C/Á e cZOittltesui Û ieyo + i N.îîitSrÂn.. M oo PER YEAR Dog Show Plans NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, College Scribe Is Now Fighting Editor. . . Fo rm erly the Boutharn Oregon M in er >3.00 per year THURSDAY, MAY i 9, i 949 SOU BUDGET HIGHEST EVER P U B L IC IT Y F O L D E R S A R E N O W A V A IL A B L E Biegel’s Duties Clarified Bv The eight page publicity folders which are to be used to advertise | Bob Stumbo, editor of the the city of Ashland and the sur-1 Reservations are being received Southern O re g o n colleges, rounding area were delivered o n ' -* t ... uadi day at tiir CtUUnbM of Siskiyou, is also Southern Monday to the Cham ber of Com- I I f ' i l I M *1 Commerce for owners and hand­ Oregon's lig h tin g e d i t o r . m erce by representatives of th e| VFI U I I I d l l L C lers who will show their dogs Stumbo, who stands five fool Southern Oregon News Review. at the First Annual All-Breed nine Inches and who weighs Smoke and Cinder Tw enty-five thousand of the two Dog Show which will be held in 180 pounds. M onday night color folders were ordered and Nuisance Discussed Ashland, Sunday, May 29. won the heavyw eight ama are now being sent out to every The show will be held ut Wul- teur championship boxing Elmer Biegel who has been act nook and cranny in the country. ter Phillips field. It is being spon cup in fights sponsored in . A . . rt . work ........ ...........„ „ aa ‘ng as city superintendent, was on the folders was sored by the Southern Oregon M edford by the Veterans of done by Bob Vroman, the photo- formally appointed city utilities Kennel Club, Inc. Ben Lom bard Foreign Wars. graphy by Bob Mallon, Wilbur superintendent and city engineer Is president of the Kennel club. Stum bo gave aw ay 60 Lbs. Southern Oregon’s budget now The board also allocated $23,250 Bushnell, K en’s Camera S h o p ,!at the Tuesday night council O ther officers Include: Roy N. in Monday's fig h t as he met for projects of plant rehabilita­ Memory Lane Studio and Hal’s 1 meeting. The appointm ent was exceeds that of Eastern Oregon Swun, vice president; E. G. H aw ­ H a rry Reiten. 240-pound SOC • made under the term s of a new tion, wainscoting of hallways, pa­ Cam era Shop. College and compares favorably kins, vice president; Betty Lee football linesman. ordinance prepared by city a t­ ving of walks, curbings, retaining Boyle, secretary treasurer; Dr. with th a 1 of Oregon College of P r i o r to m eeting Reiten. torney Harry Skerry. walls In back of the Science hail Wulter W Weller, director; Ed Stum bo had defeated during Education as a result of special and the W omen’s dorm, and ma Ramblin with Ransey The new ordinance is designed Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Soper, Em to lift a portion of the work load Olson, director and Mrs John E. the past few months Jim Cory appropriations m ade at the recent terials for the im provem ent of the r • i <11 i ’,U a p in io n u i in t; w o r n lO du Smith, director . 220 pounds. Jacksonville; A Shb" V h lcn Bit-gel has had U, aSS„ me. meeting of the State Board of athletic field. Tuesday to visit friends. C.R. Ramsey is chairm un of the Roger Note. 190 pounds, of Higher Education. it will place more responsibility Acknowledgement of $1,602 In and , Mrs. A E. Lynch, Bench show comm ittee Assisting Prospect, and several other r, Senator _... ... M on il the me s street l ic c i hduri supeiintendent luieuilt and The Library Classroom building scholarships donated to Southern H am ilton, , , . ental » i heads, v him ure Roy N. Swan, Elmer G. local opponents. . ’ . . M , ontana, ’ are visiting “ , ot.ier departm was approved by the Board’s Oregon, by civic organizations, , nends while on a tour. The R j of recoras wiU Hawkins, Ed Olson, Charles It. building committee. The exact a- was given by the Board. Lynches form erly lived at Fort transferred to the city recorders Greene, und John Downs. m ount to be alloted for the struc­ The next meeting of the Board Benton, Montana, and it was office Show superintendent is Mrs. ture has not been released as yet. of Higher Education will be held while living there that the Sen- ’ ,. , ’ . . Helen D. Muring, Portland, Ore. A uthorization for the purchase of here in Ashland, August 8 and 9. ator was elected to the present j O ther business transacted by V eterinarians selected for the two lots on the west side of the There will be approxim ately 52 state senate from Chouteau coun tne city council Tuesday includ­ show include Dr. W alter Weller campus which will extend the members present, and will prob- ty. They moved to Ham ilton just ed a discussion of tne police de­ and Dr. T. H Reed, Ashland; Dr. grounds to Elizabeth street, and , ably be housed in Susanne Homes before starting their tour to the partm ent. Recommendations for L. E. Phillips, Medford; Dr. (J. A. several changes in policy and an B W. Brinsen, form erly of A l­ three lots betw een W ebster street! hall. “This should be an excellent coast. Gitzen, Medford; Dr. A. C. S ni­ bany, Oregon, is planning to re ­ __ , , , „ increase in salary for police of- and the Pear “ Bowl which will al-1 opportunity for the Board to ac- der, G rants Pass; Dr. H. L. Lyd- open the Top H at sometime this __ ... | ficers had been made by the Chief low entrance to the athletic field | quaint them selves with the prob­ for „ r n Corvallis, M ontana, after! a fte r' , o , , n „ lard, Medford; and Dr. W, J. coming week. Prinsen, who has Policy and proposed tennis courts, was Jem s which we face here at SOC’ spending a fortnight in Ashland, ol Police Vern Smith. Krebs, G rants Pass changes which were approved in­ been in restaurant and drlve-in given. commented Dr. Elmo Stevenson, visiting friends. Entry blanks and prem ium lists work in Albany, for the past three cluded method of anim al disposal, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson, have been mailed to 1750 people. years, plans to call the drive-in. more m eters, correction of traffic Mrs. Harlow Stew art, Mr. and It Is expected that more than 500 P rince’s Top-Hat. problem at Garfield and East Mrs. Joe Reese, Mr. and Mrs. will attend the show Main, prohibition of U -turns on Prinsen is m arried and has two Buster Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Main street in the business dis­ children, both girls, one two and Billie Arm strong has a long Johnson and Elm er Johnson, all trict, prohibition of parking at one five. They will make their from Florence, Oregon are spend- trip ahead of him if he returns to the e u library (hot-rod) com er ana and „ „ ____ ... . . .. m orary inoi-roa? home here. in this vicinity, ~ J .. .. - . the spot w here he began his jo u r­ ing vacations t . . . j i Gresham , continuation of a get __________ The interior _____________... of the drive-in is Mrs. Elda Anderson of Siskiyou fishing, hunting agates and en- . „ ’ . . . Charles Foster and Robert Ri­ ney. Arm strong was picked up 8 Cy nard, both of G rants Pass, are being remodeled. Color scheme is Blvd, a graduate of the class of this week by local police during joying other recreational fac ili-, chartreause old rose, grey a n d ' 1905 ' r' n* of * the Ashland ... ' Senior ~ * High ties of the com m unity The council turned down a re- confined to the county bailiwick yellow. The exterior has been re ­ School has presented to the high a routine, after hours, check. He Iola Rodgers, Fern Birdsong, ?huest by Pobce ? hief Sm ith th at in Medford. They were both pick­ was wandering about the high painted a dark green. school a beautiful four foot by six and Ruth Hawkins. Medford, v is -Ith * cross^ ai,ks have signs indi­ ed up in Lithia Park with a cou­ foot Am erican vlag, which she school area late at night. ple of m inor age pick-ups. ited friends in Ashland Tuesday cating pedestrian right-of-way. On checking it was discovered evening. T entative approval of increases wishes to have p.esent d < ;□ a gift The two girls were turned over that Arm strong was AWOL from in pay, uniform allowance, office on behalf of the class cf 1 >i)j. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Adolph and to juvenile authorities. Foster J o C o a s t F r i d a y A ndrew McCallen was presi­ Uncle Sam ’s army. He was AWOL Mr. and Mrs. W alter Evans of equipm ent, additional police offi­ and Rinard were charged w ith " M embers of Ashland Ameri- dent of the class of 1905 and Mrs. from Adak island which is 2300 Newberg, Oregon, are vacation­ cer, and two-way radio control contributing to the delinquency u i minors. m i n o r s . At m the m e tim nine e they m ey were ta n Legion Post No. 14s Kilty Eva Poley Frost was secretary. It miles from Seattle. How he got ing in Ashland and visiting old was made subject to approval by of the budget committee. apprehended In the park they had ’Band left todi*y for Crescent City Is hoped th at these and other from Adak Island to Ashland is friends. a 38 calibre revolver with them ' * bere ,they ^ U1 Parade and par- e ” b rs of the Cass w ill be able a long jump. But its going to be Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fowler, Med Mill Owners to Meet take of ceremonies and hospital I » be pfesent at the traditional a longer jum p back. He is being ford, visited friends in Ashland, and some drinking whiskey. O ther action taken by the coun­ h?ld for m ilitary authorities. ity at the N orthern California -»!•!• »-l 'tan o u et of A.H.S. which Tuesday evening. cil included a discussion of smoke, Mrs. K itty Ingle, Ashland, has District Am erican Legion Con­ will be held on Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Tom M illett, and cinders and saw dust from the Mr. and Mrs. H arry Ricken- donated several books to the li­ vention. Ju n e 3 in the Elks Temple. This Louise Morie, G arberville, Calif., mills and a m eeting was set for brary at Southern Oregon college. They will return Sunday. banquet, show and dance will be berg, Eureka, California, are in are in Ashland on business. Mil­ Thursday evening at which time According to A rthur Kreisinan, tne official welcome of the class Ashland on a business and plea­ lett and Morie are business p a rt­ m ill operators and residents of Mrs. Ella McMahan is visiting of 1949 to the Ashland High sure trip. assistant professor of Engish, who ners in the California city. the industrial area of the city will has been teaching novel courses her daughter, Bessie Monroe, at Alumni Association. Mr. and Mrs. Burney Sjolund, get together w ith the council to at SOC, “the books fill a desper­ Eugene, Oregon, M anchester, California, are in work out some plan to alleviate Ben Forsythe, principal of AHS ate need at Southern Oregon col­ Ashland on a business and plea­ the saw dust nuisance. for n any years has w ritten to lege.” sure trip. They are the owners of Roland Parks, present principal, Chester Correy, superintendent the M anchester Grocery Store of Lithia park, requested addition­ that he and Mrs. Forsythe will be and auto court. over for the evening. The For­ al funds to m aintain the Siskiyou sythes are now in Ione, Oregon. boulevard parking strip and this John W. G riffen violated the request is to be studied. basic rule and forfeited $11.00. A ppointm ent of district cap- Thornton Shively, Ashland, who The park board is to m ake a Fred W. Sphun also violated tains to direct the distribution of w rites novels and whodonits un­ definite recom m endation concern­ the basic rule. His cost, $10.00. Professor Angus Bowmer, d ra ­ m em orial poppies here on Poppy Ernest Moore, was disorderly, ing band stand seating. matics director of Southern O re­ Day, May 28, was announced to­ der the pen nam e of Thorne Lee has a new book coming off the and was assisted to leave the city. gon college, announces that the day by Mrs. Celia Bem inghaus- An investigation is to be made press this week. The book, which Chester Reid was found p ark ­ college dram a departm ent will en. Poppy Chairm an of Ashland is slated for publication May 19, of the Lithia w ater. Complaints ing in an illegal m anner and was present "The Glass M enagerie,” unit of the Am erican Legion A ux­ th at the “burp” which m ade the is titled, “The Monster of Lazy fined $5.00. Tennessee W illiams Pulitzer prize iliary. Lithia w ater so famous is miss­ Wayne Morse, senator from Hook.” It is being published by Glen Langdale violated the ba­ winning play on Thursday, F ri­ ing now that the dry ice plant The five captains will have Duell, Sloan and Pearce. Oregon, this week introduced a sic ru le and paid $20.00. day and Saturday, May 19, 20, charge of Poppy Day activities bill to cause the governm ent to utilizes the carbon dioxide gas and 21st in the auditorium of of the A uxiliary in the different use 50 per cent of the grazing r e ­ caused the council to take this Churchill hall. parts of the city and will be as­ ceipts from public lands for re ­ action. Featured in the cast of the play sisted by a large corps of volun­ J. Q. Adams, form er city re ­ seeding these lands. are: Mary Adams, M edford; H el­ teer workers. They are: Morse stated that one acre out corder, who recently returned a en Ruegger, Medford; George Mrs. Ruby Helms, Miss Edith of two in the 11 w estern states gift w atch to the city w ith the Bell, K lam ath Falls; and John T urnbull, Mrs. Erma Berg, Mrs. was owned by the governm ent com m ent that he did not wish to Moore, Wonder. C. L. Wolff, Mrs. A udrey Purdin. and th at proper soil conservation be rem inded of the most unhap­ practices should be followed on py period of his life, was refused this land. Several million acres, two weeks vacation post term . much of it in Southeastern Ore­ Too Late, Now gon, m ust be reseeded to keep it The cost of dying is to rise a- from washing down to the sea. long w ith the cost of living. The This will perm it greater cat­ council approved the drafting of tle and beef production the Sen­ a new ordinance which would, (Editor's not«: Thia is the last pounded animals, parts or hides ator said, and will rem ove the raise the cost of opening graves of three articles on the new Ore­ is held by the sheriff for three sagebrush which is rapidly en­ from $15.00 to $22.50, and of op­ gon livestock brand inspection years for appearance of the ow n­ croaching on m uch grazing land. ening vaults from $18.00 to $25.00. law. Articles prepared by the er. The bill also perm its private Graves would be $50.00. They state department of agriculture) Brand inspectors have power of land owners to reseed their prop­ are presently $35.00. police officers to m ake arrests and The prim ary purpose of the erty if the property is adjacent The hospital needed additional 1949 Oregon livestock brand in­ to stop m ovem ent of livestock to national forest lands w hich are wiring for the laundry room and under suspicion. The law m akes it spection law, already In force be­ to be reseeded. The bill is in the this was approved. the duty of both brand inspectors Com m ittee on Interior and In ­ cause it carried the em ergency and police officers to investigate Rent de-control’s were tabled sular affairs. clause, is to prevent or detect the m ovem ent of livestock, parts for one week. livestock theft. It m akes possible or hides to prevent theft. the inspection of every horse or Persons who have unlaw ful pos­ cow (w hether beef or dairy) m ov­ session of anim als or who refuse ed in the state by any m anner or to perm it inspection or who fal­ means for the purpose of assuring sify certificates are subject, upon th at no stolen livestock is being conviction, to penalties of the moved, sold or transported. law. The m axim um penalty is The Medford Trail Riders, as quarter mile; pass the baton race, Under the law brand inspectors $500 fine or up to six m onths in slsted by the M edford Mounted four horse team; boot race; stake may Inspect m ovem ent of anim als the county jail, or both. Posse, Eagle Point and Ashland rapp against time; touch hands parts or hides of anim als at any The law sets the m aximum Trail Riders will hold a Horse and go race, four horse team; sad­ tim e or place. If inspectors have brand inspection fee at 25 cents dle and go race; cigarette race, G ym khana at the Ashland Rodeo for men and women; in and out reason to believe the livestock, per head, to be paid by the per­ Grounds May 22, at 2:00 p.m. barrel race for men; children’s parts or hides do not belong to or son requesting brand Inspection. There are 22 big events on the are not In rightful possession of Operators of stockyards, slaugh- j musical chairs, 14 years and un­ program and a big day is plan­ der; stock horse class; hosin g the person in charge, or if any terhouses, packing plants and ned. Events are: certificates accom panying the a n ­ livestock auction m arkets are men’s race, quarter mile; half 1. 2 p.m. G rand entry. In and imals are false or do not fit the made responsible for collection of way race for men apd women; out barrel race. Children 14 years anim als being moved, they may the fee for all inspections made and cowboy quarter mile race. and under. impound the livestock, p art or a t these points. Joe Fader, principal of the Aahland Junior High school, received The Medford Trail Riders are Pleasure horse class; potato hide. Any such seizures are plac­ The law also makes it illegal p c * k f-om Jim Gl.’ nn, president of the Ashland Junior Chamber staging this show as a benefit for ed in custody of the sheriff, who to sell or slaughter or perm it the of Commerce. The check was for $75.02 and was part of the proceeds race, m en and women, each horse the Phoenix Community Club and the offering taken up during the Easter Sunrise services using two barrels and three po­ Youth Center building fund. The may sell same If action is not sale or slaughter of anim als at which was sponsored by the Jaycees and the Ashland Ministerial tatoes; ladies q u a rte r mile race; Ashland Riding Association is do­ pending or contem plated or if the any of these places or plants u n ­ r"' The money will be used to buy choir robes for the hat race, children 14 years and owner is not found w ithin 10 days, til inspected by an Oregon brand shland Junior high school chorus. The chorus sang at ih ' Sunrise under; pick up race; in and out nating the rodeo grounds for the Clear money from any sale of Im-1 inspector. S*rTicou barrel race, for women; kids race event. All proceeds to be contrib­ uted to the building fund. Well Underway l j B. Prinsen Opens Top Hat Drive-In School Given Flag Armstrong Is AWOL By Class of 1905 Two Picked Up For Park Pick-Ups From Adak Island Kilty Band Goes POLICE BLOTTER Captains Named Glass Menagerie For Poppy Day At SOC Friday Wayne Morse Is Asking For West Re-Seeding Plan Jaycees Help Junior High Chorus New Brand Law Is Aimed To Stop Rustlers In Their Tracks In Oregon TraR Riders Will Sponsor Big Gymkhana and Horse Show Sunday