Ir Congressman Ellsworth Critical Of hrannan Plan, CVA, Social Medicine ‘ (By Faith M cCulloch) m an E llsw orth's opposition to it talk notable (or its sin any such governm ent controlled verity and lack of political or 1 m edical set up in the United utory, C ongressm an H arris El States. Isw orth of the 4ib D istrict pri Tin- m uch discussed Colum bia sented in a condensed report Valley A uthority bill was Analy­ the accom plishm ents and tilt sed and branded as a dangerous tren d s of the 80th and 81st Con centralization of u n lam ted pow gresses before a large audience e r in the hands of a proposed on M onday evening at the Ash th ree m an appointive board, lund Ju n io r High School Tin w ith no appeal from th eir decis­ chairm an of the m eeting, Hod ions and no control by Congress ney K eating, introduced his of the m oney spent It cam e as long-tim e friend a su rp rise to the audience that The C ongressm an's address the Rogue River valley is in clu d ­ clim axed a crow ded schedule of ed in tin- C.V.A Mr. Ellsw orth mel tings in M edford and Ash how ever pledged his support to land In the afternoon he spoke the valley irrig atio n project to the student body at Southern w hen it comes up for hearings Oregon College, w here a lively nex t session. open forum extended his talk Hi- sh arp ly criticised the B ran ­ well beyond the appointed hour nan P lan as a fallacious theory At 4:18 he wus interview ed over of giving high prices to the f a r ­ radio station KWIN and at 6 m er, low prices to the consum er o’clock he m et with th irty R epu­ and the governm ent tte a su ry blican precinct w orkers a t an paying the difference. He c h a r­ "off-the-record" d in n er at the acterized m any of the leftw ard L ithia Hotel Among those a t­ tren d s in legislation as being the tending from M edford w ere resu lt of pressure by the "social Jo h n N iederm eyer, ch airm an of tin k e re rs” who a re having a the Jackson county R epublican field day In W ashington. S ta te C entral Mrs If C om m ittee, . ****••••* D uring IIIV the qUiailUII question JM period I 1UL In 0/ Q C M-HtC/L+l Q>1 G ÿQ S t NEWS REVIEW Ashland—Home of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival’ Voi. 16. No. 38 ..,(> ■ A - .CKFON COUNTY, OREGON, TH URSDAY^DECEM BER 1. 1949 S3 par yaar Singla Copy 10c ¡Lions Slate Famous ¡Negro Singers, j Concert Pianist, In December 19 B illing The Colem an Bros., five negro the funeral services of the late singers of the concert, stage and | P resident F ran k lin D. Rose- radio, versed in the a rt of sing , velt ‘a g « n e e th e ir youth, have been The first colored group to be L io n ^ rl^ h t by A shland televised, th eir tra n sc rip tio n s r1. b ? p rt 8cn,t a P e g ra m are c u rre n tly heard on the open- L lnc°m school auditorium I ing and closing of the B ill on M onday evening, Dec. 19. j Sterns radio program . T hey w ill it has been announced by John be the featu re stars on th e local r ch a,rm an of the program , w ith Hazel H arrison as Luons club com m ittee in charge guest artist. of the program This is their first nation-w ide In addition to the singers, personal appearance and th ey Miss Hazel H arrison, fam ous ne­ have m et w ith g reat success both <• i m vic‘-c h a lrm a n . fo llo w in g h is ta lk th e C o n g ress gro pianist, w ill ap p ear on the in C anada and the U nited States. C ol W 11 l a m e se c r e ta ry tri m an d iscu ssed a va riety o f suo- sam e program . T heir last radio p ro g ra m w as Presid.m i ì n ' , T " M° u,ton Jects iront W orld G overnm ent The Colem an Bros, won the with the NBC C iscle A rrow risiili nt of the Jackson County to the possibility of a new post Peabody aw ard in New York show fo r nine m onths. They a l­ R epublican Women In an in office in A shland In spite of his for th e ir outstanding p erfo rm an ­ so appeared w ith F re d A llen form al round table discussion apro v al of such an appropriat- ces and w ere the natio n ’s choice and A rth u r G odfrey as guest ar- Congressrnan Ellsw orth and the ion he w ould not v en tu re a p re ­ for sacred m usic on the Colum tists. group covered m any of the p e r­ diction as to the outcom e in bia broadcasting system during tin e n t issues and policies of the view of a long w aiting list and Miss H arrison is associate pro­ party. fessor of piano at H ow ard U ni­ the u n certain ties of qualificat versity, W ashington, D. C. As a m em ber of the In terstate ions F am iliar w ith th e piano k e y ­ and Foreign A ffairs C om m ittee D uring the rem ainder of the of the House Mr. E llsw orth w ent week C ongressm an Ellsw orth board since the age of five, Miss to England and Sw eden during will speak in o th er Jack.ion co­ H arrison, a native of La P o rte, the past sum m er In the light of unty com m unities before re tu rn ­ Ind., began studying w ith V ic­ the pressure in the U nited States ing to W ashington la te r in tiie to r Heinze of the C osm opolitan fo r socialized m edicine and with m onth Mrs E llsw orth, vho did school, Chicago, and gave her sixteen bills now pending in not accom pany h er husbcr.d on first concert a t the age of tw elve. C ongress on the subject, the C on­ his A shland visit, will be the U nder H einze’a sponsorship, she S ecretary of the C ham ber of gressm an's findings and conclu­ guest of honor on F riday a fte r­ Above — Com m erce Bill*McGee last week w ent to B erlin w hile a high F iltra tio n tanks at tne r. ■ sions w ere especially in te rest­ noon, D ecem ber 2nd at the received a le tte r from Los A ng­ school student, and studied w ith A shland c ity w a te r filtr a tio n ing. He said that co n trary to Jackson Hotel in M edford, when eles saying th at a check w ith au­ F errv io Busoni in B erlin. p o p u lar belief Sw eden does not the Jack so n County R epublican p la n t. The new p lan t >s capa­ She has appeared w ith th e thorities and o thers in th at city- have governm ent socialized me­ Women will e n te rta in a t a tea b le of cleaning m ore th z n S show ed inform ation received M inneapolis sym phony u n d e r m illio n gallons d aily. dicine but ra th e r a form of vol­ to which all women of A shland here recen tly w arning tourists the direction of Eugene O rm an- u n tary hospitalization sim ilar to a re invited and others against com ing to dy; w ith the H ollyw ood sy m p h ­ the insurance plans in this ony orchestra and th e B erlin Los A ngeles, carried no tru th . country. In England how ever he A t R ight — The w arning, p rin ted on sym Phony- She a,so studied w ith m ade the am azing discovery that a post card and bearing no sis- ? gan P e tri’ won a sch o larsh ip Flash M ix e rs at the new f i l ­ he was eligible to receive a n a tu re o th e r th an a printed tO study w ith P e rr>’ G ra in g e r tra tio n p la n t. T lh is u n it m ixes p a ir of glusses free, in spite of nam e of "The P ublic Relations and Was bonored bY th e U niver- the in g redien ts used in p u ri­ the fact that he was not a B ri­ com m ittee of he Los Aneele« Slty of Chicago as an outstand- fyin g c ity w a te r. (Photos by tish citizen "I m ight also have Citizens Safety council in coop- lng Negro a rtist Bob M a llo n ) ...tzk z.s_ w. ... OlirinCF W/V 17O ber she com ­ q ualified for a w ig.” com m ent­ I'n rty five new m em bers will D uring N ovem eration w ith th e N atibnal T our­ ed M r E llsw orth w ryly, "O r an be inducted into m em bership in pleted engagem ents in C anada ists and T ravelers association,” appendicitis operation — if I Ashland« th ree Hi Y ..nd T ri Hi w ith the U niversity of B ritish stated th a t law and o rd e r no could wait five m onths.” he ad ­ longer exists in the city of Los I p olum bia> a t V ancouver, p lay t lubs in a Jo in t Induction ded The doctors of G reat B rit­ cerem ony to be held in the P re s­ A ngeles” and urged tourists and 1 ‘" V J l ,n te f ’nediate cities ain a re now em ployees of the b y terian church, M onday even- W ith a th re e y e a r leave of others planning on com ing to state w ithout o p p o rtu n ity or in - 1 ,n 8. D ecem ber 5th, at 7:30 absence from H ow ard u n iv ers­ ----- o - LA to stay away. Boy’s A thletic Exhibition centive for advancem ent beyond d o c k . T aking p art in the can- ity, Miss H arrison gave over 80 A pp aren tly h u ndreds of the On Slate Tonight m ediocrity Like a grow ing num ­ die light cerem ony for the new cards w ere m ailed out and the concerts in 17 states last year. ber in this country the B ritish m em bers will be; Bob Sim pson, H am street said th a t a rran g e- The A shland Boy’s A thletic I ^ os A ngeles C ham ber of Com- seem sold on the idea of get­ N orm an W yers and A rt O stran club w ill stage th ird a th le tic m erce has been rep o rted busv i ~ P * f P e n d in g w h ereb y th e ting som ething for nothing. d e r of the S enior Hi Y Club; group w ill present a p ro g ram -♦ at exhibition of the fall when the w n tin g le tte rs refu tin g the in . 1 nrpspnt > At present m ore than three T here was no doubt in the m inds Donna F ad er and Mary Hi liber I i C am p W hite on S unday after- form ation passed out by doors of the J u n io r high school m illion gallons of w ater daily tne noon, Dec. 18. i of his h e a re rs ¡is to Congress- ry of the Alpha Tri Hi Y Club 'M in isterial Group Plan cards. | IS p o u rin g through the ™ ~ and Ann F u llerto n and Ellen Special Church Services The com m ittee whose p rinted I « I ■ I 1- for ~ B row er of the Beta Tri Hi Y The A shland M inisterial A s­ tan k s a t the new A shland city j tum bling, nam e ap p eared on the cards is Club C lub advisors. Mrs. H enry sociation m et M onday a t the w a te r works, it was announced The club is sponsored by the rep o rted not to exist and the Los Metz, Mrs G len C risp and Mr. F irst C hristian C hurch for th eir service organizations of the city. A ngeles C ham ber, in denying Glen C risp will assist the Club reg u la r m onthly business m eet this week by E lm er Beigel. city Proceeds of these exhibitions the charges, states th a t it is ap ­ w a te r superintendent. O fficers in connection witii the ing preceedcd by a fellow ship a re being used for the purchase p aren tly a “vicious” cam paign Induction cerem ony. The w ater first goes through of a boxing ring, to be used by against the city d in n er for the m inisters and a set of flash m ixers w here lim e, the Boy’s club. P receding the Induction cere­ th e ir wives. L atest rep o rts a re th a t a u th ­ alum , and chlorine is put in the mony Rev G eorge M. Shum an orities have picked up a jan ito r Included in th e ir usual ord er T ickets w ent on sale last week will give the invocation. The ad­ of business was the decision of w ater for purifying and cle a r­ nam ed C harles Jensen, whose — ------------- - . regon - e “*. A thletes of S o uthern O for th e Iron Lung Fund benefit dress of tiie evening will be giv­ the Association m em bers th at ing. O ccasionally the solution is hand w ritin g is said to m atch c°lleg e plan a sm oker fo r th e a c tiv ate d w ith carbon. en by Mr. R obert P e te r w hile dance sponsored by the A sh­ th a t on th e addressed side of the | night of Dec. 7, in th e college tw o special w eeks be set aside The alum and lim e aid in sedi­ land J u n io r C ham ber of Com­ Roland P arks, P resid en t of the in the A shland churches in 19- cards. He is scheduled fo r a pre-1 gym ’ ll was announced th is m entation w hile the carbon re ­ m erce at tiie B ellview G range A shland Y M C A will m ake the 50. lim in ary hearin g Dec. 8, on a w eek by Jack "G in g er” Snapp, presentation of A dvisors pins hall S a tu rd a y night, Dec 10. charge of “sending defam atory ju n io r a t SOC and w ho has ta k ­ The first week of this united m oves alga. The chlorine acts The 50th w edding a n n iv e r­ Music for the dance is being and guards to the C lub Leaders. effort which w ill be designated as a purifyer. postal cards th rough the m ails.’ en over direction of boxing a t A fter passing through the sary of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. the college. fu rn ish ed by the M organs free The Induction cerem ony solo as a week of p ra y e r will be J a n ­ Speece was celeb rated on N ov­ of charge and the Bellview g ra­ will be sung by Mrs. C larence u ary 1-8 and the second, a week flash m ixers, th e w ater goes in ­ em ber 26 from 2 to 5 p.m. in Assembly Church To Snapp, a form er m iddle w eig­ nge is donating the use of its W iggins of A shland Senior High of special services, will be Holy to th e floculation basin (p ictu r­ F cllow ship h all of th e F irs t h t boxer who has been p o p u la r School Mrs. J W McCoy, or hall fo r the affair. Week preceeding Easter. All ed in the forefront above), w here C hurch of C hrist w ith 80 frien d s Hold Youth Rally in boxing circles a t K la m a th the p ^ i Ä ^ n . r e urged to chem icals com bine w ith d irt to M em bers of the A m erican “ urc'h Falls, hails from M errill, O re­ and rela tiv e s present. The A shland A ssem bly of God gon. Legion A u x iliary plan to sell re­ cooperate in these w eeks of be rem oved. In this basin a set The cake was m ade by tw o w ish to invite a ll residents of m usic fo r the cerem ony. P arents freshm ents at the dance w ith the special effort and to atten d the of paddles continually revolves of the daughters, Mrs. L. G. A shland an d vicinity to a speci­ A t least tw o dozen boxers proceeds to be added to the Iron and friends of the Hi Y and Tri church of th e ir choice as freq u ­ u n d e r th e w ater. w ill take the rin g a t n e x t T h u rs­ H aynie and Mrs. R. s . W ilsey, al youth ra lly this F rid a y night, Hi Y C lub m em bers a re to be en tly as possible. F u rth e r notice From the floculation basin the Lung Fund. and decorated in gold, yellow 7:30 p.m. F e a tu re d w ill be a day night’s sm oker, w hich is T ickets a re being sold by honored guests a t the cerem ony. will be published regarding young m en’s Q u artet from the scheduled as an elim in atio n con­ m em bers of the A shland Boy these fu tu re services to be con­ C anyonville B ible Academy, test to choose an eight-m an team With a rm s drag m ud forw ard to " ., n Iaw ' . Scouts or m ay be obtained from Ashland Teaching Costs ducted by the m inisters of the The first piece of cake was C anyonville, Oregon. They will to tak e to Chico, Cal., on Dec. any m em ber of the J u n io r C ham ­ Lowest In County A shland M inisterial Association. be 1 discharged. he w a te r is then piped to the - ‘ byJ hich it en ters the city ney. Mrs. Ju n e U tter. Mrs. H el­ evening. All young people are kane. in the K lam ath F alls a r ­ school in this d istrict was $289.- w a te r Dipes. Belle Eva D unnavan, 88. ena next F rid ay night. I he flcculation basin is 14 en Speece, and Mrs. B everly urged to a tten d this outstanding T w enty-five Boy Scouts of 03. The costs ranged all the way resident of A shland for 30 years, service. Brannock. T roop 12 m et M onday n ig h t in up to 771.04 in one school w ith passed aw ay Tuesday afternoon feet deep w ith a w idth of 3? A m usical program was en- an average of $413.25 for the at the hom e of h er niece. Mrs. fe> t and length of 54 feet. T lu the YMCA building for th eir high schools in Jackson R. W. P entzer, a t 467 Beach St. se 'm entation basin is 40 feel joyed by the group. A piano solo w eekly m eeting, reports Scout­ eleven by Jo a n n e Dow ning, solo, Silver Coun ty. Miss D unnavan was born on v J : and 70 feet long. m aster G ifford C hindlund. Spec­