Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 17, 1949, Image 1

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Samuel J. Bailey Named
*llte Souilt&ui. Ölatjo+i
Voi. 16 No. 36
Home of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival’
Pacilic II; Cal Aggies Named For
Pear Bowl Game on Thanksgiving ha
Pacific U niversity of F o r e s t s ------
G rove, Oregon, éo-chumpion of
the N orthw est conference, and B oys’ A thletic Exhibition
the C alifornia Aggies of Davis, Scheduled For Dec. I
Cal., w inners of tin1 F a r West
The A shland Hoy’s A thletic
conference, of which S outhern
O regon college, is a n u m b er, club will stage th ird athletic
have accepted a bid to play in exhibition of tlie fall when the
the a n n u al P ear Row! football doors of tlie Ju n io r high school
gam e to be played this y ear in gym open at 7:30 T hursday
M edford on T hanksgiving Day, «•veiling, Dec. 1, for boxing,
w restling and tum bling
it was disclosed this w*»ek.
The club is sponsored by the
This y e a r's event is being sp­ service organizations of tin city.
onsored by tlie Jackson County
Proceeds o f tins«- e x h ib itio n s
S h rin e club for the crippled are being used for tlie purchase
c h ild ren ’s hospital in P ortland i of a - boxing
------- r. ring, to bt us«‘d by
rh e Cal Aggi«-s won the F ar 1 the Boy's club.
West conference with throe wins 1
and no defeats They bested the
S o u th ern O regon college Red
R aiders at Davis this fall by a
score of 14-13
String Quartet Slated
At College Nov. 22
The U niversity of Oregon fac­
ulty q u a rte t has been scheduled
to ap p ear a t the C hurchill a u d i­
torium of the S outhern Oregon
college at 8 p m., W ednesday,
Nov. 22, it was announced this
r h e q u a rte t is being brought 1
h ere by S outhern Oregon col- i
lege and it is rep o rted th at a I
lim ited n u m b er of tickets will
be on sale to the public.
Jackson County
Grazing Industry
I alked at Chamber
New Member Will
Fill Unexpired
Term Of Merrill
S a m u il J. B a iley, 73 U n ion
street, a retired S outhern Pa­
cific agent, was nam ed to till
the vacancy on the A sh lan d
City C ouncil caused by the re­
signation of H arold M errill.
B ailey was nom inated b y
councilm an E. E. S h eld o n
when the special m eetin g op­
ened last night.
The nam e of Jo h n Von K u h l­
m an was placed before th e coun­
cil by councilm an K roeger. Von
A ccording to an estim ate K uhlm an, associated w ith th e
m ade by th e county agents of­ Busch M otor com pany h ere, is
fice in M edford, 34 p er cent of ( a past com m ander of th e A m eri-
the a g ric u ltu ra l incom e of Jack- can Legion and has been a c tiv e
son County is from the livestock in com m unity projects.
Councilm an Dick N eill m oved
industry. This a g ric u ltu ra l in­
com e is th irty m illion dollars a n ­ th at the nom inations be closed.
nually. This inform ation was The m otion was seconded by
disclosed in a speech by Mr Councilm an K roeger. T he en su ­
M orris T edrow a t the w eekly ing vote was unanim ous.
On a rollcall ballot C ouncil-
luncheon of the C ham ber of
men Homes and K ro eg er voted
Com m erce.
no on the nam e of B ailey, a n d
Beef cattle support about 9.3
per cent of this total incom e, “yes” on the nam e of Von K uhl-
or 2 3,4 m illion d o llars annually. m ann. C ouncilm en N eill a n d
These cattle n u m b er about 28,- Sheldon voted “y es” on B a ile y
000 w ith 13,000 in breeding and “no” on Von K u h lm an n ,
stock and th e rem ain in g 15,000 leaving the tie vote to be decid ­
a re young cattle. T here a re be- ed by M ayor Tom W illiam s.
W illiam s said th a t h e w ould
ween 50-100 cattle on the sm all­
Pacific U. comes to S outhern
e r diversified farm s w hich de­ cast a ballot for B ailey because
Oregon w ith six wins, one tie
rive p a rt of th eir incom e from he had know n him fo r a long
and one loss for tlie 1949 season.
tim e and believed th a t h e w ould
o th er industries.
They hold tlie N orthw est co-
the city in an un b iased
cham pionship with Lewis and I
Earl T N ew bry, secretary of
ional F orest area is good graz m anner.
Clurk of P o rtlan d , a team which
ing land; a n o th e r q u a rte r is fair H om es D efends S elf
the Red R aiders blasted 20-7 ■state, in his A shland A rm istice
to poor, and the rem aining land
address, said th at all A m ericans
in an «’arly season encount«*r
C ouncilm an Hom es a t th is
is valueless as grazing land. On tim e asked for th e floor a n d
should be th an k fu l and ready
W alter L everette, M«-dford,
this land is dense tim b er and said th a t he had been “ p a in te d
chairm an of the P e a r Bowl com to preserve those privileges for
rock areas. The productive as a black in d iv id u al” by som e
m ittee, said that it is hoped th at which those gallant soldiers of
fo u rth of this land supports sev­
band plays "The Star Spang­ en thousand h erd of cattle for concerning his absence a t th e
the w inners of tlie tw o confer­ all A m erican w ars had fallen
council m eeting T uesday nig h t.
led Banner." as city police and
ences m ay be brought together on battle fields. N ew bry spoke
an av erage of five m onths d u r­
Hom es said th a t he h a d a l­
a large crowd stands at atten­ ing th e spring and sum m er
each y e a r in the P e a r Bowl e-
believed th a t in m a tte rs
m onths.
th e one faced by th e
dedication of th e w ar m em orial
is raised during dedication
M uch of the d ry land of this
A1 Sim pson, head football Bag pole before the city hall
cerem onies for the new m em ­ area could be im proved by ir ­ council th a t all m em bers sh o u ld
be present. Due to th e ab sen ce
coach at S o uthern Oregon acted
orial flag pole, sponsored by
John Von K uhlm an, chairm an
rigation, Mr. T edrow said. The of C ouncilm an S ta n sb u ry , w ho
as in term ed iary in contacting of the A m erican Legion com ­
the Am erican Legion, here
cost of im proving these value­ is now on leave of absence from
the two clubs for the T h an k s­ m ittee in charge of the flag pole
on A rm istice Day.
lands w ould ru n from ten his council post, he h ad ta k e n
giving Day game
At L eft—
raising, thanked all citizens for
e n ty dollars an acre. These this m eans of postponing action,
Proceeds of tlie gam e w ill go th eir cooperation and c o n trib u t­
Secretary of State Earl T.
lands now su p p o rt only
to the S liriners' hospital for ions to tile project. The 90 foot
N ew bry stands w ith his par­ such grasses as Fox-tail which know ing th a t S tan sb u ry w ould
crippled children in P ortland poh' is ol steel construction, bas-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. N ew ­ is u n alpable to ca ttle or sheep probably soon be in th e states.
He said th a t he had w ord th a t
it was decided nt a m eeting of sed in concrete. A bronzed p laq ­
bry, 165 Gresham street, prior
except fo r tw o o r th re e m onths C ouncilm an S ta n sb u ry had la n ­
the Jackson C ounty S hrine club ue is yet to ire placed at the
to his A m istice Day address
in the sp rin g and fo r one or
M onday night.
foot of the pole.
during the dedication cere­ I tw o m onths in the fall, unless ded in S e attle b ut th a t he h a d
been q u a rin tin e d in d efin itely
A shland m em bers of the com ­
M ayor Tom W illiam s said:
m onies. (Photos by Bushnell). | the anim als a re starving.
due to a contagious disease p ick ­
m ittee include Dr Elmo S teven­ ’ This m em orial will alw ays
The n ational forest board ed up in th e Islands.
son, president of S outhern O re­ stand as a w hite finger point­
tries to im prove its grazing a r­
S afety on H ighways,
Hom es said th a t he h a d a l­
gon college, and Je an E berhart. ing tow ard God in m em ory of
ea. F o r exam ple, logging land w ays tre a te d th e business of th e
F rank Van Dyke and C F Re those who gave th eir lives for
Topic For Senior Hi Y
w ill produce good grazing land council to the v ery best of h is
«•der, of M edford are o th er tiieir c o u n try .” M ayor W illiam s
W ilbur C Bushnell, for m any , both in photography and color
r a period from five to ten ability.
S afety on the highw ays w ill
m em bers of the com m ittee
accepted tlie m em orial in be­ years ow ner and o p erato r of I printing.
u n til th e tim b er comes
Mr. B ailey was not p re se n t a t
h a lf of the citizens of A shland the B ushnell Studio in A shland, I M r and Mrs. Bushnell plan be the topic for the program for back to grow th.
nights m eeting.
and thanked the A m erican Leg­ last w eekend announced sale to continue to m ake th eir home the A shland S enior Hi Y Club
Mr. T edrow said th a t in the
ion Post No. 14 for its efforts of til«- photo establishm ent to in Ashland.
for the n ex t tw o m eetings of past tw o years, th e national Third A ttem pt
in com pleting the project.
the group. A movie: ‘T raffic forest ex p e rim e n t station has
It was the th ird a tte m p t th is
Mr and Mrs. R obert Mallon,
Dr A rth u r S. T aylor of Sou who took over the studio last
w ith the D evil” show ing the p u t in five ran g e seed areas to w eek m ade by the C ouncil to
1 nioii Services Scheduled dangers of m otor traffic and the
th em Oregon college as pro- Tuesday.
see w h a t th e resu lts w ould be nam e a m an to fill the v a c an c y
gratn chairm an introduced Mrs
D routh d estroyed th re e of these left by M errill’s resig n a tio n
The M allons cam e to A shland
T entative plans w ere m ade by A ,th u r K reism an, president of from Hollywood, Cal., last w in­
be show n a t the reg u la r m eet­ ranges, b u t th e o th e r tw o are th re e w eeks ago.
The Union T hanksgiving
th e School D istrict 5 Board l,le Legion A uxiliary; H arry ' ter when he becam e associated
ing of the C lub on W ednesday doing w ell. It w as found th a t
The C ouncil had p la n n e d to
S erv ice w ill be held this year
M onday evening in the reg u la r P in k erto n , past area com m ander with Mr. B ushnell in the local
evening, N ovem ber 16th.. On the range grasses th a t grew the nam e M e rrilll’s successor a t its
at the First M ethodist Church,
the follow ing w eek, N ovem ber best w ere alfesque, orchard re g u la r m eeting T uesday n ig h t
m onthly m eeting for an open of the A m erican Legion; and studio. Mr. M allon has m any
R- E. M cllvenna, Minister.
23rd, th e club w ill have as grass. K en tu ck y blu e grass and but was forced to postpone a p ­
house in the th ree new schools K enneth A. M iller, Post 14 com years experience in photography
The T hanksgiving m essage
sp eak er a m em ber of the S tate lotus.
for Sunday afternoon, Dec. 11. m ander, who in tu rn introduced and p o rtra it work.
pointm ent w hen C ouncilm en
w ill be deivered by Rev. T.
Police who w ill tell of some of
It was felt th at since so m any sp eak er of the day, E arl T. New­
Homes and K roeger failed to ap ­
The B ushnell studio is -said
O. Satterfield , m inister of the
the problem s locally and S tate
of th e patro n s of the d istrict bry M iller than k ed the people to be one of the b e tte r equipped
pear a t the m eeting.
w ide in connection w ith traffic
w ould w an t to visit all of the of A shland for th e ir efforts in studios in S outhern Oregon.
M ayor Tom W illiam s c alled a
w ill begin at 10:30 o'clock.
new buildings, the event should helping to m ake the project pos­
special m eeting of th e council
be scheduled d uring an after- sible through tiieir generous
at 9:30 W ednesday m orning. A t
noon. A ccording to p resent c°n trib u tio n s, and pledged the
this m eeting C ouncilm en N iele,
plans th ere will be a short p r o - , Legion as an organization bound
Sheldon and K roeger w e re in a t­
gram of dedication in one of the to «-'rvc the com m unity.
tendance w ith Mr. H om es a b ­
Von K uhlm an sta te d this
new au d ito riu m s follow ed by
the inspection of all th ree m orning th a t a bronze plaque
S. J. B ailey w as n o m in a te d
In an sw er to th e N ovem ber 1
is yet to be installed at the
fo r the post by E. E. S h eld o n
By D ecem ber 11 it is ex pect­ base of the flag pole. The gold
currency, th e A shland b ran ch of a fte r w hich C ouncilm an K ro eg ­
ed th a t the Briscoe School will ball a t the top was placed th eir
th e F irs t N ational B ank of P o rt­ e r nom inated Jo h n Von K u h l­
be practically finished and this recently by H arry W orthylake.
m ann.
land re p o rts deposits of $6,006,-
The flag w hich was raised
date w ill not conflict w ith the
At this point C ity A tto rn e y
PORTLAND. Nov. 16— M any i m ill, processing plant, railroad
333 a n d loans of $2,080,609. In
rush of events ju st before the was the “F a irw e a th e r G arrison
w ere covered by v irtu e of the charge of th e local b an k in g of­ H arry S k e rry questioned th e le­
C hristm as holidays. The last un­ Flag” th at is 9 by 12 feet and
“This exem ption applies to fact th a t they p erform ed w ork fice is G. H. W enner, m anager. gality of th e m eeting due to its
it in the Briscoe School is being is to be flow n only on legal ziie j f a i ,r ,^ abor S tan d ard s Act
On J u n e 30, 1949 th e figures lack of publicity. C ouncilm an
ployees of an operato r who necessary to the production of
closed in so th a t the room s can holidays. The daily flag also
Niele then m oved th a t th e m e e t­
be w arm ed for the finish work. presented by th e Legion is 5 by the am endm ents which be- has not m ore than 12 w orkers he said. “The new test w ill be w ere: D eposits $5,990,724 and ing be ad jo u rn ed u n til 7:30
engaged in forestry or logging w h e th e r th e ir w ork is ‘closely
The crew th a t puts on the ac­ by 8 feet. The garrison flag is
T he F irs t N ational B ank of W ednesday night in o rd e r th a t
oustical ceiling m aterial a re e x ­ the largest one in southern will affect industries in the operations. It includes only re la te d ’ and ‘d irectly essential’
the m eeting m ight be p u b liciz­
those em ployees on the logging to th e production of goods fo r P o rtla n d , w ith 45 bran ch es re­ ed. M ayor W illiam s asked fo r
pected to be on th e job again O regon a t the present
or fo restry poyroll— not the em ­
this week. The brick layers a re
the Wage and H our and Public ployees in the saw m ill or in any in te rsta te com m erce.”
an d loans of $154,818,145.64. A- a vote of th e assem bly as to
practically through w ith th eir
C hild L abor Acts S tren g h ten ed
g ain st th is loan fig u re th e re has w h eth er the Council should a t
o th er operations.”
w ork and the carp e n te rs a re
this tim e ap p o in t a m em ber. T he
p artm en t of Labor, pointed out
Em ployees of fish canneries the p resen t A ct w ere stre n g th e n been set up out of earnings from vote carried 14 to 1, b u t d u e
m oving according to schedule.
I here tonight
and a ir c a rrie rs w ill be given
With tlie building closed up for
A ddressing m em bers of the m inim um wage protection for ed and loopholes w ere plugged. 1949, a re se rv e fo r possible loan to the question of le g a lity b ro u ­
heating the pain ters & the men
C hild lab o r coverage u n d e r the losses in th e am ount of $500.- ght out by S k erry , it w as de­
I P a ci f i c N orthw est Personnel the first tim e, he added.
th a t lay the a sp h alt tile w ill
new am endm ents a re b ro u g h t 000.00. T his rese rv e Is to apply cided to hold the m eetin g W ed­
M anagem ent association, D irec­
have a chance to continue w ith
into line w ith th e A ct’s w age against a n y loan loses th a t m ay nesday night.
The official opening and de­ to r Dille stressed the fact that Irrigation W orkers Exem pt
Irrig a tio n w orkers who oper­ and h our coverage, D ille said,
th eir work.
dication of the recen tly com plet­
The stage cu rtain s have been ed road betw een Y reka and the the am endm ents put into the ate o r m aintain ditches, canals, by directly pro h ib itin g th e em ­ develop In the future; it has PBTIPTT
installed a t the Lincoln and C alifornia S ta te line w ill be held Law for the first tim e a defini­ reserv o irs or w aterw ays used ploym ent of oppressive child la not been allocated to any parti- S i s s E N O F n ^ ^ S ?
c u la r loans or type of loans. ' PA SSEN G ER AGENT FOR S.P.
W alker Schools and the cafete­ on M onday, N ovem ber 21 The tion of the term , “ re g u la r rate exclusively for supplying and bor.
Jam es H. P ru e tt, jr., h a s been
otal resources a re $509,038,-
storing w ater for a g ricu ltu ral
rias in these tw o are in full op­ cerem onies w ill begin a t four
The am endm ents give th e ad­
eration. Roll-away tables for all o’clock in th e afternoon a t the definitions on “ reta il and ser­ purposes, w ill be exem pt from m in istrato r the rig h t to sue for 552.34, according to F. N. Bel- appointed G en eral P a sse n g e r
A gent of th e N o rth ern D ivision
th ree gym s are u n d e r construct­ state line, a fte r w hich the dele­ vice establishm ents,” and clarify the wage and hour provisions, back wages on w ritte n request grano, J r., President.
On Ju n e 30, 1949 the figures of S o u th ern P acific, w ith h e a d ­
ion by the Oak S tre e t T ank and gations w ill ad jo u rn to Y reka m ethods of com puting overtim e if the irrig atio n system is not of an em ployee, b u t only on is­
pay due w orkers a fte r 40 hours ow ned or operated for profit, or
were: Deposits. $458.205.572.36; q u a rte rs in P o rtla n d , effectiv e
Steel. These tbles a re easily ro l­ for a d in n e r m eeting.
a week, as well as increase the if it is operated on a sharecrop sues w hich have been settled loans, $156,556,423.26 and resou­ P ec- 1. it has been a n n o u n ced
led back u n d er the gym which
finally by the C ourts, he said.
K now n delegations w ill be
by C laude E. P eterso n , vice
rces $497,187,407.18.
leaves the floor en tirely free for from G ran ts Pass, A shland and m inim um wage from 40 to 75 basis, he said
D irector Dille discussed pro­
p resid en t in ch arg e of passen g er
o th er activities.
The p resent coverage for em ­ posed revision of regulations
M edford. Also p resent w ill be
ployees engaged in in terstate w hich w ill set up tests of duties, from N ovem ber 1, 1949 to Ju n e traffic fo r th e railro a d .
It was decided a t the Board Mr. P urcell, chairm an of the Transportation Covered
P ru e tt succeeds J. A. O rm an-
"The new logging exem ption com m erce and em ployees en­
30, 1949 rep resen t norm al fluc­
m eeting to call for bids on a d ­ C alifornia Board of Com m issio­
responsibilities, salary l e v e l s
eq u ately heating the high school ners, Mr. Sam Baldick, Chief is an im p o rtan t p a rt of the gaged in production of goods and o th er basic req u irem en ts tuations in business at this seas­ dy w ho re tire s Nov. 30, a fte r 41
am endm ents as fa r as the P a ­
on of the y ear,” B elgrano said. y ears of service w ith th e com ­
shop. The
.. class has been meet- E ngineer of O regon, Mr. Ralph cific N orthw est is concerned,” for in te rsta te com m erce rem ains fo r qualifying so-called “ w hite H e stated that, in his opinion, pany in P o rtla n d .
ing in the au to shop w ith the Koozer, V ice-president of the
collar w o rk e rs” for exem ption
tem p eratu re too low and the O regon U. S. H ighw ay 99 As Dille said. “Tlie am endm ents w orkers w ill continue to be sub­ from the wage and h o u r provi­ although business in this area
Board is anxious to rem edy this sociation, and Mr. H arvey Bly- provide exem ption from the jec t to the m inim um wage and sions of the Act. He pointed out has encountered serious read- • C en tral P o in t G rid d ars
the, S ecretary of the O regon U - wage and h our provisions and o vertim e pay provisions as new, th a t these proposed revisions ju stm en ts since J a n u a ry 1st, the ¡ B lest M yrtle C reek
cover the woods operations and he added.
year-end statem en t of business
C e n tra l P o in t hivh
Routine business m ade up the S. H ighw ay 99 Association
a re now being considered by the houses in th e P acific N o rth w e s t' a d e S siv e v ic to ri8 o v e í M v rtU
rest of the agenda for last nights
The public is cordially invited
A d m in istrato r and will become w ould be b e tte r than the fore- C reek on th e C e n t r a l Pn7i?
and tra n sp o rtin g of logs and
I to atten d these dedication rites o th er fo restry products to the C ongress on coverage relates to effective when final action is casts m ade by some econom ists grid iro n F rid a y n ig h t by a sco?e
th a t group of em ployees who tak en on the suggested changes.
e a rlie r in th e year.
I of 57 to 6.
Newbry Brings
Message As Flag
’’ale Dedicateli
Bushnell Studio Sold to Mallon
Schools Plan
Open House
Federal Official Explains New
★ ★
Road Opening
Slated Monday
First National
Lists Deposits,
Loans in Ashland