U. of O. Library. ( ’amp White Wll Be Dedicated Sunday §au¿Jtesm ôieya+t By Lottie C. Ranadell Paul A. Hatton, M anager of Formerly the Southern Oregon the new Veterans A dm inistration O rii li Minar Domiciliary C enter u t Camp P l i n t i dation $3.00 per year White, announces t h a t Open House and Dedication cerem on­ ie s will be conducted in the main hospital auditorium at two o’- «lock Sunday afternoon, Febru- $5.00 PER YEAR ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, IHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1949 .11 v 20th VOLUME I j, NUMBER jo Tentative plans for the pro­ gram, nam ed Seth Bullis, District Munager of the Oregon C alifor­ nia Power Company, as M aster o f Ceremonies. Reverend John M. Berger, Pastor of the Catholic Church in Medford, will give the S i n c e the beginning of the Invocation after the Medford current reruritlng drive, tw enty- High School Hand presents an in­ five (2ft) local men have joined troductory selection. Pictures are badly needed fki Officers for the year 1949 were Prom inent speakers will in­ Battery A of the newly redesig­ the Cham ber of Com m erce’s foj- chosen last week for the South- clude: Lew Wallace. Portland; nated 732nd A ntiaircraft A rtill­ der, according to a report mad« I ern Oregon truckers league. Congressman H arris Ellsworth, ery Battalion of the Oregon N at­ They include: P r e s i d e n t , Before a crowded courtroom Tuesday in Medford, the attorneys Roseburg; G overnor Douglas Mc­ ional Guard. Enlisted during J a n ­ Tuesday at the Cham ber lunch- Claude A. Davis, 1124 E. 11th ___ * n the judgm ent case brought by the city council of Ashland against eon. Kay; Mayor Diamond Flynn, P articular DicUrres necessary Medford. Oregon; vice presi- Mayor Tom WiUiams and the City of Ashland presented their cases, Medford; Glenn Jackson, Presi­ uary were: Donald C. Robeson, to c o m p e te the book are shots dent- G A Axtell, P. O. Box 102, Ju d #e Orvil M illard G rants Pass, presided. dent, Jackson County Cham ber Wallace R. Barnett, Do n a 1 d of either of the swimm ing pools G rants Pass, Oregon; vice presi attorneys for the M ayor are preparing Oieir briefs, and the of Commerce; Charles Holbrook, Trombley, Bart L. R itter, Genc of eitncr or the swimm ing pools Bennett Box 274 > alto rn ey for the council will have five days in which to file his R. Litw llier, G ary B. Christlieb, in this area, speed boating, ski- 1 B ennett, bo x brief ft h M ayor’s brief has been filed. Final decision on the County Service Officer, Oregon « v isio n on m e Veterans Commisson; and O. H. Dwaine D. Morrison, Richard F. ing, the Lithia w ater fountain, Azalea, Oregon; vice president case is not expected before March 1. Vest, Georg«- R. Long, and How­ C rater lake, m ain street, logging Konald Riley, Bandon, Oregon; Bengtson, Medford Attorney. H arry Skerry and Ben Lom­ truck, trains, saw mills, orchards, v*ce president, Frank Rema, Myr- O ther distinguished guests to ard E. Roberts. bard, represented Mayor Thomas Men enlisted in February are: a dairy and other farm scenes. l^e Hoint, Oregon and treasurer. bo introduced will be John Walk Williams and the City of Ash­ Bob Vrom an is handling th e ¡Jof n Sample. P. O. Box 34, Tal- er Jones, National Councilman of Howard G. Brutcher, George W. land, William Brigg« represent­ Veterans Affairs, Portland; and Russell and Victor W. Smith. a rt work and Bob Mallon is ift ' n ' [e^on' More than one hundred and , , . . . Trustees are: E verett Morris, ed the City Council, consisting Dr. Elmo Stevenson, President of Com m enting on the c u rren t re­ charge of photographs Any pho- Box 6fJ Jacksonville, Oregon; G. fifty Masons, Eastern S tars’ and of H erb Fischborn, John Daugh­ Southern Oregon College o f Edu­ cruiting drive, Capt a 1 n T e d Christensen, comm anding the loc­ tos which fit into the category w Hoover, Box 43, E. P. Star their families gahtered at Mason­ erty, Harold M en ill, Phil S tans­ cation. D. M. Shute, Manager, V eter­ al Batter? stuted that a strength mentioned above should be left Route, Medford, Oregon; and Ver ic Hall Friday evening, February bury, Fred Homes and John Nos­ ans A dm inistration, District No. tellin g will be imposed on all at the C ham ber of Commerce of- non d McUess, P O. Box, Can- 11th for a covered dish dinner ier. | yonville, Oregon. Il, Seattle, will then dert'eate the units throughout the nation as fice. and an evening of fun. Among those in the courtroom Domiciliary C enter in Its new soon as the natonal strength goal Dinner was served from tables were a group of college students, capacity, followed by the accept­ is reached. State officials visiting attractive with candles, valen­ no doubt studying law, M arshall ance and response by Hatton. Ashland early this month expres The first patient, W infield Fos­ sed the opinion that recruiting tines and pussy willows. Woodell, professor at Southern ter, of Eugene will hr- introduced. would end in the very near fu t­ Andy Stevens, M aster of C ere­ Oregon College was witli the Foster was previously domiciled ure, possibly w ithin the next monies introduced the following: group. Mrs. G ertrude Roebuck, in Los Angeles. th irty days. Final rehearsals for the show "Kiwanis Kapers of 1949** are under­ Don H inthorne Worshipful M as­ Reverend K. E. Nelson, pastor Mrs. D. D. Dameron, Mr. and way with the first productions scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of St. Marks Episcopal Church ter of Blue Lodge No. 23 A. F. Mrs. Casey Lawrence, and J. Q. nights at the Ashland Ju n io r High sqhool. C urtain time is 8 00. of Medford, will close the cere­ The production is being sponsored by the Medford and Ashland and A. M., Dolly Stevens, W orthy Adams were among the m em bers mony with the Benediction, fol­ Kiwanis clubs. C ellar Productions of Hollywood have produced Matron of Alpha C hapter No. 1 of the Civic B etterm ent League the show which is chock-full of good local talent doing specialty acts. lowed by a selection from the Ashland Kiwanians who have O. E. S. and M argaret W agner, who were present. Phil W endt Medford High School Band. been working with the show and Honored Queen of Jobs D aught­ and Henry Gerdes, who ran for Conducted tours through the who will appear in it include: ers who in turn introduced the city councilmen last fall were a l­ C enter will be arranged, after Ed Barnett, W alt Bosshard, Jobs D aughters who served. which there will be an informal The group spent the rem ainder so in the courtroom. Fred Homes Bert Miller, Phil Bryant, Fritz reception in the auditorium . The debaters gave accounts of The last round of debates at Hatton comes to Camp White the trip to Linfield College in as­ Linfield College on F ebruary 12 Koester, M arvin Miller, Ockie of the evening dancing and play­ and Herb Fischborn w ere the members of the city council p re ­ well qualified for the responsibi­ disclosed a tie for fourth place Sabin, Otto Wilda, Tom Parker, ing cards. lity given him. Born in Indiana sembly Monday morning, and betw een the Ashland and Albany Joe Truitt, Abe Neslin, Lynn sent. O ther townspeople seen in THOMPSON REPRESENTS and educated in Illinois he ser- Prc8ented Herb Lewi“- dcbaU the courtroom included Owen varsities. The ju n io r varsity had Kelly, Allan Harris, William Mc- VETERANS AT OPENING ved wtih the United States Navy c0#ch’- w ,th tles *n a PP,eciatlon Cullouch, Bert Terry, Bob Mal­ Gragg, W inston Marks, Clarence to forfeit three debates due to the Frank E. Thompson, N ational Williams, Dr. W alter Redford, during World War I. He has been for taking them absence of one of the members, lon M artel Peters, Marlen Yoder,’ Lyn Newbry, with the Veterans A dm inistra­ Supporters from the sophomore but still m anaged to win three Giles Green, Morris Bradley, Milt Aide on tne Staff of the Com- Robert Pernell Jim Glenn, Allan Me- m ender in Chief of the United Mrs. William Briggs, and Mrs. tion. continuously, since October junior, an dsenior classes are sell­ out of four. Gee, George Jones, Howard Tol Spanish W ar Veterans, has been Ben Lombard. 1, 1920, Hatton has served, var ing tickets to win votes for their The varsity, Including John liver and John W ilkinson. selected by John Simmons, De- ioualy, as R egistrar and Officer candidate for all sports queen to A ttorneys Ben Lombard, H arry Lance and Don K err on the afflr Many other talented local p e o -! partm ent Com m ander of the Skerry and W illiam Briggs en ter­ o f Personnel, Finance, Commiss­ be crow ned during the half at m ative lost to Salem, but won pie. both from M edford and Ash- State of Oregon, to represent the ed the courtroom w ith Judge Or- ary, and Domiciliary as well as the G rants Pass game here F ri­ assistant m anager and, later day, F ebruary 18, and to reign from Tlllam ock and Eugene. The land have parts in the show. The Department at the formal open- vtl M illard of G rants Pass. A t­ m anager of V. A. hospitals in ­ over the dance atterw ard. C andi­ negative varsity, Emma Redbird Show will play in Ashland this ing of the V eterans A dm inistra- torney Briggs opened the hearing cluding: W aukesha. Wisconsin; dates are: Virginia Pritchard, and Rosemary Ring, lost to Sal­ Monday and Tuesday and in tion Domiciliary C enter at Camp by asking the Judge to bear with Hot Springs. South Dakota; John Nancy Arney, and Jacky Wol­ em also, but won from Medford M edford the following Monday W hite Sunday, February 20., him for a few moments in order and Albany. One m ore win and Tuesday. ' 1949 son City, Tennessee; Bath, New cott. that he m ight give him a little The G rants Pass Tri-Hl-Y has would have placed the four-m an York; Chicago; Los Angeles and background of the situation that invited the A shland Senior Tri- team in the finals, as five wins Heiena, Montana. exists in Ashland betw een the Mr. and Mrs. Hatton are living Hi-Y to a dinner to be held be­ out of six debates arc necessary. Mayor and the City Council. The Shirley Damon and Dorothy at C am p W hite. Their youngest fore the game at G rants Pass, few moments took one-half hour. Brabham , in the low er division, son, Francis, lives with them. February 19. Briggs stated that in his opin­ An im pressive candlelight in i­ won from Eugene, Hillsbor o. T heir oldest son, Paul Jr., is ion this m atter would not have m anager of the radio station tiation ceremony was held in the I B«‘averton, and lost to the Eug- had to have been brought to Don Haynes, who may or may like to watch the goings on of court if it had not been for the KX LJ in Helena, Montana. Both bandroom Tuesday evening for ene team that won the lower div­ not be crazy, will begin his 14 queer folks, and this beats ail. fact th at local new spapers had sons are veterans of World War all new m em bers of the Pepsters. ision finals. The sem i-form al party was for Cecelia McCarley w ent along m onth tour of the nation this (Died about 100 years ago, and printed untruths. He continued The hospital at Camp W hite eleven girls. George H endrick­ as a substitute and to gain exper­ Saturday. Haynes will be sealed got to push on up the canyon by saying that the Civic B etter­ will have a fully organized Vol­ son, band director, was present, ience as her p artn er did not go. in a K aiser automobile and plans j Strange things happen now-a- m ent League consisted of a bun­ unteer Service program , the p a rt­ as the girls m arch in co-operat­ T here were 22 varsity teams to visit every K aiser-Frazer deal­ days. ch of citizens who had never icipants of which will consist of ion with the band. Refreshm ents and 48 junior varsity team s e n t­ er in the nation w ithout leaving 11:49 3. Diamond Jim Brady done anything for the City of the car. leaders and representatives of were served. (Dyer Huston) the far west gam ­ Ashland, had never belonged to ered. Haynes, who dream ed up the bler, portable shell game. Looks any Service clubs, or contributed veterans’ organizations, th e 1 r A rrangem ents were m ade for stu n t w hile overseas during the likes theys a lot of suckers in any way to any Youth move­ auxiliaries and civic groups gen­ the Pepsters- Grizzlies Knights SULLIVAN NAMED BY SP erally. war, will be given a gala send- around here. Might doa little ments, and w ere com parable to s n o w p a r t y t o b e h e l d TO PERSONNEL POST off. Colonel Preston B. W ater business - sets up game - all a World B etterm ent group that Hatton extends an invitation Sunday, F ebruary 20 by Don R etirem ent of John G. Torian to residents of this vicinity and Miller, Jack H illberry, Bob De­ as m anager of personnel for bury, who is in charge of the right gents, step right up, make existed in M edford at one tim e to m em bers of all service, fra te r­ lisle, Mary Crlstlieb, and Jacky Southern Pacific in six w estern event announced today the fol­ your bets, three little shells, one and had almost split Jackson county in half. nal and civic organizations to a t­ Wolcott. states, appointm ent of John J. lowing as the program for S atur­ little pea. tend the ceremonies Sunday. Colonel W aterbury has been Sullivan as his successor, and ad­ day. Briggs also compared the B et­ 11:50 4. The Vigilantes - tough J:00 Car is placed on special looking hom bres m ounted and term ent group to the 1930 Ku teaching m ilitary m arching to vancem ent of Mm. D. Lam precht the band and Pep club in several to first assistant m anager, all ef­ stand in Plaza. You have read in this armed, black handkerchiefs over Klux K ian group in Medford I 11:18 Ashland Kilty B a n d chins to eyes, ride down the hill. saying th at not a man would now practices for the Don Haynes fective March 1, w ere announced colum n about the phenom ­ m arches twice around Plaza. send-off Feburary 19. enal new COLUMBIA LP today by the railroad. “We’re lookin’ for a crazy feller, adm it he had belonged to such a 11:25 Hollis Hill, the Flying and we heard he was down this group. (long - playing) RECORDS Scotsman, on the giant tram pe- canyon somewhere. You seen the and players. Briefly, by Judge M illard finally advised line, K ilty Band marches single likes of him, m ister? We don’t Mr. Briggs that it w asn't the cutting three t i m e s as file around tram peline while Hill aim to have crazy gents ru nnin’ Court’s right to tell people how m any grooves per inch, and performs. by m eans of a slow tu rn ­ loose in the com m unity.” to run their com m unity but to 11:32 Ashland High School table speed, it is possible to 11:52 Seal up the car and ad ­ decide legal rights, at which time band m arches twice around Plaza put the contents of a com­ Briggs picked up his papers and Hot leather will fly in Memorial Court Tuesday, February iz , at circle w hile drum m ajorettes do m inister safety pledge. plete album of records on presented his legal case. NOON Car leaves stand, p ar­ 7:30 p.m. when the SOC boxing team presents a seven-bout smoker. their stuff in front of car. Band one single unbreak a b l e Briggs stated that if the Coun­ ades south on Boulevard in fol­ plastic disc. According to Johnny Cherny, coach, many promising boxers will par­ retires to Oak street waits to join lowing order: 1. Police escort. 2. cil had w anted to appoint a City Prices are truly amazing. ticipate in the event which is the first to be held at Southern Oregon parade. Kilty Band. 3. Cars of VIP. 4. A ttorney and Chief of Police 11:40 The m aster of ceremonies Don Haynes 5. High School Band they could have done so during There are o«ily three prices, college since befure the war. $2.85, $3.35, 4.85. Values M ain event on the card will be crafty fighter. Ring, a heavy takes the mike on car platform 6. High School Pepsters. the past two m onths w hile Mav- run up to $13.00: a rem atch betw een Owen "The h itter w ith both hands is able to and announces the approach of Parade disband at library; p o l-!? r Wiliams had been on official Now here is the real top­ W hip” Thomas, weighing 147 lbs. take a lot of punishm ent, if nec­ Don Haynes. ice escort Haynes to city lim its.! business in Salem, but that was 11:41 Haynes, accompanied by per. We have been a u th o r­ and Don Cam pbell at 150. Thom ­ essary. “See you back in 14 m onths.” i no e waY ^hat the council in- ized, for a very short time, as and Cam pbell fought an e x ­ O ther bouts will include Bill th at venerable and respected „ i ■ „ u’ . u tended to do business. He said Helping W aterbury w ith the that th had no records or any. to sell present stocks of the hibition in the gym last Friday Carroll, 152, vs. Tom Staley, 159; m em ber of our community, the p ans for the getting Haynes o u t , thing to hide that th - "old doc” Bill McGee complete $31.50 C O L U M B IA L P night. “The W hip” is a leading Ed Cleary, 135, vs. Ray B rad­ of town are Bill McGee, Bob Ed- wanted to , a„ Qf w ith linen duster and stethe- PLAYER ATTACHMENT, contender for Southern Oregon shaw, 135; Don R utter, 155, vs. wards, H arry McNair, Ed Bar- the table and ,pt thp CQUrt for he ridiculous figure of w elterw eight title and has won Fred Taylor. 150; and Donald scope, take the platform , physical nett, and Fred Homes. I cjde exam ination, Haynes crawls into $9.95! There are no strings. his last four bouts. Campbell, Wilson, vs. A1 Titus, 155. car. To introduce these amazing Secretary of state Earl N ew bry A ttorney Lombard, represent- tabbed as a fast boy on his feet All bouts will consist of three, 111:45 P ageant. "SHADES OF will be on hand S aturday to help ing Mayor W llliams then addres. LP recordings to you music and a heavy hitter, held the w el­ tw o-m inute rounds. Admission give Haynes a shove on his way. sed the Judge and presented his lovers, to sta rt you on your terw eight title a t Oregon State. will be 60 cents to the public OUR ANCESTORS” 1. M iner w ith mule, packed, Friday evening a p arty will be case. Lom bard touched on the way tow ard a library of Editor Bob "W hite Hope" Stum and 35 cents for students. comes in front of car. Dialogue held at the Lithia hotel from five point that if the Council did not scratch-free, high -fidelity, bo, 178 lbs. will tangle w ith Tony w ith MC. He is Cripple Creek to seven for visiting newspaper- think that Mayor Williams had AUXILIARY TO MEET unbreakable LP records, Kelly from Roseburg. It is r u ­ The local A m erican Legion C harlle Comstock, lookin, for men and dignitaries who will be the right to veto Ordinance 1094, we are offering this player m ored th at Kelly, who weighs A uxiliary will have its regular gold but m aybe using the wrong on hand S aturday to get stories at a saving of $21.55. How why had they in tu rn repas^ed 175, has had fifteen am ateur m eeting next Monday evening, tools. Oh, yes, he’s been dead on the take-off. Representatives can you miss? You can hear the O rdinance over the veto of fights and won thirteen, nine by February 21st at the Legion’s for 100 years ,and they called from Fox M ovietone newsreel» the Mayor. Many other legal and see this equipm ent in KO’s “Send me roses,’ said Stum - Hall on W inburn Way. Reports him crazy. E xit laughing. Life magazine, and other nation- m _______ easures were discussed by action a t............ bo when interview ed. "W hite on the opening of Camp W hite 11:48 2. Old spring wagon, al press services will be present. | Lombard, after which Skerry Hope’ has three fights to his will be given and plans m ade for paw drivin the team, maw on Inform ation has been received took the floor. Skerry brought credit: two bouts In M edford and joining the V olunteers Service seat, p a tte r w ith MC. He is Jona- from the State of California that out the fact that the Council an exhibition w ith Leo P a rk er of program which is being set up at than Lincoln, A braham ’s uncle Haynes will be met a t the state were taking the powers of the Medford in M emorial Court. Jack the new V eterans Domiciliary who came west. This is Mrs. Lin- line by a Calfornia police escort Mayor in their hands w hen they 270 East Main Phone 8011 Newton, 190, will m eet Dave Center. All m em bers are request­ edln. She’s right pleased to meet who will take him to Sacram en- were trying to appoint Briggs as (Next to Sheldon Jewelry) Ring, 186. New ton has consider­ ed to be present as im portant up w ith all the folks (Fred to w here he will be received by City A ttorney and W illiams as Homes and Ed Stevens). They the governor of California. able ring experience and is a activities are being planned. Chief of Police. NEWS REVIEW 25 Men Join National Guard Decision Rests With Court Pictures Needed Truckers Select Officers for 1949 Courtroom Full as Attorneys Present Case at Tuesday Hearing Masons and Stars Hold Dinner Friday Curtain Time For Kiwanis Kapers Set for Monday Night, February 21 NEWS from Ashland Hi High School Debate Squad Ties for 4th Don Haynes Scheduled to Leave Ashland Saturday Morning, Feb. 19 SOC PUGILISTS TO STAGE FIRST POST WAR ‘SMOKER’ 76 M ACT