U. of O. Library. Civic Betterment League Explained U __ Formerly the Southern Oregou Minor $3.00 per year 0 « ld o O u is (F *H « Members of the Civic Better- m int League thin week explain­ h i m ed their organization through Pat Lawrence, who wax acting as spokesman. A. A. Wasson is president of ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY,THURSDAY, EEBRUARY io, 1949 t j . o o PER YEAR the league. W. C. Lawrence, vice VOLUME 15, NUMBER 49 president, Mrs. Gertrude Kobuck Junior Chamber to is executive seecretary, and J Q. Adams is treasurer. Organize Friday The Civic Betterment league Officers of the Ashland Junior i hus been responsible for the re­ Chamber of Commerce will be J cull movement of the three coun- elected Friday evening, February 1 cllmen, John Daugherty, John PETITIONS OUT FOR 11, at the Western Auto Store. SEWING CLUB Nosier, and Herb Fischborn. CHARTER AMENDMENT Bill Yates. Jr., Jim Glenn, Don MEETS MONDAY At present the league is peti­ Berg, Bert Terry and several oth- Th(. Sewing club spon8ored b Two actions this week by the tio n in g for a charter amendment er business men have indicated the (.hjld .welfare committee of which will provide for a special members of the Civic Betterment that they will join the club. the American Legion Auxiliary election to fill any vacancies league brought the proposed re­ Terry stated that it was nece-, wlII mw.t Monday for an a„ d Hood threatened Ashland this week as warm temperatures comb- brought about by recall move­ call election and change in the sary that they have at least twen-, sew,ng bee, at the home of Mrs. ments. blned with some light showers started to move the record snowfall ty members before they will be > Koy Frazier. Iowa street city chai ter closer to completion. According to Mis. Lawrence: First: A Medford attorney was granted a charter, but that a t ; Wornen attending are request. oft the hills and into the creeks and drainages. "In the beginning this was sim­ instructed to serve a writ of man­ .,rt/u Ptr8OnS, ? *nd,Cat' : ed 10 bring sack lunches and Wednesday wax’- winds and a warm night brought about a dan­ ply a small group of ordinary damus on J. H. Hardy, city re­ ed that they would like to join sew,ng Wt, Wwrk if don<; gerous temperature condition which could bring about another citizens who were vitally inter­ corder, demanding that the spe- the organization. on layettes and children's dresses flood even greater than the one which caused so much damage ested in civic affairs and willing city election for recall of council­ with all material being furnish­ during the spring 61 1949. to work for what they believed man specified and guaranteed un­ The regular business meeting ed by the Auxiliary. of the Soroptimist club will be Continuous snows, culminating in a record eight inches Sunday to be right. Everyone has con­ der Article II, Section 18, of the left more snow on level ground than had been seen about Ashland victions of some sort and appar­ Oregon constitution be held. The held Friday noon at the Elks ently many Ashland folks held mandamus will ask Hardy to ex­ dining room. -------------------------------------------for many years. Warmer temper­ the same ones that gave this plain why the petitions were held atures and rain have been fore­ Altizer’s Students group of people the incentive to in his office tor several days. cast for this region. go to work, but not everyone can Present Recital Second: petitions requesting a Officials of the Medford, Ore­ or will work to support those special election to amend the Twenty steel guitar students gon, weather bureau have stated convictions. This group intends charter of the city of Ashland in ELECTION WILL BE SET participated in the steel guitar that the flood potential is "dy­ to prove by word and deed that order to permit a special election SOMETIME IN MARCH orchestra recital which was giv­ namite” and they have warned they a r e not an irresponsible, in cuse of the recall of an elected John von Kuhlman, command­ Date of the election for the re- en Saturday afternoon at the residents of low lying areas to radical element but are aggress­ city official be made legal. er of Ashland Post No. 14, Amer­ ively civic minded. c°uncilmen John Nosier, Women’s Civic club house by prepare for sudden evacuation. The writ of mandamus was ican Legion, told the members of Ica^ Other residents in potential dan­ "We WILL uttend all announc­ brought about by the action of the Auxiliary and the Legion at Herb Fischborn, and John students of Jos. D. Altizer. ed council meetings to represent acting city attorney William a joint meeting Monday of the Daugherty will be set as soon as The recital was restricted to ger areas have been requested to lay in supplies of fuel and food, even the most humble, law abid­ Briggs and J. H. Hardy, city re­ present status of the legion’s all names on the petitions have friends and relatives of the stud- because if warm Chinook winds ing citizen in our town. corder, who failed to transmit flagpole project. been checked by George Carter,:ents although, according to Alti­ or warm rains come the danger We WILL promote good gov­ the petitions requesting a recall The total cost of the flagpole zer, another recital is planned is extreme. ernment and a progressive city. to George Carter, county clerk and base will be approximately Jackson county clerk. for this spring at which time the Many folks have told us of immediately Carter's office so far has check­ public will be invited. upon receiving $750 00. Contributions are being grievances that could have been them. This action held up (be accepted from members of the ed 210 names and these names Ashland students who took corrected but were ignored. We date of the recall election. Chamber of Commerce and other and the petitions they were on part in the program included: can not promise to make your Hardy, who was acting on ad­ interested people. The flagpole were returned to J. H. Hardy, dreams come true but will pro­ vice from Briggs, Irtdd the peti­ will be erected on one of the Ashland city recorder, Wednes­ Sue Endey, Virginia Martin, Karen Bohls, Richard Green, mise that in the future, at your tions in the Ashland city hall Plaza islands. day David Hershberger, and Luke Mayor Thomas Williams’ an­ written request to us, your parti­ and had been checking them for Carter states that they will A large parade is being plan swer to the complaint filed by the cular grievance will rece i v e errors in the signatures. Briggs, ned for the dedication, with Air send the checked petitions back Heinzeman. city council asking for a declara­ prompt and continuous attention acting as counsel for Hardy, lat­ Corps squadrons participating as , Ashland as quickly as possible, IN MEMORIUM tory judgment on the legality of until the problem is solved. er changed his opinion concern­ well as delegations from Rose-1 " *ien the last petition has been the passage of Ordinance 1094, 'We ARE NOT as charged, an ing the checking of the signa­ burg, Grants Pass, Klam a t h received by Hardy the council and the council’s refusal to con­ Mildred Eddy Dies irresponsible radical group of tures and suggested that they be Falls and Medford, and, the Ash­ men will have five days in which firm the mayor’s appointments people, but are home-owners, taken to the county clerk. This land Kilty Band. B. E. “Kelly’’ to resign, at the close of the five In El Cerrito, Cal. will be filed sometime this week taxpayers and business men and Hardy did, after having held the Department Commander days the election will be set, to end, according to Ben Lombard Friends of Mildred Eddy, for­ women. We WILL NOT know­ petitions in Ashland for seven Owens, will be on hand for the dedicat­ be held within 20 days. merly of Ashland, were sadden­ and Harry Skerry, attorneys for ingly tolerate Communism In any days. At the rate Carter's office is ed recently to hear cf her un­ the mayor. ion ceremonies of the artistically According to a letter from Ger­ form in our midst and will make the names the last of timely death. She was well Judge Orvil Millard, Grants base and flag pole rais­ checking It our business to know and eli­ trude Robuck, secretary of the planned them will probably be sent to known here and very active in Pass, who will heat the case, has ing ceremonies. Tentative plans league the action of Hardy was minate any such element. Ashland by February 16. This civic affairs and church circles. previously indicated that he has have been made to have o th * ! da“te of‘ the in violation of State Election “We WILL NOT endorse any high Legion and State Officials) tion “ approximateiy Monday, One of her activities was that of an open date February 15, at candidate for office, or support Laws. Her letter pointed out that present secretary-treasurer of the local which time he would pass judg­ it was a felony “for any person March 24. any official In office for any oth­ ment. American Legion Auxiliary. Von Kuhlman also reported . _______________ _ er reason than that we believe to offer, propose, threaten, or at­ that plans are going forward to The council's revised complaint, Her late husband, Reverend Mr’ and Mrs. Jack Wallace and him to lie honestly, and actively tempt to sell, hinder, or delay prepared by William Briggs, was Howard Eddy was minister of devoted to the Betterment of any petition or any part thereof, present pictures on Communistic daughter, Jackie are house guests the Presbyterian church for many served last week. Since that time activities to the public. | of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Millett. Ashland as a place to live and or of any signatures thereon years, and was, also adjutant of Lombard and Skerry have been mentioned in this act", and “to work and rear our families. the local American Legion. Their preparing an answer. "WE HEREBY SERVE NOT­ offer, propose, attempt, or threat­ daughter, Virginia, is also well ICE that If we detect corruption, en in any manner or form to use known here and her • many any petition or any power of pro­ highhanded, selfish interests In friends sympathize with her in a candidate or official that we motion or opposition in a man­ her bereavement. Burial was In ner or form for extortion, black­ have endorsed, we will withdraw Berkeley, California. our support and expose these mail, or secret or private intimi­ Farming in Oregon is big busi­ are being promoted. Additional dation of any person or business things." ness according to a report releas­ irrigation to increase irrigated Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lombard Ben T. Lombard, president of interest." ed last week by the Federal Co­ farm lands is being contemplat­ were visitors at the Jim Busch the local club said the American Judicial decisions forbid the operative Extension service, Ore­ Winston to Address withdrawal of signers’ names gon State College. The farms of ed, present 1,300,000 acres Is ir­ home Sunday. Kennel Club had approved the rigated in Oregon. 29th of May, 1949, as the date of from a recall petition after its Northwest Council Oregon are worth 850,000 and Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie the Southern Oregon Kennel Diking and drainage has made presentation to the clerk, which Mrs. Mabel W. Winston, Regis last year they produced $455.000,- available 350,000 acres of land and children were driving in Club’s first point show. The loca­ trar and Dean of Women at Sou according to Mrs. Robuck’s let­ 000. with another one million acres Lithia Park Sunday. tion will be Walter Phillips field, them Oregon College, will ad ter, invalidated statements made Oregon’s first farmers were re­ being considered for drainage. Ashland. by Hardy concerning the with­ dress the Annual Conference of tired trappers who left the Hud­ Improved drainage on 600,000 The show is expected to pro­ drawal of names from the peti­ Northwest Council of Guidance son’s Bay Company to farm in acres of wild meadow will double vide competition for many of the and Personnel Associations, in tions. outstanding show dogs of the According to Mrs. Robuck the the Williamette valley. They the production. Portland, F ebruary 11. T h e grew food to sell in the ports west coast. Points will be offered Thousands of beef animals will league does not plan to tolerate Theme of the Conference is Per where ships stoppped for provi­ be added to Oregon cattle herds towards championship In breeds opinions based on error or sim­ sonnel Work: Time to Take sions. Roland Parks, principal of Ash­ represented at the show. A dog through the planting of improv ply belief . . . competent attor­ Stock. At the time of the gold rush ed grasses such as alta fescue on land High school, has been select­ to complete his championship, neys, she pointed out in her let- ter are , opposed U. either know Oregon (.rmera certain lands. Grassland will be ed as chairman of the Southern must win fifteen points in com­ You have read in this No more than five or determine the law before they produce to the gold miners of increased through reclai m i n g Oregon Tournament association. petition. column about the phenom­ Califoinia. Later as more people burned over and stumpage areas Parks, this week, announced that points are given to any one dog Issue any opinions. enal new COLUMBIA LP (¡ime westward and the farms The clearance of sagebrush areas the tournament would take place at one show and a dog must win (long-playing) RECORDS Charter Amendment grew in size and scope the far- and the planting of grasses will this year at Eagle Point, Thurs­ points under at least three dif­ and players. Briefly, by The petitions for the charter a- mers of Oregon learned just also increase the number of day, Friday and Saturday, Feb­ ferent judges. cutting three t i m e s as mendment are being circulated which types of product could and acres available for rangeland ruary 24, 25. and 26; and Thurs­ many grooves per inch, and and a r e finding ready accept­ would bring the largest Income, and will permit greater meat day, Friday, and Satu r d a y, Mrs. A. E. Hall returned home by means of a slow turn­ ance. Many people who did not March 3, 4, and 5. from the hospital Saturday. In 1924 leading farmers, agri- production per acre. table speed, it is possible to sign the petitions for recall have ( ultuial scientists, produce deal Competing teams will include As fertilizers become available put the contents of a com­ signed the petition requesting a ers, and business men in a m eet-; the forage supply will increase, Klamath Falls, Ashland, Med­ plete album of records on special election be called to a- ing at Corvallis began a series of and as lime is added to certain ford, Grants Pass, Eagle Point, one single unbreak a b l e mend the charter, permitting an conferences that have shaped the soils it will increase the value of Central Point, and Kerby. Games plastic disc. election to fill the place of an destiny of Oregon’s farm lands. , those lands. will begin at 6:30 p.m., admission Prices are tiuly amazing. official who has been recalled. Today, partly as a result of Dairy herds will produce more is $1.00 per evening for adults There aie o»dy three prices, This charter amendment provi­ that conference the following as the following three things hap- and 50c per evening for students. Local high school and college $2.85, $3.85, 4.85. Values sion will probably be on the things are taking place: Special- pen (1) Artificial insemination Other members of the tourna­ students will help provide ma­ run up to >L3.00: same ballot as the recall. ty crops such as seed and m int1 will increase the influence of ment committee in addition to terial for two messages on Build­ Now here is the real top­ Parks are H. P. Jewett, Central ing Better homes to be given per. We huve been author­ Point; Glen Hale, Eagle Point; by E a r l F. Downing, minister ized, for a very shoit time, and Jim Brown. Klamath Falls. of the First Church of Christ. to sell present stock« of the Questionalres dealing with mar­ $31.50 COLUMBIA L P riage ideals have been submit­ good sires. (2) Production testing PLAYER ATTACHMENT, ted to about 100 local high will be used more for culling, for he ridiculous figure of school students and 50 students Phoenix, Feb. 10 — Phoenix feeding, and breeding. (3) Home $9.95! There are no strings. ,t Southern Oregon college. high school basketball team will t'rown pasture and roughage will To introduce these amazing The first message will be given compete in the St. Mary’s basket­ improve dairy feeding. LP recordings to you music Sunday night on the subject, ball tournament in Medford be­ Sn Marry?" at a saving of $21.55. How ty class "B” school league after creased poultry production. can you miss? You can hear These two messages will be fol­ defeating Talent Monday evening Foresight and planning will lowed by two on "Advice From and see this equipment in by a score of 41 to 37. Rogue bring about a greater expansion Dad About Marriage,” and “Ad­ action nt.......... river Is In first place with Talent and greater profits to Oregon vice From Mom About Marri­ placing third. people and to Oregon farmers ac­ age.” This advice will be gather­ cording to the farm experts at ed from questlonaires submitted Pictured above are the Southern Oregon College Rea haulers Oregon State Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gillam and college. to the mothers and fathers of family were recently in a wreck who will meet a ball club from E ugene Saturday night in Memor­ That this is needed is evident Ashland, stated Earl F. Downing 270 East Main Phone 8011 in California. Mr. Gillam and ial Court. From left to right, kneeling. Veentjer, Neideigh, O'Neal. in the figures which Indicate that minister of the church. (Next to Sheldon Jewelry) their daughter were seriously in­ Barger. Foeter. Second row. Archer, manager. Gatlin. Bonney. Oregon is the fastest expanding The services are open to all. ured. Wade. Weaver. Jandreau end Coach Ted Sahopf, state in the nation. They begin at 7=30 p.m. NEWS REVIEW Mandate May Force Election Flood Danger Great Warmer Temperatures Forecast For Region; Will Move Snow Fast Legion Planning Work on Flag Pole County Clerk Has Recall Petitions Mayor’s Answer in Case To Be Filed Oregon’s Farmers Operate Largest Business In State—$455,000,000 Kennel Club To Hold Point Show Parks Announces Tourney Dates Minister To Give Question Answers Phoenix Team to Play in Tourney M APT