Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 05, 1950, Image 1

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    • o/
Business Tax Measure Halted
S o t d l t & U t Ô ï& f O K
‘Ashland—Home of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival’
Voi. 16. No. 43
$3 per year
Single Copy 5c
Proposed Tax On City Business Listed
In Councilman Sheldon’s Measure
Councilman Sheldon Asks Attorney
Refrain From Drafting Ordinance
Councilman Elmer E. Sheldon, in a telephone con­
versation with the publisher of the News Review
late Wednesday afternoon, said that he had request­
ed city attorney Skerry to refrain from drafting
a proposed ordinance pertaining to a business tax in
Ashland when the city attorney had pointed out that
a two-thirds majority vote of the council was necess­
ary for such a measure. Tuesday night’s voting was
3-3 in the council and Mayor Tom Williams had cast
the deciding ballot, which fell short of the required
Article 7, Section 5, of the city charter requires
that a business tax proposal must pass by a two-
third majority margin of the council.
Mr. Sheldon said that he offered the proposed tax
in an effort to obtain a means of raising funds needed
by the city government without adding a burden to
residents who are living on small fixed incomes. He
said that apparently the common council were not in
accordance with his proposed plan and that he had
requested Skerry to refrain from drawing up the
proposed ordinance. He said that he had informed
Skerry that if it was necessary to recind the motion
to clarify the matter he, Sheldon, would do so at the
next meeting of the city council on Jan. 17.
The following list is a sum­
Music Stores and P i a n o
mary of proposed city license Houses $24 per year.
fees to be paid either annually
Meat Markets $24 per year.
or semi-annually by Ashland
Mortuary $100 per year.
businessmen in a measure
Newspapers, Daily $100 per
brought before the Council by year. Weekly, $24 per year.
Councilman Elmer Sheldon at
Out of City Contractors $40
last Tuesday night’s meeting
per year.
Auto Courts $24 per year.
Pool Halls $40 per year.
Barber Shops $24 per year
Parts Houses $24 per year
with 1 chair and $10 per year
Peddlers $5 per day
more for every additional chair
Paint Contractors employing
Beauty Shops $24 per year
one or more men $24 per year
Bakeries $24 per year.
Photographers $24 per year.
Bowling Alleys $40 per year
Plumbing Shops $24 per year
Bottling Works $24 per year
Packing Houses $75 per year.
Blacksmith and W e l d i n g
Paint and Paper Stores $24
Shops $24 per year.
per year.
Bicycle Shops $24 per year
Poultry and Egg Company $24
Broadcasting Stations $50 per per year.
Professional men and women
Cabinet Shops $24 per year
including attorney, physician or
Car and Trailer Dealers $24 surgeon, dentist, chiropractor,
BIG BIRD WINGS AWAY-Douglai Aircraft s giant C-124 Globemaater 11 transport leaves the
per year.
optometrist, pharmacist, veterni-
runway for the first time at Long Beach, Calif. Designed to carry 200 troops with field equipment
City Transfers $24 per year
nary, artist, architect, auctione­
field guns, and fully loaded trucks, the plane is expected to fly 50.000 pounds of payload 850
Mayor Tom Williams cast the other towns he knows of has
City Transfers having also er, engineer, assayor, surveyor,
miles, unload, and return to to Its base without refueling
tie-breaking vote favoring a tax a sim ilar tax.”
wood, coal and fuel oil, oil stov­ public stenographer, public ac­
on city business houses when
es and appliances $50 per year. countant, or any other profes­
Councilman Sheldon estimat­
the question came to a vote at ed that the business tax would
Canneries $75 per year
sion $24 per year.
Chamber Registers
Tuesday night’s meeting.
raise in the neighborhood of
Cobblers $24 per year.
Restaurants $24 per year.
Job Hunters Here
Councilman E. E. Sheldon $12,000 to $15,000. No statement
Creameries $40 per year.
Real Estate Dealers $24 per
presented the measure with the was made as to how or where
Bill McGee, secretary of the
C i r c u s e s , Carnivals. Dog year.
recommendation that it be the tax monies would be used
Ashland Chamber of Commerce,
Shows, Etc. $50 per day.
Radio Shops $24 per year.
drawn as an ordinance to be pas­ should the final ordinance put­
states that the local office has
Contractors $40 per year
Service Stations $24 per year.
sed later by the council, and ting the tax into effect be passed
Dry Goods Stores $24 per
Sawmills $75 per year.
had many Inquiries and regist­
on the first vote the measure when it comes up for a final
rations from job-seekers during
Small Confectioneries $24 per
defeated by a 4-2 vote. Vot­ vote.
Dry Cleaners $24 per year.
The Ashland Lions club is
The new processing plant for ing against the proposed tax Was Vetoed July it
Drug Stores $24 per year
Stationery Stores $24 per year. conducting a concentrated mem­ ed that employers who are in
Swimming Pools $24 per year. bership drive during the month need of workers get in touch the Rogue River Valley Rabbit were Councilmen Stansbury,
Drug Store and Fountain com­
The same measure came be­
bination $40 per year.
Skating Rinks $24 per year. of January, honoring Melvin with his office.
Marketing Association which is Homes, Neill and Kroeger, while fore the council last July 19 at
McGee said that he has regis­ now under construction in Tal­ Councilmen Bailey and Sheldon which time it was vetoed by a
Sporting Goods Stores $24 per Jones, founder of the organiza­
Dress Shops $24 per year
voted in favor of the tax.
for almost all types of
Dairies $24 per year. Selling year.
4-1 margin. A t this meeting Cou­
tion, it has been announced by
ent will be in operation by Jan.
Councilman Neill immediate­ ncilmen Neill, Homes, Kroeger
Second Hand Stares $24 per R o l a n d Parks, membership work.
Bilik and cream only. $40 per
15th according to Lloyd Wells, ly moved that the measure be and Stansbury voted against the
year, selling butter, cheese, etc., year.
chairman, and Bob Snider, presi­
reconsidered and upon a second measure while Sheldon favored
the manager.
Sand, Gravel and Readymix dent of the local club.
in addition to m ilk and cream.
Neill, Bailey and Sheldon the tax.
Electric Appliance Stores $40
At a recent meeting of the
In discussing the drive Parks
voted “yes” with Councilman
Trucks coming into town to and Hardy pointed out that since
per year.
Tuesday night’s action did not
Board of Directors the officers Stansbury, Homes and Kroeger
~Truit and Vegetable Stands deliver or sell merchandise or 1914, when Melvin Jones con­
invoke the business tax
for 1950 were elected. William sticking to their original “no” but ordered
$24 per year. Any fruit stand op­ produce of any description $24 ceived the idea of organizing the
city attorney Harry
The Ashland city council, dur­ B. McCullough of Ashland, pres­ vote.
erating and selling only their per year.
Skerry to daw an ordinance per­
club, the membership has grown
In casting his deciding ballot taining to such tax, to be voted
Trailer Courts $24 per year. to 385,000 members throughout ing a recess In its Tuesday night ident, Cecil Kee of Trail, Vice-
own products are license free
Williams said he would on later. Councilmen discussed
Tire Shops $24 per year.
meeting, presented retiring fire president, Paul Haviland of Med­
Furniture Stores $40 per year.
26 countries.
favor the tax measure “because the possibility of some revisions
Taxi Cabs $24 per year. This
Florists $24 per year.
The International association
ford, secretary, C. K. Oliver of j
Fraternal Orders operating fee is per cab.
in its final reading.
wa formed in 1917 when the or­ gift in token of appreciation of Shady Cove, treasurer and Lloyd
Tank and Steel $75 per year. ganization held its first convent­ the work Baughman has done Wells of Talent, manager. Other
bar, dining room or restaurant
The tax was adjudged a mon­
Upholstery Shops $24 per ion in Dallas, Texas. The meet­ during . his
of x active
ser- directors of the Association are
$100 per year.
ey-raising project other than a
Feed and Seed Stores $24 per year.
protection for local businessmen.
ing was attended by members vice m the fire department here. Herbert Meisner of Goid HiU,
Variety Stores $24 per year. from twenty-five clubs.
Refuse Fire Station Site
Baughman was escorted into L le McCoy of Ashland and W.
Wholesale Grocers and Whole­
Grocery Stores $24 per year.
A letter was read the council
The organization was extend­ the Council Chamber by Chief W5rt of Traij
sale Groceries and Produce Deal­ ed into Canada in 1920, moving of Police Vern Smith, after
Garages $24 per year.
from Steve Zarka, who offered
Garages with Car Agencies ers $100 per year.
the city his Associated service
into Mexico in 1927. Clubs are which Councilman Elmer Shel­ San Francisco and the Bay Area
$40 per year.
station site and adjoining house
If there are one or more than now operating in 26 countries don, on behalf of the other mem­ will begin as soon as the proces­
bers of the Council and Mayor sing plant is completed.
Gents Furnishing Stores $24 one business operating under on five continents.
Funeral services were held for the purpose of a fire station
per year
the same roof each business will
Monday afternoon at the Litwil- at the price of $65,000. In turn
Lions club activities include Tom Williams, presented him
Greenhouses and Nurseries be charged separately for a city cooperation in boys and girls with a complete fishing outfit,
ler funeral home for Charley Zarka offered to buy from the
$24 per year.
license and not as just one busi­ work, civic improvement, edu­ complete from tackle box to
Hervey Blake, 82, who died at city the present Third street
G as
companies handling ness.
his home on Beach street last building which had originally
cation, health and welfare, sight rubber pants and boots.
Baughman said that it is his
stoves and appliances $50 per
been planned for a fire station,
Friday morning.
in addition to
For instance — Restaurant conservation,
at a price of $13,000, the sum
other local projects.
and Fountain; Grocery Store many
the gift early this spring.
Gift Shops $24 per year.
land, Mr. Blake was bom here paid for the building by the
Hotels $1 per room per year. with Meat Market and Bakery; that in addition to their commu­
on April 17, 1867, the son of pio­ city.
Radio station KWIN has an­ neers of this community, and
Hardware Stores $24 per Department Stores with Jewel­ nity activities, Lions play a lead­ Congregational Church
Councilman Neill moved that
nounced that it will broadcast was a machinest by trade.
ry, Dry Goods Electric Applianc­ ing role in national and world
City Recorder J. B. Austin notify
the Southern Oregon college-
Ice and Storage $24 per year. es, Etc.; Garage with Parts De­ affairs, being dedicated to uni­
For 21 years he was an active Mr. Zarka that the city was not
The annual meeting and din­ San Francisco State basketball member
partment; Hardware with Plum­ versal security and welfare, pro­
Includes Locker Plants.
Christian church, interested in the transaction and
ner of the Congregational church game, to be played Friday night, and was of a the
Insurance Agencies of all bing; and any other combination gress and prosperity.
of Ashland the following vote was unani­
will be held on Thursday Jan­ January 6.
business operating under the
types $24 per year.
On Dec. mous.
uary 5th at 6:30. Following a
The local station representat­ 22, 1928 he was married to Olive
Jewelry Shops $24 per year same roof.
cover-dish dinner the year’s ive also said that the Ashland Greene in Grants Pass.
Laundries $40 per year.
work will be reported by the Grizzley—Medford game would
Lumber Yards $50 per year.
He is survived by his wife and
daughter Toby Kay spent the various departments and officers be broadcast Saturday night.
Lunch Counters $24 per year.
sister, Mrs. Effie Addison, of
holidays with Mr. Fox’s sister will be elected for the coming
Both broadcasts are scheduled Independence, Oregon.
in Albany.
to start at approximately 8 p.m.
Funeral services were con­
ducted by Rev. Earl Downing,
of the Ashland Christian church.
A night class in salesman­
Interment was in Ashland cem­
ship will get under way at Sou­
thern Oregon college tonight,
Mayor Williams held up ap­
Jan. 5. The class is open to
Statistics didn’t prove dry have come to fire on the range. en property was an eye-opener faith M c C ullough joins pointment of a fire chief to re­
both ^college students and busi­ reading on Tuesday evening All officers of the local force V Ashland citizens. In eight
place former Chief Baughman,
nessmen who are interested in when Chief of Police Vern Smith are required to qualify each months time a total of $16,365 NEWS REVIEW STAFF
resignation became effect­
Faith McCullough has join­
The Ashland Y.M.C.A. Adult the course.
made his report to the Ashland month with a service weapon, worth has been returned.
3, until a near future
the staff of the News Review
Registration for the class City Council. In the eight and and each is now an expert sharp­
Group in Crafts will start its
During the period included in ed
winter series of meetings on started Tuesday and will con­ a half months in office Chief shooter. It is hoped that the Chief Smith’s report there were as local news and society editor.
The Mayor likewise held up
Mrs. McCullough, who former­
Thursday, January 5th. Shell- tinue until Jan. 14. The class Smith has carried out a program pistol range may soon have a no deaths due to traffic acciden­
of a Utilities sup­
craft and Internal Carving in will be held each Thursday night comparable to that of many a trained supervisor as the inter­ ts and but two serious injuries ly operated the Hobby Shop in erintendent, an office formerly
Plasties will be included in the from 7 until 10 o’clock, in room larger city. Ashland’s police ser­ est in the project has been stead­ out of 216 automobile accidents
filled by Elmer Beigel.
activities for this group during 107 at the college. The $8.50 vice is now on a twenty-four ily increasing during the past within the city limits. Warnings experience in magazine feature
Beigel was named Electric
the next ten weeks. Two ses­ registration fee will entitle the hour basis with two way radio few years.
for minor violations were issu­
superintendent and it was Indi­
sions of the Craft group will be student to two college credits. communication. Its eight officers
Last October the F B I. police ed to 4,240 persons.
cated fhat other duties formerly
Alwyn Miller, who will in- handle the law enforcement of training school was brought to
held each Thursday. An after­
99 out of 484 arrests made by TO SAN FRANCISCO
under his supervision would be
noon session from 2:00 to 4:00 struct the class, said that the a population which according to Ashland for the first time thro­ the police were for some form of
Mrs. Alice A. Peil and Mrs. passed on to another since it was
o’clock and an evening session study will be conducted in a national standards would re­ ugh the cooperation of Dr. Stev­ drunken conduct. Juvenile deli­ Hallie Endicott expect to leave assumed Beigel had in the past
scientific manner such as one quire sixteen, in spite of which enson of Southern Oregon Col­ nquency and youthful runaways on Saturday for San Francisco. been given more duties than
from 7:30 to 0:30 o’clock.
The “Y” Craft group is open might study biology.
local crime average is lower.
lege and the Department of Vo­ added to the general increase of Both will spend several weeks could be properly cared for.
The entire outline of the sell­
in the Bay Area after which
without charge to all women of
Tile police department space cational Education. It dfew an 45% over any previous year.
Vern Smith was renamed Po­
the community. The group is un­ ing class is the step-by-step ex­ has been enlarged and remodel­ attendance from he entire state
Evidently Ashlanders appeal Mrs. Endicott will go to Santa lice Chief by Mayor Williams
der the direction of Mrs. R. N. amination of good salesmanship ed by the personnel at a cost as well as from many depart­ to their police protectors on Cruz for the remainder of the who stated that he believed
Fletcher who has served as in­ of the permanent variety. It is of less than $20 to the city. The ments in northern California.
slight provocation for 3290 com­ winter and Mrs. Peil will travel Smith had performed very cap­
structor for both the Adult hoped that an understanding of donation of lumber was suppli­
The ever-present traffic prob­ plaints were registered, ranging on down the coast.
ably in his position during the
group and the girls craft groups effective means of selling tech­ ed by citizens who recognized lem has been handled with a all the way from noisy neigh­
past eight and one-half months
nique may be gained from this the need. A modernized filing noticeable decline of accidents bors to wandering livestock. The MOVE TO BERKELEY
during the past three years.
he has served the city.
course, states Miller. Films from system has been put into operat­ during the past eight months, mileage of the combined car.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sewell left
Albert Day was again appoint­
such companies as Montgomery ion and new uniforms and side- due in large part to the enforce­ motorcycle and foot parol would on Saturday for San Diego ed street superintendent and
Ward and National Cash Regist­ arms are now being worn.
ment of the “jay-walking" or more than circle the globe. In where they will spend the next Earl R. Hosier was re-appointed
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barge of er will be shown to further en­ Pistol Range Completed
the controversial issue summarizing the police activiti­ month visiting Mr. Sewell’s par­ water superintendwent
Crescent City spent the holidays hance the correct and profitable
The Ashland Police pistol which evoked so many moans es it would seem that Ashland ents. The first of February they
Harry A. Skerry, Jr., was re­
with Mrs. Berge’s parents Mr way to sell to the customers ac­ range in the Canyon has attract­ along Main street.
City Attorney.
and Mrs. J. M S utherlin of N u t - cording to their needs and ed widespread attention and of­ Recover Stolen Property
lev St.
ficers from many departments1 The amount of recovered stol­ ’aw enforcement and protection. their home in Berkeley.
the same as for last year.
• • •
• • •
Mayor Williams Casts Deciding Ballot
Favoring Tax Ordinance On Business
Ashland Lions
Plan Membership
Drive In January
Rabbit Raisers
To Open Plant
For Processing
Council Presents
Baughman Gift
Charles H. Blake,
Ashland Pioneer,
Buried Monday
KWIN To Bring
Casaba Games
Craft Classes
Start Thursday
At Y.M.C.A.
College Offers
Salesman Class
Police Chief Report Shows Busy Year
Williams Lists
Appointments For
Coming Year