Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 21, 1949, Image 1

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>).oo PER YEAR
VÁe Sott-tkenn &neaoH
Formerly U m
Southern Oregon
$3.00 per year
Thursday, April a i, 1949
Volume 16 Number 7
Is ItrgUMted, (¿nils
Haines Requested
Wilmeth R esig n
W ilm eth E xplains
klis Side of S to ry
5CO J e b ’s Daughters C o n ve n e In Ashland
M a rg a re t W a rn e r WiM W elcome îlaucrhters
A shland w elcom ed J o b ’s D au g h ters from all over th e state of
(O regon T h u rsd ay at th e opening of the 25th A nnual G ran d :-,e.s ion
1 n the In tern atio n al O rd er of J o b ’s D au g h ters for the a te of Oregon
A full program h is been planned by local r.p e s e n ta tiv e s of the
o rd er u n d e r the d irectio n of Mrs. M artha E lhart, 180 A lida who is
Vice A ssociate G rand G u ard ian . As isting Mrs. E lh art in planning
j he silver a n n iv e rsa ry session h av e been A ndy S tevens, G rand
O u ter G uard, Mr .O bera Dunn, Mrs G erald in e Yates, Mrs. Mabel
Rose, and Ms. M archiai S tansbury.
Dr. C hurlos A. H aines, who ha.->
Mayor Thomas S. W111 tut 1 is
been one of the m um p artic ip a n ts ; broke a ta- vote <>n the requested
ut recen t council m eetings, a t a t - n a Mon 'd ^ udMe
e«l today thut he w as through ud " ilm e th at the 1 ueuduy night
Registration and checking of
dies.,m g th e m em bers of th e Ash (,',jo ,,‘ d m e e tm j w h en Will«.' th ’s
credentials took place Thursday
lan d City C ouncil a» u Uixp iyci 1 , ' e wa8 re q u ested by Ur. Chi,r-
at the Masonic Temple. A silver
1 lumen, who re q u ested the rexlg- e8 , **a *n cs, ■
’ •’R appointed crit-
nution of J u d g e L. Peers W llm e th , " "• n ,e P 'e se n t a d m in is tr a tio n 's
tea was held from 2:00 p.m. un­
ut T uesday n ig h ts council m e e t-1 P°., . 14 . ,
til 4:00 p.m. At 6:30 Thursday
mg, su id lie plurm cd to have noth-
Hum es hud reuuested W llm eth
evening a banquet was held in
ing m ore to do w ith the city coun* resign on gro u n d s th a t he hud tu
the Elks for more tnan five hun­
oil if they w ere going to condone
dred. Following the banquet a
the fact th u t Ju d g e W llm eth hud recall election and th a t he hud
b roken c h a rte r ruies in b u y in g ! ' ' xc,'<’dcd his au th o rity w hen he
dance was held,
p rm t'-d city court duckets from bought tw o co u rt dockets from
Miss m argaiet W agner,
th e S o u th ern O regon News R e­ 1 tie S o u th e rn O regon New s R e­
of Asniand Bctfiei tv ¿ a .,
will give the address 01 wei.
Councilman Phil-Stansbury re­
A ccording to Humes, W llm eth
f n - a y , .m .mg.
exceeded his a u th o rity w hen he iterated H um e's sta n d in m aking
t í-
personully placed the order, r a th ­
Memorial ceremony follow c-; by
e r tiian going through th e city ed. S ta n sb u ry w as seconded by
M errill.
pu rch asin g agent.'*
day evening will ot u t .
Councilman Dick Neill stated
W llm eth w ho wus appointed
work with queens from all
■ •
ju dge by Mayot T hom as W illiam s , th a t inasm uch a W ilm eth had
the state of Oregon taking part.
was v in d icated by a vote of th e com m itted no m alfeasance in of-
S aturday morning several of
eouncil w hen they voted th ree to , “ ’u he did not sec w hy he should
th e ;,ir.s and th e.r g u a r 'ian s . ill
tw o not to ask foi his resignation ..... rem oved W ilmeth had pointed
go on a bus trip to The House of
Harold M errill and Phil S ta n s -' ou t 10 H aines and th e council th a t
M ystery, and others will tour the
bury voted to ask W ilm eth to re not only him self hu t o th er m em
MRS. CARLETON ELHART, vice Rogue River and Bear creek val-
sign and Dick Neill and F red bers of the city g o v ern m en t and
asrocíale grand guardian of the leys- At 11:00 a.m. Saturday
Home.-- voted to re ta in W ilm eth. council had tak en a. p a rtisa n p a rt
International O r d e r of Jo b s morning a D aughter's hour .vill
Emil K roeger ma<%- no vote and in the 1 cent recall election.
W ilm eth w en t on to say th a t he
M ayor W illiam s cast the deciding
Daughters, who is a candidate for a n-> ok* ¡ ;li , y fo llo w ed oy
felt th a t his rig h ts as an A m erican
t .
. r-
,o r a D aughter’s luncheon at 12.00
vote in favor of W ilm eth
th e p o st of G ra n d G u & id ia r. M rs. noon. At 2 00 p.m. S aturday
The action on W ilm eth was p erm itted him to tak e p a rt in a
Elhart resides st 180 Alida St.
eight drill teams from as m any
p art of th e late fire w o rk s at a com m unity election and th a t he
bethels will participate in drill
council m eeting which lusted u n ­ knew no law of th e sta te of O re­
gon w hich w ould p re v e n t him
contests at the Junior High
til 12 15 a m
Dr. H aines had asked th a t W il-|D o m being active in governm ental
school gymnasium. LeRoy F arm ­
m eth resign his position as Ju d g e I affair
e r , vice associate grand guardian,
of tiie C ity of A shland, inasm uch
M ayor T hom as S W illiam s s ta t­
will direct the drills.
us he w as th e m ain m em ber o fH 'd th at in his opinion W iim eth
A reception and dinner will be
Installation of newly elected
the C ivic B etterm en t League, and i bad been a good m unicipal judge
held Thursday, April 28, at the officers will take place Satur-
th rough his effort through t h e | and th a t he would su p p o rt him
Masonic Temple in Ashland In day evening.
n re:s, radio and personal contact j C ouncilm an F red Homes agreed
honor of Robert E. Dodge and the
Presiding officers at the ses-
had cuused th e recall o f the th ree ! w ith th e m ayor and w hen the
Rev. A. H. MacDonnell. The af- sions will be Mrs. Felicia Ehlert,
councilm en, J o h n
D uugheity. v<’te was tak en voted along w ith
ta n is being given by S isk iy o u ' Portland. Charles Cooley, G rants
H erb F isrh b o rn , an d Jo h n Nosier. C ouncilm an Dick Neill and th e )
C hapter No. 2!, Royal Arch Ma- Pass.
H aines said, “W ilm eth disobey- m ayor to retain W ilm eth
so” s
1 Mrs. Elhart, who is planning
ed the law w hen he bought p rin t-. C oncerning the tw o
jJodgt v. as last week elected, the arrangem ents for the cere-
ing from th e S o u th ern O regon " ’hich w ere bought by W ilm eth
Most Excellent Grand High Priest I monies, is a candidate for the
News R eview , his cohort, w ith o u t G'oin th e S o u th ern O regon N iw s
, of the G rand C hapter of Royal ■ post of G rand Guardian. Council
poing th ro u g h prop
ch a n n els” ( R eview , th e ju d g e said, "My pre-
A i. h Masons at the 88th annual | of Oregon, Mrs. E lhart has been
H aines also said, “W ilm eth a d - " b ci ssor m ade th e suggestion th at
convocation of the order b e in g ' prom inent in state Jo b ’s daught-
m ltted on th e floor of the C itv * o rd e r co u rt dockets in. I be
held at Albany. The Rev. A H. I ers circles since 1945. She is
C ouncil th a t it was through ig ­ lieve. the hunost-ixtUaJ
.uacD nnell was appointed E x -1 Vice Associate Grand Guardian.
norance th at he had disobeyed the city ju d g e had the right to o rd e r
Gr.ukl S entinel of the or-! A welcome sign placed across
rule, and th a t was along the sam e incidental supplies as needed The
! der.
m ain street was sponsored by
th at Wilmeth had had a
1 O ther Ashland men appointed Jordan Electric. Sear’s In ter­
hand in recalling coun' il m em ­ w ere so ordered u n d e r the a s ­
Miss M a ra ie t W agner H onor Q ueen of A shland B ethel No. 22.
1 ip o rta n t offices include John m ountain Music house, Spotlite
sum ption th at I had the right to
•tir D O rder o1 Jo b ’s D aughters, will give the address of D au g h erty who was nam ed to cafe, Plaza cafe, Palace cafe,
H aines also claim ed, “W ilm eth order court dockets.
w alcom e to all m em bers of th e o rd er at th e F rid ay m orning opening tim e and place com m ittee, M. E. Steakhouse, Ashland hardw are,
he ?5!h A nnual G ran d Session w hich is being held in A shland. I N ew ton who was app o in ted to th e Rosem ary’s and the Lithia hotel.
held court at four o'clock w hich 1 "L a te r it was called to 1 \ at-
cost th e ta x p a y e rs of A shland tention th a t the city su p erin ten -
Hit iVi.qner is a senior in th e A shland H igh School.
| a rran g e m e n ts com m ittee an d A. Mrs. Don M acW hirter was in
nioney, because m any tim es vie- d e n t was the pu rch asin g agent
: J. McCallen, capitualar review er c h a rg e ' of arrangem ents for the
w ere held in jail o v ern ig h t | and should have
ordered the
K a ld e rs C e n tra l P o in t
md had to he served th eir lunch 1 dockets. The catch in th u t is th at
Among the girls who will be
th e n ex t day w hile w aiting for i a p p a re n tly O rdinance 482 lim its
Ashland for the session a re the
co u rt at fo u r o'clock In th e a fte r the purchase by any city officei
Sunday afternoon the South­ bar?d ,c.oncert 11 Wl11 be a covered Honored Queens of the 42 Beth-
arks Appoints .
Standing Committees
in “Diamond’
t , $50 00 This m eans that for the
Oregon college Raiders de­ dish dinner with the chapter fur
past several years even the city’s year were appointed by Presi- ern
feated C entral Point 7-6 in a base- nishing rolls, cake and ice cream.
purchasing agent has been oper­ dent R o l a n d Parks at the ball thriller.
ating in conflict wtih city ordin­
......... .....
....... , ...w
»... ws
_ on
Mayor Tom Williams left Wed-
m onhtly
of me
the* Tex G atlin was
the _______
B o a rd of D ire c to rs nf fh«. a k i for S° C for the first six in n in g s1 nesday for Salem and Portland
Wilmeth recom mended that a land
Y M C A Mnnrf/v
and then relieved by Ron Pink- where he will rem ain until the
standard operating procedure for A ,J.i
/-u ____ay L 5 ni.r! h ' 1 . bam
----- who was
was credited
credited with
with hurl-
hurl- end of this week. W hile in P o rt­
purchasing of incidental supplies April 18th. Chairm en 01 m e 1 jng
tpe team to victory.
land he plans to contact Don
be set up im m ediately and that eight com m ittees include:
Haynes and introduce the “Sea­
all city employees be briefed on a nee
m an of the Sealed C ar” to D or­
the system so th at there would son; Building Committee, Rev.
McCullough Lee, Mayor of
be no further errors made in buy­ E. P. Borden; World Service a hit and made it to third as othy
ing supplies for the various d e ­ Committee, Homer B i l l i n g s
Point attem pted to w alk Blevta»
partm ents.
M embership Committee, Allen O
According to Haines, no furth McGee; Program Commi 11 e e but got one a little to close an -
Blevins drove a high one into
It’s Lt. Delsman now, Sergeant er action against any m em ber of Jake Weitzel; Girls Work Com­ center field as Sm ith came fc
Charles N. Deslman, Jr., of B at­ the present adm inistration is m ittee, Mrs. H. A. Thomas; Boys standing up for the w inning r u r
Sherm an Hadley, ow ner of the
tery A, 732 AAA Gun Battalion planned by himself.
Work Com m ittee, Elliott Mc­
Hits Runs t
Ashland Color Center, announc­
of the Oregon National Guard,
Cracken; Camp Committee, C. R. Central Point
ed this week that he had added
Mrs. Elva Miller and daughter Eliason.
has been commissioned a second
to th e equipm ent of the store an
Ann, of Medford, visited friends
The m onthly report of activi­
electric color eye and a line of
Delsman. who was a staff ser­ in Ashand, Thursday.
ties showed a total of 130 boys
Mrs. J. C. Ridgeway, Battle
geant w ith the 34th Division In
Mr and Mrs. O. E. S t Clair re ­ and girls registered in the Y. M. Ground. W ashington and Mrs. J auto paints, the W estern States
the European T heatre of O pera­ turned to Pasadena Tues d a y C. A. Building M embership un­ E. Magors, Vancouver. W ashing­ Auto Finish, known as Hi-Glo.
H adley stated th e t by use of
tions, has been a m em ber of the m orning after visiting Mr. and der the new V oluntary C ontri­ ton are visiting Mrs. Ridgew ay’s
the color eye equipm ent he would
local battery since December 20, Mrs. William McGee. High street bution policy set by the board daughter.
Mrs. G. W. Wall on be able to mix paints for all types
over the Easter holidays.
I early in the year.
Route 1.
of auto finishes and all models of
t oon Also that the job of City
Judge was secondary with Wil­
moth and that his job with the
railroad was prim ary.”
Dr. Haines said during the in ­
terview that he wanted it made
clear that he w asn’t mad at any­
one and held no grudges, and did
not plan to address the council
as a taxpayer at any other time.
Color Center Adds
New Paint Equipment
els, the Junior and Senior P rin ­
cesses, Bethel officers, and v ar­
ious representatives from each
Sunrise Services
Well Attended
Phoenix, April 21 — A bout 125
attended the E aster sunrise serv­
ice held on Reservoir hill S un­
day at 6 a.m. Music was provided
by six mem bers of the Prentice
accordian band.
The Easter message was given
bfy ,khev ReV- C H Lacey, p ^ to r
of the Nazarene church. The Rev.
L. H. McGee, pastor of the Chris-
üon church and the Rev. E. J.
Clark of the P resbyterian church
assisted w ith the program.
B reakfast was served a t the
innS«y terian *c »urch to m ore than
100 persons following the hilltop
frnmm?kleS; k WIth rePresentatives
ou three churches assist-
mg with preparing and serving.
Ashland CityCouncil Has Hot Session During Tuesday Evening Meeting
( lty council m eeting Tuesday and should never have been sent departm ent.
roeaer seconded
seconded meeting
m e e tin v be
h e refererd
r e f e r e r d to
to two
tw o d
ie . w ne dieouceod en d
_______ 1.
ent, K
was discussed and Kroeger
night turned into a wide open to Heard
the motion, which was carried.
interested attorneys, and th at the a motion that this curbing be put ler Memorial is being erected in
O ther comm unications read by
The Baptist church members News Review bill be referred to in. M errill seconded the motion, order that when the bandstand is
session with form er City Record­
Austin Included one from Earl
er J. Q. Adams returning a watch Llninger which requested th at asked th at som ething be done a- the purchasing agent, Elm er Bie­ which was carried. G utter and completed the entire project will
bout future noise from the roller
to the city, Dr. Charles Haines de­ the city donate 200 loads of g ran ­ skating rink which is being built gel. Phil Stansbury m ade a mo­ paving were also voted to be put B i e g e r S S S 3t 1116 ?ame tim e’
m anding the resignation of Judge ite to the P arker airstrip as soon in the Motor Inn building. The tion th a t this report be tabled, in on East Main str>et to B street.
Harold M errill seconded the mo­ Stadium street was voted opened, project would cost
Wilmeth, the hiring of A. A. Pow ­ as possible.
Mr. Linlnger said church m em bers stated th at the
The m anager of the hospital,. borhood of $10,000 00
ers, Hilt, as city street superin­ th at he was sure th at Mr. P arker noise from this rink would create tion and lt was carried.
tendent, and the continuation of would m ake an agreem ent with disturbances
when city recorder’s office Biegel s ta t­ quested a circular drive in front port of the
the argum ent about who is to pay the city th at this rem ain an alr-
* re-,
w ere having their Sunday cu
wui he could obtain one for o f the hospital in order that per­
per- council m em bers to r e a d ^ n d the
ed that
the $2000.00 attorney fees for the granite
^ n ^ h e ^ J / i n 10 P,ni Ì ’ii £.Yej?ln« radio broadcast and the | $447.50 or could get a Remington sons visiting the hospital could
recent court fracas.
’ ¡e fid u te d
s ta te d th a t t h ^ o r n ^ i P«,AA,.m egel Wt dnn Sdai ,e veninK meeting. Jos- adding m achine for $297.00
The session lasted until 12:15, stated th at this granite would costleph Bowdoin, representing the
of having to use the back door . LntfiHjsbcd business was then
when all firew orks were finally approxim ately $1.00 a yard and B aptist church, in speaking from
New Fire Station?
This was granted.
taken up with the duties of Fl
it would require 600 yards. The the floor, asked that the ¿ouncil
Merrill, chairm an of the realty lTrtr ThegeMbeing the flrst on S e
The m eeting was called to or­ F r!d °H aPPOinted iT^i1 Stansbury, have a definite understanding
Fred Homes, charim an of the
comm ittee, also stated th a t m any
der by Mayor Tom W illiams with fn d A^o,A
nes.Ì .nd
K rW
to with Joe Leveque, owner of the fire committee, read a letter from
S r m ^ i i T r o e ^ 1 m6" h N ei U’
all council m em bers present ex ­ investigate this situation and re- rink, so that he m ake his bulld- William Briggs stating th a t the persons had asked him about the
« problem with Attorney S k i”
cept E. E. Sheldon. City Recorder port back to the council at the Ing soundproof or in someway a r ­ w arehouse being used by H er­
the city would be interested in
J. B. Austin read the m inutes of next meeting.
range it so the noise would not
selling or m aking use of i t Biegel
Benard Pederson sDoke
the previous meeting, and they
A letter was then read from be too great. Citv A ttorney S ker­ Briggs, but m ortgaged by the stated
that if anything was done Jhing'be’
were accepted by the council. El­ William Briggs concerning Talent ry stated th at he did not think Butler estate, was for sale and
mer Biegel, city superintendent Irrigation rights. The council re ­ this was a problem for the citv th at he thought it wolud make about the course, th at the pipe­
"f light departm ent, then read his ferred this to city attorney Skerry. council but would confer with a suitable fire hall. Briggs is ask­ lines would have to be replaced.
Dr. Chas. Haines, speaking from
report, which was accepted.
The salary of m em bers of police Leveque and the Reverend Le­ ing $13,000 for the building. Neill
Recorder Austin then presented departm ent was also referred to land W ilkinson of the Baptist suggested th a t Biegel look at the the audience, m ade the statem ent
that he thought they would have
Tw enty applications for the
outstanding bills from the hospi­ the city attorney.
church in order to see if some­ building and get an estim ate of a hard tim e prom oting a golf
tal to be paid out of the $4,000' Chief of police Vern Sm ith re­ thing could be arranged to alle­ w hat rem odeling costs would be
tb suPerln
SUM rin ten
d en t's job were
course in the city of Ashland as
which had been put up by the quested that the police dep art­ viate the noise.
to m ake a fire hall out of this persons had donated several tim es c o u n c ny
i/ a M
c c ayor
e o te Wi«ia
d ^ th ^ ms
T 8 and
i" d S
present lessees. The council voted m ent be allowed to count the
to this project and never even council
of A A accepted
P o w S s the
R® application
1Ca^ on
? i -hiiid Neill gave a report of building.
to accept these bills and have the parking m eter money th at is col­ the finance committee. Neill stat-
S l l t o r i i , ° WerS’ ’ B
“ U
11 1’
>• »»<•
Clint Baughm an, fire chief, said gotten a nickle
for their
dollar. California
__ ___
___ _____
recorder pay them.
li ‘
as m! mb.e r? o f , ed that the finance committee “use of this building would be a He stated th at he had been let­
A fter several other
Austin then read a letter from the departm ent are bonded t o 1
of himself, Homes and ’ream come true because the fire ting a couple of his horses pas­
AT''«1 Heard requesting that the handle this money and he felt composed
}£ni inish*d business Dr
had m et with William
ture on the course to get his Charles Haines
obtained the floor
uncil take action on a bill that that it should be counted there. Kroeger
for years and th at lt had been j money back,
h« had received from the city for In the past Mrs. Phil R itter ha-' decided after much discussion very hard to work under those
_ B e rt.F re e m a n spoke in behalf L.
^ X T ip S
••«r connection, which connect-
n ° w,l*i?g thlR " lon.ty-ACo« n- i that the problem " o f »'hVbin": 'onditlons.”
| of the band committee’ and a 's te ^ ; jG d f tr 'S i - T i i « '
had never been made. Biegel cilm an Neill moved that this which both attorneys had ore-1 The m atter of replacing the that seating capacity be a rra n g e d ! of twii m h J ^ co.u Pcl1 bY a vote
* *ed that this MR was in error
>e counted bv the police 1 sented to the citv at the previous I eurhing at the Cottage Grocery in the park area w here the But-1 (see J n rv
r®i?lne!d Wilmeth.
y m adjoining colum n)