U. oi O. Library, Parks Announces Fourth Honor Roll 0 licioni Ä L tf sgkPER Honor Roll for the Ashland P u n i t i l i V AT I OH High school for the fourth six week period was released today by Itoland Parks, principal of the high school Fifty four students made the honor roll , o I’l.K YI \R Sophomores on the roll totaled I 15 They were: Patricia Bailey, Lenon* Brown. D orothea Coe, Mcllvenna To Be Baccalaureate Speaker Again NEWS REVIEW ASHLAh IACKSON COUNTY, \SHLAND OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH Formerly Ubo Sou thorn Oregon Miner 53.00 per year 1949 VOLUME 16. NUMBER 3 City Council and Mayor to Study Candidates Carol Ebnother, Jack Eldswlck, I Floyd G ardner, Darlene Hick Consideration of potential man,M ary Hillberry, lone tide, councilmen will be the m ain top­ Juunita Howell, Norma Kulpncu, ic of business at the Saturday Bernice Mayben, A rthur Ostran­ night m eeting of the rem nants der, Iti» em ary Stevenson, and | of the Ashland city council and The Rev Robert Mcllvenna Mildred Zittcreoh A W riter's Guild was organiz­ Mayor Tom Williams. Juniors were: Nancy Arney, has been selected by the Senior ed, Tu<«day evening when an in­ Mayor Tom Williams is also class of the Ashland high school K athrvn Heck, Craig Canfield, terested group m et a t the Plaza Resignation of Clarence Wil­ expected to report on a propect- G uest speaker at last M onday’s as the speaker for Baccalaureate. , Joanne Downing, Donna Fader, meeting of the Ashland Kiwanis Cafe to discuss possibilities of liams as chief of police has been ed truck route. He planned to Anne Fullerton, Nina G raber, M cllvenna was selected by the ! club was Frank Rowe, who spoke such a club Vinna Middleton tabled by the m em bers of the contact Engineer Baldock of the class at an election this week. George Miller, Lavonne Olson, on “M arketing of Farm Crops." presided as tem porary chairman. Ashland city council in view of state highway departm ent con­ Cash Petrine, Nadine Pounds, Baccalaureate will be held Sun­ Dr E P Borden gave the In ­ the fact that three mem bers will cerning the possibility of a by­ O ther entetrainrnent included Jacquelyn Pritchard, B a r b a r a day, May 20. This is the second songs by Duane Mitchell, S outh­ vocation and spoke on the poten­ soon be seated on the council. pass for trucks in Ashand. year M cllvenna has addressed | Riley, R obert Simpson, Peggie ern Oregon college student, who tialities of Southern Oregon and The committee appointed by the Speaking tor the mem bers of the graduates. Taylor, Richard Wilcox, and N or­ wus accompanied by B arbara the m anner in which w riters the council a t a m eeting held last mayor on the truck route is ex- Bruce Sm ith was selected as man Wyers . coud assist in the developm ent of Friday, Harold M errill, stated pested to make a report at the the outstanding senior boy. He is Gertson. Seniors had 22 on the roll. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dr. Elmo Stevenson was pres­ of the Rogue Valley by w riting th at he thought th at the new Saturday evening meeting Mem­ They Included Alex Austin, John Sm ith, 555 Fairview. Emma Red­ ent at the m eeting and he invit­ of its great natural beauty and members of the council should bers of the committee include Bear«'. Dorothy Brabham, Shirley bird was selected as the out­ 'd the m em bers of Kiwanis to the historical spots. He, favorably, sit in on the selection of a new Will Stew art, Ernie Fulgham, and joint meeting, April 5, of all civ­ compared Oregon’s assets with chief of police and th at Mr. W il­ Bernard Pederson. Damon, Joyce DeVore, Ruth Hur- standing senior girl. ic clubs. At this m eeting, Dr. Californlas scenic spots stress­ liams’ resignation should be ta b l­ key. Bcttv Lou Kerby, Phil Kling The city council meeting is be­ The class colors during this sheim, Rosemary Knott, B arbara year's graduation will be gold Stevenson said, Edgar Sm ith, ing the fact that California is ed until the new m em bers had ing held this Saturday because of chairman of the board of higher more widely known because it Messenger, Delores Momany, Car and pastel green. the April 1 deadline on the 15- been added to the council education of the state of Oregon is more publicized as is true of rol Powell, Emma Redbird, Rose­ day negotiation period set up by The class m otto is "When a Williams subm itted his resig­ mary Ri n g, Venlta Roberson, task is once begun, Never leave will speak. Dr. Stevenson added, some parts of Oregon. nation Friday, saying th at he was the council to find replacements In reference to Southern Oregon Curia Sears. Jane Simpson, Bruce it till it’s done. C. E Flory, G. I. student at Be the labor college, the fact th at SOC now resigning because of the results for the three councilmen who Southern Oregon College was the Smith, Donald Stucky, M o n a great or small, do it well or not of the recent city recall election. were recalled. receives the second greatest a- guest speaker. He m entioned Tuylor, M argaret W agner, and at all." If the mayor and the council ________ One of the basic reasons su b ­ mount of funds available to edu­ that tw enty years ago, when he Sully Yates. are unable to unanimously agree m itted by the Civic B etterm ent cational colleges in Oregon. was a student at SOC another upon three replacements before V. D. Bert Miller, president of group had met in Pioneer to League which sponsored the re­ April 1, according to a motion TALENT LOCALS call election was the refusal of the organization congratulated form a W riter’s Guild. Lon Max-son won the blanket the city council m em bers to con­ passed by the council, the m atter the members on their assistance Flory spoke, knowingly, of the The Am erican Legion A uxili­ which the W agner Creek Ladies will be first presented to the ary Unit No. 14 met in regular in getting the Rogue River basin growth a n d developm ent o f firm Mayor W illiams’ appoint­ people in the form of a special raffled off las, Friday. ltrigatlon, power and flood con­ China, giving the group m any m ent of Vern Sm ith as chief of election for a charter am endm ent Mr. and Mrs. Roy P a rr spent session Monday evening at the trol. Legion Hall, W lnburn Way, with latent ideas for articles, stories, police. which will perm it the people to the week end at Portland. and poems on various phases of hold another election to elect Forrest Jennings, Ira Culver Miss K athleen Silver presiding. Miss Silver pointed out that “Life in China’’. He has lived three councilmen to fill the va- and Ray G arland were working much of his life In northern I can i 'S. on the Youth C enter Building ttie Legion and A uxiliary have been listed among the top ene- China, where, contrary to popu­ Mayor Williams, last Saturday Saturday. C. B. Cordy, county extension lar opinion, m any inhabitants m le of communism in America. Com m ittee appointm ents f or night, offered the names of Ben W eyburn Kenyon spent Mon­ "Every eligible woman who agent in charge of horticulture, have never tasted rice, being too the coming year for the Ashland day evening a t the Lowe home, wants to see a free American stated this week that the dorm ant poor to afford it. M illett and Cham ber of Commerce w e r e Christlieb, Dick Neill, Mont Monroe, and E. E. Sheldon to the where hi* and H arlan compared way of life continued and per­ spray needed to be completed. wheat, according to Flory, are made this week by A. W. Wood­ three remaining m em bers of the English and Am erican motors for fected should be working with This spray is particularly im ­ the principal cereals of th at re ­ ward. president of the Cham ber. council as men who would accept iiiim I c I aeroplanes. Sgt. Lowe who us. The comm unists are well o r­ portant on B artlett. Comice and gion. Com m ittee heads are as foll­ appointm ent to the council. has been stationed In Europe, ganized." said Miss Silver. Nells O ther varieties need not be Those present at the first ows: Education, Dr. Elmo S teven­ The members of the council, brought back some English diesel Following the regular business sprayed unless you have a spec­ meeting of the Guild were: Je ss­ son: A griculture, D. M. Lowe; Harold Merrill, Phil Stansbury, model aeroplane motors. meeting the hostes es, Mrs. C. E. ial problem. ica Osgood, C. E. Flory, Mrs. C. Industry, Drew Lamb; M em ber­ . and Fred Homes requested th at Use three gallons liquid lime R. Middleton, Mrs. R. M. Att- ship, Henry Galey; G overnm ent­ I P ra tt and Ruth Cushing served ' the action on accepting the m en Doris Kendrhin, "ivlli. Rae home made cakes and coffee. sulphur and 111 gallons dorm ant wooll Pearl R. Crouch, Mary M. al affairs, Dr. W illiam B racker; be held over for a period of tim e Downing and Orville Renzema oil 1 mulslon per 100 gallons. W orthylake, Lottie C. Ransdell Recreation, H u g h McKeever; 1 so that they would have an op- are it the •<»» e - i t h e ir p a r e n ts Wbi e scab was bad last year, in­ and Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Borden. Roads and T ransportation Ed • portunity to study the situation. this week from Eugene, w here crease the lim e sulphur to 6 gal­ Singm aster; P u b l i c i t y , S t a n The next m eeting of the W rit­ the two young Indies attend col­ lons On Nells use 10 gallons lime e r’s Guild will be at 8 o’clock Jones; Finance, G erald W enner; lege. and Orville attends high ulphur and no oil _ nr xt Tuesday evening, March 29 Tourists, Roger Rath, Solicitors, scho. >1. .it the home of Dr. and Mrs. Bor- C. C. W illiams: Shakespeare, Dr. I; tV ti-rbtiry, daughter of Idcn, 167 Harrison Street, phone E. N. Terrill; M erchants. Walt Roland L. Parks, exalted ruler of the Ashland Elk-: Io Ige a n ­ '< I and Mrs. Preston B. W ater- 16652 All persons interested in Hamby. Phil Stansbury, speaking for nounced today th at Venita Rober­ airy. Beach street, has been el- any phase of w riting are invited A change from previous years ted 1 etary of the Reed col- to attend. son, and Bruce Sm ith, A 'and, is the appointm ent of a program the Ashland City council, stated and Edith Sutcliffe. II ppy Camp 1 <.<• W omen’ • Athletic associa­ committee who wiii rotate the today th at the m em bers of the California, had been seleited as tion Miss W aterbury is a fresh- duties of preparing program s for council planned to present the The last of a series of five card candidates for local prizes and 1 ; general public to attend a the care of any one kind of physi­ greatest musical asset, belongs to ! will be m ade a t a special Recog­ lustrations, ranging from um on the topic, ‘‘The Whole cal handicap, because we know every Oregon proponent of fine nition program to he held at the Africa and Airplanes, to ild" to be presented at the Le­ that an apparent need is always music.” YMCA Friday night, March 25th. Television and Zoos. m's Pioneer hall, 14 W inburn related to all other needs of the M aterialization of a rr a n g e- child; thus we adhere to that y, April 4th at 8:00 p.m. Lottie Evans, Eureka, arrived Most parents are fam iliar ments for the 1949-50 season de­ Contributing speakers, who sound principal — the ‘Whole in Ashland by plane, early this w ith the Littl« Golden pends, however, on the raising 11 each deal w ith some aspect Child’,’ continued Mrs. Kreism an Books, and know w hat fine week to visit friends in this vic­ of $150,000 for the orchestra’s in a recent interview. the subject will include Dr. m aintenance fund in the next children’s books they are. inity. One out of every two children w ard E. Brown, Reverend few weeks, C hurchill explained. The Golden Encyclopedia is orge Shum an, Ashland Presby- in A shland is the child of a w ar hope that LICENSE EXAMINER WILL a w onderful extension of lan church; Miss Florence Al- veteran and the Child W elfare He expressed the BE IN ASHLAND MONDAY i, Principal, Lincoln School com m ittee of the Am erican L e­ “many outside com m unities will this same line. Drop in at A driver’s license exam iner j A ssistant Professor of Educa- gion Auxiliary' is having a great assist in the effort.” the M art to see it. At the will be on duty in Ashland at the n, SOC.; and Mr. Loren Mes- ly Increased task in its work for same time .ask for the Gol­ city hall Monday, March 28, be­ iger, Associate Professor of needy children, according to Mrs. den Dictionary. You’ll find Kreism an. “Illness of veteran tw een the hours of 9a.m. and 4 p. fchology, SOC. Many and var’ed are the func­ these at. . . tions of tho cent’,ry-old U. S. m„ according to an announce­ 'The strength and soundness of fathers is the greatest cause of Sales of Savings Bonds In the Naval Cbse’ V- in Washing­ m ent received from the Secre­ • child w elfare program is two need a m o n j the children of veter icipal a m c n j R e­ State of Oregon for February ton, D. C., hut rl." says Mrs. Kreism an, in ex- ans here," she explained. tary of State. them is tti i. ti -.o’seepar »’or Persons wishing licenses or per­ lning the purpose of the for- sults of w ar injuries and illness total $4,306,11, according to C. W. tue natio:' o’ is :hini at . 3?. i. “First, it Is built on cooper- often take even young veterans Thomson, Jackson County C hair­ The WAVE ’ i m its to drive are asked to get in î photo nee In’t man, bringing the total sales for on with existing public and out of the ranks of the bread be more th in " > v th o -„an d t.u touch with the exam iner well a- ; ’u East Main Phene HOI I Fam ilies broken by 1949 to $10,824,900. This is rough­ of a seco- i o. ito- soitin-' » r ra te social welfare agencies in winners. head of the scheduled closing »? • . ï ; . (Next to Sheldon Jew elry) • comm unities, states and na- death, desertion and divorce is ly $400,000 more than were sold A 4 C.l V . hour in order to assure com ple­ to . . .1 n:; / Be Completed Soon C. of C. Committee Appointments Made Parks Announces Three Winners Council Members To Offer Names Rebekahs Plan Final Card Party Y Directors Hold Annual Dinner Friends Church BB Club Wins Y League Enders To Head 1949 Celebration Ashland To Hear Symphony in ’49 Global Timekeeper | ublic Invited to Forum on Child 'elfare Monday Evening, April 4th U. S. Savings Bond Sales On Increase Tie M ART