S tu tik v u t Q ie aim ..¿¡¡JSUlfc.. I NEWS REVIEW »j.oo PER YEAR ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, ee Thursday, May ia, 1949 Formerly U m Southern Oregon Miner •3.00 per yeer Volume 16, Number 10 ATTEND MEETING OF OREGON CITY LEAGUE Mayor Tom Williams, City Re corder J. A. Austin, City Aftor- |> T 'j.ltp z l ney H arry Skerry and City Sup- 1 cd BI (1 " "Ul U l erintendent Elmer Biegel attend- ! Salem, Ore., May 12—A heavy Mayor Tom Williams was Dog Day” will tuke place In'. ed the League of Oregon Cities | snow pack is expected to delay on hand Wednesday night at Ashland Sunday, May 29, when j , . . ■> « 111:11 banquet and m eeting W ednesday! the opening this year of the rim the Medford Nuggets opening t h e Southern Oregon Kennel I III 111 Iclll Vv ill night in Medford. drive around C rater Laki1 and the game and the Mayor was Speakers were Mayor George j Several From Ashland to Club, Inc. presents their first an- P l ’C S U llt A1 til'll Vll opening of the east and north e n ­ playing a part in a role new uuul All Breed Dog Show at Wal- , . , ., ., , Peavy, Corvallis, who is p re sid e n t! Attend Affair at Bybee trances, the Oregon state highway to him. ter Phillips field. of the organization, Dean Seegar, I commission travel inform ation d e ­ The Mayor was umpire in It will be a one day unbenched M arilyn Young lluyes, proinis- partm ent w a s informed this consultant to the League, Mayor j Some Democrats cried “dirty the opening ceremonies which show, approved by the Am erican ing Ashland soprano, will be pre- week by national park service of­ Hollis Sm ith, Dallas, and M ayor, Republican trick,” and others had Mayor Diamond Flynn of Kennel club. Five hundred people ; sented in a recital this coming fices at Medford. Milbank, G rants Pass. I went last Sunday to the Demo Medford pitching to Clatous are expected to attend and bring Monday night, by C atherine Lee However, the west and south en cratic picnic vhich w asn't held. MacCradie, chief of police of an unspecified num ber of cocker Hufm an. The recital will take trances to the park and on up to ¡ The picnic, which is scheduled foi Medford. Sheriff Howard spaniuls, pointers, English setters, place in C hurchill hall auditor the rim are now In excellent con­ this coming Sunday; by error Gault was at bat chihauhuus, pom eranians, Peking­ min, Southern Oregon college, at dition, with no ice or snow on 1 was announced in t îe Mcdforc Mayor Williams was forced ese, toy poodles, toy m anchesters, 8 15 p.m. New officers of the Upper Val­ . -»ail Tribune as being scheduled the pavem ent. Snow depths are to retire from the field in a Mrs. Hayes will be assisted by now gradually decreasing up to Yorkshire terriers, hounds, dach- ley com m unity club are, presi­ fsr last Sunday. It v/ill l’eally br hurry when he made a ques­ shunds, boxers, Collies, Doberman llarliilee Wilson, violinist. Mrs. eight inches in a day, with indi­ dent, Mrs. Jam es Jeter; vice pres­ held at Bybee Bridge, 12:00 noor tionable decision concerning pinschers, G er in a n shepherds, Ilufrnan will be the accom panist cations th at Annie Spring cam p­ ident, Mrs. Carl Rose; secretary. Sunday, May 15. a thrown ball. Some fan G reat Dunes, Shetland sheep dogs, for Mrs. Hayes. Evelyn Lunn will ground at the junction of the Ruby Taylor; treasurer, Helen Farseeing Democrats this week shouted "The umpire needs fox terriers, Scottish terriers, Bea­ uccompany Wilson. W oodworth; and trustee, Mrs. pointed out t t . south and west roads will be In n p jb - new glasses,” and Tom look ton terriers. Bulldogs and other The program will begin with a use much earlier than the rim Homer Moore. 'i i ' l.l . ’ i ’ " : t î »Î. ,-iori him seriously and left the hym n to Appolo by ^Thatcher. The campground. The latter is more breeds. Next m eeting of the club will U; ,on< to the affair which is to field, evidently seeking new O ther dogs to be In town that j rem ainder of the program will ln- than 1000 feet higher with the be held after the sum m er v a c a -; honor Moore Ha: ik n, n Ty ap- spectacles. day Include griffons, retrievers, elude: “Spesso vibra per suo glo snow accordingly deeper. tion, Septem ber 7. pointed postm aster in Medford weimuraners, borzois, basenjis. co"', Scarlatte; “Lascia c h ìo pian- Lodge accomodations are sche­ Installation of the new officers Mre na Damer n and Mrs. Among the hounds will be basset ga”, Handel; "Se tu m 'am i" Per- duled to be available June 15 and a m other’s day program was ?.- hounds, beagles, bloodhounds, af- g o le si; "Chi vuol la Zingarella", when sleeping cabins also are to the order of the day a t the last rangements ¡n As k •’ t .■» ghan hounds, coon hounds, deer­ Paisiello; “Aria: Sommi Dei” (Ra- be opened for the season. The rim m eeting of the club, held last picnic. Several Ashland stalw arts hounds, foxhounds, greyhounds, dlm isto” 1720)”, Handel; Aria: cam pground will not be re a /y . W ednesday Bellview , are pianning to a(tenj at the Norwegian e lk h o u n d s , o t t e r Vol che sapete ("Figcro’’)”, Moz­ Annie Spring is expected to be grange hall. Mrs. Twila Block All members of th demo ratic koun, and wolfhounds. art; open at th at time and will serve presented a program of music and party have been invited to bring Hurricrs, Sulukis, w h ip p e ts, "The Ash Grove", Welch Air; camping needs, park officials said. (Editor’s note: This is the sec­ Mrs. I. E. Deadmond gave a their families and picnic lunch­ rnalam utes briards and askimos "W ithin a mile of Edinburgh Bus service Is to begin from M ed­ ond of three articles prepared by M other’s day tribute. es, according to Owen Walker, are Invited to the show. Town”, Scotch Air; "Oh! the Oak ford, G rants Pass and K lam ath Hie state department cf agricul­ general chairm an in charge of Dogs with names and pedigree illd the Ash”, 17th C entury; and Falls Ju n e 15. arrangem ents. ture on the new livestock brand which m ight appear include b r l- ! "Golden Slum bers Kiss Your Superintendent E. P. L eavitt of P arty Officials Coming ards, Komondoroks, Kuvaskok, Eyes” 17th Century. C rater Lake National Park said inspection law, now effective.) Every owner of cattle and Several party officials, includ­ puliks, rottw eilers, s a in o y e d s , Wilson will play: "Ciaconne”, probable opening dates of the ing newly elected State C hair­ welsh corgis, schauzers, Lhasa Vital!: and "Liebesfrued”, Kries- north and east entrance and rim horses in Oregon should become fam iliar w ith operation of the man William L. Josslin, Portland ajso, keeshonden, and schipper- ler. roads would be announced as new livestock brand inspection kes. . Mayor . rr- ur n- in and Vice As her concluding group of Tom W illiams will re- , , , , __ Chairm .. „ an Joada , . Leo- law, and as rapidly as possible re ­ Judges are Mrs. M yrtle Twelve- num bers Mrs Hayes will sing J j m R O ark O p e r a t e s , n « ir e nard, Klam ath Falls, have been presentatives of the state depart­ port on Police Chief Vern Sm ith s ¡„„ ¡.„ j , „„ , trees, North Hollywood, Calif.; Spring s A w akening Sanderson; ' m endations for improve- . . e Pr°g ram , m ent of agriculture’s division of recom Mrs. Anna Young, Milwaukie, "Reincarnate", Cadm an; "M a y m ent of the departm ent at the I Pre! erit^ d f ro m a n ^ p ro v is e d Oregon; C. B Van Meter, 15477 Night" Hageman; "Polly Willis", Jim Roark, form er Medford po­ animal industry will m eet with Tuesday evening council meeting, j d g . n ie par ’ 'A1 include Ventura Blvd. Van Nuys, Calif.; Arne; and “Four Ducks on a lice officer, is now operating a livestock groups to explain de­ Mavor Williams, Chief of Police ,Ca num bers- testim onials on Jack Leltch, Seattle, W ashington; Pond >edham. night checking service for the tails and answ er questions. The Vern Sm ith, Councilmen Fred the two guests, skits and novelty and Jack Playfair, Portland, CNe- Ashland business district. Roark, law appTies also to mules and Homes, Dick Neill, and Phil sketches. gon. whose fee is $4.00 a month, will asses. Refreshm ents and entertain­ j Stansbury met last Tuesday even- Judging will begin at 9 00 a m. the new law, some form check doors of business establish­ , Under m ent will be furnished through­ . . ,, ing and considered the chiefs and the show will continue ce rtificate is re q u ired on all , .. , j * „ ments three tim es nightly, in ad ­ of out the afternoon, with special , liVPKtiirk . , m nvpm pnt . w u npthpr . l . l tho 1 recom mendations, in order to pre- r throughout the day until 6:00 p.m j movement, w hether the dition to the usual check made livestock games and sports being provided pare a report for the common Entry fees are as follows: first j animals are being moved to a by local police officers. for children and younger m em ­ council. class, $4.00; each additional class, Roark, who originally came point within the state or outside bers attending. Ken Miller has been nom inated O ther events at the police sta ­ $1.00. Brace class, $1.00. Dogs not Oregon. Here is a brief explana­ as post com m ander of Ashland from Denver, spent three years tion last week included the pick­ Assisting Chairm an Owen W al­ registered In the Am erican K en­ Post No. 14, The Am erican Legion n the Ashland police force and tion of inspection requirem ents: ing up of Leon Hill, 44, who was ker on the general com m ittee are nel club Stud books m ust be list­ Nom inations were made at Tues­ 1. If the anim als are being mev 1: years on the Medford force, . ’ , ‘ ‘ , turned o v er to state police, charg­ ed. the listing fee is 25c. Entries > the following: . Rawlos Moore, le is being retained by the m er- ed out of Oregon, they must be I I ed , with larceny as Hill had driv­ day night’s meeting. F u rth er n r Jam es Dunlevy, Mrs. Frances m ust be sent to Betty Lee Boyle, ¡nations and a report from the hants who subscribe to his ser- inspected before leaving the state en someone elses autom obile here Dempster, Mrs. H. P. Bosworth, Rt. 1, Box 386, Medford, Oregon, and a brand inspection certificate nom inating com m ittee will be giv­ i <* and can be obtained at the Mrs. Max Wimmer, Medford; Mrs. and checks must accompany the! en a t the next Legion meeting police station. m ust accompany them. If no in­ from Sheridan, Wyoming. Joseph G. M attey was fined $5 Lona Damerson and Mrs. L. M • - -- I, . ■ ■ . entry blank. spector is available at point of May 24. for driving without operator’s M atheny, A shland; Mr. and Mrs. origin, movement may be made First prize will be a blue rib Election of officers will take Sam Mallon, Agate; W. B. Tot­ on a transportation certificate to license. bon, MO.. third prize u a y yellow o o « 1 ribbon,; piace June 14. O ther nom inations ilton Lennie Eldon Boler, of Castle ten, Brownsboro; Scott Ham ______ the nearest inspector, w here this fourth prize a purple ribbon. Best . . . . _ , . , . v;..,.. , . ... . . made this week include : f ir s t certificate is exchanged upon in- W ashington sped through a I and Lloyd Rupp, C entral Point; of winners will get a blue and _ , T ■ „ _■ ... ... . vice Carl Jennings; second vice, spection for the brand inspection 1 school zone and forfeited $5.00. W arren Loffer and Ray H arrison white ribbon, reserve w inners . .. . . T ,, , , ... .. |D ick Berninghousen,, adjutant, J. I - Earl , - E Lininger . . . ------- violated ------- -- the Phoenix, Judge F. L. TouVelle, of will get a purple annd w hite r ib - , w certificate. t W. McCullough; Finance officer, Poppy day plans win oe discus­ basic rule and forfeited his bail. Jacksonville. bon. best of breed will get a Should movem ent out-of-state E. H arris; Chaplain. Phil Amer; sed at the next m eeting of the Herb Dixon, also violated the purple and gold ribbon, best of and executive com m itteem an, Col American Legion auxiliary ac­ be a continuous trip for reentry basic rule and paid $10.00 and opposite sex to best of breed will Harold Jordan. cording to Mrs. Ceiia B erninghou­ into Oregon in a normal ranch op­ costs. get a red and w hite ribbon. Miller, who is in charge of the sen, m em ber of the publicity eration and without unloading or Ribbon prizes for non regular Pvt. Paul L. Compton, who is change in ownership inspection Legion's Jr. Baseball team r e ­ committee. classes are: first prize, rose rib ­ AWOL from Fort Lewis, was fees will be refunded if claim is quested that all m em bers support Sales of poppies will be held bon, second prize, brown ribbon, picked up and held for arm y m ade w ithin 30 days on affidavit the team. this year on May 27 and 28. third prize, light green ribbon, authorities. G raduating seniors of Ashland Emil Kroeger was appointed by H eadquarters for the sale will be provided by the departm ent. and fourth prize, gray rlbon. Jam es A. Espy failed to stop high school will have a chance to 2. If the livestock movement is the post comm ander, John von located at the J. C. Penney store One hundred and tw entyone ., at a stop sign which cost him receive a watch from the Sheld­ w ithin the state to a range out­ to head the Memorial on East Main in Ashland. . trophys 1 ,. 1 j * to Kuhlm an ... are . to 1 be aw arded , , . on Jew elry if they register for the side Oregon, brand inspection is $5.00 and costs , . .. , |d a y comm ittee, and a report was M embers of the auxiliary met ow ners of dogs in the v a rio u s ' . .... . u- u *1 Fred W. Spuhn forfeited $10.00 aw ard before Friday night, May c , . . ... . ,, given on the flag pole which the last Monday night at the home of required before the anim als leave 13. cl.ossifications. In addition to the , __ A ___ _t _____ Legion plans to erect Memorial Mrs. B ert Freem an, Nutley street, the stat£. If the same anim als are for failure to observe the basic trophys, a total of 28 other prizes rule. returned w ithin eight months, The aw ard is m ade through the day in the Plaza. to discuss the poppy event. Miss are being offered. Law rence M. Jackson paid $5.00 annual clock contest which Shel­ Kathleen Silver, president of the one-half the inspection fees will NEW MEMBERS auxiliary is In charge of the Pop- be refunded if application is and costs for driving on an ex­ don’s hold annually. A large dial m ade w ithin 30 days of return of pired operator’s license. w ith all the names of graduating New Members of the C ham ber py day preparation the stock. The refund application Am brose W. B ryant failed to seniors is placed behind a p air of of Commerce include Municipal ' m ust be accompanied by the O re -. observe the basic rule and it cost clock hands. The clock w ill be Jake Weitzel announced this Judge L. Peers W ilmeth and City gon certificate of brand inspec­ him $10.00. Jack M iller m ade the wound Saturday, May 14, and week that plans for the five and Police Chief Vern Smith. tion m ade when stock left the same m istake and paid the same will ru n for eight days. W hen the ten cent store which will be plac­ Fisherm en who catch a tagged state and also certificate, if any, price. clock runs down the hands will ed at the rear of the Weitzel d e­ salmon in the Rogue River this issued by other states upon reen­ _ Thompson ___ A rthur left his mo- be in front of the names of two partm ent store were completed year are requested to return the try into Oregon. tor running and left his car andsei}*ors' each of whom will re- and that the new departm ent will ceive a watch. 3. If the ■ m ovement be to a left $5.00 at the city hall. Six Ashland students received tags. They can be turned in to the soon be in operation. The appli­ tagging station at W edderburn or slaughterhouse, packer, stockyard, scholarships at Southern Oregon Clair E. Brownson drove on the The boy who is aw arded the ance departm ent which is pres­ ently in the rear of the store will college this year according to Mrs. m ailed to the Oregon State Game livestock auction m arket or any wrong side of the street for $5.00 watch will receive a 14 karat m arket agency w ithin the state, Mabel W. W inston, regist r.a r commission at G rants Pass. Bulova w ith an expansion band, b? moved to W eitzels cellar. All possible fish that could be brand inspection is required at of these points may be on a tran s­ and the girl will receive a 14 M arilyn M atheny and Irene W el­ Mr. and Mrs. Weitzel recently karat diam ond set watch. Value completed a buying trip to San ch received scholarships from the trapped have been tagged in order destination if not performed at portation certificate. Francisco w here they purchased state board. Bill O’Neal, Charles to record their m igration routes. point of origin. Movement to any Anim als moved from any of of the boys w atch is $110.00 and the girls, $125.00. m erchandise for the five and ten Rush, and Don Cam pbell received these places or agencies to Elk's scholarships, and Ileane J a r ­ cent store. slaughterhouse in Oregon or out­ vis received a scholarship from side may be moved on a dupli­ Gail Sheldon and Sheldon from the Oregon P aren t Teacher's cate brand inspection certificate, G reen were Ashland visitors over association. issued free O ther livestock m ove­ last week end staying at the home m ent from these places requires This year’s pear crop in the of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Creep. Gail Robert Dodge, Ashland civic Venita Daley, secretary, Frank a tra n sp o rta tio l certificate signed Rogue valley should be of record Sheldon, whdse home is in Boise, j leader, was elected vice president DeSouza, treasurer, and Ralph by owner or his agent. breaking proportions according to Idaho, is the nephew of Mr. and Billings, W alter Leverette, A. E. 4. In short, all livestock moved C. B. Cordy, county horticulturist of the Southern Oregon historical Mrs. Green. He is studying jo u r­ Conforming w ith budgetary re ­ nalism at the U niversity of O re­ gulations placed by Nation a 1 society, Inc., at a m eeting held Powell, E. C. Ferguson, A. E. Vor- in any m anner to any place m ust Unless there Is a killing frost gon. Sheldon G reen is the son H eadquarters the office hours for Tuesday night a t the W alter Lev- hies, Bert Lowery, William Perry, be accompanied by a b rand in­ during ¿he next week possibilities of Mr. and Mrs. Green. He is a Selective Service Local Board No erette home at Voorhies crossing. A. C. Van Gelder, and E. W. Kub- spection certificate or a transpor for a bumper harvest are the best li as directors. tation certificate, w ith these ex they have been in years. student at W illam ette university. 17, Federal Office Building, 33 Ralph Billings, also of Ashland, County commissioners Robert ceptions: if the m ovem ent is in Pollenization this year has Mrs. Fauncy Leonard, who N orth Riverside, Medford, Oregon was elected to the board of d i­ broke her arm in February, is up covering Jackson County will be rectors. Miss Clair Hanley, J a c k ­ Lytle, and L. G. M orthland, and course of regular ranch operations been heavy and the bloom was and around and has been down from Monday through W ednesday sonville, was elected president. County Judge J. B Coleman a t­ and on hoof w ithin the state; or if heavy. The pear crop over the tended the m eeting as did Lan­ the m ovem ent is of horses for town recently for the first time inclusive, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The m eeting was a warm one caster Pollar, Portland, who is handling, herding, or trailing live­ county is good, reports from other areas indicate. Mite sprays have In the event any person has and proved to be a resurrection since the accident. Mrs. C. C. Adams, Fillmore, business w ith the board in the for the historical society. Officers superintendent of the Oregon stock or for racing, showing, dis­ already been applied in most or­ California, visited Mrs. Lena nature of an em ergency or any of the Southern Oregon Historical Historical society. Coleman ex­ playing or exhibiting w ithin the chards and Cordy plans to keep Breeding last week in Ashland young m an reaching the age of society resigned en masse and of­ plained the tax levy for museum state none is required. However, growers informed as to need for Mrs. Agnes Kissinger, Siskiyou 1 eighteen and desiring to registrar ficers of the Southern Oregon Mu purposes which was recently vot­ any person moving horses for pur further sprays. poses just outlined m ust have in Summit, was an Ashland business, at any tim e other than when the (seum corporation did the same. ed by county resident. A board m eeting has been call­ his or her possession evidence of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Frisbee, who visitor Monday. I board is open, contact by tele- Following the resignations, elec- ed by President Hanley for 8:00 ownership or right of possession. formerly operated the Needle- Mrs. Marshall Ransdell, News phone should be made a t Ashland tions were held and one òrgan- organ­ W hen change of ow nership is craft shop at 519 Siskiyou boule­ Peview corresnondent, Is ill at 340-, Central Point 711 Medford ization was created to take care p.m. in the Jackson county court house auditorium at which time involved in livestock movement, vard have moved to Florida and her home on Fairview. 8443 or 4727. of the museum and to expand his­ a discussion of plans to repair and a bill of sale m ust accompany the are now making their home at Wavne Camnhell, Pearl street ----------------------- torical activities in Southern Ore- rehabilitate the old museum will anim als A bill of sale fo rti will Auburndale. rsiieh t his first trout Sunday Robert Vroman was bear h u n t-.g o n . ... . take place. Day of the m eeting is be m ade a part of the new tra n s­ Jim Glenn and B ert Terry were mornlnp. ing over the weekend. O ther officers elected included Friday. portation certificate. • fishing on Elk creek last week. Dog D ay” Take Place Here M ay 29 Kennel Club Shows No Chains Needed For Crater Lake Democrats Not to Medford Ball Fan Says Toni Needs New Spectacles Big Sunday Picnic Hayes I11 Recital Mrs. Jeter Is Now President of Club Need Certificates To Move Animals New Night Patrol Miller Nominated Post Commander Legion Auxiliary To Sell Poppies Sheldons To Give Watches To Two Weitzels Planning* Five & Dime Dept. Rogue River Salmon Tagged For Record Ashland Students At SOC Get Scholarships HISTORY RIDES AGAIN; MUSEUM AWAKENS HISTORICAL SOCIETY New Hours Given For Draft Office Lots of Pears In View For 1949 Crop