Southern Oregon N e w t Review, Aahlaad, Oregon, Thuraday, March I d Bartholomew, Eugene, was In Ashland * W ed n esd ay- a'n'd Thuraday visiting his aunt, Mrs Grover Hillman Church I Annsuncements The News Review every week for a year, $3.00. FOR SALE O RTRADE: Set ond Hand Store, building and stock. Will sell building without stock or oyght rent 82 No. Main Af- )• >949 FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST Midweek Service. Wed. 7:30 p. Second and B Streets m. Earl F. Downing, Minister Bible School. 9:48 a.m. Tem­ P in t Church of Christ Scientist perance talk by Judge Nelle Pioneer Avenue, South Burns. Sunday morning service at 11 Morning service 11:00 a.m. o’clock. Subject: MAN. Golden Text: 1 John 3 1 . Be­ Sermon. "Friendliness, the Luth- erans Make a Discovery.” An hold, what manner of love the them by the choir under the di­ Father hath bestowed upon us, Special music by the choir. that we should be called the sons rection of Glen Matthews. Trustees will meet at the Junior church, 11:00 a m. for of God. church at 7 30 Monday night Mar the children. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Christian Endeavor, 0:30 pm. Wednesday evening meeting, 7th. All men Interested in hte which includes testimonies of formation of a "Men’s Club” are for juniors and young people. Evening Service. 7 30 p in. Ser­ Christian Science healing, is held asked to meet at the same time at mon, "Tips From Mom and the at 8 o’clock. the church. Word on Marriage." The final Reading Room open daily from The choir is planning another, message in Better Homes Pro­ 2 to 5 p.m. except Sundays and dinner to be served Thursday | ject holidays. The Christian’s Hor. KWIN. at March 10th. The proceeds to go The public la cordially invited 9:00 a.m. Sunday. to attend these services, and to CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 717 Siskiyou Blvd. Evart P. Borden, Minister Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mar ;orie Flinieu, Supt Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Metz in charge of the primary department. Mrs. Larkin Grubb, teacher of the Bible class. Mrs. Bertha Borden, teacher of the young married people’s class. Worship Service, 11 a.m. Ser­ mon: AFTER DEATH, WHAT? S P E C IA L VERMONT Mountain Mints PASTEL FRUITS 60c a box 35c a box McNair Bros. DRUG STORE Your REXAI.I. Drug Store your TIME f Expert watch repair service fo help you keep on time RED CROSS TIME Where Ever you Ire Your Red Cross stands ready to render Service in time of trouble. During emergencies caused by Disaster - floods, explos­ ions, hurricanes. The Red Cross is always on hand, ready to offer relief and asistance to the unfortun­ ate VICTIMS Every Day You Read In Your Newspaper of some new catastrophe which calls for your sympathy and assistance. Your money contributions helps — yes — but of immeasurable value is your contribution of time as well. Give new life and new hope to those in need — as a Gray Lady, as a Blood Donor, as a Red Cross Motor Service driver, as a financial contributor. Give Now Give Generously Give through your Red Cross - where you work - or through the representative in your Community who will call upon you. Help swell the 1949 Fund. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY