r. of O LiLfary. ” 3— 51 VZte Southesui Olemasi O re 1 H o c ’l â l ION PoRiisdi Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner 13.00 per year NEWS REVIEW tj.o o PER YEAR ASHLAND, JACKSi1 COUNTY,Thuriday, April 14, 194«, Volume 16, Number 6 Easter Sunrise Services and Evening Concert Scheduled M R q S A i T IN y k i IS ic T t E t u l u N n D JAYCEES fiv r r r o P LA N SUNRISE SER VIC E , • « . • ■ ■ • Senior High School Gets Accreditization TO A STM ISTR ESSES SPONSOR DON H A Y N E S A PPEA R A N C E U N IT E D CHOIRS W IL L PRESENT "HOLY C IT Y " Plans for the inujor sunrise Don Haynes, Marvel Man, a p - : ’The Holy City’’ will be pre The Ashlund senior high school service celebrutirig Easter were has received notice that in all re ­ peared before an appreciative sented by the United Choirs of completed today, Dale Harmon, spects it is fully accedlted by the | audience of two hundred veter- Ashland at the Ninth Annual Eas­ Jr. C ham ber of Commerce chair­ Northwest Association of Second- man in charge of the affair a n ­ dary and high schools Thi rat ; ans, Tuesday afternoon at the ter Concert, Sunday at 8 00 p.m. nounced. The Jr. C ham ber in con ing is in addition to the S tan d ­ Camp White Domilialary center. »1 the First M ethodist church. Junction with the Ashland M in­ ards of the State D epartm ent of His appearance was arranged Glenn M atthews is the director isterial association is sponsoring Education. This m eans th a t the by Lottie Ransdell, Camp W hite and Annabel Davis is organist the services which will be held local high school is m eeting the “The Holy City” was w ritten at the Shakespearean theatre, standards of curricular offerings chairm an for the Lithia Toast Sunday morning at 0:30 a.m. m istress club. The women speak­ by Alfred R. Gaul. Complete teacher preparation and teacher In th e end of th e sab b ath , a« it began to The Rev. J. C. G reen of the load. Local school officials were ers will sponsor entertainm ent, program for the evening is as dawn to w ard th e f ir s t day of th e week, cam e Free M ethodist church will bring pleased to get this report from and recreational programs. Mrs. follow, : “Contem plation” the in- the Easter message. O thers who the Northw est Association. . Ransdell is, also Cam p White M ary M agdalene an d th e o th e r M ary to see will take part in the program will (chairm an for the Legion A uxil­ troduction from “The Holy City,’’ be: The Rev. Earl Downing who th e sepulchre. And, behold, th e re w as a g re a t i a r y who spon-ors philanthropic played by -Mrs. J. W. McCoy. The will give the Enster prayer; Ray work. She has been accredited by Rev. E. P. Borden will give the e a rth q u a k e fo r th e angel of th e L ord d e­ Fletcher, who will read the scrip­ the Veterans adm inistration for 1 invocation, tures; The Rev, A. J Edwards scended from heaven, and cam e and roiled this work. ' No — Shadows Yonder" Clifford who will give the invocation; and back th e ston e from th e door, and s a t upon Williams and the choir; “My Saul the Rev George Schum an who Vern Smith, who will take ov­ is A t h i r t for God,” Williams; it. will give the benediction er the duties of chief of police of “At Eventide It Shall Be L ight,” Lawrence Powell will be at the Ashland Friday morning, stated double trio composed of Zola Pe- And th e angel answ ered and said u n to th e organ for the services and vocal today that no changes were be­ j ters, H attie Litw iller, Florence music will lie presented by the ing considered in the personnel women, H e ar not ye: fo r I know th a t ye seek ¡Allen, Madge Mitchell, Lottie Senior and Junior high school of the police departm ent. Mrs. John S. Day, Jackson McGee, and Jeannette Kinney; Jesus, w hich w as crucified. For the present. Sm ith said, choruses under the direction of county chairm an for the c u rr e n t: “They That Saw In Tears,’’ choir; Herb Hayes will continue as as­ Donald E. Davis. campaign of the Am erican Can- “Eye Hath Not Seen," Marie He is not h ere: fo r he is risen, as he said. In charge of the affair for the sistant chief of police. Carl J e n ­ cer Society, was advised today Bjorlie; “For Thee, O Dear, Dear Junior Cham ber of Commerce nings, who had been m entioned Come, see th e place w here th e L ord lay. that the society allocated $3,200,- Country,” choir; and “Thine Is has been Harmon. Assisting him by Mayor Tom W illiams as an 000 to various cancer research the Kingdom,” choir. assistant chief, will continue on are W ilbur Kesterson, seating; And go quickly, and tell his disciples th a t projects throughout the United 1 Following the first p art of the traffic work and will be placed Jim Glenn, public address; Ken States in 1948. program announcem ents and an in charge of the traffic d e p a rt­ he is risen from th e d ead ; and, behold, he Jones, organ; Rill Yates, D enial Mrs. Day was inform ed th at I offertory prayer will be present- Troop, and Vic Stew art, transpor­ ment. goeth before you in to G alilee; th e re sh all ye Sm ith stated that In his o p in -]l the research allocations from ed by the Rev. Earl Downing. tation; Leo Zipan, decorations . . • Mrs. McCoy will play “A dora­ Ion the police departm ent was an funds raised .. by .... the society in see him : lo, I have told you. And th e y de­ and Rod Smith, music. office of public service and th at 1948 were completed recently tion” as an offertory num ber. p a rte d quickly from th e sepulchre w ith fe a r P art two of “The Holy City” this would be emphasized. when 205 applications for grants- will follow w ith “A New Heav­ Clarence Williams, form er chief in-aid and 45 applications for and g re a t jo y ; and did run to b rin g h is d is­ en and ~ a — New E arth of police, leaves Friday m orning fellowships were approved. 7 — ... ”, , Donald ciples word. M atthew 28:1-2, 5-8 on a two week leave of absence Details of the grants-in-aid ai ls and choir; Let the Heav- SOC's Red Raider baseball before his resignation takes e f­ have not been publicly announc- e— Rejoide, double choir; learn will be ham pered by hav- fect. “These Are They Which Come,” ed as yet, Mrs. Day said, but in­ ..“g “no breaks” as far as home A nother city employee who will dications are that some Oregon Erma Berg; “They Shall H unger games are concerned. The series take his leave of absence begin­ scientists will participate. There No More,” Zola Peters and Madge with Chicc Stab ‘n *»«• played ning Friday is Howard Oden, are several promising research Mitchell; “List! The Cherubic nere May 14. will be the only who has been superintendent of ¡projects under way in Oregon Host, ’ Donald Davis, Zola Peters Home games. and women’s chorus; and “G reat streets. O den’s resignation is ef­ Bad Tolz Gemany, Mar. 25— and it is reasonable to believe and M arvelous Are Thy W orks” Coach A1 Simpson stated that fective the same time as Wi] they will receive help from the ■t is a little early in the season Hams’. by the choir. 'A young ex-sailor from Ashland, society, Mrs. Day stated. to m ake predictions of possible < . C H C U 1 C U U I1 W The U benediction will be given Rev. G. M. Shum an, m inister Oregon, arrived at this Bavarian I T 4 I It was pointed out th at the by the Rev. Borden. success but it is probably SOC’s of Frist Presbyterian church, will port” under a full head of steam society’s funds for research were 1 year to lose. The team will play Members of the choir include give the m editation on "The recently, loaded to the gunw hales so lim ited it w Js possible to sup- Cal Aggies and San Francisco Cross and Suffering?” Rev. O. W. w ith a yen for European travel. ply Qnly 44 cents for eye*Y d° J- Erma Berg, Twila Block, Velma Green, Violet Florence, R ita Gol­ State the 0th and 7th of May, Klingsheim .m inister of the As in den, Clover Hile. Ione Hile, Ma­ making four games in two days, Under the direction of Miss sernbly of God, will give the med- and thus became the 2000th man ,Q,.flrecbl re- land Mrs. Ager. Pat Dunn. Mrs. William Yates day. Smith States No Changes Planned Mrs. Day Explains Need f r Funds ‘No Breaks” For Red Raiders* Says Coach Good Friday Rites at Church of Christ Ashland Youth Is 2000th Enlistee x •Music Department Prepares Program of Light Opera .... ,................ x a L ™,- Several Ashland ",orld ,am Students on Roll The Villian Will Soon Pursue Her Business and Professional Men To Speak to High School Students j Toastmistresses Arrange Program Auxiliary Sponsors Cooked Food Sale Fish Released For I. Waltons Ashland To Be Host to Oregon Job’s Daughters Bethels During Next Week