skiing on the
Neslin said th at plans are stated.
D ollarhide ranch w hen a wing
shaping up w hereby the C ham b­
KWIN officials said th at ef­
of the plane stru c k a pow er
er wil be abe to decorate Ash­ forts are being m ade to c a rry
line, flipping it o v er to crash.
and in a suitabe m anner w ith­ the A shland-K lam ath F alls gam e
B arnes was b ro u g h t to the
out an e x o rb itan t cost to any S atu rd ay night im m ediately fol­
A shland G eneral hospital w here
low ing the M edford game.
h e died from his in ju rie s sh o rtly
A lthough m uch m ore wordy,
B ert M iller told m em bers
fte r being adm itted. His in ju r­
the m essage itself was b ut a re­ th at his com m ittee had been
ies included a fra c tu re d skull,
hash of the last several speech­ approached by m any m em bers
The E ngle-Singm aster in su r­ crushed chest and m ultiple cuts
es Mr. T rum an has made. About of the T-’
._-n G ranges in re­
ance agency have opened th e ir and bruises.
tiie only thing missing was his gard lo holding an annual
A g rad e r from the A shland new office a t 343 E ast Main,
He leaves a w ife M arjorie,
form er reference to all oppone­ County F a ir here. He said that
j city dep artm en t was busy Tues­ giving the firm one of th e m ost and a sm all son W illiam . His
nts of his view s as rep resen tat­ the Pom ona G range leaders had
day n ight pushing heavy snow m odern insurance offices in So­ m other flew to M edford from
ives of the selfish and greedy also indicated th at they w ere in
j and slush from the curbs of u th ern Oregon.
her hom e in O klahom a for the
interests. He was ap p aren tly approval witli such an event.
F red Engle, »»ho has been fu n eral services w hich w ill be
) M ain stre e t to the m iddle of the
holding out a slightly wilted P resident W oodward said that a
stre e t to m ake fo r easier park- associated w ith th e business held S a tu rd a y a t 10:30 at the
olive branch to those who disa­ resolution would be im m ediately
The A shland Color C enter, j ing. The
w ork w as u n d er the
since 1932, has re tire d from the C onger-M orris fu n eral home, In-
gree w ith him. The rest of it adopted and sent to the Jackson ! owned by Mr and Mrs. Sherm an direction of A lbert Day, street business and his in terests have term erft w ill be in the Siskiyou
Low er b idder on *he in sta lla t­
was the same. He asks for m eas­ C ounty C ourt in an effort to Hadley,
has opened in it’s superintendent.
been purchased by Ed Sing- M ausoleum .
of the sp rin k lin g system for
ures which would increase gov­ hold a county fair.
new location at 341 East M ain.
H eavy, w et snow w hich be­ m aster.
alker School was found to
e rn m e n t spending. He says he
M iller also told m em bers of The paint store was form erly gan falling h ere ea rly Tuesday
A ssociated w ith Mr. S in g m a st-, March Of Dimes Show
M ills B ro th ers when the
w ill ask for m ore taxes Many the C ham ber th at w ork is prog­ located a t 1035 Iowa street.
m orning follow ing a night of in- J e r is D elbert E. Jones, who p u r­
opened a t the reg u lar
of his proposals w ould increase ressing in the p reparation of a
Mr. H adley said the new term iten t rain, kept m otorists chased an in te re st in th e in su r­ Slated In County
m eeting of the B oard M onday
his executive control. Sum m ed portfolio to be sent to federal dow ntow n location w ill enable w ithout chains dizzy w ith p a rk ­ ance firm in J u n e of 1949. Mr.
The Jack so n county M arch of evening. The system w ill go in
up, Mr. T rum an and his adm in­ authorities, explaining the need the firm to b e tte r service ac­ ing and driving problems.
Jo n es is a g rad u a te of th e Ash­ Dimes Show w hich w ill be un­ a fte r th e w alks have been com ­
istration w ant to collect m ore of a new federal building in A sh­ counts and place them in a po­
land high school, having also a t­ der the direction of Zoe P eters pleted. C onsideration was also
m oney from the people and land. M iller said th a t the first sition w here th e ir large stock of
tended S o u th ern O regon college of A shand w ill to u r the county given to th e Briscoe and B ell­
spend th eir own m oney for them ­ h u rd le had been passed in th at paints and w allp ap ers m ay be
follow ing his release from the d uring the polio fund d rive view grounds. W ith th e land­
selves as they see fit. In o ther A shland has been one of the c it­ easily shopped by A shland resi­
arm ed forces a fte r W orld W ar Ja n u a ry 16 to 31. T ryouts are scaping of the B ellview grounds
words, w hat he proposes is n oth­ ies listed for a new federal b uild­ dents.
II. He has been a resident of the being held in M edford th is w eek it is planned to m ake a bus en­
ing m ore no r less th an a con­ ing He said the m ain object now'
The H adleys purchased the
v icinity a ll his life.
a t the M edford H otel according tran ce so th a t the stu d en ts w ill
trolled socialist state
is for the a p p ro p riatio n com m it­ store, the fo rm er R untz P a in t
to Dick House, Jack so n county be off the highw ay.
To the grim accom panim ent
tee to act favorably on the plan com pany, from F. J. R untz a-
The Briscoe cafeteria was op­
M arch of Dimes chairm an,
and th a t the only m eans of ac­ bout a y e a r ago. P rio r to th at
M onday and today the
been slipping and skidding into
q uainting them w ith the urgent tim e they had been located in
its second w eek of alm ost con­ Thom as in the local agency. p art is asked to co ntact Zoe P e t­ stage cu rtain s a re being in sta ll­
need of such a building h ere
tinuous w inter w eather. The P rio r to com ing here he was ers at once. Tap dancers, com ­ ed. It is hoped th a t th e b ask et­
was to p rep are ex p lan ato ry data
C ham ber of C om m erce is b a r­ associated w ith the Sw eet-C raw ­ edians, xylophone a n d m arim ba ball goals w ill a rriv e soon for
for them to w ork on in m aking
the th re e elem en tary gyms.
ricaded and refuses to be q u o t­ ford agency in P o rtlan d w here p lay ers a re u rg en tly needed.
th e ir decision.
ed. Even the "o ld tim ers” who he w as in the special hazards
W endell L aw rence, form er
Ed Stevens of th e P laza a p a rt­
custom arily rem em ber all the departm ent.
Mr. S ingm aster said the new m ents is rep o rted to be reco v er­
co-publisher of the News Review-
fam ous blizzards of years gone
H ardy A shlandcrs intrepid spoke briefly and said that, a ft­
by are acknow ledging th a t 1 50 office of the agency here w ill ing rap id ly from the em ergency
Thirty-one students com pris­ prom ises to equal past records. enable the firm to m ore a d eq u at­ o peration w hich he was forced
enough to brave the elem ents er visiting several m id-western
d u rin g the past week have w in­ cities about the size of Ashland ing the highest fo u r p er cent of But new com ers are assured th at ely serve th e insuring public in to undergo last w eek at the
G ra n ts Pass hocpitaL
dow shopped not only for J a n ­ that he believed residents and the students of S o uthern O regon this is "really most unusual,” this area.
u ary bargain sales but have en­ businessm en of this area face a College m ade the H onor Roll and since most of them h ai.
joyed some unusual visual edu­ brig h t fu tu re due to the rapid for fall term . One student, Virgil from points south in our sister
Dr. A rth u r S. T aylor, P rofes­
cation in local displays. One increase in population of the Wolff of M edford reached the state, this alibi has a fam iliar
sor of Social Science at S outh­
perfect record of 4.0. O thers ring.
w indow which has been a ttra c t­ area.
ern Oregon College, is co-author
reaching a 3.50 grade point av­
ing much com m ent from chil­
Only the younger generation
of O ur Oregon, new elem entary
erage o r higher w hile carry in g seem s en tirely satisfied with
dren and adults as well, has de­
social science textbook publish­
a load of a t least 12 term hours the elem ents. School p laygroun­
picted the early civilization of
ed by H a rr W agner Publishing
ancient Am erica. The pyram id
ds have become forts and tobag-
Com pany of San Francisco.
G eraldine Bish, R obert A. gan slides and teachers have
and the stone tablets w ith th eir
O ther au th o rs a re Mrs. Buena
Boyer. Ann D ressier, B eulah sighed over soaked rosy-faced
stran g e hieroglyphics seem to
Stone and Mrs. Iren e Foster,
Jensen, E verette Lewis, Fred pupils who w atch the clock
fascinate those who w ould in­
teachers in th e K lam ath Falls
M etzger, Ray Rayner, of M ed­ hands creep tow ard closing tim e
te rp e t th eir m eaning.
M rs F oster is a g rad u ­
A train in g class in first aid ford: Eugene Evonuk, F rederick
The Church of Jesu s C hrist
Each passing day brings new
ate of SOC.
L. G oddard, G lendale, Oregon; hope — and new snow. Those
of the L atter Day Saints is plac­
This book entains 42 stories
ing this interesting colored dis­ A shland police force beginning Nancy H unter. C entral Point; who boast of th e ir hillside scenic
dealing w ith the developm ent of
M erton Ingham , Cave Junction; surroundings in th e balm y sum ­
play in the w indow s of several
Oregon and the N orthw est area.
stores d u ring the m onth of J a n ­ through J a n u a ry 27. it was a n ­ A lanna King, Coos Bay; Jam es m er tim e a re less enthusiastic
T here is a teach er aid section
Lindley Myers, K lam ath Falls; and have little sp are attention
m ap suggestions, vo­
Chief of the A shland force.
Jo an n e Snapp, M errill; H arold to give to the alpine g ran d eu r
cabulary helps, questions, visua!
Sm ith said the classes will be S tieler, N uernberg, G erm any; spread
panoram ically
aids and bibliographies The
under the direction of Sgt. Col­ Colleen J. Tiegs, Talent; Billee them .
book is am ply illu strated in
bert, in stru cto r of the Oregon B. Bailey, Robert Beach, W alter
Taxi-cab d riv ers are carrying
Dr. John Schulz, D irector of S tate Police. M em bers of the Foster, Am asa L. G ilm an, D en­ left-hind rab b its feet and keep­
O ur O regon has been given a
G uidance at S outhern Oregon A shland fire d e p a rtm e n t have nis Hassell, W illiam B H edrick. ing th e ir fingers crossed e v e ry ­
sir y e a r adoption in th e elem en­
College, spoke a t the Rogue Riv­ been invited to atten d the clas­ C harlotte Hull, J a n e t L. Lan- tim e they get a call. B ut fender
ta ry schools f Oregon by the
e r PTA m eeting on M onday, Jan. ses, one of m any on-the-job tra in ­ way, Lela Fay Linn, Donald M il­ and tow ing business booms on.
S t a t e T extbook Commission.
WARFARE IN BURMA —G overnm ent troops in Burma look tor
¡k Dr. Schulz’ subject was “Child ing program s of th e A shland lage, Donald L Olson, C rystal w hile m erchants shovel and re ­
The book has a Is been adopted
rebel colum ns as w arfare continues in the strife-to rn country.
G uidance in the School and Police d ep artm ent to fu rth e r ser­ Pom pella, Emma R.edbird. Ash­ shoved w alks as they pond*r the
Liberation of rice fields held by rebels is the objective ot govern­
in Kern, A lam eda, and Sonoma
vice to the public.
possibilities of Palm Beach.
m ent m ilitary forces.
counties in C alifornia.
Color Center
In New Home
On East Main
Snowplow Cleans
Ashland Streets
In New locati*
At 3^3 E. Main
Mills Brothers
Low Bidder On
School Work
Speaking Of The
W eather. . . Man!
EDS Members
Present Window
Displays Here
SOC Honor Roll
Lists Tliirty-one
Dr. Taylor Book
Being Published
Police Conduct
Training Class