Opportunity Sale Proceeds To Go To Iron Lung A portion of the proceed« of the Aahlund Lion« club O pportu­ nity sale, to be held Suturduy, Oct. 22, In the city hall, will be tu rn e d over to th e Ju n io r cham ber of com m erce Iron Lung Fund, it was decided upon a t a m eeting of the club and board of d ire c to rs m eeting Tues­ day evening. Scheduled to s ta rt a t 12 noon, S atu rd ay , the sale will be u grab bag affair. All m erchandise is expected to be donated, und each bag will contain an a r ­ ticle o r some articles a t one dollar, and the bags will be sold for 50 cents, Roland P a rk s and F ra n k O’Neil, co-chairm en of th e sale, announced. T here w ill be articles for the m en, as well us for the wom en, it was pointed out. Miss Alice W arner, w inner of the A shland Lions club scholar­ ship to S o uthern O regon college last year, was a guest of the club, and explained w h at the scholarship is doing for her. G uest sp eak er fo r the even­ ing was Don M acDougal, profes­ sor of h istory at S outhern O re­ gon college Koozer Named To Highway Office Ralph Koozer, A shland, has been nam ed vice-president of the H ighw ay 99 association, sue ceeding C arey Thom son, M ed­ ford, it w as announced todny by H. B. Roadm an, Roseburg, p resi­ d en t of the highw ay prom otion group. Thom son resigned w hen he re­ cently m oved from this area. K oozer w as nam ed by a recent m eeting of th e board of direct ors held in G ran ts J’ass. O ther officers include C. H. D em eray G ran ts Pass, vice-president; J E. E arly, Eugene, secretary tre a su re r, and H arvey B lythe Eugene, executive secretary. Officers, Advisors To Meet Here O fficers and A dvisors of n e a r­ ly 20 Hi Y and Tri Hi Y Clubs of S o uthern Oregon will m eet in A shland for an all day train in g conference, S unday, O ctober 23rd. Sessions of the conference will be held a t S o uthern Oregon C ollege w ith registration of d el­ egates sta rtin g a t 9:15 a.m. and conference a d jo u rn m en t a t 4:15 o'clock S unday afternoon Two key note addresses a re to be included in the conference p ro ­ gram th is y ear w ith opening addresses of the conference giv­ en in th e general session Sunday m orning by Mr. W arren Lessig of M edford and the afternoon address delivered by Mr. Ben H. S chm idt of M edford. T rain in g sessions for C lub Of­ ficers a re to be held Sunday m orning follow ing the general session. T he tra in in g sessions are to be led by local men. Included in the lead ers for these tra in ­ ing sessions w ill be Jo h n B il­ lings, B ert M iller, Dr. John Schulz, C. L. Thom pson and Dr W alter Redford. P resid in g a t the general ses­ sions of the conference w ill be the P resid en ts of th e A shland Hi Y and T ri Hi Y C lub w ith Bob Sim pson of th e A shland Senior Hi Y C lub as the C hairm an for the opening session; Donna F a ­ der, P re sid e n t of the A shland S enior T ri Hi Y C lub will p re­ side a t the afternoon session of th e conference w hile A nne F u l­ lerton, P re sid e n t of A shland B eta T ri Hi C lub w ill serve as M istress of cerem onies for the C onference luncheon Sunday noon. An open forum on Hi Y C lub problem s w ill be a p a rt of th e afternoon session w ith Mr. D w ight O’W elch, Associate Sec­ re ta ry of the Pacific N orthw est A rea Y.M.C.A. in charge. The closing w orship cerem ony of the conference w ill be led by th e girls of the A shland S enior and Beta T ri Hi Y Clubs. Craft C lasses Added for Grade School Girls A C ra ft group for g irls of grade school age has been added to the A shland Y.M.C.A. list of F all activities. The new c ra ft group w ill m eet every T hursday afternoon a t 4:00 o’clock in the Social Room of the Y.M.C.A. Building. S hellcraft, T cath erw o rk , T ex­ tile P ain tin g and P lastics will be p a rts of th e p rogram fo r the group this fall. M em bership in the C raft group is open w ith o u t charge to all girls of th e com m unity. C raft m aterials w ill be sold at cost to group m em bers. Mrs. R. N. F le tc h e r and Mrs. A. E. DeM ers w ill be in charge of the girls c raft group. 7/te Scuthc/wi NEWS REVIEW Voi. 16 No. 33 M ..O In C K S O M C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 20. 1949 Pries F ive Cants Council Meets in Overtime Session; Auto Court Lease Debated, Granted In a m eeting th a t was high­ lighted by the appearance of th e A shland T axpayers, Inc., a new civic b e tte rm e n t group recen tly organized, th e A shland C ity council Tuesday evening cleared up th e L ith ia A uto C ourt lease, debated the new fire h all site and th e proposed tim b er sale. T he m eeting was atten d ed by fo u r attorneys, presenting th eir view s on various m atte rs broug­ ht before the city dads. A shland T axpayers, Inc., ap­ peared before m em bers of the council in pro test to action ta k ­ en by th a t body in reg a rd to th re e questions, nam ely; the new fire h all site, th e L ithia A uto C ourt lease and the pro­ posed tim b er sale. to have occupied the building in 1934 and he w as told th a t the building had been condem ned. The m an requested th a t the Ma- yor w ithhold his nam e, Briggs appeared before the council about 10 p.m. and re­ ported th a t as fa r as he knew , the building had n ev er been condem ned at any tim e. F o rm e r ow ner of the b uild­ ing, Briggs, stated th a t he bought the building in 1929 at a price of $9500 and m ade a profit of $3500 w hen he sold the p roperty to the city for $13,000. He said he figured he was en­ title d to a profit. E stim ated costs of rep air to th e site to m ake it read y for th e new fire h all w ere said to be around $10,000, b u t late r fig­ A u to C o u rt Lease E dw ard C. K elly, M edford, ures raised th e cost of re p a ir to spokesm an for th e group, spoke $19,000, m aking a to ta l cost of first on th e auto c o u rt lease, the site to the city ap p ro x im at­ statin g th a t the T axpayers group ely $32,000 felt th a t th e city should adver- T im berland Sale tiae for bids on the lease, an d , Jn an sw er to the T axpayers th a t the lease was u n d er the group in reg a rd to th e proposed jurisd ictio n of th e P a rx com- q{ tim b erlan d s by the c ity , m ission, subject to app ro v al of g le tte r was read by M ayor W ib the city council. liam s in w hich it was noted a <5TFFI M IL L *5 S IL E N C E D BY S T R IK E — For the second time since the end of the war, the M em bers of th e council vot- r u jjng of th e D ep artm en t of uiwenng stocks of the notloiVs S ie l J in lb illo w forth no m assiv. clouds of smoke Here, a ^camera- ed to g ra n t the lease, a fte r it the In te rio r w n i be forthcom ing 'owering nn n» On rv . Indians. vets « shot of ths deserted Dlants closed bv the nationwide steel strik was pointed out th a t th e word- Jn d Qn the legality of ing of th e lease and an addenda th e jjale attach ed clarified the question A shland T axpayers, Inc., al- “The M aster’s Men” of w h e th e r or not th e lease was jeged th a t a y facts concerning 'io Ap|w*ar Here p e rp e tu al and it w as found it th e sale w ere not available, a n d wasn’t. th ey doubted the rig h t of th e "T h e M aster's M e n ", a q u ­ H eated discussion was held on city to sell any lands fro m w a t­ a rte t of N o rth w e s t C h ris tia n the m a tte r betw een council ersheds feeding th e city w a te r C ollege students, w ill appear m em bers, the T axpayers group supply. at the F irs t C h urch of C h ris t and Mr. T. R. T ram el who was S a tu rd a y n ig h t. 7:.-30 p .m . C yclone B u rn e r In s ta lle d The first of the new C afeteri­ seeking ren ew al of his lease. T h e y w ill sing hym ns, s p iri­ It w as b rought o u t a t th e Question F ire H a ll Site This y e a r's pack at tin- Bag as In th e new A shland schools tuals, seculars and gospel m eeting th a t Lam bs M ill has in ­ ley C anning com pany probably In reg a rd to the new fire hall opened a t th e W alk er school stalled a cyclone b u rn e r an d re ­ exceeded th a t of last y ear by 10 songs. The p u b lic is in v ite d . on W ednesday. On M onday Oct site, recen tly purchased from sults have been good. O th e r m il­ to 15 percent, Ralph Koozer, Wm. R. Briggs, fo rm e r city a t­ 24 th e L incoln School students ls th a t have been com plained o i m anager of the local plant, w ill fin d th eir cafeteria in ope­ torney, K elly told of ru m o rs to have n o t done a n y th in g as y e t told m em bers of the A shland th e effect th a t the building had ration. been condem ned by th e state to a llev iate th e saw dust flying K iw anis club Monday The u n it a t the Briscoe school fire m arshall. situation, and C ity E ngineer Koozer said the A shland plant w ill s ta rt about C hristm as w hen M ayor Tom’ W illiam s stated Biegel told of plans he has processed ap p ro x im ately 500 the building is scheduled to be th a t he had been approached d raw n fo r such a b u rn e r an d tons of peaches, 000 tons of com plete. The cafeteria a t B ell­ th a t day by a m an supposedly w ill give th em to th e o th e r pears, 1000 tons of tom atoes view started on th e first day mills. and used 100 tons of cabbage in f school and th e J u n io r High M em bers of the council sug­ sa u e rk ra u t The m em bers of the fourth w as opened a t about th e sam e gested th a t if th e o th e r m ills P a y ro ll for the en terp rise congressional nom inating com ­ tim e. This w ill m ake a to tal did not com ply v o lu n ta rily to a this y e a r am ounted to a p p ro x i­ m ittee of the D em ocratic party, of five school cafeterias. req u e st th a t th e situation be m ately $90,000. Koozer said com prising the counties of Co­ High school students are able tak e n care of, then th e re should th a t althougli the wage scale os, C urry, Douglas. Jackson, to patronize e ith e r the Lincoln be som e m eans p rovided to for processing now averages a- Josephine, Lane and L ynn m et force them to comply. bout $1.00 per hour as com pared in executive session in the city o r J u n io r High units. It is m uch h a rd e r to m ake the to 40 to 50 cents p rio r to the of Roseburg, S unday, O ctober Lease Granted w ar th a t the average w o rk er 16 w ith full rep resen tatio n J u n io r High cafeteria pay out, The lease of a section of th e Dr. E. T. H edlund, P o stm aster to S u p erin ten d en t does not produce as m uch as in present. The com m ittee com pris­ according old B ellview a irp o rt p ro p erty to of P o rtla n d , has been appointed pre-w ar years. He said th a t both ed a cross section of th e average Linn. O regon S ta te C hairm an of the L u m b er M ills C orporation of He fu rth e r stated th a t it 1950 M arch of Dimes, B asil O- C alfiornia, w hich has been p en ­ farm er and canner face the A m erican voter. T here w ere sam e problem and m ust find p resent rep resen tativ es of busi­ seem ed last spring this cafeteria C onnor, p resident of th e N ati­ ding since last spring, w as ac­ some way to increase volum e ness, th e profession, labor and should, be closed because of the onal F oundation fo r In fan tile cepted a t th e T uesday m eeting. sm all num ber served b u t it was P araly sis, announced today. It and efficiency and tak e a sm al­ farm groups. The lease w as g ran te d fo r 20 ler m argin of profit to m ake the decided to give it a tria l ru n of is Dr. H ed lund’s elev en th con­ y ears w ith an option to ren e w L. P eers W ilm eth was proxy business pay. secutive y e a r as h ead of the fo r 10 years, w ith th e proviso delegate from Jackson County. tw o m onths this fall. The new kitchens are w ell Koozer said the m ost succes­ fu n d raising ap peal in Oregon. th a t th e corporation process 2,- T he nam es of tw en ty one men sful o peration h ere has been the and w om en w ere subm itted to planned ad equipped and m od­ As chairm an, Dr. H edlund 500,000 b oard feet per year. A canning of frcc-stonc peaches, the consideration of th e nom i­ e rn in every way. The students w ill be in over-all ch arg e of grace p eriod of 120 days was using the im proved E lbertas. nating com m ittee. W hen the w ill eat in the m ulti-purpose plan n in g and organizing the allow ed fo r em ergencies. This lease is sim ilar to those He said th e re is a need for w eeding process was com pleted room w hich is adjacent to the a n n u al polio drive, and w ill co­ increased acreage of th is v ari­ th e re rem ained five persons, c afeteria kitchen. T em porary o rd in a te activities of a ll city and signed by F ir M illing and P la n ­ ety in th e Rogue V alley. He a l­ S enator O rville M. Thom pson tables w ill be used u ntil the county cam paign d irecto rs in ing, except th a t th e lease w ill begin on Ja n . 1, 1950. so stated th a t th ere is need for of A lbany, J. W. (Bud) F o rrest­ p erm en an t ones are available. th e state. C afeteria m anagers are: J u n i­ m ore tom atoes to be raised in er, P u b lish er, N orth Bend. M ary T he M arch of Dim es is con­ the valley. G. K elly, S ta te V ice-Chairm an, o r High, R uby Helms; B ellview , ducted each J a n u a ry by th e W om en’s Division, D em ocratic E sther B arrett: Biscoe, W anda N ational F oundation. T he 1950 P a rty , M edford, David Shaw, S te re tt; Lincoln, Amy Snyder; appeal w ill be held J a n u a ry 16- 31. A ttorney, G old Beach and Al­ W alker, Bessie Bridges. C om m enting on Dr. H ed lu n d ’s fred Flegel, D em ocratic M ayor re-appointm ent to O regon’s top of Roseburg. M arch of Dimes post, M r. O- T he A shland high school griz­ C onnor declared th a t the N ati­ zlies w ill tra v e l to Coos B ay this Bill Hemmelgarn Added B ertha Lena Bonney, 77, a onal F oundation is now facing w eekend w h ere th e y w ill m eet resident of A shland for th e last To N ew s Review S ta ff th e “m ost crucial p erio d ” in its th e M arshfield high school P ir ­ 4 years, passed aw ay F riday tw elve-year history. ates F rid a y night. W. A. ‘‘B ill” H em m elgarn, m orning a t 345 Scenic D rive He described th e 1949 polio Jo h n A ugust Sw anson, 91, T his w ill be the second trip fo rm erly business m anager of a fte r a long illness. passed aw ay S atu rd ay evening epidem ic as the w orst on rec­ this fa ll for th e G rizzlies over the D ayton, O regon Tribune, Mrs. Bonney was born on a t th e hom e of his daughter, ord, w ith m ore th an 40,000 cases the S erp en tin e tra il to Coos cou­ Ju n e 11, 1873, in M emphis, has been added to th e new s staff Mrs. W illard Mace, at Mt. View expected by the end of th e year. nty, having dropped a gam e Tenn.. b u t had lived in the vici­ of the New s Review. “ By D ecem ber,” he said, “ The B efore going to D ayton, Hem ­ C am p w h ere he had m ade his N ational F oundation and its ea rly in th e season to th e Co­ nity of A shland a n d C entral qu ille Red Devils. hom e for the last 2 , _ > years. P oint for th e last 40 years. H er m elgarn was new s ed ito r of the Sw anson was born on A ug­ c h ap ters w ill h av e spent $31,- The G rizzlies record so fa r M yrtle P o in t H erald and has husband, P e a rl A. Bonney, was ust 7, 1858, in Stockholm , Sw e­ 000,000 assisting polio victim s this y e a r is not too im pressive, spent m any y ears in th e new s­ m ayor of C en tral P oint a t the having w on one, lost three, and den, and cam e to this country th ro u g h o u t th e n a tio n .” tim e of his death a few years p a p e r field. P rio r to his en list­ w hen he was six years old. tie d one. m ent in th e N avy in W orld W ar ago. Mrs. Bonney was active in The P ira te s on th e o th er hand, He w as n atu ralized as a young Peach-Apricot Trees the O E .S ., had been W orthy II he w as p u b lish er of the M ad­ have been enjoying a fairly suc- Need Spraying Now ras, O regon, P io n eer and was m an in W i s c o n s i n , a n d M atron of the C en tral Point cesful cam paign, leading th e C hapter, and was also active for a tim e associated in th e com­ cam e to O regon in 1909 and set­ P each and aprico t trees should D istrict 3 league w ith no de­ m ercial p rin tin g in d u stry in tled a t Coos Bay, w here he was in the Spanish A m erican W ar em ployed u n til his retirem en t, be sp rayed this m onth, it has feats and only one tie, th a t a Eugene. A uxiliary. Mrs. H em m elgarn and chil­ by th e Coos Bay L um ber Co. been annouced by C. B. Cordy, 14-14 d raw w ith the Bobcats of She is survived by a son, R. dren ex pect to m ove to A shland His w ife preceeded him in death Jack so n county extension agent. M yrtle Point. F. Copple of Susanville, Calif., The G rizzlies should not be as soon as su itab le housing can in 1936. He w as a great h u n te r T his w ill control leaf c u rl on and an adopted d aughter, M rs peaches a n d tw ig b lig h t on both facing th e w eight handicap this be arran g ed . and fisherm an and was in te rest­ A lberta P eterson of G ran ts Pass, ed a n d active in conservation peach and apricot trees, C ordy w eekend they have contended and 2 grandchildren. said. w ith the past th re e w eeks and m easures fo r w ild life. Services w ere held Sunday af­ Albert F orsyth e Found Use 20 pounds of hordeaux or should keep the p u rp le and gold He is survived by his daught ternoon at 2 o’clock in the Lit- G uilty on Police Charge , ers, Mrs. W illard Mace, and 7 pounds of spra cop or 10 of M arshfield on th e ir toes if w ilier F u n e ral Home, w ith the A rrested Oct. 17, and charged Mrs. G a rre tt Doty of Loomis, by pounds copper hydro p er 100 they expect to gain a n o th e r win. A lpha C h ap ter O.E.S. of A sh­ gallons of w ater. O th er ap p ro v ­ land assisting the C en tral P oint w ith d riv in g w hile u n d e r th e 2 g ran d ch ild ren and 2 grea ed fixed coppers m ay also be MARY ANN DELSMAN g ran ddaughters. A nother daugh­ O.E.S. in the conducting of the influence of in toxicating liqu­ used, th e county agent stated. NAMED UNIT HEAD service. C rem ation follow ed at ors, A lb ert L eonard F orsythe ter, Mrs. Mae Joanna W illiam s, This m ix tu re m ay be im prov­ E lected p resident of h e r u n it preceeded him in death in Ash- H ilcrest C rem atorium a t G ran ts w as found guilty of th e charge, ed by adding one-third pound in H endricks H all dorm ito ry on fined $100 and $250 costs, and land about a y e a r ago Pass. of Z-l spreader. The Z-l and the U niversity of O regon cam- received a 30 day ja il sentence j G raveside services w ere hel w hich was suspended, a t a ju ry at 2:30 Tuesday aftern o o n in bord eau x should be m ixed in­ us for the school y ear of 1949- ATTEND SPUD FESTIVAL tria l W ednesday night. Mt. View C em etery, w ith the to a thin paste and then added 50 is M ary Ann Delsman, daugh- M rs. O. W, E ager and Mrs. te r of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dels- W hen arrested . F orsythe pie- Rev. P a u l Helm s °* th e L u tn ern to a p a rtially filled tan k . Jo h n Shields spent the w eek­ Repeat this spray in Ja n u a ry man, 1149 Oak St., A shland ing. end in Bonanza and they a tte n d ­ aded not guilty and was grant- C hurch of A shland officia Miss Delsm an is a sen io r F u n e ral if leaf curl was p resent this ed a ju ry tria l, C hief of Police w ith the L itw illc r ed the Spud Festival a t M er­ year. jo u m a lish m ajor. V erne S m ith rep o rted today. Hom e in charge. rill. — Schools Open First of New Cafeterias Koozer Tells Of Canning Industry In Ashland Demos Look Over Material For Congressman Dr. Hedlund Again Heads March of Dimes Bertha L. Bonney Rites Held Sunday Grizzlies Travel To Coos Bay John A. Swanson Rites Held Tues.