*ZZte £j.oo PER YEAR ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, JHURSDAY, JUM School Budget to U. R. Scheiderider Commencement and Baccalaureate Weds Medford Girl Exceed 6 Per Cent Itolund It. Scheiderider, form« ’J To Be Held Sunday at the College Ashland businessman, took us his bride, May 21, Corrine Stenerson The twenty-third annual com-4 Limit Next Year Rice, a Medford girl. The cere­ meneement and baccalaureate mony wus performed at 2:00 p.m at St. Peter's Lutheran church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. Stenerson, 714 Oakdale avenue, Medford, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Anna Scheiderider, 27 Tripp street, Med ford. The groom formerly was a par­ tner with Aubrey Miles Ih the operation of the Greyhound Tav- was employed at-Twin Plunges, ern in Ashland and prior to that He is u graduate of Ashland high school and the University of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Scheiderider trav­ eled to Sun Francisco for the hon­ eymoon and are now at home in Grants Pass. The bride attended Southern Oregon college for one year after her graduation from Medford High school. ELECT ONE IN JUNE •». «949 Erisco Mayor is Invited To Festival Formerly ta« Southern Oregon Miner 13.00 per year VOI.L.MI i6„ NUMBER ij Budget Slashed to Keep City I nder Mayor Thos. S. Williams this week received a letter from El­ mer E. Robinson, mayor of San i x _ Francisco, thanking Williams forl 0 L jilllitc ttio il /< his invitation to the Shakespear-1 ean festival which was delivered i to Robinson last week by Judge ! Need For More Funds L. Peeis Wilmeth. For Ashland Evident Robinson’s letter said in part, I Budget for 1948 and 1949 will "The judge pointed out to me presented to the Ashland city that your beautiful Lithia park I council at t ’,e next meeti > ; of was conceived and laid out by the) th e council v h i.'i w¡11 he h i n grand old gentleman who e me- j Tuesday, au n e 7. Total n e e ? , for morial is Golden Gate park, our I he y e a r are e ,ti n ated at $♦ .222. own unforgettable John McLaren ; i ary of the budget indl- "I am not sure that my sched-1 ule will permit me to ac > pt your | ates that a total of $502/ 97.00 welcome invitation to attend the I T ‘H during the ear. Shakespearean Festival at Ash-• A ,e offset by land m August. However, I wish ' ’ .'™ /5 «"’"“ "ting to $437.358. every success to the festival thi : ' e,n ‘rs of budget corn- year and hope that it will become* .t • included Dr. Elmo Steven­ son, Owen Gragg, Di k H: i an outstanding cultural event o f( lei Yate . Éîîi Sui 1 -r an EL the Pacific Coast attended by I ¡r.er Bill more and more people every t u , Biegel. - ' ’ . p y I The “ summary indicates that the year.’ c x p e n d 'tire s tm t 'e ’ -ral fund will total $81,473.00. M ney Jr. League Baseball "hi h g es into the me 1 m l services at Southern Oregon col­ TO SCHOOL BOARD Voter* Okay Needed lege will be- held Sunday, June 5, Election for the offic« of Fund* for Diitrict 5 at the Churchill hall auditorium. school director will be held June Baccalaureate will be held Surw J 20, according to an announcement One hundred and sixty voters day afternoo nat three o'clock. | this week from the office of Le­ coat u "yea" vote to authorize The program will begin with a District No 5 to exceed the six Linn, superintendent of the processional by the college or- land per cent limitation by a total of Ashland Ben T. Lombard chestra. The Rev. M. A. Groves 1 aiding schools. as the member of the $136,646.00 Only 39 votes were of the Medford Methodist church board who is filling cast uguin t the measure. unexpir­ will pronounce the invocation. ed term of Frank Van the Dyke. This Election clerks were Mrs. C e ­ “The Lost Chord” a baritone is the office which will be filled lia Bernini«hausen, Mrs. Blanche horn solo will then be given by Murphy, and Mrs. Francis Miller. Lombard has filed for the va­ Clifford Wolff, accompanied by cancy. Tin1 vote was on the proposed Other petitions for elec­ Virgil Wolff. 1949 1950 budget which is high tion must be filed at the office of The Rev. Carl R..Eggers, of the because* of the new construction the superintendent schools sev­ Grants Pass Lutheran church will en days before the of and the Increased student load election. give the main address, “Vision In which necessitates more <•«1 uip- Education." t Other members of the board are inent and more teachers. Paul Finnell, Mern Provost, Mar­ The college choir will then sing The millage for the operation shall Woodell and G. E. Dunn. “The Lord Bless You and Keep of the schools Is estimated at 31 You.” and "Living in the Ever­ and the bond program is estimat­ present." with Barbara Gertson Suicide In Phone ed at 9. This makes a total of 40 as accompanist. Miss Dorothy mills needed for schools Booth Attempted Palmer is the director Members of the citizens budget Frank Chrisman, 77 former The Rev. M A. Groves will :urjr. • th e > I committee were C R Ramsey as butcher, who said he was “blue” Is Getting l ’ndorwav pronounce the benediction. $60.006.00 chairman, Albert Thomas, clerk, Sunday afternoon attempted hari- Ken Miller, chairman of the Commencement E: n *n H un r ' - t rv Jean EberhaVt, Jim Busch and Ed kari, in the telephone booth out­ American Legion Junior League The commencement program, fund will total $13 «39, v/hi'-'-> |1J Singmaster. side the Boulevard market on Baseball committee, announced which will take place Sunday According to superintendent of Delbert E. "Tiny" Jones has evening at 8:00 will begin with Slskiyou Boulevard. He used a • this week that practices are to be be partly offset by receipts of schools Leland P. Linn the six purchased an interest in the in­ nine inch butcher knife and a t-! held three nights a week at Fuller $500.00. The Park fund will expend per cent limitation vote may have surance firm of Engle and Sing- the college band, under the di­ tempted to puncture his heart by I Field. to continue until 1962, and that master. Jones, who has been em­ rection of Glenn T. Matthews, driving the knife upward thru* Any boy, 11 to 17, is eligible $14.925.00 and will re rive $|«00. is only If no changes are made in ployed by Dodge Furniture, will playing the processional . «‘La is stomach. « for the j unior Baseball team and The cemetery fun 4 will spend, the year, $10,825.00, and assessments, costs ,or population. assist with work in the office and Reine de Saba.” Chrisman, who is now in a crit-1 Miller urged all who were inter- during "The Star Spangled Banner,” will receive $7.075.00. Since 1945 these elections have with outside solicitation will follow with the audience ical condition in the hospital, was ' ested to show up for practices. In the sinking fund will come been held. Linn pointed ou$ that The announcement of Jones' joining the orchestra The Rev. found by Gladys Huff. He was which begins at 5:30 p.m. expenditures of $2150.00 and re­ practically all districts in Oregon entry into the firm was made at E p Borden standing In the booth and told Games will be held with Cen­ ceipts of .$«50.00 of the Ashland The band fund have to hold the same type of the same time that Engle and her that he had just committed Point, Medford, and Eagle will expend $2250.00 with no rev­ elections. 1 , Singmaster reached their third Congregational church, will pro­ suicide. She ran across the street tral Point. * * enue expected. nounce the invocation. Henry The seven mill special levy for anniversary. to another telephone and notified Granat will then play a cornet The electric fund is to expend a five year period ended with the police. Chrisman was still stand­ Jones is a graduate of Ashland solo, "My Regards.” the same amount it receives, 1948 levy. Superintendent Linn high ing in the booth when assistant school and attended college George F. Chambers will bring $229,000.00. The water fund will o n v in ^ ’ff V “? thH at SOC’ served with army greetings from the State Board chief of police Herb Hayes and spend $112,200.00 and will take in paying off the bonds will be sub­ in the Medltarranean area. Chief of Police Vern Smith ar­ of Higher Education. a total of $102 200 00 The sewage stituted in its place. This levy has His wife is the former Gerald- Dr. Charles A. Howard will rived. They removed him from the disposal fund will balance out accumulated a considerable sink i ine Wenner. They have one child give the address “Education and booth and had deputy coroner C. Oregon State College, Corvallis with receipts and expenditures f I Dennis’Del. Their home is at 438 Culture.” This will be followed M. Litwiller rush Chrisman to the S KM5 000W?fier th°W> “ {’alanct;* —(Special) This district was rep­ both at $15,000.00, and the same by a soprano solo, “One Fine Day” hospital °r ; Morton street. resented by three students among holds true for the state _____ gas tax sites. ™ This ° ? fund J u has .purthai,7 been includ-1 by Alair Clifton . Among the witnesses were the graduating class of 1568 sen-! fund which stands at $21,154.00. cd In the budget and will be used i n • , < r Dr. Elmo Stevenson will confer Charles Davis, 546 Liberty street: iors and graduate students to re- • Kept Under Limitation .......... in the building projects and spent 1 Prominent Va le” t h e diplomas on the graduating Stephan Boyer, 620 Roca street ceive degrees at the eightieth an­ To keep from exceeding the six dunng the 1949 50 year {(’itiZGll P s e s class. and Cal Bonney, SOC student. nual commencement here June per cent limitation which permits Additional allowance has been Lydia Ann Andrews, 90. Med­ Colors for the ceremony are be­ 5 and 6. municipalities to spend only six made in the budget for the in­ ford, LITHIA RADIO CAB who has been a prominent ing furnished by the Oregon Na­ Beverly Jean Wilson of Phoenix **»««», money in __ one surance, heating, lighting and Rogue River valley resident for tional Guard TO OPERATE HERE will be granted a bachelor’s de­ year than the year befoqp, it was maintenance of the eight added many years, died Sunday at her Don Travis this week began op­ gree in home economics: Char­ necessary for the committee to At the program an acKnow- classrooms for next year. It Is es­ home at 537 West 10th street She I dgement eration of the Lithia Radio cab les Jack Hanel of Ashland will slash certain projects and in­ of gifts received during timated that the enrollment next was the mother of Mrs Edith the past vear will J-»e made The The city council granted Travis receive a bachelor’s degree in ag­ creases which had been requested year will be about 1800 or an in­ Stevens, manager of the Lithia gifts include book< records and temporary parking in the Trail- riculture; and John Frederick by the heads of departments. crease of 150 over the figure for hotel, Ashland. periodicals to the library from way’s parking strip on Third Bell of Ashland will be awarded Among the budgetary slashes this year. The teaching staff for Mrs. H S. Ingle, Mr. and Mrs. street, adjacent to Dial Electric. a bachelor’s degree in forestry. were $200.00 which was lopped Other relatives who survive next year, which has been se­ V. Williams, Don De-( Travis will operate a two way off the general government sec­ lected, will include several addi­ her include Mrs. Grace Fiero, of Thomas Lisle, Miss Katherine Grossman, radio controlled taxi. Medford, a daughter; Mrs. Fred MR. AND MRS. ADAMS ENTER­ tion for materials, supplies, and tional teachers. Vrooman, Anoka, Minn., and Mrs. Lyle Heitz, and B N. Chapter P miscellaneous; $2000.00 had been TAIN AT PINOCHLE PARTY Dell Rush, Duluth, Minn., both sis E. O. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Adams, of requested, $1800.00 granted. Mrs. Harry Travis Mr. and Mrs George Knox Contributions to the museum Granite Street Monday enter­ Summer recreation was drop­ have moved from their apartment ters; one brother, Albert Gardner, ped from $1800.00 to $1300.00 The tained with a pinochle party. in the Knox building to their Anoka, Minn.; and a niece, Mrs. were received from Mr. and Mrs. Purchases Salon Mrs. Harry Travis became the $2500.00 originally granted the home on Gresham. The apartment Caroline Andrews Werner, Med­ John A. Gamill, Medford, Robert Effective arrangements of flow­ Winterle, and Mrs Louise G. Per- owner of Hillside Salon, one of ers carried out the patriotic mo­ Chamber of Commerce is being will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. ford. rozzi. Ashland’s premier beauty par­ tif as flower arrangements were held in abeyance until state laws Funeral services will be con­ J. F. Hamstreet. Shrubs, plants and flowers have lors, this week. She purchased the placed ducted from St. Mark’s Episcopal about the rooms, compris­ can be consulted to see if this church Wednesday at 2 p.m. with been received by the college from beauty shop from Mrs. Irene Cul­ ed of red roses, white mock or­ comes under the limitation stat­ the Rev. Neville Blunt, rector, of­ Mrs. Edwin C. Brown, Mrs. C. R. len, who has operated it for the ange blossoms and blue Bachelor utes. An accounting system and ficiating. Interment will take Eliason, Mrs. Mildred Klum, Cal past two years. equipment which was to have Buttons. place in Siskiyou Memorial park Middleton, Dr. Bertha Sawyer, cost $1500.00 will now cost $1000. Mrs. Travis plans to remodel Players making up the three Mrs. Stone, Dr. Wayne Wells, and and redecorate the three-operator and will be private. The emergency fund, originally the pupils of Mrs. Bertha Steven’s shop and will add a beauty bar. tables for pinochle were Mr. and set up for $3000.00, was dropped Mrs. Bert Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. The lust meeting of the year room. CITY BAND TO PRACTICE Mrs. Clara Hall and Miss Vera LeVeque, Mr and Mrs. M. E. to $1600.00. for the Ashland Study Club was Attention of all city band mem­ Dormitory furnishings were re­ Sterns are presently operating Joe Ransdell, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Nor­ Two-way radio equipment, re­ held Tuesday, May 31st at the bers and interested musicians is ceived from the following: P.E.O. the salon. ris, Ervin Nelson, Bill Adams and quested by the police department, home of Mrs. Fred Engle. Lunch­ called to the rehearsal at the city Sisterhood, chapter A.C., Flowers was temporarily shelved with the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Adams. eon was served at one o’clock hall, Monday. June 6th. A good Upholstery shop, Miss Bertha Ste- Dick White, Cusick, Washing- hopes that B. P. O. E. No. 944 followed by a business session, at attendance is requested as re­ vens, Miss Dorothy Palmer, Miss' ton> *s *n Ashland hunting good Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Baratti, j m4iht make a concession toward which time officers for the com­ hearsals have begun for summer Frankie Adams, Mrs. Floyd Som fishing streams and lakes. New York City, are lie house1 better police communication and ing year were selected. Miss conceits. ers, Mrs. Gary Newton, Mrs. Os­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Free­ purchase the two-way equipment. Gertrude Engle was elected pres­ car Silver, Miss Jeanette Smith, Jerry Bruce, Miss Margaret Bol­ man, 112 Nutley Street. Baratti is Cost of the equipment was es­ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cullen ident, Mrs. Angela Shayron, vice Mrs. Rosa Dodge Galey, Mrs. ton. Southern Oregon college al­ a oontractor and builder and is timated at $1079.00. If the Elk» president, and Mrs Kathryn Mer left this week for Davenport, Io­ Charles Boyden, Mrs. Lyle Wat- umni association. Oregon Historx looking for a location to settle in do this it would allow the police wa where he will enter college. rill, secretary treasurer. 'on Kimbrel, Miss Eliabeth Burr, class summer 1948. this vicinity. department to have another man, Following the business meeting considered essential. Mrs. Leland Linn, program chair­ A request from the street de­ man, read the program for the partment for $1200.00 for mater­ day. ial, supplies, and miscellaneous The book review was given by was cut to $950.00. City share In case you were wondering specified and exercise his privil­ Mrs. S. M. Endi%tt, who used "The Man from Lebanon” by just what it might cost, the Ash­ ege of not appearing in court, a fire hose; driving over wet only property damage is occured paving estimated at $3000.00 was completely cut Barbara Young as her subject. land Municipal Court this week whereupon the bail would be for­ paint; driving alone on learner’s costs $50.00. permit; driving with one arm, In the police department a re­ If personal damage is occured This is a study of Kahlil Gibren released its schedule of fees. feited. This does not, however, driving with view obstructed; and it is a hit and run violation quest that the assistant chiefs poet, philosopher and artist who Judge L. Peers Wilmeth ex­ he explained, apply where court salary be set at $3600 was lopped making excessive horn noise; fail­ the cost is $100.00. was born In Syria but spent the plained that the following fees appearance is mandatory. to $3450. Wages for patrolmen to ure to dim lights; failure to park The other $100 traffic violations last twenty-five years of his life were the minimum bail schedules “In any case where the record securely, failure to heed siren; are driving while operator’s li­ total $22,400.00 was cut to $16 - in America. The author. Miss for traffic violations. Young, was al-o a poet and work­ Speeding costs which amount discloses repetition of offense,” failure to give right-of-way: driv­ cense is suspended or revoked, 830.00. Material, supplies, and miscellaneous estimated to cost ed with Gibren the last seven to $5.00 include running through Judge Wilmeth said, “the bail ing with four over 12 years of and driving while drunk. $3300.00 was cut to $2300.00. Un­ Criminal Offenses years of his life. school zones at speeds from 20 to schedule will be doubled and for age in front seat; illegal green iform allowance was cut from offense Mrs. Endicott read from the 35 miles per hour. Running thru the third subsequent and red lights on vehicle; improp­ On the criminal side of the poem “The Prophet" by Gibren business zones at from 20 to 40 court appearance will be manda­ er license plates; leaving the mo­ ledger the ordinary drunk on the $900.00 to $400.00. A request that the fire chiefs provoking much thought and miles per hour, and running thru tory." tor running with the car unat­ first offense will draw a $10.00 salary be raised to $3550.00 was ~ ---------- The judge said that the police tended; no license plates; no rap. This goes up to $20.00 for the . j t bringing great appreciation of the residential zones at from 25 to department planned to always lights: no muffler; or driving with second offense. Drunk and disor-I ci?s®d at $3422.00. The assistant beauty of the work of this poet. 45 miles per hour. tsonn *** M°59 00 rather than The selected subject was in A $10 fine is levied when driv­ give the citizen the benefit of the a straight pipe; no operator’s li- derly calls for a $25.00 fine the charge of Mrs. Will Dodge who ers are found speeding through doubt and that conditions at the cense; no rear or side view mir­ first time and $50.00 the second.* h.^, 53200 requested. Fire laddies $14> 67800 ___ Fighting and resisting a arrest*W r r ^ t 1JY il1 1 get ?1 .4.’® 78 00 ____ rath«r than spoke on the growth and devel­ school zones at from 35 to 45 time of the arrest would have a ror; no red flag displayed on ov­ brings about a $25.00 fine. The 11 which was request- opment of Florida, tracing this miles per hour cr business zones lot to do with determining wheth­ erhanging load; violation of head through the boom period a dec­ at from 40 to 50 miles per hour er or not citation would be issued. and tall light regulation; open cut first vagrancy offense costs $15.00 ed. The fire department requested ed $2000.00 for materials, supplies, ade ago to its now stable, pros­ Other Offenses out: following too close; and fail­ and the second vagrancy offense and equipment and will receive oi through residential zones at costs $25.00. perous era Mrs. Dodge spoke of Cheapest offense is failure to ure to stop at stop sign. Disorderly conduct has the same $1543.00. Uniform allowance of mditions a she found them at from 45 to 55 r ile- pe~ hour. sign?). This costs the violator $2. In the $10.00 bracket come the fee as vagrancy, $15.00 the first $350.00 and a radio equipment re­ (be time of her recent Florida It costs $15.00 {o drive 45 to 55 Next in the scale are the $5.00 following offenses: illegal siren quest of $925.00 were not allowed. visit in contrast to the situation miles per hour through a school fines. These include: allowing un­ on motor vehicle; jockeying in time and $25.00 the second. librarian salary was to be Result* which existed there in the years zone, or 50 to 60 miles per hour licensed minors to operate a mo­ traffic and passing on hillcrest. $30010'' if was cut to $2520.00 For the month of May the doc­ from 1925 to 1928 when she liv­ tor vehicle; blocking traffic; cut­ It costs $25.00 to drink and Wages of help in the library was through a business zone, or 55 ting ket shows that Municipal Court ed there. corners, breaking through a drive, and it also costs $25.00 for cm levied icv ieo lines ra th e r th a n Judge Wilmeth fines Total- total­ $740300 ‘ t r T’-o Ashland Study club will to 65 miles per hour through a procession; defective brakes; de­ reckless driving and driving thru ing $899.50. Parking meter viola- L isJiiu Mate,rlal- 8uPP’les, and t' -vin it work in September after residential area. fective muffler, using noise whis­ a school zone occupied by Juni r tions brought in another $120 50 1 nilt f neous for library was the summer vacation. This club The judge explained that the tlers and exhaust noise makers; safety patrols a requested $1605.00 to Is tbn f'l 'e t t»||dy clllll defendant could in the majority cutting in; operating on the wrong Hit and run or failure to leave leeted in the one month by the win ^h0 h B ° ° j R ? nd ma8az’nes in Southern Oregon. of eases post bail in the amount side of the street: driving over name at scene of accident wh«n municipal court. «Unwed $1700 00 rather than the requested $1800.00. Tiny Jones Will Sell Insurance Three From Here To Get Degrees 1 Mrs. Engle Will Lead Study Club Municipal Court Fees Run From $2.00 To $100.00