7Áe goutk&m Öseytwt NEWS REVIEW III F ilili Formerly in* .Southern Or»qo*i Miner *3.00 per year ASHLAND. JACKSON C O U N T Y .T H U R S D A Y . M AY 26. <949 Volume 16, Number 12 I , .00 PER YEAR Memorial Day Program Announced For Monday Morning Bv Emil Kroeger All Legionaires of Ashland Am erican Legion Post No. 14, are requested to assemble at the L e­ gion hull on W inburn wuy at » 45 a.m. for the Legion services which will be held at the Memorial Rock In Llthia Park ut 1» u.m. Kind Kroeger is generul chair­ m an of the progrum for the day. At 9:45 a.m. “ll patriotic units of the parade will form a t the city hull, und parade form ation will be lined out. Prom ptly ut 10:00 a m. the pu rade will start, m arching from the Pluza, up East Main street und on to the city cem etery, for the Memorial services. The order of parade will be: colors and color guards, firing squud. Ashland Municipal band, Spanish American War veterans, Am erican Legion and other war vetcruns of World W ar I and II, also all men in service uniforms are requested to fall in. Legion Auxiliary and other Auxiliary units, Boy Scouts of America. Girl Scouts and Cam pfire Girls. Any other organizations or groups Program at the city cem etery will be under the direction of post com m ander John von Kuhlm ann. It will be us follows: America. Ashland Municipal band, invocation, Rev. O. W. Klingshelm; floral tributes, plac­ ed on Memorial G rave; Lincoln’s G ettysburg Address by Ted Mc- Uvenna, m ain address by Loren E. Messenger; firing squad, T /p s, Choral, Bach, Ashland Municipal band; Star Spangled Banner by Ashland Municipal Band; Bene­ diction by Rev. John Green. All units will m arch back to Plaza and Legion hall w here a Memorial day covered dish din- ner will be held, at Legion Hall on W inburn Way. The Legion Auxiliary comm ittee will furnish coffee, cream, rolls and butter. All those attending are asked to bring any variety of covered dish, also silver and service for their families. All patriotic organizations are invited to attend. Suturday morning Legionaires will decorate all v eteran ’s graves. I OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat memorial day Check Lists Given To Check ( hecks Check lists for checking bad checks were issued by the City of Ashland Police de­ partment to all Ashland m er­ chants this week. The lists were made available through the cooperation of the Cham­ ber of Commerce, and were drawn up and distributed by the police department. They contained Information on how to spot check passers and methods of recourse in case bad checks were receiv­ ed. Swimming School Registration Is Now Under Way ----- ,, ~ ~ Lumber Mill Corp. Roark’s Badge Keeps r Head on Shoulders |] ay |Je Ottered Jim Roark’s headach. is | J I I gone and so are the two guys that brought it about Roark, new merchant pa­ Fred Homes Investigating Right of Way Problems trolman. was checking the a l­ ley behind lhe A. 4 B. Sport Plans to see if land from the Shop at 2 a. m. Monday, Ashland city golf course could be used by Lum ber Mills corpora­ when he saw two suspicious tion were made Thursday m orn­ characters on lhe platform at ing at a special 7:00 a.m. m eet­ the rear door of the shop. ing of the city council which is "Come off of there," roar­ seeking additional land in order th at the mill can rebuild on a ed Jim. "and take your hands larger site. out of your poexets." Fred Homes was appointed by "W ith pleasure." said one of Mayor Tom Willlan s to investi­ the characters and he look gate im m ediately, railw ay crcs.- his hands out of his pockets. ings and right of way problems In his right hand he held a from the present lo ation of the forty-five and he blasted at Lum ber Mills ccrporatlon to t i e Roark. The buUet hit the golf cource land. badge on Roark's dap and John Cotton, m anager cf t e knocked the cap and Jim Lum ber Hills corporation, W ed­ spinning. nesday had stated t at uni ;-»s The two shady characters more land were m ade available off down the alley and by the he would have to abandon plans time Jim quit spinning, got to rebuild the mill which was his own gun out and into ac­ burned out a m onth ago. tion they were gone. Cotton had asked the council Jim had a whale of a head­ for a 200 foot strip of no m an s ache the next morning. It's land” which now separates his gone now, and so are the property from Fir Millings and characters. Planing mill. This land is kept Golt Course Land Registration for the Annual Red betw een the mills, Elm er Biegel Swirnining Cam paign be city superintendent said, because th ,„ jn th(, s(.hools o gun this week in the schools of of fire hazards, and rem oval of Ashland, Talent, and Phoenix, ac­ it would result in higher fire in­ cording to Owen Gragg, m anager surance rates. Officers of Fir M ill­ of Tw in Plunges, who is in charge ing and Planing Co. have indicat­ j r e x t e s t tri& u k uie c a n p x j tfios« A m e r i c a n s of the campaign. ed that they would be willing to The instruction, which is under 1 X L u e d ied fo r o u r c o u n tr y * freedom isto approach give up 100 feet of the "no m an s the sponsorship of the American land” area in order to assist tL« fu tu re u n til coui a r e , ¡.d an ce a h J L-le. » ration, Red Cross, will be held the last Cotton, and the realty com m ittee two weeks in June. to keep afrue o u r in d ic i J u a I fre a d o n . .rAunruj Eop« of the common council, , — Harold Promotion of Ashland as a shop 1 01 me Lummui, — Frank O’Neil, Ashland high ping center for Southern Oregon Merrill, Phil Stansbury, and Dick a n d in s p i r it ic '* ' . «?»»v i L e t : - • school coach, may be the senior and N orthern California was j Neill reported th a t they felt that instructor this yeur, Gragg said. planned at a m eeting of Ashland the joO feet could and should be m erchants W ednesday m o rn in g . made available. Mrs. Hav Llninger, who has as­ at Glenn’s Den. The realty com m ittee has m et sisted with the registration and Retaining of the N ational Trades several tim es in the past week enrollm ent in previous years, will Day association and utilization of and a repOrt was presented by again help with class activities. Delores Momany, valedictorian their “appreciation day” was ac- M errill at the Thursday m orning This is the fifth year the pro­ gram has been held for the three of the graduating class at Ash­ cepted by the m erchants and , session. The report stated: land High school, has been given members of the Cham ber of Com-1 "That since the Fir M illing and comm unities. • p inning Company has volunteer - n a y m ------ \ the annual Award of The Read­ merce present at the m eeting • gg stated that Instruction L. Poole, representative of the to mOTe their line back 100 classes would be held lor persons Tennis T ournam ent this year will e r’s Digest Association for stud- National Trades Day association ieet to assist Lum ber Mills Corp, their successful ents who by sta rt on Sunday, Ju n e 9th. All six to sixty. school work give promise of a t­ presented their promotion plan! ¡gg feet of the so called *’no mans entries for the tournam ent m ust taining leadership in the com­ which provides a trade stim ulus land" be granted to L um ber Mill* be in at the A shland YMCA not m unity, it was announced today The plan will go into effect dur- Corp. ing the first week in July. It pro- «jj ¡s jhe opinion of the realty later than W ednesday, Ju n e l e t by Roland L. Parks, principal. vides for cash prizes for Ashland com m ittee th a t the no m an's land Miss Momany will receive an New city cham pions in the Mr. Kelly, Camp W hite Special shoppers each week. was created to facilitate operation Service Officer, announced In an W omen’s Singles and Men’s Sin- honorary subscription to The Merchants present at the meet- under the existing leases to both R eader’s Digest for one year and interview, Tuesday, th at M emor­ gles will be crow ned this year. an engraved certificate from the ing included A. W. Woodward, parties. Thus it is our opinion th at ial Services will be held at the Ted T ibbutt who took first place city would be subject to crit- Editors, “in recognition of past Bert Terry, Abe Neslin, M. Per- Domiciliary Center, Monday, May in the m en’s single for the past accom plishm ent and in anticipa­ nall, Winston Marks, Jim Busch, ¡cism if the no m an’s land were 30th from 9 a.m. to 10 a m two years will, not be in the to u r­ tion of unusual achievem ent to Jerry Coveil, Bob Hardy, Walt leased prior to expiration of out- A flag Pole ceremony and m ili­ nam ent this year. Tod has left the Hamby, W alt Michael, Kelcy j standing leases, which have about tom e.” . • tary drills will be part of the out city. Smith, Jake Weitzel, Dick Hern- one and one-half year* to run. , , The aw ard to Miss Momany, door cerem ony with another pro­ Dorothy Morris, who has taken dobler, Jim Glenn, B ert M iller I wjthout consent., of .adjacent gram scheduled to follow In the first place in the women’s singles who is the daughter of Mr. and and Gene Leidigh. 1 - leasees....... Mrs. Dale M omany of Talent, was auditorium . for the past two years will also the Bill McGee represented "The city has offered its assist­ In a telephone call to Lottie be out of the Torunam ent com ­ m ade possible through the coop­ Cham ber of Commerce. ance in draining any of the land Ransdell, local Camp W hite Chair petition this year. She is serving eration of Mr. Parks and his Medford-Ashland Load which is not now usable for stor­ teaching staff. They selected Miss man, he m ade a special request to on the Tournam ent Com m ittee Revealed by Report ing of logs or lumber. have photographers present. Mil­ and will help set things up but Momany to receive the award, ’It is our recommendation that designed to stim ulate scholarship, Traffic at the heaviest point dred Ager and Bonnie Conrad of will not enter the tournam ent. Mr. Cotton be given a twenty citizenship, and continued contact between Medford and Ashland Memory Lane Studio have gra­ In this issue of the News Re­ On afternoon — May — Tuesday ------------------------- j - . 24, , , year lease for the rental of fifty was 9243 vehicles according to a ciously offered to be on hand to view Is an entry blank which can w ith good reading after gradua­ Michael Shea of 6314 N. Main St, dollars a year." tion. report released this week by W. take pictures of the ceremonies. be filled out, clipped, and mailed entertained a num ber of his small Cotton has stated th at the 100 C. William .assistant state high­ Mrs. Ransdell requests that m at as Ash,and YMCA friends. The occasion being his foot strip which is being offered Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wines and u ide tennis way engineer. This was at the many organizations, as possible I ! c City-w ide tennis tournam ent son Ashland street, were visiting eighth birthday. not enough and th a t h e needs arrange to attend In a body. Ar- „„.......... ittee si>uth city limits of Medford ... includes: Dr. W. E. The crowd met at his home, more ground. Concerning the uti- rrafflc at the north city lim its rangem ents will be m ade to cen- Bracker, Richard C. Joy, Dorothy in Redding, California, over the then w ent to Lithia Park, w here n zation of golf course land he said photo- of Ashland was 6,132. during the ter the local groups in r t o m o c m o r n r\lo ,T A /-l o n /4 1 _ v __ a . __ Morris. Ruth Seitz, Venita Rob­ week end. Mrs. Jim Busch and two sons games w ere played and refresh­ he had not considered it because sam e period, W illiams reported. graphs for local use. erson, Don K err, Bruce Smith, m ents were served. of the right of way problem but left this week for LaGrande, O re­ The tests were made April 19 Dale King. Bill Miles, and R. N. Michael was the recipient of a that he hoped som ething could be gon, to visit her parents. during a 24-hour period. num ber of nice gifts. Fletcher. worked out betw een the mills. According to W illiams the pro­ Those present w ere John S or­ A t present the L um ber Mills jected daily traffic for the year ensen, T erry and Jo hnny Davis, corporation occupies 18 acres of at the heaviest point on the high­ Keith and K ent Randahl, Robert the industrial area (the old a ir­ way betw een Medford and Ash­ Sullivan, Duane and D eanna Cul- port site), F ir Milling and P lan­ Ken Miller. 758 B street, is land would then be estim ated at j lop, Richard and David Sullivan, ing 17% acres, and M istletoe 10,629 vehicles per dav. The pro­ lhe cnndH ate for the office of Mrs. Mary Sullivan, Mrs. Cliff m ill has 15% acres. The 200 foot jected average is computed by Com m ander of Ashland Post No. Wilson, L arry Linville, Mrs. G. A. strip which separates the three applying a m athem atical factor 14, ? m e i i t 'i Le-ion. r I eel; on of Sullivan and Michael Shea. mills takes up 10 acres of land. to the accompanying one-dav officers will be held June 14. Re­ Possibility of draining some STEAKHOUSE GETS A sw am p land in the L um ber Mills count It takes Into consider- tiring com m ander Is John von COMPLETE FACELIFTING section has been considered and tion heavy week-end traffic and Kuhlm ann. O ther nom inees for office in­ Redecoration of The Steak city equipm ent w ill be used for the heavier industrial anti com House was completed Thursday this purpose if it is found feas­ m uting traffic encountered on this clude first vice comm ander, Carl with C.E. Taylor doing the decor­ ible. sector of highway 99 during the Tcnnings, Dick Berninghausen. ating and painting. Walls of two second vice commander, Dick Most of the crew of the Lum ber fruit harvest. different shades w ere used, one Mills Corp, w ere laid off W ednes­ At the other six check points Berninghausen and Erw in N el­ wall being a straw color and the day for an Indefinite period of along the 12 mile stretch, the son; chaplain, Phil Amer, Mr. other a delphi blue. Ceiling and tim e and T hrusday m orning Cot­ W orthylake; adjutant, W. B. Mc­ num ber of vehicles counted de­ trim are lavender gray and smo­ ton stated th at he had sold his creased from 7,274 at a point 2.2 Cullough; finance, Alan H arris; ky rose respectively . decked logs. Sergeant at arms, Roy H artley; miles south of Medford to 5,886 The exterior of the restaurant John Freem an; Service officer seven tenths of a mile south of has been painted a straw color. Guy Applewhite: and executive Phoenix. com m itteem an, Col. Harold J o r­ A heavier volume of 6,171 ve­ hicles was noted on the W agner dan. creek bridge at the north city lim its cf T alent and just south of Many Ashland Elks, headed by Mrs. Celia B erninghausen and that town the figure dropped a- Exalted Ruler “Buzz” Hamby, I comm ittee, have com pleted Pop­ gain to 5,201, the lowest count Oscar Silver, Jr., president of will be in K lam ath Falls, June py day sale plans, for May 27 and the Southern Oregon college Al­ listed. 2, 3, and 4, for the annual state 28. Poppies m ade of crepe paper Little Hope Seen umni association, has announced , convention of the Oregon Bene­ “the official Legion and A uxili­ A m eeting of the state high­ th at the association will hold its volent and Protective O rder of ary Flow er” will be sold both way commission this month held annual reunion this year on Com­ Elks days on Ashland streets by volun­ out no hop- for relief to harried m encem ent Day, Sunday, June 5. The Ashland lodge is sponsor­ teer w orkers. A M emorial Day m otorists who dodge one another at Southern Oregon college. Old ing the Ashland Am erican Legion window arranged by Mrs. Ruth on the tw o-lane stretch of ro a d .. tim ers among the alum ni will Post No. 14 Kiltie band in the Cushing and Mrs. H arriet H ast­ No funds will be available for I have a special get-together at big parade whieh will be held ings is In P enney’s store, the lo­ the section between Ashland and J 4:30 p.m. and this will be fol­ during the convention. cal sales headquarters. The funds Medford for at least two more lowed by the regular alum ni ban- are for disabled veterans of both quet at 5 00 p.m. in Susanne C hH .H n. ~ n years the commission stated. W orld W ar and locally for Child Homes hall. This year’s reunion Work in Southern Oregon i- W elfare twork of v eteran ’s chil­ slated to go toward im provem ent dll pav special tribute to the s of T Foreign p j S i Wars. Christina's father is commander '■’ * ’? A of w s . du. ing r the s sessions. bark and ' ° rth Post dren. of other roads which are in more class of 1899, whose 50th anni- American Legion .(photo by Memory Lane Studio) ( ” ersary it will be. dire n°ed of aid. Shopping Center Promotion Is Being Planned Tennis Tourney To Begin June 5 Local Student Will Get Digest Award I Camp White to Hold Memorial Services 10,000 Vehicles Use Highway 99 Each 24 Hours Michael Shea Has Eighth Birthday i Miller May Be Legion’s Leader Mayor Tom Williams Buys First Poppy Ashland Elks To Attend Convention SOC Alumni Reunion To Be Held June 5th s â î ï Poppy Day Sale Plans Completed