Junior High Prepares Three Act Comedy «7/ k O lfö jo O u Ä sH G b f * F l l i i l J t « Í 4 ¡ $ o Í ,u í . o u Û le p o s i NEWS REVIEW Formerly U m Southern Oroqoa Minor *3.00 per year KeheaiMab are well under way for the junior high school spring >j.oo Pl.R YEAR ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY. Ihuruiay. March .949 Volume 16, Number 4 production, "A fu se of Spring­ time'' u comedy in three ucts by Lee Shermun. The story is of tcen-uge Hob Parker, his family, and his friends, und of the prob­ lems which are treated because Bob wunts to Impress girl friend M E H R IM A N S ON T R IP Edqar Sm ith to Appear Joan, who has turned ninety-nine OES Matron To TO A L B E R T A C A N A D A Before C ivic Groups per cent for the college boy. | Mi and Mrs. Les Merriman, Visit Local Units The play will be presented on Edgar Smith, president of the 35, Morton s t , e(.t ,eft ,.arly on Mi s lima Thum of Cottage April 22nd. . , . ,, , , , ,, , The following students huve Oregon State Hoard of Higher Thursday morning on a trip that Grove, Oregon, Worthy Grand A shland s new ly rec rea ted c ity council will ta k e up been assigned parts in the play: Education, will address u joint will take them to Three Hills, A1 Matron of the Order of Eastern Bob Parker, played by D.-yvid meeting of Ashland service clubs star, will make her official visit- the problem of th e resig n atio n o f C hief of police C lar- Accompanying and C h am ber of C om m erce, at berta, Canada. Herndon; Mr Parker, pluyed by ation to the lodges of Southern ence vvilliam s and C ity S tre e t S u p erin ten d en t, H ow ard Sam Montgomery; Mrs. Parker, 8:30 p.m Tuesday, April 5, upon ¡them were Julius Supple, of Mea- j un Dodson and Mrs Alpha that organization are making ex- O d e n a t t h e n e x t m eeting of th e council, T uesday, A pril played by Donnu Travis; Betty the topic. The American Way. I Ashlund people are I,. . . , . . . , .. Parker, played by Barbara Stan- Nearly . 1 200 tensive plans for her entertain- 5. M ayor T hom as W illiam s, who had o rig in ally signi- . . .. .. 1 .1 .. ¡„ .C o lv in T he . p a rty , will expected to attend the dinner in 1 ,, . of A shlanu. . ,, bery; Dickie Parker, played by * attend a weeks meeting of the ment while on her tour here. 1 [jecj th a t he would not be able to a tte n d , h as since the Elks dining room. On the pro­ Isuac McCarley; Owen, plnyed by gram are several piano numbers Prairie Bible Institute, while ‘ h a t he will be p resen t th a t evening. Nora Berger: Joan Abermaker, there. played by Marilee Mason; Eddie by Robert Hall and songs by Mr. and Mrs. Merriman will County, Alpha Chapter No. l, of The new m em bers of th e council who w ere appointed Abermaker, pluyed by Don Wal­ Rosemary Backus, students at visit with their son, Richaid, and Ashland, Reames Chapter No. 66 by th e m ay o r and councilm en Phil S ta n sb u ry , H arold ters, Tonella, pluyed by Shirley Southern Oregon college. wife, the former Shirley Wilcox of Mi'iford. Adarei chapter No. Me r r jij and F red H om es a re E m il K roeger, Dick Neill The theme of the meeting will Bulderstone; Mr Abermaker, and Mrs. Colvin will visit with 3, of Jacksonville and Nevlta I 0 pluyed by Wayne Tysver; Miss be We Are Backing" Southern her daughter Joyce, all of whom Chapter No. 93 of Central Point., and E. E, Sheldon. Oregon College. Each club or Bright plnyed by Alice Self; po­ have been at the Bible Institute Rearncs Chapter of Medford is — ~ ~ ““ “ ““ “ Prior to appointing the new lice pluyed by Ronnie Nosier; group at the joint meeting will since last fall as regular attend­ the host chapter for the event. councilrnen. the ske' :to i ri have a representative who will ants Mrs. Brunswick, Mrs. James, and H. accepted the resignation First event scheduled will be Mrs Hill, the I’TA ladies are bring greetings of their oruniza- To make the trip Larry Baser a tea tor Mrs. Thum to be held Hardy as city recorder, an 0.1 a pluyed by Phyllis DeVore, Nan­ tlon and comment on the value loaned Mr. Merriman his new at Central Point from 2 to 4 The Pilgrim Study club of the motion by Homes, seconded by of the college to Southern Ore­ station wagon. cy Dunkeson, und Burbaru Van _ , , , 11 Merrill, appointed John B. Aus- o’clock on Thursday, March 31. gon. Congregatlonal church will spon- recQrder Voting ,.no„ Vlwt. This will be followed by a dinner Mr. Smith's talk on ‘The A- The understudies are Junalee at the Medford hall and follow­ sor a Spring fashion Show and on t^e mot(on to appoint Austin Collum. Murvln Robeson, Sundra rnerican Way" will emphasize v, ing the dinner will be the regu­ Silver Tea next Tuesday after- was councilman Phil Stan Clury, Genevieve Self, Mary Mil­ democracy and develop an ap­ noon at 2:30 to 4:30, at the Con- who previously had indicated that lar business meeting. ler. Tad Evatt, Leona Hoehner, preciation of living in America. he did not believe that snap de- Mrs. Thum was in this area gregational church. Norma Stephens Mary Lou Mor- According to Dr. Elmo Steven- Lovely spring dresses and at- clsions should be made concem- about a year ago, when she wasi gun, Jim Rouhier, and Elaine 1 son, Mr. Smith is an excellent Bingo, with merchandise gift Associate Grand Matron, biTt thte tractiv? and other wearing ing the acceptance of appointees i and forceful speaker. He has con- Miller certificates as major prizes, will is her first visit as Grand Matron. apparel Wl11 m° deled % lo' Austin has been working with tributed much to the civic and The play is under the direction cal women and girls. Marion Hardy this week. Hardy has of- Ijj" be the order of the evening this of Miss Flora Stokoe, Genevieve political life of our state. Friday night at the women’s civic Wines w111 be the soloist during fered to assist Austin get started Self is the student assistant. The ¡able leadership as head of the club. The event is being spon­ Star members from Ashland are the musical program. Proceeds On the job. stage manager Is Virginia Nlel-1 State Board of Higher Education sored by the Ashland Junior planning to attend the meeting. from the Silver Tea. which will Austin is a native of North Da- sen. make-up nrtist is Sandra H* concretely demonstrated by re- Several chapter and Grand follow the Style Show, will go kota and is a graduate of the chamber of commerce as a trade Clury; costume mistress is Donna cent developments at SOC and stimulation stunt. Chapter officers from other dis­ toward replacing the flooring at school of commerce of the Uni- the other state campuses. Brownlee. In addition to the Bingo prizes tricts are expected to be in at­ the entrance of the church with versity of North Dakota. He was Tickets for the dinner must be there will be door prizes, a free tendance also. new tile. employed by Lockheed aircraft obtained in advance of the ineet- Local firms co-operating and during the war and since the war BUI McGee. .ecreUry of fcei participating in the showing of has been employed by the Nelle I Merchants who are co-operat- chamber of commerce, new Spring styles will be Weit- Mcnarch Seed company and Fed- John * n* ,n Plan include: Excell I Ashland visitors recently m- Bums of Soroptimists, zel s with Mrs. Marvin Miller in eratecj Store in Ashland. He is a eluded Dr. Alonzo Meyers, head Schulz and Bert Miller of Kl- Dress Shoppe, Ashland Home and Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Borden and of the department of higher edu­ wanis, Dale Harmon of the Ju­ Auto Supply, Western Stores, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harris motor­ charge of their display and mod- memb?r of the Bellview Grange. els. Bette Hampton will supervise Rolling Pin Donut Shop, Kftox Other business expected to cation of New York university, nior chamber of commerce, Price ed to Fort Jones, California. Tues­ who spent Wednesday in Ash­ Hennon of the Lions, John von Shoe Repair, The Rogue Shop, day on a rock and fossil hunt. the showing from the Excel Dress come before the next council Mrs. Ruth Miller will be meeting will be a report by the land. Dr. Meyers spoke to the stu­ Kuhlman of the American Le­ Harold's Babytown, Lithia Mot- The party stated that they were Shoppe, in charge of FortmiUer’s exhibit g W1U shop, Weitzel’s Department Store, mayor concerning the slowing dent body of Southern Oregon gion, and Bill Crock of the Ro­ interested in the Jefferson Davis and Mrs. June Pentzer will be college during the morning and tary Club have tickets. The price shop. Weltel’s Department Store, monument, which is situated op­ . «.L. * down of trucks and the muffling the supervisor for the Pentzer of truckg jn Ashland Mayor w u . attended a ten and a faculty meet­ of the tickets is $1.25. They must McNair Bros., Rexall store, Pla­ posite the checking station, south ing in the afternoon. lie secured before Monday noon, za Grocery, Simpson Hardware, of the California-Oregon line j D MSrSs.SG Pl dSrPe1en will be the ,ianis is contacting the truck op Plaza Meat Market, Ashland Au­ era tors association to see if they Hts speech to the stu d en ts at April 4th. to Parts, Ashland theatres, Ma­ Placed there by the Daughters of narrator during the showing, will cooperate in the truck slow- SOC concerned the responsibility rie’s Coffee Shop, Ashland Hotel the Confederacy in 1944, the| Mrs. James Jeter is general of the student in the functional Bordcns and Harrises would ■ chairman for the affair and she dow" and quiet down campaign, Beauty Shop, Glenn's Confection­ education system ary, B and G Sandwich shop. likev-to find someone who knows will be assisted by Mrs. Ida Mil- ler, Mrs. J. M. Murphy, Mrs. E. Copeland Lumber Yards, B oss-! just what significance it holds. REEDS HAVE DINNER P. Borden and Mrs. W. Peterson. 'hard Lumber company, Ashland MR. and MRS. BARNTHOUSE PARTY TUESDAY NIGHT Room decorations will be hand­ T h e tr ia l o f H a r o ld F v a n s h a s £ " IOr C e n te 5? 1035 Io W a ' D o d g e HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY Tuesday evening dinner guests The trial of Harold Evans has Furnituru> News Review, Fort-' A group of friends honored Mr. led by Mrs. L. Grubb who will at the home of Mr. and MrsJ been postponed until sometime in and Mrs. V. G. Barnthouse on carry out the spring motif. G..„r«,. R .-., S i.k iy ... boulev.rd. Aprll a,; „ rdlng to M unic.p.l' I miller's, h ^ Ï T . v Selby é r n Chevrolet, Jordán f t Grey- X Jackson county officials of the The hostess committee will be S T Ä a u n X o n á ín f M r ^ h Th" ' ' S Ä their 27th wedding anniversary, comprised of Mrs. Sadie Strat­ annual fund-raising campaign Saturday evening, with a cover­ ton, Mrs. Wolford, Mrs. John Hig­ for the Oregon division, Ameri­ »I isntriflan, Wyoming, Mr and ouest fo r n o stn o n r -m e n t r a m e r-„ ii .. . /-irv oroducts. probabaly increase. ideals which go to make his mind program is Mrs. Ruby Helms. gon. commissioner. Education Head To Speak Tuesday City Council Expected To A ct on Resignations Chief of Police and Street Department Superintendent’s Papers Considered Fashion Show and Silver Tea Tuesday Jaycees Sponsor Bingo April 1st Pr. Alonzo Meyers Spends Day Here Rock Hounds Go On Jaunt tv Case Against H. Evans Postponed Mrs. R. McCulloch Aids Cancer Drive Thirteen Receive Merit Certificates Foyer and Wyant Elected at Meet Boxing Tourney Set For April 16 Plymouth Guild Has Wednesday Meeting Child Welfare Forum Monday Night Will Present Several Local Speakers Association Plans To Fight Bill Case for Roadway May Be Presented