o News Review Subscription Drive Gets Underway Sautlteàn ônetfO/i The S outhern Oregon News Review hint thin week s ta rte d u fall circulation drive to acquaint S outhern Oregon and N orthern C alifornia with the very new outstanding News Review. This effort is to bring News Review readership close to the 100 per cent m ark. Doing the work for the News Review are G lenn and M urph P etty, veteran new spaper circu ­ lation m en who form erly held d o l l y new spaper circulation posts, and m ore recently have been w orking for the C oquille Valley Sentinel, Forest G rove News-Times and o th er outstand Ing w eeklies in the state. Many new featu res have re cently been added to the new s pa [ h t and m ore are expected to be added in the n e a r fu tu re to m ake the News Review the out­ standing “hom e” new spaper in this urea with a circulation sec­ ond to none. A dditional com m unity corres­ pondents a re being added to the staff in an effort to bring to readers com plete new s coverage of the area. New Tri Hi Y Club Organized At Junior High NEWS REVIEW Voi. 16 No. 34 A S H LA N D , JACKSON C O U N TY , OREGON. T H U R ÌF À T T ' o CTO ,ER 27. 1949 S3 per year Announce Contest To Name New Air Ambulance ; Lowering of City Water Kates Loom Soon With the incom e from the use of w ater m eters in A shland m ore than had been estim ated, and the pro ject of installation of the m eters in all of the residences in the city ab o u t com pleted, it was announced this w eek by E lm er Biegel, utilities su p e rin ­ tendent, th a t th e re is a possibili­ ty of low ering the w a te r rates a fte r the first of the year. Installation of the m eters be­ gan about a y e a r ago, and th ere is only ab o u t 250 m eters left to be in stalled to m ake com plete coverage of th e city hom es with th e m eters he pointed out. The project is expected to be finish­ ed about th e firs t of the year. All business houses a re m ete r­ ed now, w ith only a few out­ lying residences lacking the in ­ stallations. M ercy Flights, Inc., u no-pro fit organization prom oting the securing of an a ir am bulance fo r the valley, announced this w eek a contest to nam e the ship, and a t the sam e tim e raise funds for the purchase of the plane. The M ercy ship is to be used fo r em ergency only, and those obtaining th e use of th e plane will pay only the cost of the operation of the plane on its flight. Pilots in the Rogue River valley have signified th eir in­ tentions of donating th e ir tim e when called up to fly the a ir am bulance. Suggestions for a nam e for the ship, accom panied by a do­ nation of 25 cents tow ard s the purchase of the plane, m ay be sent to G eorge M illigan, c h a ir­ m an of M ercy Flights, Inc , P. O Box 522, M edford. The person who subm its the best nam e selected by a panel of judges, w ill be allow ed to christen the plane som etim e in Novem ber. The contest closes N ovem ber 11, and any en tries w hich are postm arked before m idnight, on th at date, will be eligible for the judging. One Day Training Conference Held I lere By Hi Y Single Copy 10c Scenes Set For Carnival At Jr. High Monday ‘A Safe and Sane H allow een for A shland” is the them e of th e carnival to be held a t the J u n io r high school gym, M onday eve­ ning, O ctober 31 from 5:30 p m. to 10:00 p.m. Sponsored by W alker, B ell­ view, Briscoe, Lincoln, th e J u n ­ ior high and senior high school, and all P T A ’s of above schools, all profits a re to be divided a- mong the sponsoring agencies according to size and need, ac­ cording to an announcem ent of school officials. S tudents, teachers and PTA m em bers a re busy readying the a ttrac tio n s which will consist of fish ponds, novelty booths, base­ ball throw s, Coke bars, tw o Movie Shows, Q ueen C oronation Ring Toss and m any o th e r a t­ tractions. Queen of the carn iv al is to be chosen from am ong six can­ didates from th e 7th and th e 12th grades. The queen is select- el by the sale of adm ission tic k ­ ets to the various attractio n s, w ith 5 votes being given fo r each five cent ticket, an d fo r each $1.00 sale 100 votes a re given. C ontest fo r th e queen w ill close a t 4 p.m., F rid a y evening O ctober 28. P rice of adm ission fo r th e car­ n iv al has been set a t 10 cents to get in a n d 5 a n d 10 cents and up fo r shows, eats, etc. Q ueen candidates are: E v an ­ geline K lingsheim , 7th grade; B a rb a ra W ray, 8th grade; N or­ ma Stevens, 9th grade; E laine Ja n u a ry , 10th grade; C arol Eb- nother, 11th grade, a n d D oreen W enaus, 12th grade. A new Tri Hi Y Club for the girls in the seventh and eighth HAITIAN A M P H IT H E A T E R — This majestic grove of Royal Palm grades of the Ju n io r High School trees, called one of the most perfect in the world, surrounds an O lder boys and girls from ni­ was organized at a m eeting held open air theater at Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Beginning in December, neteen of S outhern O regon’s Hi In the Y.M.C.A. F riday a fte r­ Haiti will play host to the world for six months at its international Y and Tri Hi Y Clubs m et in a noon, O ctober 21. fair. “Festival of Peace." one day tra in in g conference held Tiie organization of th e new in S outhern O regon College, C lub was found necessary when Sunday, O ctober 23rd. Tri Hi Y Club an exceptionally large num ber Safety Shields Available R egistration of th e 120 dele­ Elects New Officers of girls in the sciiool m ade ap­ gates to the 1949 tra in in g con­ plication for m em bership in the Now Says Chairman Sm all m etal tags in the shape O fficers fo r the school year ference sta rte d a t 9:15 Sunday T ri Hi Y this year. The ninth of a shield and bearing th e pic­ w ere elected at the reg u la r m orning w ith th e first general grade Tri Hi Y with a full m em ­ tu re of a policem an w ith hand w eekly m eeting of th e ninth session of the conference held bership this Fall was unable to upraised w ith the w ords “ Lets grade T ri Hi Y C lub held in a t 10:00 o’clock w ith Bob S im p­ tak e in the girls applying for tak e it easy,” a re availab le for the Y.M.C.A. F rid ay afternoon, son of the A shland Hi Y Club m em bership. presiding. A shland m otorists, it was an ­ October 21. With the ro stru m banked w ith O fficers for the new C lub el­ nounced this w eek by Jo h n Von O pening p ray e r of the con­ Elected to serve the Club this ference was given by A rth u r ected at the m eeting F riday in­ K uhlrnann, chairm an of the Ash­ beau tifu l flow ers from th e m any friends of th e late C harles P. year w ere: P au lin e Davis - P re si­ O strander, C haplain of the Ash clude: B arbara H arris, P re si­ land Citizens S afety com m ittee. dent; S h e rrill T aylor, Vice- T alent, the m em orial services dent; C olette P e rrin e - Vice-pre­ land Hi Y Club. These safety w arning devices sident; Sue H eller - Secretary; President; Lee Anne Leach. Sec­ fo r installation on cars m ay be in his honor w ere held a t Mr. W arren Lesseg of M ed­ M ary Jo B arrow s-T reasurer and fo rd speaking on th e topic: “Loy­ re ta ry and Norma Kerns, C hap­ obtained at the cham ber of com ­ o’clock F riday m orning in the* ' P a t A bbott - C haplain. lin. a lty to Ideals” delivered the m erce office or at Busch m ot­ A shland P resb y terian Church, Mrs. A. M. M iller w ill serve “key n o te ” address. C h a rte r m em bers of the new ors. witli the Rev. G eorge Shum an T ri Hi Y C lub include: M arlene C onference luncheon was held They a re b rig h t red w ith let­ officiating M any w ere gathered as the A dult A dvisor to the group this year. C lub m eetings in the W omen’s D orm itory w ith Elliott, Nadine Louise Nelson, tering in a lum inous paint to pay th e ir respects to one who w ill be held in the Y.M.C.A M ary Ja n e Hanscom, T erry A n­ had served A shland faithful and B uilding on F rid ay s a t 4:00 p. A nne F u llerto n of th e A shland ne Davis, P atricia H artle, S h ir­ B eta T ri Hi C lub serving as well as a public servant. D uring m. ley Ruth West, K aren Johnson, m istress of cerem onies. Mr. | the services M rs J. W. McCoy K aren W yers, Faye Devine, Sh­ A llan H arris, assisted by Mrs. rendered organ selections e rrill Taylor, Betty Jam es, De- Zo P eters a t the piano led the Horforary casket b earers w ere “In 1900 100 p ercen t of th e group singing. an n e Dye, K athleen Hess, N or­ G. M G reen, T. S. Wiley, C. O c u rricu lu m a t A shland high ma Jean K erns, Lee Anne D uring th e conference busi­ Presnall, H enry E nders and Roy Leach, Jo A nne Seaver, Evelyn ness session follow ing the lunch­ school was college prep, w hile P arr. S erving as active casket M ackay. T erry Early, K athleen eon plans w ere m ade fo r the o r­ today it is only 50 p er cent,” Feeler, Paula M ackie and B ar­ Final plans for a w eekend b earers w ere Ray Clary, John ganization of a d istrict H i Y R oland P arks, p rin cip al of th e H ornbrook (Special)- D edicat­ C ouncil and fo r an a n n u al You­ local high school told m em bers bara H arris. hike and rep o rts of the bottle D ougherty, W M. Briggs, Pat Dunn, Ja c k Young and C larence ion cerem onies w ere held Sun­ th C onference to be held in the of th e K iw anis club a t th e ir Mrs. B ruce Mills will serve drive featu red M onday n ig h t’s W illiams. day at the site of the new public F all each year. w eekly M onday noon m eeting. as tiie A dult Advisor for the m eeting of Boy Scout Troop 12 .. u.v i.- p ark and Playgrounds by mem- In m aking th e com parsion be­ In te rm e n t follow ed in the I.- Com m unities rep resen ted at Club. Club m eetings w ill be in the A shland Y M C A b uild­ O.O.F. C em etary jn M edford ' bers of the H ornbrook grange the conference th is y e a r includ­ tw een the high schol of 1900 and held in the Y M C A, on F riday ing. and o th er people of the N o rth ­ ed: R oseburg w ith tw o Clubs, th e p rese n t date, P a rk s to ld th e afternoons. S coutm aster G ifford Chind- beside his wife. e rn C alifornia com m unity. lund reports th at results of the K lam ath w ith 5 clubs, M edford K iw anians th a t “ 80 p e r cen t of M em bers of the grange held recent bottle-collection drive, a l­ clubs, G ran ts Pass w ith 2 the school g rad u ates in 1900 though not com pletely tallied, New Truck Loading Zones a potluck picnic d in n er a t the clubs and A shland w ith 5 clubs. w ent to college com pared to the grange hall p rio r to the dedicat­ indicate th at th e drive w as a Designated and Marked These nineteen Clubs w ith of­ 20 p e r cent today. In those days th e a tte n d an c e ion cerem onies. success. C hindlund also thanked ficers p rese n t a t th e conference P lans a re bein« com pleted for rep resen t a to ta l m em bership of a t school was not com pulsory as those th a t particip ated and a b e ^ o f tlt h / PH ^ VCd by-, m,em ’ group picture was taken of the n e w t r i i r k i counc*b f |ve | s ta rt of w ork on the new p ark as w ell over 500 o lder boys and it is now. In 1900 those w ho Scouts who helped in the dirve. new tru c k loading zones have soon as possible girls in th e High Schools of w ent to high school w ere from — _________________ Those helping besides the been designated in A shland, and S o uthern O regon banded togeth­ well-to-do o r m iddle class fam i­ Scouts were: Hugh M cK eever tiie pain tin g of tiie zones was 1 e r into th e Hi Y and Tri Hi Y lies, b u t today ch ild ren of ev e ry class a tte n d school. Clubs of the Y.M.C.A School su p erin ten d en t Leland and Jo h n N oster, trucks; Tom ­ done last w eek end, with signs So. Oregon Rabbit P a rk s poined o u t th a t in 1900 being placed on them this week Breeders Meet Tonite my L aird, general chairm an; and P. Linn said this w eek th a t an only th e b rig h t stu d en ts w ere a l­ t h e spaces w ill be open to an ticipated increase in the Dick Trites. low ed to com plete high school, H aving decided e a rlie r that the public a fte r 6 p.m., each day, . The S outhern Oregon R abbit school census of A shland is ex ­ th e rest w ere dropped. T oday they w ould ra th e r go on a hike stre e t su p e rin te n d e n t B ert Day B reeders A ssociation will hold pected w hen the canvassing of b right, average an d poor stu ­ the city is com pleted som etim e than have a H allow een party, has stated, but w arn s th a t other an im p o rta n t m eeting T hursday dents com plete th e ir high school the Scouts selected cabins ow n­ yellow m arked zones in the city evening a t 730 at the County w ithin the next two weeks. education. ed by L a rry Basey in the Cove a re restricted to park in g a t all C ourt House in M edford Eight ladies have volunteered This y e a r w ill g rad u a te th e The social room of. the F irst adViS!u th8t 311 m ot° ’ The plans fo r a Processing to tak e the census and w hen it country of Dead Indian as the r i T ’J u first class of stu d e n ts who a re C ongregational church of Ash­ objective and cam ping spot for rists m ake su re th e re is a truck p lan t to be built im m ediately in is com pleted the final tabulation n rW S,g" u °? the yellow the valley wil1 be discussed.’All land was th e scene S unday of req u ired to a tte n d high school and typing of the results will an overnight h ik e to be held S atu rd ay and Sunday, Oct. 29 m arked cu rb s before pulling up ra b b it breeders are urged to at- the form ation of a dram atic unil th ey a re 18 y ears of age, be done by Mrs. E sther Click in group by m em bers of th e congre­ o r have g raduated, rep o rted and 30. Food stuffs a n d cam ping io tnem in th e evenings. tend. the su p e rin te n d e n t’s office. gation. O fficers elected at the * arKs. gear w ere discussed and Jo hnny Good w eather and the cooper­ S tucky advised th e Scouts on T eachers in 1900 w ere m ore initial m eeting of the group are: ation of the tow nspeople a re . im portant gear to be included Mrs. J. D. M cAuley, president; aristocratic, b u t today th ey a re helping to speed the project, 1 in th e ir packs. A ssistant Scout­ Giles G reen, secretary; Mrs. E. dem ocratic. In those days th e re Linn said. N. T errill, treasu rer; ’ and Milo was little stu d e n t gov ern m en t m aster Milo G rubb w ill accom ­ Those assisting w ith the pro ­ pany the hik ers on th e ir w in t­ w ith v ery few e x tra activ ities G rubb, publicity. jec t a re 'Mrs. Ted K inney, Mrs. ry excursion. V arious types of dram atic pro­ as th ere a re today. L aurence Pow ell and Mrs. C arl P ark s em phasized th a t in 1900 The rem ain d er of the evening If O regon’s polio pattern c o n -. g rad u al decline began a fte r the ductions w ere discussed by those B erningshausen in town; Mrs. was spent playing games. the d i f° llo?v . t r epds which 41st w eek an d continued rig h t assem bled fo r the m eet. C horal e v ery th in g w as planned by th e A rth u r D ankw orth in Bellview; the disease took in the state in into J a n u a ry .” The n u m b er of reading was led by Mrs. E. P. school adm inistration, b u t to­ Mrs. Hazel Thom as a t Neil C r­ Attending Camp Fire 1943, O regon resid en ts can ex cases recorded betw een O ctober Borden and a recitation was giv­ day the pupils have a voice in eek; Mrs. Isabel Lennox a t V al­ the subjects th ey take, and th e pect to count an additional 150 15 an d D ecem ber 31, 1943 was en by Mrs. M cAuley. ley View, Mrs. Sadie Poole, the Meet In Portland The group, as yet unnam ed, way the school is run. cases by J a n u a ry 1, 1950. 150, Dr. Osgood added. Mrs. A rth u r Nelson, president Siskiyou district and Mrs. Eli­ In the ea rly days, th e teach ­ w ill w ork to g eth e r on various This y e a r’s polio incidents in C om m enting on the sh arp out­ types of d ram atic productions ers w ere held to a v e ry stric t of the A shland council of Cam p zabeth M ills on the Soda Springs O regon bears a strik in g resem ­ b rea k of cases a fte r this y e a r’s G ir,s; M rs- K enneth A district. blance in som e respects to the cool w e a th e r h ad set in, Dr. and is presently considering a life, om itting any sm oking o r M iller, executive secretary, D or­ The census takes in children com edy play to be presented in parties, but today th ere a re v e ry 1943 ou tb reak , according to the from the ages of 4 to 19, in­ othy S u ttsd o rf of Talent; and state board of h ealth. For ex­ Osgood said he “ra th e r suspect­ the future. few regulations. To teach in 19- clusive, a n d S uperintendent Mrs. H enry E nders left last Mon­ am ple, it w as pointed out to­ ed th a t m ore cases of the m ild­ The n ex t m eeting of the group 00, th e re was v ery little ed u ­ Linn stated th ere is a slightly day for P ortland w here they a re day th a t th e 41st w eek of 1943 e r type a re being recognized.” w ill be held S unday night, Oct. cation needed, but today a teach ­ larg e r en rollm ent of children in atten d in g the N ational Cam p brought on the heaviest infan­ He explained that, due to the 30 a t 8 p.m. in the church e r m ust have a tten d ed college. the schools this y ear than in Fire conference a t the M ultno­ tile p aralysis onslaught of that w idely-spread n a tu re of this social room. All in terested p e r­ No m ental and ach iev em en t m ah hotel y e a r’s polio attack , there is a sons are invited to participate. the past. tests w ere given then as com ­ year, a to tal of 33 cases, and 33 g re a te r fam iliarity now w ith Miss Breen R atterm an, c h a ir­ pared to the m any today, re p o rt­ m an of he com m ittee of aw ards, cases also w ere rep o rted for the ed P arks. He stated in 1900 the 41st w eek of 1949. It was the Wm. McGEE TO "'Or2‘l Community Day planned on leaving la te r in thè ------- teachers tau g h t subjects, b ut to­ _ a ------ a« . . . m . ight P z i l î / k .1 W .T ____ sta te ’s w orst polio w eek of the have been VISIT PASADENA a t th e outset of the To Be Observed Nov. 4 week for the conference. day they teach children. y e a r and also its w orst since the This is the first tim e this tri­ season w hen it was possible that W orld C om m unity day w ill be L ittle guidance as to vocations Wm. McGee, secretary of A sh­ ennial event has been held in 41st w eek of 1943, Dr, Sam uel some m ilder cases w ere thought observed F rid a y Nov. 4, 2:30 was given as now, such as the land C ham ber of Com m erce w ill the Pacific N orthw est and the B. Osgood, state epidem iologist not to be polio. p.m. in the P re sb y te ria n church. C areer D ay” held each y e a r leave toorrow for Pasadena, first tim e in ten y ears th at it has inform ed the P o rtla n d office of The 33 cases of th e 41st week The program , using as its th ­ Cal., w here he w ill join Mrs. been held on th e Pacific coast. the N ational F oundation for In­ lifted O regon’s polio total for eme “Peace is Possible” is un­ at the high school. Also th e re w ere no health services o r vis­ McGee who has spent the past the y e a r to 324 cases, ap p ro x i­ der the A uspices of the A shland ual aides as now. G eneral sessions of the con­ fantile Paralysis. few w eeks visiting there. Dr. Osgood’s rep o rt to the m ately 100 m ore th an had been Council of church Women. ference w ere to be u n d er the C oncluding his talk , P a rk s They expect to re tu rn to Ash-1 leadership of Mrs lam«« n M arch of Dimes agency said that counted at th e sam e tim e in 19- All interested wom en a re cor em phasized th a t if an yone lias land .h e h r , , w eek in Novem-1 P a rk e r. president the ondering ational ates 1040 state ..,¡11 board a is w -----■ * -«o. n “ a if u u 48. iia i N estim ates estim piace m e place the d ially invited. any criticism m a ake, to go ’ T7’* v .o u , to vvr m n e , TO g o t to o 1949 w ill continue to adhere final fig u re fo r 1949 a t a rec­ Der> I nal chapter. W atch this colum n n ex t w eek th e school before w ritin g a lpt to the p a tte rn of 1943 when a 1 ord 40,000 to 45,000 cases. for program . te r to the editor. C. P. Talent Memorial Rites Held Here Fri. Scout Troop 12 Plans Weekend Hike Oct. 29-30 Roland Parks Compares Schools In 1900 and 1949 Hornbrook Plans Public Park Increase In School Census Expected Here New Dramatic Group Formed 1949 Polio Pattern Bears Resemblance In Many Respects To 1943 Outbreak Ä ? M T S