Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 09, 1949, Image 1

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*7<4e SouUi&iH.
$>.«*> PER YEAR
Council Adopts
Complete Budget
Tuesday Night
Argument Over Who Shell
Publish Budqet Takes Piece
Kilties Have Full
Week of Events
• II. D. McNuir, m anager of the
<43hland Kilty Band, reports that
they played in the parude at the
Slate Elk's Convention, at 1:30,
Saturday, as well as appearing in
a concert at five o’clock, during
the barbecue dinner at Modoc
field Later, the group enjoyed
the barbecue which included ven­
ison and elk meat.
Hollis Hill, tram pclin perform ­
er and bag pipe player, is spend­
ing the week in Portland, a tte n d ­
ing and perform ing in the P o rt­
land Hose Festival. Hill will play
with the Portland hand in the p a ­
The Kilties will go to Yreka,
Sunday, June 26th to play in the
Gold Hush Parade.
9. '9 4 9
form erly to*
Southern Oregon
$3.00 per yeer
Volum e 16, N u m b e r 14
Local Methodists Are Hosts To
Legion Auxiliary
City Council Asks
In Regular Session
Delegates for Annual Oregon Assembly The local Am erican Legion Aux fo r Decontrol of
iliary m et in regular session Mon
Ashland M ethodists will be
d a * evening, at Legion Hall, ith 1
hosts next week to the state m eet­ TWO VISITORS HERE
Evelyn Kreism an, vice- president, Kent In This Area
ing of their denom ination when
presiding in the absence t M
more than 500 m inisters, Uieit
Mrs. C. V. Hall, form erly of K athleen Silver, president.
De-pite the heat a packed house
wives, and lay delegates gather
Ashland has returned to her home anniversary of “D” Day, 1 )44 ' of attentive landlords and ten­
ut tin- local church Tuesday, June
was observed by the group
At the regular meeting ot the
a n t sat in on the rent control
14, for a six-day state conference in Richmond, California, after
Reports were made by Celia
city council Tuesday evening, the
being the house guest of Mrs
meeting held in the council ■ >am-
proposed budget, set up by a citi­
Fred Cushing, 185 N. First street. Berninghausen on the Poppy sab o :rs Monday evening.
Presiding over the week long
zen's committee, and reported by
Mrs. Cushing entertained with and the party given at I.e: , n ! A lively discussion, with Ray
session will be young Bishop G er­ luncheon, honoring Mrs Hall and ' Hall, Saturday for the youngster-,
Dr. Elmo Stevenson was adopted
ald H. Kennedy, who comes from Mr William Blackm er on her who helped to sell Popple-
1 Cook, area rent representative,
In comm enting on the budget Dr.
holding sim ilar conferences In birthday. The “piece de resist­ Berninghausen and Ruth Cushing and Mr Mabee of the Portland
Stevenson said that the budget
W ashington and Idaho.
Having ance’’ of the luncheon was the were hostesses and served refresh office, conducting a question and
had been pared down to an a b ­
been elected last year, the Ash lovely birthday cake, which Mrs. fnents after the group had played answ er session, preceded the un-
solute m inimum ami several de­
land meeting will be Bishop K en­ Cushing had decorated w ith Cecil Bingo and other games. Prize« 1 animous decision f the c c u r .il to
partm ents would
first encounter with the Brunner rosebuds.
were all day suckers and the h o st-! «-qud t Govern jr Do_fc;ao McKay
pinched, in order tliut the budget
- >
a.ieaa with proceedings to
annual Oregon assembly. Rev. 8
could be held within the six per
Honoring Mrs. Hall and Mrs. esses served punch, m arshm al- ( decontrol
rents in t 115 Sc
cent lim itation set up by law . If
Blackmer were Mrs. B ert F ree­ lows and cookies.
Eugene, is the district superinten­ man, Mrs. Roy Frazier, Mrs. Ches­
; ie
this had not been done, he point­
O ther reports were given by
dent of southern Oregon. Scores ter Thompson, Mrs. Slade Songer, Lottie Ransdall on speakers at the council to order, following
ed out ,a special election would GOOD FISHING AT
of church officers from upstate Mrs Vern Bartnhouse, Mrs. John banquet in G rants Pass, for the discussion and tne . . 1
t an
have had to been called to put the FISH LAKE REPORTED
will also be here.
budget before the people of Ash­
A party of local fisherm en
decontrol. E.
, h
W hite activities.
Dean Harold A. Bosley from and the hostess Mrs. Cushing
land, and Dr. Stevenson and most found the fishing good at Fish
Duke University is to be the guest
of the hoard doubted that such Lake last week end.
Com m ander John Von Kuhl- -n.y e ntiL.ian nm present.
He will deliver se r­
mann, wsa present, and the group
doul3t« m any tenant; at-
a proposal would pass.
Included in the party were: Le­
discussed various plans for «he lenUea but only three voiced their
Several representatives were land Linn, Roland Parks, Joe mons at each of the evening m eet­
Fourth of Ju ly celebration. It wa
ail ln iav,jr ci' aecon-
present from departm ents of the Fader, Glenn Crisp and Chester ings.
Music will be furnished princi­
Superintendent Elm er Biegel decided th at the com m ittee should' , ' One exPected to attend col­
city affected by the reduced bud­ Squire.
pally by the local M ethodist choir stated this week that A shland’s m eet with the Legion, at their lege next year ana wanted to
gets .including the library and the
of 25 voices led by Mrs. Della new filtration plant is expected next meeting, Tuesday, June 15th know w iat kind of a deai s tu ­
park departm ent In the case of
dents could expect under decon­
Weber and organist Mrs Annabel to be in operation sometim e a- to complete these arrangem ents
the library, their representatives
trol. He was assured tnat no* lan d ­
thought that they cigild get along
night services. Soloists, duets and for the stru ctu re has arrived from tee, appointed by Mrs. Kreism an lord wished to cause hardship« to
by shifting some of the items be­
male q u artet will be featured at ¡Seattle, Biegel said and an en­ 5re: Celia Berninghausen, ch air­ students.
tw een funds. In the ease of the
various sessions.
A nother tenant said that he
gineer is expected to arrive to man, Ruby Helms, Ruth Jordan,
park departm ent, the item set
Plans to open the Ashland
M argaret Wolff, Erma Berg. Lora had no com plaint and was getting
Choirs from G rants Pass and supervise the installation.
aside for m aintenance of the'
todav Medford are scheduled one night
W ater tests are being made now Nelson, Lottie Ransdall and Evel­ a fair deal from his landlord, and
parking strips in Siskiyou B oule-, Skatew ,, ay were . . announced
v a rd fo r w h ic h the departm ent ‘
A1 Huaynes;,sk a t*n« rlnk °Pcra each.
believed that he would in the fu ­
The Wesley Foundation in the two m illion gallon reser­ yn Kreisman.
iia d asked lo r >800 and was a llo w - t ?’\
m ana«e th e new group from Eugene will sing at voir in Ashland canyon.
Publicity; Lottie Ransdell
Com m ander Von K uhlm an who; Many Medford residents were
ed $700. the m em bers present skatew ay above the A shland Re the .Saturday youth rally, which
Mrs Joy Rasmussen has re ­ retires from office later this mon- glimpsed in the crowd but it was
stated from the floor that they creation C enter on South First will be held in Lithia park. Also
assisting there, will be T alent opened her shop on South Paci­ th expressed his appreciation of not possible to tell how many
would not take care of the park street.
Grand opening will be Tuesday, churchm en and their pastor. Rev. fic Highway, calling it the “Shop the cooperation given him by the tenants, from either Medford or
strips for that figure and was
of Joy” and featuring antiques, A uxiliary during his term of of­ Ashland were present. It was ob­
turning the care of the lawns June 14. Haynes stated Plans for Alice Woolley.
Contrasting with the serious wood carvings and other objects fice.
hack to the citv. This item of gala night are being made with
vious, however, that landlords
Delegates and alternates to the were in a great m ajority.
m aintenance was, by vote of the specialty acts from al, over South business of the church, recreation- of Art. She has a fine collection
board, returned to the street de­ ern Oregon participating in the al trips are planned to take visit- of old-fashioned melodeons and State Convention, to be held in
The consensus of opinion seem ­
partm ent
Salem, August 4, 5, and 6, were ed to be th at the re n t control
->rs through the valley and to early American Glass.
elected. Delegates elected were: laws, as they now stand and a f­
Joe Leveque, owner of the pro- '-’rater Lake, Oregon Caves and
The various items on the hud-
Celia Berninghausen, Erma Berg fect. this area, are too dictatorial.
get were gone over one by one pertv, and Haynes have had a
and Lottie Ransdell. A lternates
Rev. Robert M cllvenna and his
by Elmer Biegel, city superinten­ crew 0» workm en rem odeling the
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Funderbcrg elected w ere Ruth Jordan, Ruth
dent, pointing out that the funds interior and laying a m aple floor congregation have prepared their
allotted to the general fund and The area of the new skatew ay is building for the unusual crowd* announce the arrival of a baby Cushing and Lora Nelson.
Local officers-elevt and mem­
the library fund was the absolute 120 feet by 100 feet, providing expected. Othe* A shland churches boy, early Tuesday m orning, une
have volunteered use of th eir fa- 7 The youn« fellow weighed 7 bers of (he A m erican Legion A ux­
m aximum if (he city was to stay 1200 square feet of skating area
Miss Joyce M umford was the
pounds, 15 ounces.
iliary will go to C entral Point. guest of honor a t a bridal show er
Admission will be 40c on skate cilities to good advantage
within the six per cent limlta
Adm itted for surgery were:
W ednesday evening, Ju n e 22, to given by Mrs. W ayne Cowdry
tion. Budgets for the park, cem e­ nights, Tuesday, Thursday, and
The m ain auditorium will be
Mrs. Blanche W atrus, 216 Meade join other Posts and Units of the and Mrs. W alter Walty, and held
tery and the band was slightly in­ Finlay. Admission S aturday after extended to capacity. A regisira
D istrict in a Jo in t Installation at the home of Mrs. Wayne Cow­
creased since the tax base is noons will be 25c, other nights are tion office at the Laurel street street, Ashland.
Richard Poor, Rt. No. 3, Box The local Post will have their drey, Thursday evening, May 31.
somewhat above last year's and being held open for private p a r­ entrance is in charge of Mrs
election at their next m eeting Miss Mumford plans to leave on
these funds are mostly supported ties, which can be arranged by Law rence Powell. The M ethodist 340, Medford.
June 13.
by a tax levy.
• contacting Haynes.
Publishing House is bringing a
Tuesday, June 7 for Corvallis
The Legion A uxiliary held their w here she will work this sum m er.
Publication of Budget
The rink will be available for large display from Portland.
election May 23. and will install
Tem porary offices of conference
Longest discussion of the even­ use for dancing or any type of
the following officers: Evelyn There were 26 guests present and
ing came when the m atter of pub­ meetings or parties. Haynes s ta t­
an, President, Lora Nelson Miss Mumford received m any
lication of tije budget was brought ed.
lovely gifts. Mrs. g o w d rey and
annex and on the second floor ed recently from a six week trip first vice president; Ruth Cush-
up. Biegel stated that he had ver­
Mrs. W alty served the guests a n ­
bal statem ents from the m anage­ cepted regardless of c iru la tio n . will be a lounge and pow der room
tro it and from there to the south Berg, secretary; M argaret Wolff. gel lood cake, ice cream and cof­
ment of both papers in town that Councilmen Neill and Sheldon for fem inine visitors.
fee and tea.
The public is invited to the and west by car. Several weeks Chaplain; Irene H arris Chaplain;
the full m axim um rate of ten thought the lowest bid should be
Councilm enj m eetings and, especially, to the were spent in Florida during Mrs. Purdin, Sergeant at arms.
cents per line would be charged, accepted, w h i l e
which time Mr. and Mrs. Dodge
but Mayor Williams read a w rit­ Stansbury and Homes thought evening sessions. It is hoped that
left their car in Miami and w ent
Al Raether, Stockton, California
ten statem ent from the News Re­ that the larger circulation should Ashlan'3's cultural and recrea­
Middleton, President, of
A tional facilities will prove this to by plane to Havana w here they is in Ashland on business. R aeth­ the next m eeting will be at the
view, subm itting a proposal to be taken int<x consideration.
er has been in the grocery busi­ the enext m eeting will be a t the
publish the budget for nine cents motion was finally voted on and be an ideal convention city,
on a conducted tour.
ness for a long time.
per line. A fter recessing to» dis­ by unanim ous vote the offer of
Public Library, W ednesday, Ju n e
cuss the m atter, and to determ ine the daily was accepted, pending
All stu d e n t wh»
at 7 ° ’clock- Members and
some finer points in connection investigation by the city attorney
pe.rsons are asked to
with such publication, a lively as to the legality of such a m atter.
blanks at school are uroed to
promptJy at seven as the
Other Matters
discussion was held regarding the
Carlsbad Caverns, Bryce, Zion tu rn , h . m i„
=• nine, and at
advisability of accepting the low­
During the five hour session
“ J " ? m anuscripts should be
and G rand Canyons were greatly thia w w k.
er price or taking _ the higher maln items of business was a dis-
Local tennis players are getting enjoyed.
— _________ ___ _______ read, if time permits.
price because of the larger cir- cussion of the city’s responsibility out their racquets and are w ork­
Mrs. Dodge renew ed friendship
culation of the Tidings. George ln tbe m atter of paym ent of the ing the kinks out of unused arm in Florida m ade when she lived
Green, m anager of the daily a p - 1 attorney’s fees in the law suit last and leg muscles, preparing for there before coming to Ashland
pea red to speak for the necessity w inter; a report on an improved the tournam ent th at is just get­ in 1928. Mr. Dodge was in Florida
of giving a wide dissem ination Sawmill burner to elim inate the ting under way.
for the first tim e and was delight­
of the budget because of his larg- nuisance near the sawm ills of
A pproxim ately fifty players, ed w ith the climate, beaches and
• r circulation. City A ttorney Har- burning sawdust, a possibility of old and young, have entered the m any tourist attractions.
The 4-H Sheep club m em bers
of the show, included com petitions
ry Skerry noted that in a sim ilar re-opening the golf course 7 and matches, which include women’s
of this vicinity have again, c ar­
case elsewhere a court had ruled elim ination of parking along
ried off top honors with their for prizes aw arded for skill in
showm anship.
that the lowest bid m ust be ac- North Main.
lambs at Jackson County Lam b
Alden Joy, Bellview, was judg­
show held at the Jackson county
m ixed doubles.
ed best in showm anship in the
fairgrounds, une 6 and 7.
The two fine tennis courts in
division for m em bers competing
Monday was opening day of the
the heart of Lithia Park, as well
for the first tim e in sheep club
Chief of police Vern Sm ith has show and top placings and cham ­ work.
as the high school court, have, for
m any years .attracted those who made the following report of ac­ pionships were won by local m em ­
W alter McCoy, Bellview, was
cidents reported in the city as fol­ bers in the following classes:
love to play tennis.
first prize for those having
Best heavy w eight Ham pshire
Popularity of Twin Plunges has have enjoyed the pools and pic­
had tw o years of sheep club w ork
For may years, Ashland play-
grown this sum m er and sw im ­ nic grounds at Twin Plunges are era have been among the best in '
“ l ’’, ‘hekre fat lam b won by Bernie Engle,
Special awards wer® given on
Bellview, which was also aw arded
’ ¿M anS n 7 T
ming parties have come from far St. M ary’s junior high, the A th­ Southern Oregon. A lbert C. Joy.
evening, when Bernie
the G rand Cham pionship prize as
s . u i . - d u...
1, c n y ° r Ashland. W
Of these
and near—the more distant ones letic Group from W ashington forrttsari.,
form erly of Ashland
but ___
now of
T 22 ac- the best lam b in the entire show I
again honored by be-
b° th part,eS made reports
coming from Elk Creek (beyond school, and the 8th grade from Brookings, was an outstanding
ing chosen as the recipient of
trail) near Eugene; Prospect, K la­ -Medford junior high.
player in the days of the old Ash- to the office in 12 cases and of fat lamb, won by Alden Joy, of the George Nichols Trophy which
the other 10 only one of the p ar­
math Falls, G iants Pass, Rogue
is aw ardedd each year to the best
Skip day was celebrated by the land Normal school. Until recent
River, Gold Hill and other Oregon Klam ath Falls senior high school years, the smashing drives of Bill ties involved reported to this of­
all around exhibitor in Sheep club
Best heavy w eig h t'S o u th d o w n work.
towns. California has been repre­ at Twin Plunges.
The Sacred Allen have dom inated match play
won by Bob W illoughby.
Seven of the above accidents division
Local leaders of these clubs de­
sented by G reenhorn, Dunsmuir, Heart school, also, motored over on local courts.
Yreka and Hornbrook.
much credit for the fine
the G reensprings for a swimming
Best light w eight Southdow n
Many fine plavers have been afternoon and eight at night
the young exhibitors
Pupils and teachers from the party.
developed at the local high school These accidents involved 26 male division won by Ted W illoughbv, showed in competition, with a p ­
upper grades m ade up the party
Three C entral Point groups en-
Bellview, which, also won the re ­
proxim ately fifty others from all
that came from Elks creek while jnved parties recently while two which had an outstanding tennis drivers and eight women. Thir- serve champion
teen of th e accidents occurred in
Bernie E n v l e a le
parts of the county.
the one from Eugene was com­ parties motored over from Ea«»le squa t is year.
Southern Oregon college has, the business district and nine I n ’ hig
- ngle’ also won first on
Jesse W illiams has been leader
prised of the students from the Point.
pen of three H am pshire lambs of the Valley View club for two
UniveTSit'- of Oregon who were
O ther groups th at have had re­
drivers w ere in the 16 to 20 age and subsequently won the cham ­ years and George Nichols had
here cn concert tour and arra n g ­ cent parties include 7th grade, ers to Ashland.
pionship for this e x h ib it
ed to have a swim party hnfore Ashland junior high; Mr. Corthell , Thi« season, top players from group, six in the 20 to 30 group, Lvtle. Valleyview, won first with been leader of the Bellview club
for several years.
he jvr.lor high, senior high and seven In the 30 to 40 group, three
1« aving.
his three Southdown fat lambs
Ashland unlor high; Mr. Corthell
An interesting feature of the
Five fjroiiDs have come from brought a group from junior high. the college are competing, as are in »he 40 to 50 group, seven ln in th a t division.
show Tuesday evening, was the
several local business men and the 50 »0 60 group and three i->
Medford, this past month, to have Ashland senior high.
The Valley View Sheep Club auction, at which all the lam bs
A group
t vo of these from Talent chaperoned by Mrs. women, in the tournam ent now ’u 60 to 70 age group.
, " on the cham pionship for the which had been exhibited, were
Leading causes of accidents r e - , most uniform group of five fat
m ake it an anna, affair. Thev Gladys Alberding, 8th grade from being sponsored by th local YM
oo-ted were: following too close- lambs, owned and exhibited bv sold to the highest bidder Most
are the 6th grade from W ashing­ Poaue River.
Keen interest is developing a-
not having the right of w a y .' m em bers of one club. Those ex- of these fine lambs were purchas­
ton school chaperoned by Miss
Two parties have come from , ’’-ong the players in every class lv.
driving, operating on the hibiting in this group were: Cllf- ed by the large m eat packing
York and Miss Wilson, and the Hornbrook and thre
three fr-m P p n t r T t T'"1 / ° f the ,ournanient- The matches w reng side of the road, excessive,
excessive. f rd Bigham
Bigham. Bob Lytle
Aria companies, butcher shops and
West Side school chaperoned hy r Hill
u n . uiree ir m
Central P oint, in m en’s and wom en’s mixed - speed - and im proper starting.
' ¡W illiams. Lvle Bigham and Ken- oother commercial buyers of
Miss Bertha H'vkins.
□ nd one partv^ each from G re e n -' ^ u h|«s promises 'to " bring " w t h
Jackson county, although some
Three persons were reported in-1 neth Bigham.
O ther Medtord groups who I horn and Yreka.
bidders seemed to be buying for
Interesting and skillful play hired this month.
1 Tuesday, second and final dav their
own use.
Filtration Plant
Work About Ended
Ashland Skateway
To Open Tuesday
Joyce Mumford
Honored by Shower
Dodges Return From..
Six Week Vacation ....
Racqueteers Are
Preparing for Meet
Local 4-H Club Carries Off Top
Honors at County Lamb Show June 6-7
Many Parties From Far and Near
Use Local Swimming Facilities
Srsini^enT doub^lP»«^ Chief Lists
Accidents in May