Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 16, 1949, Image 1

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    *Z4c S o u th e /u t
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F in n
Formerly the
S o u th ern O rsgou
»j oo PER YEAR
>3.00 per year
Volume 16, Number
Ashland Prepares For Big Fourth of July
Horse Show, Races
And Rodeo Prime
Features ol the Day
Ashland H iding association is
m aking rfcady fo r the greutest
horse show, races and rodeo in Its
h is to ry . W in Briggs said Wednes­
He said that ut 2 p.m. the a f­
ternoon of the Fourth there will
be seventeen stated events with
several interim events throw n In,
which events will consist of rac­
ing, bucking contests, bull riding,
gym khana features, jumping, and
exhibition of fine, reigstered
Members of the association
have taken careful note of the
wants and desires of the public
and have found that the public
likes a fast show, with plenty of
races, jum ping, fine horses, and
a reasonable am ount of bronc rid ­
ing, bucking and calf roping. In
other words, every fancy will be
fulfilled and a program presented
that will please everyone,’ Mr.
Briggs continued.
The comm ittees and the pro­
gram ure as follows:
General chairm an, Bill Briggs,
annoucer, W alter I’. Hamby;
Parking, Wm Stew art and Wm.
I. Byrd; advertising distribution,
Victor Stew art; program adver­
tising. John D augherty; arena
gatem an. Victor Stew art; ticket
sales. Winnie Caton. Louise Dauh-
erty. Dorothy Briggs. Hazel Cros­
by, starter. Vern W. Thomas; a r ­
ena boss, Bob Lytle; entry booth,
R. L. Crosby and Clyde N Caton:
judges. Hugh Barron and another
to be chosen by contestants; tim e­
keeper Jack Young and another
to be chosen by contestants; pol­
icing, G. W Byrd and Deputy
Sheriff Bill O'Brien; chutes, Tom
Ramsey and Howard Holmes;
wrangling. Stan Morgan, Andy
Anderson and Lovell fern s; rib ­
bon awarding. Henry G Enders;
coordinator. Henry G. Enders and
John P Daugherty.
Seventeen Events
M O S T O 8C S T U D E N T S
Oregon State College
six per cent of the men and nine
per cent of the women students
here were fully self supporting
this pust year, if fall term figures
held true through the year. For
the student body us a whole 45
per cent were 100 per cent self-
supporting. Only 13 per cent of
the men and 59 per cent of the
women were fully dependent, the
rem ainder being scattered from
10 to 75 per cent self supporting
Continued service to war vet­
erans and their families, and to
the community and country will
he the objectives of the Ashland
Unit of the American Legion
Legion Commander
Post No. 14. American Ix?gion
held their regular meeting Tues­
day evening, June 14, with retir­
ing Com m ander John von Kuhl-
m ann presiding. Main business of
the evening was the election of
new officers and nominating
delegates to attend the annual
state convention in Salem, Aug­
ust 4,5,6.
Ken Miller was unanimously
elected Com m ander for the com­
ing year as were th e following
officers: 1st vice commander,
Dick Berninghauscn; 2nd vice
commander, Irving Nelson; Adj.
W B McCullough; Finance of­
ficer, Allan H arris; chaplain,
H arry W orthylake; sergeant at
arms, Roy Hartley. Colonel H ar­
old Jordan was elected to serve
with the above officers on the
executive committee.
Von K uhlm ann appointed a com ­
m ittee to assist the Legion Aux
iliary with their ham burger stand
which will be located on the ver­
anda of l':e
Pioneer hall,
W lnburn Way, Fourth of July.
This com m ittee is comprised of
Colonel Harold Jordan. Dick
Bei m nghausen H arry W orthvlake
Carl Berninghauscn, John von
Kuhlm ann. with all other Legion-
aires subject to be drafted on
sight, if needed.
The newly elected officers will
go to C entral Point to be install­
ed, June 22, at joint installation
ceremonies. O ther posts and u n ­
its of the Legion and Auxiliary
of this district will join in hav­
ing their newly elected officers
at that time. A large delegation
from Ashland expects to attend.
Seventeen event* are being
held as follows:
G rand Entry, event chairm an
Henry G. Enders; C hildren’s sad­
dle Horse Race, event chairm an.
Bee Anderson: broom polo, event
chairm an. R. L. Crosby; bareback
bronc riding, event chairm an Tom TERRILL HEADS
Ramsay; ladies pleasure horse CHIROPRACTORS
race, event chairm an, Ernest Ev­
Dr. E. N. Terrill of this city
ans; square dance, event chair­ was elected president for the
man, C. B. Harrison; jum ping, ev­ coming year of the Southern
ent chairm an Henry Owens; calf Oregon Society of Chiropractic
roping, event chairm an Lovell Physicians
Ferns; saddle Horse race, chair­ m onthly m eeting held Monday
m an Arch Barksale; relay race, night at G rants Pass O ther offi­
chairm an Dave K err; wild cow cers elected were Dr. B. E. Cam p­
milking, chairm an John Cotton; bell of Medford, vice president;
fine horse exhibition (registered and Dr Woodrow Campbell of
only) chairm an L. E. Edmonds; G rants Pass, secretary.
Judge Briggs and her Arabian
Mr. and Mrs. Elm er South and
stallion; saddle bronc riding,
chairm an Lowell Fowler; hot daughter, Lora, accompanied by
blood race, event chairm an, John his parents are on their vacation
Daugherty; wild cow milking and visiting relatives and friends
chairm an Clvde Caton; calf rop­ in Idaho and North Dakota.
ing, chairm an I^ivell Ferns.
Entries in the bucking, wild musemet.
cow milking and calf rnning have
“The assn- iation has expended
been lim ited so that the show ' about $17,000 in the purchasing
will not drag on with too many I and construction of the rodeo
ground-, and only recently, has
Some interspersed unaxp?cted installed an alum inum roof over
events have also been planned a large portion of the grand
which will serve to provide a- s'and," said Mr. Briggs.
Many Ashland Merchants Sign Up For
‘Appreciation Day’ Program Here
Forty-nine business men have Busch Motor Company. Wardrobe
signed applications for charter Cleaners, Drive-In Market A A
m em bership in the organization B Sports Shop, Ashland H ard­
:p nyiring
"Appreciation ware, The Mart, Ashland Home
Day" program. The first weekly and Auto Supply, W e ste n Store,
draw ing is scheduled for July 13,! Rogue Shop, Dodge Furniture,
reported Bill Mcee, secretary of M arshall Wells Store, Ashland
the group.
, Groceteria, LaM arre Drug Store.
Several m erchants signed late Fortm illcr's Dial Electric com­
last week, just under the dead­ pany, Ashland Auto PaUs, K err's
line set by W inston Marks, c h a ir-' Markets, B. J. Jew elers, Metz
m an of the group, who said it Store Palace Cafe, M emorz Lane
was necessary to close charter Studio, Ingle drug company,
m em ber-hlos in 'order to com­ Ted's Feed and Seed Store. P ro­
plete plan- for the fir t “Appre­ vost Furniture, W hite House
ciation Day."
Grocery. People’s Market. Plaza
M erchants who are listed for Grocery, Plaza Meat Market,
C harter m em bership are Glenn Kens Associated Service, Union
Smith, tire shop; Weitzels Jew el­ Service Station, Thompson's G ro­
ry D epartm ent: Carlisle Mobil cery; Bushnell studio. Rolling Pin
Service: Plaza Cafe and Confec- Donut Shop, Dale and Grimes
tipnerv. Ken'« Cam era Shop. Ex-j Market. A utry’s Grocery, Pent-
cel Dress Shoppe; Bosshard L um ­ zers, Boulevard Meats and G ro­
ber Co.: P ritchard's Grocery, j cery, Ashland Cream ery and
W elt’ d
D epartm ent
S t o re. G lenn’s Confectionery.
Evidenced By
n<-wly elected Unit president, a n ­
nounced as she left for Boston
She pledges the U nit’s active
support to the entire service and
patriotic program of the A m eri­
can Legion.
O ther new officers who will be
installed in joint installation cere­
monies at C entral Point, June 22
will be: Lora Nelson, 1st vice
president; R uth Cushing 2r« vi e
president; Erma Berg, secretary;
M argaret Wolff, treasurer; and
Irene Harris, sergeant at arms.
An old fashioned Fourth of
July celebration will be offered
Ashlanders and visitors in this
vicinity, this year, with m any or­
ganizations and concession join­
ing to make it a gala Ja y u r the
cnildren and the grow n-up, who
tay at home.
Many families are planning on
taking an all day Ian ; to .¡thia
Park 01 one of th- recr. ional
p a rk , w here th e re a
:wi .. ing
and cooking facilities.
it stem s highly probable, as we
go to press, that there will be
organ recital in t :e nev. band
shell both Sun Jay an:i Monday. A
Anne Fullerton to
gigantic fire.v
A uxiliary, Mrs. A rth u r K rtism a n
Ken Miller Is New
Much Enthusiasm
display 1 b e ­
D r. E lm o N. Stevenson, center, president of Southern Oregon C o l­
ing planned, for the ci
lege. receive* a g ift a* a nucleus of a Shakespearean lib ra ry pre- 1
the big day and, of course no
sen ted oy toe D ram atist*' A llian ce of Stanford U n iversity through 1
celebration would be complete
Robert E. Dodge (rig h t) president of the Shakespearean Festival
without a parade, rodeo perform ­
association, w h ile festival founder and producing director Angus L.
Miss Anne Fullerton, selected ers and horsemen will be featur­
Bowm er voices apprcyal. Special use w ill b» made of the collection
during the Shakespearean Sum m er School to be held at Southern to represent Ashland high school ed, and always, there must be
Oregon College beginning on June 13.
a t Girls State, left Sunday for games and prizes for the children
Go to Girls State
W iallam ette University, Salem, to m ake the day one they w h|
where the m iniature state oper­ long rem em ber.
ated by girls will be in session
The big street parade which
for the coming week. She is be­ will start at 10 o'clock with floats
ing sponsored by the local unit of m arching units, and bands e x ­
the American Legion A uxiliary pected to m ake it a colorful event
and was selected from the girls of and rodeo irerfotm ers and horse­
last sem ester's junior class at A sh­ m en will clim ax the peak of en­
land high school on a basis of tertainm ent a n d
am usem ent,
character and leadership.
getting A shlanders off to a good
At the university she will join
Charles Cooley, G rants Pass, ether girls, selected on a like basis sta rt in a day of fun and frolic.
One of the popular spots will be
Governor of District No. 102, Ro­ from high schools throughout the
ham burger stand the Legion
tary International, accompanied state, in forming and operating a
by Mrs. Cooley, is now in New state governm ent of their own. Auxiliary, assisted by the Legion,
York attending the International j They will organize political par­ will have on the veranda of Pio­
neer hall, opposite Lithia Park.
Convention of Rotarians.
ties. hold conventions and cam ­
Jaycees to Have Big Part
Previously, Cooley had atten d ­ paign«. elect state officers, and •
Cham ber of Commerce
ed the Regional Convention of carry out the legislative, execu­
on the task of conduct­
itotarians held in Spokane. W ash­ tive and judicial functions of a
draw ing and selling
ington, w here he was elected tate government.
certificates for this
Governor of this District No. 102
Girls State is sponsored each
which is comprised of Oregon and year by the Oregon D epartm ent year’s Fourth of Ju ly celebration.
f the American Legion A uxiliary Five separate draw ings will be
the southern counties in Washing
ton. D istrict 103, which was, a l­ to give training in democratic held and five deluxe H iaw atha
so, represented at the Spokane governm ent to potential leaders bicycles will be aw arded to the
The girls are lucky certificate holders.
convention includes the rem ain­ for the future.
der of W ashington and part oi taught to handle the-m achinery
of democratic governm ent by ac­ ler Field In Ashland during the
B ritish Columbia.
Upon his return, Cooley will tually handling it according to baseball game on Ju ly 3rd be­
preside at the conference of P res­ Miss Edith Turnbull. Girls State tw een the Ashland “L ithians” and
idents and Secretaries of District hairm an of the local unit A^sim- the Kansas City “M onarchs.”
Persons who purchase donation
102, which includes thirty nine ilar Boys State is held annually
from the Jaycees will
clubs and will be held in Ashland
be present a t the
American Legion.
July 15 and 16.
draw in in order to be eligible for
the prize.
Many Methodists Gather Here
For Oregon Conference This Week
The Oregon
M eth-odist m inisters got under­
way Tuesday with breakfast for
the Board ol Evangelism at the
Plaza cafe. Most of Tuesday was
spent in comm ittee conferences
and registering out of town m in­
isters and guests, w ith roll call
of retired m inisters, Effective El­
ders, Members on Trial, Accepted
Supply and Lay Members re ­
The highlights of Tuesday were
the banquet at the Junior high
school wi£h Rev. Jack McMichael
speaking, those attending report
that they enjoyed the inspired
message he gave, and later in the
evening the beautiful candlelight
service at the M ethodist church.
This candlelight communion
service was an impres ive m eir
orial service honoring m inisters
who passed away during the past
Bishop Gerald Kennedy,
resident bishop of the Portland
area, was the principal speaker
at this ceremony.
Conference sessions were held
W ednesday morning w ith com ­
m ittee m eetings taking up most
of the afternoon, followed by the
rural Fellowship D inner at the
junior high school w ith Rev.
Daulton, Clarksburg,
California, as guest speaker.
A reception for Bishop and Mis
Kennedy followed evening ser­
A nother social ev en t will be the
Conference Tea served by the W.
S.C.S. of Ashland in the P res­
byterian church.
Friday morning will be taken
up with conferences followed by
the Laym en’s Luncheon in the ju ­
nior high school. Of local in ter­
est on the luncheon program is
John E. Davis, veteran member
of Camp W hite and baritone solo­
ist who will sing, accompanied by
Jeanne Alden Joy. There will, al­
so, be a luncheon for m inister’s
wives at the Presbyterian church
The program for Friday a fter­
noon will be the Laym en's Meet­
ing, and executive session and a
laym ens forum. Dr. Harold Bos­
ley will be the speaker at the
Friday evening services.
A fter the Saturday morning
conference session. Reception of
Class, and the Claim ants Report
a recreational afternoon is plan­
ned w ith trips to C rater Lake.
M ystery House and other points
of interest.
Of m uch interest Is the Youth
Rally to be held in Lithia Park
w ith a basket lunch provided by
the ladies of the T alent Methodist
church, followed by organ m edi­
tation in B utler music shell, with
Hugh Nelson presiding.
will be by the U niversity of Ore
gon Wesley Foundation.
H ighlight of Sunday afternoon
will be the O rdination of Elders
by Bishop Kennedy and reading
of appointm ents followed by m u­
sic by the Preachers Chorus.
----------- o---------
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Leonard and
daughter, Overa, left for Denver,
Colorado, last week to visit rel­
atives. Mrs. Leonard and Overa
expect to go on to Illinois before
returning home.
Charles Cooley Is
Rotary Dist. Prexy
Local Musicians........
Summer Session at Appear Camp White ‘E’ Bond Sales Drop
Zo Peters, blues singer, m otor­ During Past Week
SOC Opens June 15 ed to Camp W hite Saturday, In a statem ent released last
Sum m er session at Southern
Oregon College opened June 15
w ith registration from 8:30 to
4:00. S tudents may continue to
register until June 24. The penal­
ty of $1.00 per day for late regis­
tration will take effect Monday,
June 20. AU courses necessary for
teacher certification in Oregon
E lem entary and Junior H i g h
school are offered during the
eight weeks' session which con­
tinues to August 9. Experienced
teachers and others will be in ter­
ested in the workshops which
will be offered in sessions of two
weeks each beginning w ith the
Remedial instruction i n
th e
Skills, Ju n e 15-29, followed by
Methods and M aterials in Social
Studies, Ju n e 30-July 13, Elemen­
tary School Principalship, July
14-27 and Play Production for
Elem entary Teachers, July 28-
August 9.
A com pletely new addition to
the sum m er sessions at Southern
Oregon college his year will con­
sist of five extension courses to
be offered as a part of the South­
ern Oregon college program, in
collaboration with the Shakes­
pearean Festival Dr. Margery
Bailey of Stanford University,
Proctor of the D ram atists’ Alli­
ance and Associate Professor of
English, will offer the Advanced
Shakespeare; Associate Professor
of Art, Otto Wilda of Southern
Oregon college, T heatre W ork­
shop: Jam es Sandoe, Assistant
Professor of Library Science of
U niversity of Colorado, Tech­
nique of Acting; and Angus Bow­
mer, Associate Professor of Eng­
lish, Southern Oregon college.
Theory of Acting.
Classes which carry three credit
hours- will occur four times a
week and classes will continue
from 8:00 o’clok to 5:00.
w here she entertained the veteran
mem bers w ith a m ixed program
of solos, including “Red Roses
for a Blue Lady," “Ramona,”
“The Pagan Love Song,” and sev­
eral Irish ballads, cowboy songs
and many popular num bers. She
was sponsored by Lottie Rans-
dell. Camp W hite chairman.
John E. Davis, m ember, accom­
panied her, and also, gave a
w onderful rendition of “T he Lost
Mr. Davis has a deep
toned baritone voice w ith unus­
ual tones th at blended well with
Mrs. Peters’ radiant soprano voice
in a duet, “Som ewhere a Voice
Is Calling."
night, E. C. Sammons, State A d­
visory C hairm an of the Savings
Bonds Division, of the Treasury,
states th at E bond sales In Oregon
for the week ending May 28 w ere
$542,728—a very substantial drop
from the previous week. W heeler
county rem ains the only one in
Oregon which has reached and
exceeded its assigned quota.
Jackson county m ade the big­
gest gain last week w ith sales
am ounting to 26 per cent of its
entire drive quota.
Wasco and
W ashington counties each sold 12
per cent of their quotas. K lam ­
ath county added 11 per cent to
its previous sales.
Forest Service Starts Fee Service For
Use of Campgrounds; Two in Oregon
Oregon national forests affected
Twelve of the more than 1,100
national forest campgrounds in are the following: Mt. Hood at
Oregon and W ashington will be Cam p Creek and Tollgate; Rogue
River at McKee Bridge and Dead
placed on a charge basis this sum ­ Indian Soda Springs; Siuslaw at
mer, according to an announce­ Eel creek and Siltcoos; Um pqua
m ent just made by regional for­ at Wolf creek: W illam ette at
ester H. J. Andrews, U nited States Clear and Paradise.
Operation of some of these
forest service, Portland, Oregon.
camps will be by perm ittees who
Two of these cam pgrounds, In will be allowed to collect fees for
southern Oregon, w ent on th e ' the use of the facilities in return
charge basis during the Memorial for providing their services in
day week end, while th e others keeping the areas clean, disposing
will start late in Ju n e or early of garbage, m aintaining the im ­
provem ents, and furnishing fire­
This action is following through wood. At least four charge areas
w ith the policy announced last will be operated by forest service
January, when it was stated that attendants, who will pro v id e the
charges woulcl be m ade for the same standards of m aintenance
use of certain national forest and services as a t perm ltee-oper-
Thfc decision to ated areas.
m ake these charges on an experi­
Charges for the use of the se­
m ental basis was prom pted, ac­ lectee ram p grounds
will be:
cording to the forest service, by i Camping, 50 cents per night or
repeated suggestions m ade by |
$3.00 per week per car of not
Congress th a t recreational use more than six adults. Picnicking
should bring in some revenue to 25 cents per day per car n arty of
offset in p art the cost of con­ not more than six adults.
Mrs. H F. Faulkner, Florence. structing, m aintaining and ad­ charge will be made for children
Oregon, arrived in Ashland Mon­ m inistering forest recreTtional fa­ under 12 years of age for either
day to visit friends.
camping or picnicking.