S outhern O regon News Review, A shland. Oregon, T hursday, S ep tem b er 15, 194» Dr. Broun is Featured In Al* Science Article to become an O regon resident spent the sum m er in Ashland. though, she eluted, and has been by retu rn in g to live in Ashland. uskcd to give a series of lectures Tlie “ n u rse” of Romeo and Dr, Brown has conducted amt at M edford d u rin g th at period J u lie t won w ide accluim by Dr. Bailey was a m em ber of An A ssociated P ress science reported on several o th er medi th e a te r critics and In real lif«-. story in the Sunday O regon cal studies .including one on the Dr. Bailey co n trib u ted m uck o f the S hakespearean Sum m e r Jo u rn a l told of a recent study of common cold h er tim e in prom oting the festi­ school staff this season, in addl cracking joints conducted by Dr. val by presenting lectures, pro tion to her duties w ith the Festl E dw ard E. Brow n of A shland vidiug place-cards with the Fes val. and the rep o rt of the study in Dr. Margery B alky tival's em blem for the opening a m edical jo u rn al Bel urns to Stanford night banquet, and engaging in BEAVERS HAVE FOUR The urticle relates th at Dr. EVPERIENCED FULLBACKS o th er activities. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST 12 to 5 p. in. except Sundays and Brown, upon becom ing in te re st­ Dr. M argery Bailey, S tanford Oregon S tate is best off from Earl F. Downing, Minister | holidays. ed in w hat causes the c rack in g university faculty m em ber who She said th at ahe is teaching Second and B Streets The Public is cordially invited joints, began a study on the m at­ participated in the Oregon S h a k ­ sum m er session next y ear and an experience standpoint a t f ill Bible School, 9:45 a m. to attend these services, and to ter l»y try in g to crack the jo nts espearean Festival here lost ber of the cast again. She will (buck w here the Beavers have four letterm en They include J u n io r Church, 11:00 a m . use the Reading Room. of his fingers several tim es a month, retu rn ed to Palo Alto so will not be able to be a mem- Dick Twenge, Andy Knudsen, D aynise Holloway, supervisor. day O th er persons aided in (tie C a lif, - - M orning Service, 11:00 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH study by keeping count of tl e ir Choir, directed by G lenn M att 130 N. Main (at Holman) cracking joints. hews. Serm on "W hat is Prav- Rev. George Shuman. Minister He found th a t w eath er and er?” "A F riendly Church h u m idity ap p aren tly have a lot C hristian Endeavor, 6:30 p.m. for T houghtful People” to do w ith the cracking. acc< rd- T hree age groups. 9:45 a m —Church School for ing to th e story Electrical thun Evening Service, 7:30 p m. I all ages. d e r storm s will bring on m ore Special music by high school) 11 a. m — M orning W orship snapping of joints, as w ill cool group. Serm on, “The P rophet Special music. Serm on by the w eath er or becom ing chilled on Who Was A Man Like Us.” P a s to r a hot day. M idweek Service. Wed. 7:30 6:30 p. m.— Youth Fellow ship The Jo u rn a l added to the p.m. S ocieties. story by m entioning th at Dr Brown was P o rtla n d port of PHOENIX PRESBYTERIAN em b ark atio n surgeon d u rin g the METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH w ar and had realized his desire Craftsmanship plus Top Quality Materials Rev. Robert Mcllvenna, m inister E. J. Clark, Pastor CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 9:45 a.m. Sunday school, Wil­ Sunday, 10 a.m. Sunday School 51 at the tim e of death. All Kinds of Polish—Shoe Accessories liam Weber, S u p t J. O. N. Poling, S u p t S urv iv in g a re a sister, F rieda 11:00 a.m. Morning worship Sunday Service 11 a.m. "While You Wait Service” a brother, John R and his m oth­ 6:00 p.m. Vespers in Lithia 30H N. Main Phone 4371 W ednesday 7:80 p.m. Choir er, E lizabeth Umbs, all of Tai Park. practice. ent. 45 East Main Ashland 7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship. 7:30 Sunday. Young Peoples meeting. Elva Castor, advisor. ASSEMBLY OF GOD THIS IS 485 Siskiyou Blvd. PHOENIX O. W. Klingsheim, Minister, NAZARENE CHURCH Telephone 2-2786. Phoenix Church of the Nazarene Pastor, Rev. C Henry Lacy Friday CA Service, 7:45 p. m., 2.69 ENGLISH K lam ath Falls Young People in We extend a cordial invitation charge of services. to all our friends and neighbors TEA POTS Ashland’s only to the following services. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:45. Growing Sunday School, 9:45 INTERIOR TILE CONTRACTOR M orning W orship 11:00 M orning Worship, 11 a. m. 514 Granite St. Phona M42 Evening Service 7:30. C hildren’s Church during the m orning worship in CA room. M idweek P rayer and Praise FREE ESTIMATES Assembly of God Hour, KWIN, Service, W ednesday 7:30. WEITZEL’S 1 p. m. H earths & Fireplaces Store Fronts On th e Plaza G reat Evangelistic Rally, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Leon Hall, of G rants Pass, speaker. Tuesday P rayer Service, 7:45 p. m. Your Shake Maker CHARLES W. DE CARLOW F u n e ral services u n d e r the bill badger CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH auspices of A shland BPOE No. ROBERT C. PITTS 944 w ere held Tuesday for C h ar­ 717 Siskiyou Blvd. Ranches — Farm s — Homes Drew, Oregon les W illiam De Carlow , 86, at E vart P. Borden, M inister machine work Business Property the L itw ille r F u n e ra l home. Sunday school 9:30. M arjorie welding De Carlow- had been a resi­ Flinieu, superintendent Classes Jess Kidwell, Saw Mills — Trucks for all ages. You will be made dent of th e county since 1894 Telephone 3552 and lived w ith his d a u g h te r and welcome. Industrial Equipment son-in-law, Mr. a n d Mrs. Jo h n E and W orship service 11 a.m. I 38 East Main Ashland, O regon P atterson, of 2300 Siskiyou 53 Second St. Phone 4771 Business Phona 7866 ROOMING HOUSE Res. Phone 3176 Blvd. (If no answer call 2-2816) First Church of Christ. S ci» w ti« t S urviving a re his wife, L ulu We Shave and Rest You Pioneer Avenue, South his son’ L eland C. of Med- 243 F o w th Street Phone 4411 Sunday m orning services at 11 *bree daughters, Mrs. Neva o'clock. i O liver of A storia, Mrs. M yrete CALL Sunday School a t 9:30 a. m ) P atterso n of A shland, Mrs. Irm a A lexander of Los Angeles, two Subject: MATTER. Golden Text: Psalm s 114:7 brothers, a sister, nine g ra n d ­ FURNITURE “Trem ble, thou earth, a t th e p re­ children and th re e g reat g ra n d ­ ASHLAND or JOHNSON children. sence of the Lord, a t the p re­ sence of the God of Jacob.” UPHOLSTERING Septem ber 25, 1949 Doors REV. JAMES H. EDGAR Windows • Screens Subject: REALITY F u n e ral services fo r the Rev. FAST _ AUTO TRIM Golden Text: L am entations Jam es H. E dgar, fo rm er m inis­ E. G. BRISCOE 5:19. “Thou, O Lord, rem ainest te r of th e P re sb y te ria n church DEPENDABLE — forever; thy th rone from genera­ here, w ill be held a t the church Pickup & Delivery COURTEOUS — Phone 7081 Phoenix, Ore. tion to generation.” th is afternoon a t 2 p.m. w ith Sunday School a t 9:30 a. m. Rev. G eorge Shum an officiating. Phone 3217 W ednesday evening s e r v i c e , In te rm e n t w ill be a t Resthav- which includes testim onies of en m ausoleum . Christian Science healing, is held Rev. E dgar w as 69 a t the tim e a t 8 o’clock. of his death, Sept. 12. He had Reading Room open daily from resided h e re fo r th e past 12 years. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS S urviving are his wife, A lta THIS IS T orrey, a b ro th er, Rev. H erries Clogged Radiators Boiled Out G. of P o rtlan d , and a sister, WIRING------Industrial . . . Commercial and Repaired K ath erin e C. Edgar, P ortland. . . . Domestic Church 1 Announcements ...•••* ......... mv unirne ivioorc unti uuKc oyera. Business Directory KNOX SHOE REPAIR DR. E. N. TERRILL RE-DICK-U-LUS J. A. MARION $1.35 Obituaries Walter Redford, Realtor Ashland Machine Shop 5551 or 3341 CURLY’S CABINET SHOP Mirror Barber Shop CAB Nortridge Electric Co. Hooper’s Radiator Service RE-DICK-U-LUS 59c D otted Swiss CURTAIN MATERIAL 29c WEITZEL’S On the Plaza W alter N ortridge GEORGE UMBS Services fo r G eorge Um bs of Rt. 1, T alent, w ill be held F ri­ day a t 1:30 a t th e L itw ille r chap­ el, w ith Rev. G eorge S hum an of­ ficiating. C rem ation a t H illcrest C rem atorium w ill follow. G eorge Umbs, a re tire d city firem an of St. Louis, m oved to A shland tw o y ears ago. He was W illiam E. Harrison 166 North Main Phone 5071 New Cores Installed 135 Morse phon- 4M, M0NUMEÌ Marble. Granite, Bronaa DIAL Extra Lettering Available BURNS AGENCY "On the Plesa” H ISTORY of E L E C T R IC IT Y STATIO NERY- 3888 OFFICE SUPPLIES— NEW LITHIA CAB Insured Carriers— Prompt 24-Hour Service— Stand at Steak House Cafe COMMERCIAL PRINTING__ Telephone 8561 SOUTHERN OREGON NEWS REVIEW Don and Lois Travis JH B P R IM IT IV E M A R IN E R 'S C O M P A S S - A S T E E L NEEDLE m a g n e t i z e d b y r ubbing on a L O D E S T O N E A N D THEN SUPPO R T« IN WATER WAS MAN'S FIRST PRACTlCAl APPLICATION O F E L E C T R IC IT Y . 38 Eaat Main Pritchard’s Grocery Groceries — Lunchmeats — Milk Beverages OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 C, E. Taylor R*». I. Box 519A. Fordyce Street Painting — Paper Hanging Contract by the hour Suggestions and Estim ates Free The California Toimen Creek Road & Highway 99 Telephone 3731 Oregon Power A ^t"€ C I C lC A L SC,ENC e LIVED OVER 2 5 0 0 W AS T H E G R E E K ,T H A L E S , W H O F I R S T DISCOVERED M A G N E T IS M IN T H E L O D E S T O N E . H A V IN G NO N A M E F O R T H IS M A G N E T IC P R O P E R T Y H E S A ID " T H E L O D E S T O N E H A S A S O U L S IN C E IT M O V E S IR O N ? æ œ s B s s a s Company texturing Telephone 2-2916 Pioneer Glass s ? - « O«goñ.NOrth l "nPqUa RÍVer abOUt 45 ml,es -«rtheast of Roseburg, Made to Measure Screen Doors and Windows—Glass Grinding EXPERT CABINET WORK Windows — Doors — Auto Glass Telephone 137 North Pioneer n „ m e _ Commercial Finance Corp. and Cabinet Shop s _ Loans on Furniture Automobile Livestock Salary SEE John Hamstreet, Mgr. 2-2961 Ashland 75 Oak St. Tel. a .s m M-374—Lie—S-296 kshland A