Fr »f O. «O. *7/te Sauthesm O' í & o o k NEWS REVIEW * Leo Zupan New Junior Chamber Prexy; Membership Drive To Be First Project Leo Zupan was installed as H arm on had done in collecting p resident of the A shland Ju n io r contributions for the Iron Lung C ham ber of Com m erce at a din­ Fund. n e r m eeting of the organization The present Jaycee officers last T hursday night. Out-going installed their successors and P resid en t Ken Jones was in stal­ presented them w ith pins. Bill ling officer. Yates J r presented the F irst "Ashland—Horae of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival” Z upan spoke briefly to the V ice-President’s pin to B ert T e r­ m em bers and said th a t the first ry, S herm an J. Hadley present« Voi. 16. No. 42 ASHLAND, JACKSON CO UNTY. OREGON. THUR SD AY, DECEMBER 29. 1949 S3 per year Single Copy 10«* pro ject the club would under­ ed his Second V ice-President’s tak e w ould be to increase the pin to Bob O’Hara, and Don m em bership Berg presented the S ecretary ’s Jones presented Dale H arm on I pin to Don Nimrod. C raig C. w ith a gift from the club and M ayfield was re-elected tre a su r­ an “ E xhausted R ooter Pin." er for the ensuing year. As mas­ Jones praised the w ork that te r of Cerem onies, Jones present­ ed past Officers pins to the out­ M em bers nl four A shland patrol leader; Jim m y Stucky, as­ going officers. Past D irectors Scout troop« received award« sistant; G eorge G ray, patrol lea d ­ pins w ere presented to Dale H ar­ d u rin g a c o u rt of honor and in­ er; Tom m y Click, assistant; and mon, Ed B arnett, B ert T erry, v e stitu re service held at the LDS G ary Hansom, putrol leader, and Leo Zupan and Don E. Lewis. church here last T hursday eve Jo h n Neeley, assistant D irector pins w ere presented to nlng. Troop officers a re Jo h n Stu- Ed B arnett, Bill Yates J r., R alph G ifford C hindlund, Scoutnias . cky, senior putrol leader, Glen Hooper, Phil George, Don E. 1er of Troop 112, conducted the Ingle, scribe; Jo h n Cornpbell, li- ' Lewis, Sherm an H adley, M arc cundle-light investiture ccremo- i b rarian , and Bob Pinson, quart- B alfour, and George S ennatt. A shland lodge of Royal Arch ny during which tim e T ender ! erm uster. Masons nam ed C lyde Caton as Jones also presented pins and font Scouts received th e ir pins T enderfoot Scouts of 112 who high p riest a t th e ir an nual elect­ m em bership cards to P hil Geo­ Pending a good deed, the pin« received th eir pins from M ackay ion of officers last T hursday rge and M arc B alfour and w el­ w ere pinned on wrong side up w ere L a rry M ackay, Tommy night. C aton w ill succeed Rev comed them into the c lu tfa s new by the respective Scoutm asters. Rond, Donald Brown, Michael m em bers. A. H. M acDonnel. E ight boys of Troop 112 each Moores, and Dick Burns O th er officers elected to ser- „ Forrne r Jaycee P resident, Jim guve one of th e 12 Boy Scout Colors w ere presented and re ­ ve for 1950 and installed at I Gle2 n Sacram ent°. C alifornia, laws, w hile tw o guve tw o each tired by a color guard consisting T h u rsd ay ’s cerem onies include fsP°. ? brw fly a °d told th e group Scoutm asters and executives of G ary Hanson, Jim Stucky, M orton N ew ton, king, John von that he was Presently em ployed of Boy Scouting sitting a t the Jo h n Stucky, and G eorge G ray. K uhlm an scribe, George W as a Pa rtn e r in a construction m am table w ere Bob M ackay of Dunn tre a su re r, J. H. H ardy i ” rm . building houses in Sacra- Troop 111; Irving Nelson of 114 secretary, H arold New ton chair ,w as t ^ e f*rst P re* of Bellview , K eith Davis of sident of the local Jaycees and i of host, F o rrest Jen n in g s P. S., T roop 115, Milo G rubb, assistant H erb H uston R.A.C., R obert A r­ left A shland in S eptem ber fo r S coutm aster of Troop 112; Jim m strong th ird vail, C laud Moore Sacram ento. Follow ing th e in­ H arpole, field executive; Cliff second vail, M arvin M iller first stallation cerem onies, the club Hunson, d istrict Scouting execu­ vail, R obert E Dodge chaplain, was en tertain ed by Don Lew is tive of the C ra te r Lake ari a cou w ho presented a com edy radio and M. J. Low e sentinel. n d l; Dick T rites, co urt of hon­ skit. The group of 40 m em bers, P ast High P rie st F ran k Barn- o r chairm an; Hugh . M cKeever, thouse acted as in stallin g officer, th eir w ives and guests sang Linn H ow ard, form erly of district extension and organiza­ assisted by P ast High P riest M songs and spent the rem a in d e r tion man; Bob S nider Lions K lam ath Falls, a rriv ed in A sh­ of the evening playing Bingo P Dunn as m arshal. club president; Dr Elmo S te v ­ lan d Tuesday m orning and will and dancing. enson, com m ittee m e m b e r of assum e the m anagem ent of the Guests present a t the d in n er B E LLV IE W GRANGE Troop 112 from S outhern O re­ local office of the C om m ercial w ere Miss Joan Neil, Mr. a n d PARTY S A TURD AY gon college; and G ifford C hind­ Finance com pany on J a n 1 M em bers of the B ellview Mrs. Jim Glenn, E lm er H eiler, H ow ard has been assistant lund. G range w ill m eet a t the grange Mr and Mrs. C arl Ranney, Mr. Dr. Stevenson spoke on the m anager of the com pany’s Kla­ Tiie Ret Jam es H utchinson church s work. On behalf of the . trip several years ago, he w ore for a N ^ w '^ ^ e a r’s^ F v e '^ n artv 1 and Mrs. Phil L. R itter. Mr. and rew a rd of Scouting and d escrib­ m ath F alls office for the past Mrs. Dewey Spence, Miss R uth ed "T he Boy." Hanson talked nine m onths, going to K lam ath C ockburn, fo rm er M oderator of W or]d Council he has visited 18 his custom ary Scotch a ttire Festivities w ill begin a t eight o’- Beers, and Miss C larice Homes. on the Boy Scout them e for the Falls from San Francisco, w here ' the C hurch of Scotland, will M embers and th e ir wives w ho which created alm ost as m uch of d o ck . S tren g th en the Arm of L iber he was associated with the P u b ­ speak on T he C hurch U nder countries o£ E ur°pe, also Cana- atten d ed w ere: Mr. an d Mrs. M em bers are asked to bring P ressu re" a t the P resb y terian ; da, A ustralia, and New' Zealand. a sensation on A m erican streets ty,” and told w hat C om m unists lic Loan corporation. Ken Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Bill , ■ . . , , ■ ,, sandw iches to be served la te r Mrs. H ow ard and th e ir 16- C hurch a t 7:30 p.m on M onday, Was Pastor In Scotland do to the Boy Scout program as did his able speaking in th e in the evening. Tables of cards Yates J r., Mr. and Mrs. S herm an He also spoke on the Boy Scout m onth old d a u g h te r a re expect-1 J a n u a ry 2nd. Dr C ockburn, F or m any years. Dr Cock­ churches. Life m agazine carrie d and dancing w ill be enjoyed J. Hadley, Mr. ànd Mrs. C raig jam b o ree plans w hich will car ed to a rriv e in A shland th is I Scottish C haplain to King Geor- b urn w as pastor of th e Cathed- a full-page p o rtra it of Dr. Cock- throughout the evening. C. M ayfield,. Mr. and Mrs. Leo w eekend to m ake th eir hom e. ge VI, appears in A shland w ith ral at D unblane, Scotland, one j burn in his picturesque blouse ry th e boys to Valley Forge ___________________ A. Zupan. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge T he only boy of tiie group to Jo h n H am streedt, who recently iu - of ® f of the few P resb y terian C a th e d -; and knee-length “ gators.” Spend Christmas With Daughter Sennatt, Mr. and Mrs. B ert T e r­ receive a perfect atten d an ce pin resigned his position as m anag­ the local churches, including the e ra is in the w orld. He holds th e Also At M edford Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thom pson ry, Mr. and Mrs. M arc B alfour, was M arvin Woods of Scout e r of the local office, has not M ethodist, C ongregational, and degree of D octor of Theology Rev. Dr. C ockburn w ill speak left S a tu rd a y evening fo r Eug- Mr and Mrs. Bob O’H arra, an d announced his fu tu re plans. Troop 112. P resb y terian C hurches. from the U niversity of P rague, in the M edford P re sb y te ria n ene, w here they spent the Mr. and Mrs. Dale H arm on. O th­ S ta r Scouts receiving aw ards U ntil recently, Dr C ockburn has an hoiyirary D octorate of C hurch a t 11 a m. New Y ear’s C hristm as holiday w ith th eir e r m em bers present were: Don w ere John Stucky, Jim Stucky. has been D irector of Inter- D ivinity from Y ale U niversity, Day and a t a union service in d a u g h te r and son-in-law, Mr. Nim rod, P h il George. Don L ew is G ary Hansom and M arvin Woods C hurch Aid of the W orld Coun- and is H onorary P rofessor a t the the C hristian C hurch of M edford and Mrs. Wm. Wolfe. C hristm as Ed B arnett, Erick Pow ell, a n d of T roop 112 and G arald Davis cil of C hurches, and consequent- U niversity of B udapest. His a t 3 p.m., u n d er the auspices of Day they w ent to C orvallis and Don Berg. of T roop 115. ly is well inform ed on all prob- nam e is pronounced “Co-bum ." the M edford M inisterial Associ- had d in n er w ith Mr. W olfe’s The nex t Jaycee m eeting w ill M erit b adges w e re a w a rd e d to lem s of relief and reconstruct- The 70 y ear old Dr. C ockburn ation. The evening m eeting in Darents, Col. and Mrs. P, T. Wol- be held T hursday, Ja n u a ry 5th, G len Ingle, Bob M yrick. John ion of churches, as w ell as the has visited the U nited S tates on A shland w ill be his only speak- fe. They re tu rn e d hom e M onday at the Plaza Cafe in Ashland. Stucky, G ary Hanson and M ar­ Displaced Persons p a rt of the several occasions. On his last ing engagem ent on J a n u a ry 2nd. | evening. vin Woods of Troop 112 P atrol leaders of th e troop to receive S h irley Dam on was crow ned insignias w ere M arvin Woods. H onored Queen for the com ing y e a r at installation cerem onies held by Jo b ’s D aughters in the M asonic T em ple last F riday night. Chloe Stevens and Kay Dudley, of Phoenix, w ere crow n­ ed S enior and J u n io r Princesses O pening of a new used c ar respectively. lot at 145 N orth Main on T ues­ Leon M essenger, P rofessor of j O th er officers installed w ere day, Ja n . 3, has been announced Psychology at Southern O regon ! B arb ara Buzbee, M idred Zitter- (E ditor’s Note: At the Dec. 20 City d epartm ents has been Not A Perfect Score the ev en t the com pleted M agno­ this w eek by Jim Busch, ow ner college, told m em bers of the cob, B arb ara Hild, K athleen m eeting of the A shland City slow ed by lack of funds. The This adm in istratio n does not lia installatio n is considered of the Busch Motv** com pany A shland Lions Den T u e s d a y , H artley, S andra Clary, O béra Council M ayor T. C. W illiam s lay claim to a perfect score. We satisfactory by th e city engineer, here. lessons learned from the state night th at one of the im p o rtan t | L eonard, M ary H illberry, B ar read his review of activities of have m ade m istakes. H ow ever, I recom m end th e T aylor Bros The new lot w ill replace the problem s today is in m aking bara VanV leet, Donna Travis, j tiie council to m em bers and pe­ a u d it of our fiscal affairs have m istakes cannot be m ade unless m ill (back of S.P. C ar shops) and one form erly operated by the not a ll been im plem ented a t this children feel , th a t . they play a , W anda Oden, C olette P errin e, ople of A shland. Inasm uch as . tim e b u t we a re m aking definite som ething is trie d in a new d ir­ th e U &. S m ill be req u ired to com pany a t the corner of church defin ite p a rt in the hom e and S h irley Dudley, Nancy Dunkes- th ere a re m any who w ere not in progress in doing so. C ertain ection. P e rh ap s it is un u su al fo r m ake a sim iliar installation eith- and Main. Busch said th e m ove of w holly and com pletely be- Oll> C arol C ulp Rosem ary s te v . atten d an ce a t this m eeting we a public official to fra n k ly adm it e r v o lu n ta rily o r by law. was being m ade to provide cus­ longing to the group he or she enson, Carol VanV leet. Kay believe the rep o rt w orth c a rry ­ consolidations a n d changes as in ­ th a t m istakes could be m ade. Against New Paving tom ers w ith a b e tte r lot, b e tte r dicated in the a u d it have alread y is in. Beck, Lois M elchoir, Ju d d y ing in these colum ns so th at the been m ade a n d m ore are in the Y et I see no reason w hy we At This Time park in g facilities for prospect­ M essenger said that a paren t Briggs. C ynthia Pickell, Rose­ people of A shland m ight have should not adm it m istakes w hen­ It is now my opinion th a t it ive buyers, and to allow m ore is faced w ith m aking the child m ary Ring, Pat Im el, M arlene an o p p o rtu n ity to study this offing, w henever m oney be­ ever we m ake them . We c e rta in ­ has been a m istake to proceed room fo r the grow ing business. comes available to buy the busi­ und erstan d th a t most children to ­ H eard, B arb ara W ray, M axine com prehensive report.) Busch said th a t plans a re un­ ness m achines needed. The audit ly in ten d to tak e cred it fo r ou r w ith the paving of new streets day a re supplied w ith an a b u n ­ C ham pion. accom plishm ents and we also in­ w hen th ere a re so m any older derw ay for the opening of a ser­ was costly but I now believe th a t M em bers of the Common dance of g ilts b u t th at th ere tend to pro fit by our m istakes. stre e ts so m uch in need of re­ vice station on the new lot in V e n i t a Roberson, retirin g w as a need to im press upon them H onor Queen, acted as in stal­ Council and th e People of Ash­ the p rice of it w ill be saved in T he C ouncil and M yself have pairs, th e o lder pavem ent should the n e a r future. the long run, as th e a u d it v ery land: the real feeling w ith w hich the ling officer. been a t a loss fo r some tim e to have been p u t in first class con­ definitely pointed out a num ber gift is given. He said the prob O thers assisting w ere S hirley A review of the activities of of w asteful and careless p ra c ti­ find a suitable solution fo r the dition first, th ere b y deferring lem is g re a te r today because N ew bry, J a n ie Sim pson, Mrs. the a d m in istratio n and an ap­ problem of how to control the m ore costly m aintainance charg­ of th e fact th a t most fam ilies M arilyn W erner, Mrs. M ary Lou p raisal of o u r stew ardship for ces not com m ensurate w ith good flying refuse from c ertain saw es, th a t are bound to come as business. live " fa rth e r a p a rt” than they G ettling, Miss M argaret W agner, the past tw elve m onths tu rn s and lu m b er m ill burners. V ari­ the stre e ts in need of re p a ir are did a few y ears ago. ous m ethods of control have neglected. Miss S h irley W eitzel and Miss up som e things that a re good G uests of th e club included Edna D augherty. been suggested, one or tw o of It is fu rth e r my opinion th at and some th at are not good. M essenger, Rev. Brough, of the Mr. H arold Steiler, exchange them tried w ith o u t ap preciable new pavem ent to be laid in the Follow ing the installation Mr. W hen it is rem em bered th a t is A shland N azarene church, John and Mrs. Damon presented Shir- has been w ith ex trem e difficul- results. fu tu re, be of a qu ality and th ick ­ student from G erm any a tte n d ­ M a d i s o n of D elliker, Cal­ ley w ith a b eautiful bouquet of ty th a t some things have been C ertain individual m em bers ness so as to elim inate m ainten­ ing S outhern O regon College ifornia, and Linn H ow ard, of the roses. They also p resented to the accom plished, because of hum an of the council to g eth e r w ith one ance fo r some tim e to come and was the speaker at the re g u la r K lam ath F alls Lions club or tw o m ill ow ners have sin­ not laid w ith eye on the price w eekly m eeting of. the A shland Bethel a m yrtlcw ood gavel factors beyond my control, it is cerely attem p ted to w ork o u t a alone. You can’t lay durable Senior Hi Y Club held in the A short program follow ed and rem ark ab le th a t we have done Y.M.C*A. W ednesday evening, solution satisfactory to all con­ pavem ent for 90 cents a foot. refreshm ents w ere served in the as w ell as we have. Mr. C harles A. Lockwood, dining room. cerned. To date the M agnolia O ur paving program has D ecem ber 21. The needed reorganization of Oregon State G am e D irector, L um ber Co. has m ade th e only (C ontinued on P age Five) In his talk Mr. S teiler told the calls atten tio n to the fact that realistic m ove to control this boys about the conditions in his Plans Being Made For the annual public hearing con­ nuisance. M agnolia has at least country preceding and d u rin g M ore than 500 new license Return Of Coleman Bros. cerning angling regulations for p a rtially installed a type of con­ the w ar and the effect these had plates have been applied for H e r e N ext Fall 1950 will be held in the P o rt­ tro l p a tte rn e d on the cyclonic upon the lives of the young pe­ through the local office of the ople a t th a t tim e. land office of the O regon State principal. T aylor Bros, have Jo h n H am street, chairm an of C ham ber of Com m erce since it Gam e Commission at 10:00 a m. given a prom ise of a sim ilar D uring the business session of w as officially opened a short the lions club com m ittee who J a n u a ry 13. The public is invit­ installation. U & S m ill, so fa r the m eeting plans w ere m ade tim e ago, it was stated today by recently presented the C olem an ed to a tten d this hearing, and as I know , has as yet m ade no fo r the Club together w ith the ’ Bill McGee, secretary of the Bros in a m usical show here, anyone having suggestions to m ove to v o lu n ta rily cooperate girls from the A lpha and Beta said Tuesday night th a t reports C ham ber. m ake concerning th e new angl­ w ith th e city and the people. In T ri Hi Y clubs to a tte n d church McGee said th a t m any in q u ir­ on the program had been so fav­ ing regulations w ill be h eard at in a body on Sunday, J a n u a ry 8. ies have been received from o rab le th a t plans are now being that tim e. R epresentatives of o r­ applicants who had m ailed th eir m ade to bring th e group of ganizations and individuals will renew als to the state office at N egro singers back to A shland all be heard. Those organizations Salem as to w hy they had not som etim e next fall, probably in not able to send a rep resen tativ e yet received th e ir plates. He said O ctober. and individuals not able to a t­ H am street said he had talked a check w ith the Salem office tend should send in th e ir reco­ revealed th at m any of the plates w ith the m anager of the singing m m endations by m ail before that T here w ill be no reg u lar noon One of the q uietest w eekends had been placed in th e m ails group and th at he had expressed date. luncheon of the C ham ber of in recen t m onths was spent in but w ere being delayed due to a desire to re tu rn to A shland A fter the public hearing the Com m erce u n til Tuesday, Jan . the A shland Police station it fo r a n o th e r program . the C hristm as m ail rush and it G am e Commission w ill set ten 10, it has been announced by has been rep o rted by V ern is assum ed th a t most of them tativ e regulations for the com- Bill McGee, secretary. Sm ith, C hief of the A shland Po­ RETURN TO TILLAMOOK will be out this week. i ; year. These w ill be announc­ McGee said th at the p rogram j lice departm ent. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bell, J r. ed, and a fte r a two w eek in te r­ for the Jan . 10 m eeting w ould i Chief Sm ith said yesterday FROM VALEJO an d fam ily retu rn ed to th e ir val. the Commission w ill recon­ be announced later. th at no one had been afforded Mr. and Mrs. L. Lyons of V a l-! hom e at T illam ook on Tuesday Charles A. Lockwood, who vene. m ake any changes deem ed 1 The secretary also stated th a t P. W. Snider, recently nam­ the facilities of the city jail lejo, C alifornia a re visiting a t a fte r spending the w eekend here was recently named to serve n 'c e ssa ry , and set the final a n g -1 the C ham ber m em bership drive ed by the Oregon State Game since Dec. 22, m aking the t>er- the hom e of Mr. and M rs. Clar- a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. another year as State Game ling regulations for the y ear is nearing com pletion w ith pros- commission as Assistant State iod som ew hat of a record for the ence Gassoway. ! R E. Bell, Senior. D irector. 1950. pects e f a successful cam paign. Game Director. local "station. Ashland Boy Scouts Receive Awards Al Court (M Honor Held December 22 Caton Named Head Ashland Arch Masons Linn Howard Joins Commercial Finance Office European Church Dignitary' To Speak Here January 2nd Shirley Damon I lonored Queen Of Job’s Daughters Lions Hear Prof. Messenger Mayor Williams Issues Review O f Council Activities D uring Past Year Busch Used Car Lot To Open At 145 East Main Senior Hi Y Club Hears Steiler Public Hearing January 13 On Angling Rules License Plate Sales Brisk Chamber Cancels Jan. 3 Meeting Police Spend Quiet Weekend