Chief Smith Hands Council Suggestions NEVt S REVIEW Formerly the Southern Ore*c Miner "Nn deaths resulting from tra f­ fic accident« in the period from April IS to Ju ly I" highlighted the report of the activities sub­ ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNT V. OPFCON. THURSDAY JULY 21. 1949 m itted to Mayor Tom Williams Voi. 16. No. 20 »3.00 Per YeYer anil ttie City Council on Tuesday by Chief o f Police Vern Sm ith. Attorney Fee Question Only five injuries in truffle S Still H aunts Council accidents were reported ■ luring the same period. The old question of "who owes The total num ber of cast whf'i •• who,” concerning the paym ent of court uction was necessary was fees to attorneys who presented 15(1. with fines and forfeitures cases in the city squabble of during the 2 1-2 m onth period last w inter was brought up again am ounting to $2,404.50, "Juckson county is the ciadlc at Tuesday’s city council m eet­ Total revenue from all sources, of Oregon mining," Dr. E. P Die City Council iucsua> tli- ing, only to be shelved again iiiaxcu a liv e - Hour session oy including the above and the Issu­ Borden told m em bers of the pending further action and rec­ turning down a suggestion ing of v ario us types of licenses, Ashland Cham ber of Cbmmerce eipt of legal opinion. was $2,501.75, C o u ncilm an lUmei b n ein o n at their Tuesday luncheon. A letter from Virgil Langtry, a business license-tax e. Sm ith followed his report with lie pointed out th at the gold chief deputy city attorney of on zisn ian d businesses. a sum m ary of action on compl rush which followed discovery ol Portland, was read to the council. amts, and with a list of recom ­ the orc on Jackson creek in 1851 A lter a tong discussion in .... Mr. Langtry said that he would m endations to city officials wee nouis ol tne nex t m orning. led to organization of the first be happy to assist “in any way Tvw> firms opr-rati ng in thi mining district in the territory Councilm an L). R NeiU introduc­ possible" but suggested that a area were singled out by Cheif urid the founding of Jackson board be chosen by the Jackson ed a move in opposition to the Sm ith for uppreeiution of cooper­ ville. County Bar Association to arbi­ tax suggestion anu lorced a vote ation extended to the Police Though gold mining has been tra te the dispute. The council on tne issue. Councilm en Neill, Departm ent. Noise from the the m ainstay of the county's min had previously asked the P o rt­ Phil S tansbury , Em il K roeger Tuylor Bros Mill, outside of the erul production since early day land attorney to subm it an opin­ and ¿ re d Homes voted to oppose rity lim its on East Main, was said Dr. Borden, the region ha- tne tax wmie Councilm an Shel­ ion on the m atter. lessened by reputes made volun­ abundant resources in building don voted for it. Voting to extend their apprec­ tarily by the mill. Southern and m onum ental stone, common Originally, the proposed levy iation to Mr. Langtry, the council Pacific worked out a plan w here­ and refractory clay. The d a y s described as a fund raising m eas­ m em bers decided to postpone by no train will now delay motor are the raw m aterial that con ure, but questions from the audi­ action on the m atter until next traffic for more than 4 minutes, tributes to production of high ence led Mr. Sheldon to point out IM M O R T A L u O V tB s M a M ary Jan.- Puts i«-year-old P o rt­ week. alleviating much of the delay calcium lime and cement. that it was actually a form of land high senoo aciress w il appear as Juliet and Ralph C B u r­ which occurred at the M ountain gess Jr. of Ashland a student : ’ rasadena Playhouse w ill play i protection for present buswess- “Non-m etallic m ineral produc Ave. crossing. Romeo In the production oi ' Romeo and Ju liet” which w ill open , men, though the new license tion is im portant in Jackson the ninth annua. Oregon Shakespearean Festival at Ashland OB The Child of Police recommen­ county, since the only active sil would raise from $8,000 to $10,- ded that city officials follow the lia quarry in the state is located August 2 tor a .nree-week season < Bushnell Studio > ‘ 000 during the year. S treet D epartm ent plan of sing at Rogue River,” Dr. Borden re ­ Severai businessm en participa- only a lle y w a y sjo r loading zones, minded Here quartz, is quarried ; ted in the discussion precedingg elim inating the hazard f r o m crushed, and sized to meet th< * the vote on Mr. Neill s proposal Main Street. against tne tax. demand for m etallurgical flux Traffic controls for the elem en­ and poultry grit. i ru ie i it was reveaieu th at me "There is an opportunity in lax m easure wouiu oe prim arily tary school zones were also ex ­ Dr Borden said that together Guam for any young couple who a m eans ol protection lor local plained, with a recom m endation that Lincoln School be given an with lim estone and silica sand C. H Wines and Wendell both care to work to save as businessmen, n u t i\e sn n told tne overhead system as previously the production of crushed rock Lawrence, publishers of the Sou­ much as $4,000 a year.” A. E. council anu audience tn ai n*u- outlined for the W ashington and gravel makes up the bulk of thern Oregon News Review this W ans told m em bers of the Ash­ land businessm en do not need nonm etalllc m ineral activity In School zone. week announced the sale of the land Lions club at their m eeting protection, ire said m at comoi- Chief Sm ith asked again that the county. paper and plant to Mr. and Mrs. in the Elks club banquet room • tition nas ouiit m e country ,; A. W Woodward, president of the council consider his recom ­ J. Logan White, Dayton. Oregon. Tuesday night. Wans, who is a m at local ousw essm en axe m endation to enforce pedestrian the C ham ber of Commerce, r e ­ The Whites began operation son-in-law oi Ed Galey, is a ways w illing to carry tneir sha i superintendent of repair and oi m e burden. right of way in crosswalks- and ported on the recent meeting Monday- Ju ly 18. m aintenance for the Navy on the rem inded that the "No U -Turns" which was intended to give lo­ Wail izeHoei, who previously Lawrence and Wines had op­ Pacific island. policy from G resham Street will cal businessmen additional in nad pointed out to the council erated the paper as a p a rtn e r­ form ation on the annual Shake W ans told the Lions many in­ Little 20-month-old Jim m y be placed in effect soon. 1 9 4 6, Lawrence teresting things concerning life m at Mr. Sneidon ’s tax proposal .pearean Festival. He urged tho /Xrnold, of 689 Beach street, ship since would raise com paratively little C ham ber members to back thi som ew hat frightened by the e x ­ having bought a half interest on the island, stating th a t at revenue and had asked that coun­ from Wines at th at time. Wines Festival, describing it as "Ash citem ent of 1,000 pairs of hand.'? present a four-lane highway ex­ cil m em oers proceed w ith cau­ land’s gold nugget." applauding him, went aw ay from had previously operated t h e tends about three-fourths of tne and commercial way around the island with plans tion, suggested tn a t the best me- J. Logan White, new publishei yesterday’s A ppreciation D a y new spaper p unting plant since 1945, having under way for its completion tnod of raising operational rev en ­ of thi- Southern Oregon News cerem onies $6? richer than be­ ues is to p ut the facts beloie the bought it from Charles M. Review, was a special guest at fore his nam e was chosen by a w ithin the next year. Giffin people. p re tty blonde Miss. the luncheon. i u B u arbara iu a ta iiajva,, t-avno ciuu Hayes,. Lions club Keynoting the 1949 Oregon He said m at he felt proper e d ­ f p<$pei was founded in 1932 candidate for Queen of the Jack- Joyce Johnson 6, who lives on convention of the Am erican Le­ ucation would resu lt in a move by Leonard Southern i I so SOnville Days, was introduced to . . . Hall, as , the --------.-------- n v u ie uuys, gion In Salem August 3-6 will be and prior to accepting the pres routi one in Ashland, named A by the people for a larger bud­ clu^ mem bers Frank N Belgrano Jr., president idency of the Portland institution Jim m y the w inner of the aw ard „ J ',8«- g e t at 167 East Main street until Plans were discussed for the of the First National Bank of and its branches in 1947 was on the first try. Jan u ary 1948. at which tim e it "Increased valuation of p roper­ Portland and past national com ­ president of the C entral Bank of Official estim ates of the crowd was moved to larger quarters in holding of the club's rum m age ty through city im provem ents sale, slated for S aturday a fte r­ m ander of the Legion- conven­ Oakland. Since making his home gathered at the Lithia P ark e n ­ will ultim ately aid everyone in in Oregon he has been in wide trance ranged all liie way from Pioneer building. tion officials announced today. noon, Ju y 30, in the city hall. town, ’ Mr. DeBoer added. Sale price was not disclosed by Guests of the club included Ed Belgrano will open the first dem and as a speaker and is 700 to twice that num ber. Best Councilm an Neill suggested the any of the parties concerned. business session of the delegates prom inent in civic affairs. Galey, A. E. Wans. B arbara guest was around a thousand, interim budget com m ittee (Dr. Wines stated that they planned He enlisted in the arm y as a following m em orial services on Hayes, Logan W hite, and E. D. nearly double tho num ber a t­ to take a vacation and beyond M cIntyre G. A. Kim ball and A Elmo Stevenson, Bill Snider and Thursday morning In Salem ’s El­ private in 1917, advancing to tending the initial program His sinore theatre Succeeding busi­ second lieutenant in 1918 C. VanGolder. all of the Ja c k ­ Owen Gragg) plan an education­ Abe Neslin was M aster of that had no fu rth er plans. al program to show Ashland peo­ ness meetings are scheduled for service as national commander, Ceremonies for the afternoon Law rence is considering going sonville club. the house of representatives in highest office in the American He rem inded the audience that to school at Carnegie Institute One of the highlights of the ple the need for additional re­ Legion, was in 1934-35 the capitol building. another A ppreciation Day m eet­ of Technology w here he will evening was the act put on by venues. Mayor Tom W illiams as A native of San Francisco, Bel­ Lion Bob Jones better known ing will be held next W ednes­ study printing adm inistration. Keith Bussey, 145 Sherm an St., day, som ew here in Ashland, in a grano has been associated with The new ow ners have been in to the entertainm ent world as that the discussion of m ean the hanking business since boy­ is in Weed, California, visiting location to be announced later. the publishing business f o r “E m erick” the magician, who re ­ raising funds be continued at hood, starting as a m essenger In his parents,, Mr. and Mrs.H. D. | several years, having operated trieved a silk hat, belonging to next meeting. He said thi his father’s’ hank. He has held Bussey. Mr. Bussey recently re ­ plants at La G rande and M yrtle Van Golden, of Jacksonville, vote by the people m ay pro\ executive positions w ith various turned to Ashland after two and Point, Oregon, before going to from “th in air.” the solution. financial and insurance concerns. a half years in G erm any with Dayton last fall. W hite is a past president of the M yrtle P oint Lions club and was president of the M yrtle ! Point Cham ber o f Commerce w hile in business there, and is a PORTLAND, (Special) Plans m em ber of M yrtle Lodge No. 78 A Japanese Christian m inister Born in Japan, Mr. Tanimoto for the traditional rally which is A F & A M. a t M yrtle Point. Methodist Ashland, Ore. — Young sw eet m ents Richard Graham of New held In conjunction w ith the Both Mr. and Mrs. W hite have who was w ithin a mile of the was educated in hearts whispering under the sum ­ York, form er Broadway and Ho- annual S hriners’ hospital all-star been active in Eastern S tar work. center of the atom ic bomb ex ­ schools in his native land, and plosion in Hiroshim a on th a t then cam e to the United States, m er moon Is a scene as common lywood star who is directing the football game were announced fateful day in 1945. will be the receiving his a rts and m inister­ these days as soda pop a t a base­ opening dram a. ‘The B ard’s hero­ this week by the director, guest speaker a t The M ethodist ial training a t Em ory U niversity ball game, Sunday motorists, and ine was about 14 years old, and C hester Duncan. C hurch in Ashland at 8 p. m. at A tlanta, Georgia. Before re ­ our Ju liet is Miss Mary Jane picnics in the park. The greatest The rally has tentatively been Monday, Ju ly 25th. He is the Rev. turning to Ja p an in 1940, he was love scene of them all will be Pitts, 16-year old P ortland high set for Tuesday night, A ugust 23, Kiyoshi Tanimoto, pastor of the pastor of an independent J a p a n ­ watched by hundreds in this school actress who was chosen with the game slated the follow­ M ethodist church in Hiroshima, ese C hristian church in Holly­ for the role after auditions at quiet Siskiyou m ountain town on ing Saturday here at M ultnomah M embers of the N orth and which is now in the porcess of wood, California. August 2 when th at same moon the Portland Civic theatre d u r­ stadium. Mr. Tanim oto is one of the six rebuilding. Mr. Tanim oto is vis­ helps light the outdoor theater ing April.” The rally will be held in the South Dakota association have iting in the United States as a Japanese heroes of Jo h n H ersey’s announced plans for their annual in Ashland's Lithia park. Graham also notes th at Ro­ lobby of the M ultnom ah club. book, “H iroshim a,” w ritten •- On th at stage will be p o rtray ­ meo, who is usually played by It will be preceded by a parade picnic to be held a t Jackson Hot guest of the Board of Missions round the experiences of that and Church Extension of the Springs beginning at 10 a. m. on ed the tenderest rom ance of all an old actor, will be portrayed through dow ntow n Portland. In fated city. For m onths after the M ethodist church, filling m any Sunday, Ju ly 31, according to time, William Shakespeare’s im ­ by Ralph C. Burgess, Jr., a 24- attendance at the big event will speaking engagem ents, and study-1 bom bing he conducted religious mortal "Romeo and Juliet". A year old Pasadena Playhouse be players, coaches, officials and leaders of the organization. services in the open air, in ra il­ All form er residents of the two ing church social w ork in this cast of youthful players coached student. Juliet's worldly-wise civic and state dignitaries. One road yards, and in other public country w ith the idea of estab­ for the past two m onths by A n­ nurse will be played by Dr. M ar­ of the special features will be the states and th eir fam ilies are in­ places. Now his church has a lishing like w ork in his home gus L. Bowmer of Southern Ore gery Bailey of Stanford, and showing of m ovies of last year's vited to attend the affair and tem porary home. city upon his retu rn there. gon college and a staff of th eater M ercurio by Jam es Sandoe of the inaugural game. bring their lunches. Ice cream, experts will present the sim ple U niversity of Colorado, both of coffee and cream will be fu rn ­ Mr. Tanim oto was injured when MINNESOTANS WILL Duncan, who also is handling tale exactly as the Bard saw it whom appeared together in the the pregam e pageant and half­ ished by the association. Ed the bomb exploded, and hun­ HOLD PICNIC IN JULY in his day — uncut, in sw iftly same roles a t Palo Alto in 1933. tim e ceremonies, announced that G oehring has been named chair­ dreds of the people served by the M innesota State Society of C hristian group in the cit" were moving scenes uninterrupted by The famous love story will be invitations have been sent to m an of the refreshm ent com­ Portland, Oregon ,are going to killed or m aimed for liie. The . • • breaks, and in brilliantly colored followed on the next night by m any bands, uniform ed bodies m ittee. church and most homes were ra ­ h '\ e th eir big annual picnic on Elizabethan costume. “Richard II,” second of Shakes­ and m arching units to take part According to the committee, A1 zed to the ground. W ithin a short Ju ly 31 a t Jantzen Beach Park. The play will officially open peare's historical sequence. The in the ceremonies. Last year’s Setness of C entral Point- Amos tim e he was able to gather a F. G. Quimby, p resid e n t is the Oregon Shakespearean Fes­ fantasy "M idsumm er N ight’s pageant was a colorful and spec­ H iatt and Eric dePlace of Med­ handful of the survivors into a planning on its being one of the tival which will be presented for D ream ’ will feature a troupe of tacular affair, but officials hope ford plan to m ake this the parish, and th e improvised greatest picnics of all times. the ninth season here from Aug­ 15 youngsters trained by Sandoe to improve on it this year. biggest of the Dakota picnics to church now has a m em bership There w ill be M innesotans from ust 2 to 24. Five of the famous to play beside the more ex p e r­ The advanced sale of tickets is date. of m ore than 300. Mr. Tanimoto all parts of Oregon and W ashing­ dram as will be seen in sequence ienced actors. now underw ay, and fans are Some of the m any events plan­ has been active w ith other ton. Sections for each county are during thnt period every even­ The revival of "Othello” from I urged to w rite in for reservations ned include a prize for the oldest C hristians in a wide spread re ­ arranged together so th e various ing except Sunday so th at thea­ the 1948 season I W ill still’ an i I norlir ______a will star (»ruh Graham early. Price of reserved seat * couple, prize for family coming lief and rehabilitation service in counties will easily find folks tregoers may witness the entire and Miss Jane M cArthur of P en­ tickets is $3.00, which can be the longest distance, prize for the his city, especially in the care from their home town. A nic repertoire in five nights, or at sacola, Fla. in the lead roles. The secured through Shrine game youngest baby, tug-of-w ar be­ of some of the m ore than 2,000 program has been arranged : the most, six. final of the series will be the h i­ headquarters in Parlor B of the tween North and South Dakotans, children left parentless and speakers from different parti "Our production of ‘Romeo larious "Taming of the S hrew ” Portland Hotel. for men, for women, and for homeless by the bomb. He has* the state and a five-piece orcl. and Ju lie t’ will approxim ate which won applause when the children. There will also be w orked w ith LARA and other tra will play through the day. more closely the play of Shakes­ Festival association presented Maudie Frcel, Casper, Wyo., is races betw een North and South agencies in providing food and Admission free for M innesotans peare’s day than those usually the comedy for audiences at the her vacation in Ash­ Dakotans. Several other events other clothing for the most needy by paying 5 cent tax a t the Min­ seen on the m odern stage," com- San Francisco World Fair in 1939. spending land victims. are also planned. nesota booth outside of west gate. l)r. Borden Telh Council Vetos Chamber Men Of Business Tax Early Mining Measure Here Island of Guam Described For W ines, Lawrence Announce Sale of Newspaper Here Local Lions Huge Crowd In Ashland For Appreciation Day Legion Slates Salem Meeting R ally To Head Shrine All-Star Romeo and Juliet to Lead O ff Shakesperean Festivities Atom Bombed Sky Pilot to Speak In Ashland Church Game August 27 Dakotans Plan Picnic July 31