Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 13, 1949, Image 1

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    V. oí o. Library-
Bracker’s Postcard
Poll Is Delayed
The po»t card poll, which
w u to solve the dlfflcu llie.
confronting the mayor and
tha council ha» been tempor­
arily, at least shelved, ac­
W illiam
Brackar. originator of tha
Brackar had plannad to
to »and raturn postcard» to all
qualified volar» In tha city
tham to
whether they wara with tha
mayor or w ith tha council.
Than, according to hl» plan
tha mayor or tha council
would lislan to this expres-
■ion of desire from tha pao-
pla and act accordingly.
Reason for dropping tha
poll was givan by Brackar
a» tha fact that today there
are so many conflicting stor­
ies floating about that no clt-
isan could faal Ilka making a
competent analysis.
M arch of D im er
B enefit Ball
U R íc V T ^ L W S í>PÍ I
Punis MER s' Mstoül R T I 9 I
Williams Retains Skerry and Lombard
In Declaratory Judgment Court Action
M ayor Tom W illia m s stated t o - ,
day that both H a rry S k e rry and
Ben Lom bard w ould be retained t i e r i W O D i e r O U y «
|4prndi>hlpr RllVS
the I Dodge FUITlltUre
by him to present his »Ida of
case in the declaratory ju d g m e n t
action w hich the council file d m
Jackson county c irc u it co u rt this
week. Both law yers were reject-
Pf! | by ‘ i e i t v T t o r n e ? ’ -
M^ V i u i : , i n t t m X h (, ,
r .
SOC, T uesday n ight
V O LU M E 15, N U M BER 45
tj.o o PER YEAR
G am e
March of Dimes Starts Saturday
SOC Feels Need
For New Library
M r. and Mrs. Don MacWhirter
Again Head Polio Fund Committee
Dr. Elm o N. Stevenson, p re si­
dent of SOC, stated Monday th a t j
R ichard A H em dobler, P ort a new lib ra ry w ould a llow f o r ,.
land p u rc hased the J. P. Dodge d.o u.h l‘', the preaent num b*'r o i « 0
and S oM fu rn itu re store the firs t
im n o rtan t ’’ stated « / V . I 7
o f the week.
H em dobler is a Pres,d ’ n , sJevStw in
"th a t we
gradF*a te . o i Oregon ’ U .t e C. ^
Acquire this‘ new b u ild in g so that
Mrs. A rth u r K reism an
- I X ^ i n ^ . ^ r e
X V e n ? ^ 8^
J . hCT h° ™
The 1949 M arch of Dimes w ill
get underw ay In A shland at 1-00
p.m. S aturday when a real M arch
of Dimes w ill take place on M ain
enter- street. A t th a t tim e a parade in ­
most o f the in
p a trio
- r c d h in m g g "¿Tganiiatioas
to w tic
Held At KreiSIlian S
quested an answer on the fo
ln P ortland. D u rin g the w a r he
Stevenson explained th a t street, Thursday, w ith a "S m a ll w ill take place.
M r. and Mrs. Don M acW hlr-
lo w ing 10 points:
served in the navy.
cven though m any feel th a t en- F ry Stag" fo r her son’s b irth d a y
te r who are in charge of the
(1) The council had u legal The Dodge fir m was organized ro lJment in Oregon is decreasing
P eter becom ing six years old on
Ashland p o lio fu n d drive, have
rig h t to it fuse to co n firm M ayor |n >887. M embers of the firm , W ill because of few veterans in col-
b ra tin g his f Z h
b i£ h d a y o on
t h ^ ^ X
l ‘ a’ S
W illiam r.’ appointm ent of H a rry
S kerry or Ben Loml»a,’d to the Jones and Earle C ham berlain grow th in population is b rin g in g
post o f c ity attorney and Vern w ill continue to w ork w ith the about a s im ila r g ro w th in Oregon the 14th. In v ite d guests, accom- ketbaU game at SOC Tuesday
panted by some of the m o th e rs,, n ig b t w ith the Lions and the K i-
S m ith as ch ie f of polite.
firm .
were K enny Stevenson, D anny w anj s m ix in g it in the opener
(2, O rdinance 1094 is va lid and
Lewis, B ill Bowm an, M ike M a t­ and the high school seniors and
a law of the c ity o f Ashland.
W H O 'S
Q U A L I F E D7
thews, C raig Penninton, Johnnie the ju n io r v a rs ity pla yin g in the
(3) The m ayor’s veto o f the ot-
Schultz, Roger and T om m y W il- m ain game.
M em bers and guests
nt the dinance was in v a lid .
da, J im m y W illiam s, Stevie M ed­
w e e kly Lions clu b m eeting Tues­
The d riv e w ill culm inate w ith
(4) The suspension of Clarence
lock, J im m y Johnstone,
J e rry the M arch o f Dimes ball w hich
day evening, had th e ir firs t look W illia m s and W lllia n B riggs in ­
M ille r, R ichard K reism an, and w ill be held d u rin g the la tte r
at the "projected book" w hich cum bent police chief and c ity
the young hosts, Peter and S te v­ p a rt o f January.
the local club h o . recently p u r­ attorney .was in v a lid since no
en Kreism an.
chased and w h ich w ill be used charges were file d and no hear­
Foss K ra m e r was among the
Games were played d u rin g the
fo r e n te rta in m e n t of bedridden ing granted,
afternoon, a fte r w hich the host­ local fo lks w ho have returned to
patients who are unable to hold
(5) The m ayor’s adjournm e nt
ess served appropriate refresh­ A shland a fte r seeing one of the
a book or otherw ise entertain of the hearing held in Ashland
ments to the' young gentlem en BrJwl games. K ra m e r took in the
F riday was an Illegal and arbi
Members of the c ity C ouncil,
B|ayor Tom W illia m s, in an op-j and thej r mothers,
BBsf W est game in San F rancis­
H erb Huston, chairm an of the tra ry exercise of pow er because m eeting S aturday evening in a en le tte r to the common council
a 1
com m ittee, stated that the ma­ no o p p o rtu n ity was given to the speclai seislOn re-instated W ill- o f the c ity of Ashland, this week
M r. and Mrs. John Tiedem an,
chine w ill be loaned upon a p p li­ council to state its case.
, iam R,-lggg ag cRy a ttorney and stated th a t the council was at-
Jr., spent the week end in Cres­
cation to any Lions club member
(6) The m ayor ha» no rig h t to c q W illia m s as ch ie f o f police, tem pting to dictate to the m ayor
cent city.
or local doctors, w her w ill con­ force the council to co n firm h i*
The counciJ’g action was taken w ho his appointees should be.
tact the club.
appointm ents by suspending in- j WR hout the approval of the m ay- j "Y o u r continued refusal to con-
The m achine, costing about cum bent officer«.
! c r w ho has ¡n d icated th a t he j fir m m y appointm ents,’’ he said,
>200. has at present ten books.
(7) The co u n cil’s reinstatem ent djd not believe ru le 16A of O r d - ' "Is an e ffo rt to com pel me to sub-
A n in s ta llin g team from the
The image o f tw o pages at a of Briggs and Clarence W illia m s 1 ,nance 1017 was valid. The rule,* m it to the council such names as' Ashland Odd Fellow s w ent to
tim e are projected onto the c e il­ and the restoration of th e ir pay w hich was passed fiv e days p rio r you desire."
Jacksonville F rid a y n ig h t to in ­
ing and gives a clear, d is tin c t was legal.
to t he m ayor's ta kin g office, set
M ayor W illia m s w ent on to say sta ll new officers in the lodge.
Southern Oregon college is
image that is ensly read.
(8, The defendant m a y o r up a suspension clause w h ich re- that the council has in d iv id u a lly The local team w ill also in sta ll
pro je cto r is w orked fro m a set should subm it names o f o th e r! q uired the m ayor to set fo rth his ‘ and severally, stated th a t
they officers in M edford, Cen t r a 1 co n tin u in g its g ro w th according
o f buttons and the p a tie n t can appointees ‘w ith dispatch."
reasons f o r - suspension, a n d ; w ill not co n firm any other
per- P oint and Ashland d u rin g the to figures released th is week
fro m the office of M r. M abel W.
m ove Jhe pages fo rw a rd or back­
Lawful Occupants
1 w hich gave the council an oppor- so» than C. C. W illia m s to be the n e xt week.
W inston, registrar. Total e n ro ll-
w ard at w ill.
W illia m s
and tu n ity to pass on these reasons chief of police and Wm. M. Bri-
The ten books a va ilable are Briggs are the la w fu l occupants and to listen to the suspended o f- to be c ity attorney.
ed in to a three w ay race w ith m ent is now 596 students.
T his represents an increase of
the B ible, " M u tin y on the B oun­ o f th e ir jobs u n til successors are fleers, p rio r to m aking any deci-
"W ere I to p e rm it m yself to be M edford and C entral P oint fo r
17.8 per cent over the e n ro llm e n t
ty ," "Lassie Comes Home,” C o r­ appointed and co nfirm ed; and, f i ­
m antuvered in to such a pcs.l-
o f one year ago.
onet Magazine, "The Lone Star nally, that the court should c la r­
Members of the c ity council, ¡ »on," the mayo. v»»j‘ e, " I w ill feted w ith a d in n e r and p a rty by
Mrs. W inston rem arked that
R anger,"
‘ A c tio n
N ig h t," ify the rig h ts and duties of the
have 'Cknowiedged your rig h t to
"B a b y A n im a l
P ictures,"
and rttayor and council under the in a le tte r to M ayor Tom W ill­ appropriate unto yourselves the J u ly firs t. D u rin g 1948 such a | the fin a l total, to be tabulated on
"S now W h ite and
the Seven laws o f the state of Oregon and iam» explained w h y they fe lt pow«j to appoint as w e ll as to contest was held, w ith the A^h- , January 1 5 m ay reach the fa ll
th a t they should not c o n firm the
l record of 650, a to ta l w h ich had
D w a rfs "
Others w ill be added the c ity ch a rte r oi Ashland.
appointm ents o f e ith e r H a rry confirm. This w ould c e rta in ly be land Lodge w in n in g by a large not been anticipated fo r the w in ­
as the demand grows.
M eanw hile the recall petitions S k e rry or Ben Lom bard as c ity an invasion o f m y rights under m argin and d u rin g December
te r term .
The R egistrar com -
got underw ay w ith fo rty people a tto rn e y and V e rn S m ith as ch ie f ‘ he C harter, and u n til such tim e they were guests at M edford at mented th a t the enrou m ent of
ta kin g them about the tow n. o f police.
I as th e people in dicate they are a party.
last f an was swen ed by such
They ask fo r a special election to
C oncerning V e rn S m ith the 00 lon«er U n a b l e to m y exer
groups as special students and
recall councilm en John Nosier. council stated: "M r. S m ith serv­ cising th is g ra n t of power, I
n ig h t classes w h ich w ill be de­
H erb Fischborn and John D augh­ ed on the A shland Police force w ill continue to insist that the
creased this term .
fo r a period o f about one year.
J . hav e nom inated to
A lth o u g h the grand to ta l is
Behind the recall m ovem ent is d u rin g the years 1940 and 1941,! p u b llc o if,ce be confirm ed: un-
The Am erican Legion A u x il- dow n in com parison to w in te r
the c iv ic b e tterm ent league, G er­ as a patrolm an. His record w a s ., less „ they
.. can .... be . shown to be iary's Sewing C lub, m et at the term , the percentage of f u ll tim e
trude O. Roebuck is executive satisfactory, we believe. H e also ¡egal,l y dis9 u a llfie d ° r mcompe- home o f Mrs. A r th u r Kreism an, students exceeds the fa ll term .
SOC opened th e ir conference secretary, James Q. Adam s is
Special students have increas-
. M onday, fo r an a ll day m eeting,
play F rid a y n ig h t on the local treasurer and fiscal agent and served as deputy s h e riff o f Jack-
son county fo r a period o f appro-
Concerning the competancy of w hich was w e ll attended. W ork ed 150 per cent over a year ago,
co u rt by losing a hard fought
o ther officers Include M r. and x im a te ly fiv e years, w hich posi­ Ben Lom bard and H a rry S kerry, was started on layettes and the increase being a ttrib u te d to
game to C hico 45 to 35. Chico
Mrs. H. W. M cC arley, M r. and tio n he resigned. W e understand w hom the council have refused patches w ere cut fo r a q u ilt. The the greater num ber of in te rn
State picked up a sm all lead ear­
Mrs. H a rry A. S tiner, M r. and he is at present em ployed by the to accept on the grounds that group enjoyed a po tlu ck lunch- teacher students.
ly in the game, and through the
they are u n q u a lifie d to handle eon.
R egistration continues
u n til
use o f a strong defense, m ain­ Mrs. C. H McCoy, M r. and Mrs. county as a vehicle w eighm a*-
the c ity a tto rn e y’s jo b M ayor
A d d itio n a l w orkers called d u r- January 15, the fin a l day to reg-
tained th e ir lead througho ut the
ing the afternoon and Mrs. K re is- ister fo r the w in te r term . U n o ffi-
In regard to H a rry S ke rry or W illia m s 9tat5 d: .,the ° n ly r f
game. The W ildcats led 19 to 17 J. Q. Adams.
Ben Lom bard as c ity a tto rn e y !
c,ty. a«°F n * y
man. C h ild W elfare C hairm an, cial figures of M onday, January
a t h a lftim e .
E arl F. D ow ning, m in is te r of the council sU ted: "B o th of these th a *
expressed great satisfaction in 10. gave the e n ro llm e n t to ta l of
The Red Raiders regained th e ir the F irs t C hurch o f C h ris t le ft
gentlem en are fin e men, but both good m oral character and an act- the w o rk accomplished.
usual fo rm S aturday n ig h t and
Tuesday m orning fo r San Jose, are to ta lly w ith o u t experience in iye m£ nber ofJ he Orego" State
piled up an 11 to 0 lead before
C a lifo rn ia , to attend a C onfer the fie ld of m u n icip a l law and Ba/
? ay tha any attorney Y O U R
the W ildcats found the basket.
W ith Jandreau show ing the way ence on Evangelism . He w ill re ­ m u n icip a l proceedings. We have " ho ,holds a ce rtifica te to prac-
no c ritic is m to m ake of e ither ex- t,c« la w An ° regon ‘ s V ™ *1« to
in the scoring departm ent, the tu rn Saturday.
R. E. Stevens is back fro m cept on the basis o f com plete Perform the duties of c ity a tto r-
SOC five were out In fro n t
th,s l ™ n ,ls to cast ,a reZ
to 10 at h a lftim e and w ent on to Alam eda fo r a few days, to do lack o f experience. We have no " ey
law schools of
some re p a ir w o rk on his a p a rt­ background fo r e ither on w hich Bectlotn ° n
w in 45 to 37.
ments on the Plaza. He w ill re ­ to judge. We believe th a t good h * ^ « te and the in stru ctio n of-
tu rn to Alam eda to spend a few business requires an experienced ier.edn ’ n ,.these schools in m u n lc‘ -
weeks before re tu rn in g here fo r m u n ic lp a l a tto rn e y if we can fin d PdT h®WM ayor
also stated th a t it
the spring and sum m er at th e ir
satisfactory recovery of such pa-
The le tte r then w e n t on to ex-1 wa,s necessary th a t the chief of
C onfronted by the greatest de- tients is the speed w ith w hich
aho” ld hav* soV?e e xPeF'
M r. and Mrs. J. E. H utchinson p la in the good points o f C hief of
fo r ____
funds, _ experienced
__ __
_______ in cases are transported to the Eu-
and daughter, Sandra, returned P olice C larence C W illiam s stat- ence in tn P H 'o p al police w ork. mand
he w ent on to
i the h isto ry of the organization gene center by airplane
recently fro m Los Angeles where lng th a t he was q u a lifie d on the 7 ” ?
they visited M r. and Mrs. Sam basis o f age, experience and past has had suf h. e x Pe r >ence. A back- herCi t he Jackson C ounty Chap ance.Vern S m ith, chairm an o f he
ground of in ve stig a tive a b ilit y ! te r o f the N ational Foundation Jackson county chapter, pointed
W indm an.
The le tte r ’ w e n t on to sav that and experience in this fie ld is de- fo r in fa n tile Paralysis opens its out yesterday
em phasizing the
H ow To Stop W orrying,
the o ffice o f the police ch ie f was S,rable; . K „
annual M arch of Dimes
today Pohcy of the chapter, w hich is to
H ufm an, w ho is stu d yin g voice w e ll taken care of adequate re- J S? ltb ’ sa,d the m ayor’ has (F rid a y) under leadership o f H ar- act im m e d ia te ly
regardless of
And S ta rt L iv in g
in M iam i, F lo rid a , re ce n tly w ro te cords were kept, the la w w 2
a?.d a b ili£y ”
>y Ch iP ™ " o f M e dford' T ht’ Peed '
B y Dale Carnegie
his m other th a t the cold w ave
ing enforced w ith judgm ent and , J h.® ^ ® y o r C° nU?li®d b y ,.say’ of funds, M r. C hipm an exp la in
had caught up to Florida.
i ed in opening 'th e "'drive? results son county because of the speei-
1 blem s have b ^ n h a S
in an € th a t Brlgg9 and W illia m s had from the num ber
of in fa n tile
£ program o f the chapter and
The B ig Fisherm an
m any people have been re-
B y L lo y d C. Douglas
the council
most busi- ’¿ nd ? tizen has ever Possessed. 1948. ’ There were 12 cases, the stored to good health w ho w ould
oenevea most busi | He refused to
subsCrlbe to this, greatest num ber in chapter his- otherw ise have been crippled.
ness men shared the school o ffl-
makes it easy to obtain funds
Som etim e A gain
. .
. r ia l’s Hocir«
C h ie f o f police Clarence W i l l - ; to rv
R ȣǣ
The c w A d l stated th a t M r iamS is n° ‘ being ^ b a r g e d , the
Each case was sent to the Eu- d^ ‘A g the M arch of Dim es’ he
By George H all
Southern Oregon college, '«ce nt- B d
., a ttOr rnayor said' He has been offered gene and
P ortland
treatm ent added-
(George is a form er Ash­
h L T tu d e n t? T h ^ " ^ neyg fo r a pert<!d o l over 20 years 1 positlon on the force. and in center, a num ber by airplane am-
A large sta ff of voluntee r w o rk -
land boy)
T b e **• th t
business w as hi® husi ’ ' th e case of B r iR8s. the need fo r bulance, due to the need fo r im - ers, covering a ll sections of the
arrived along w ith a m ultitude
o ity business was big busi- • his re ta in ln g the position can mediate’
ia l care
county, has been named by M r.
an, d rive chairm an. C om ­
Sketches of the S ixties
an a tto rn e y
w ho was , sons
m onths m u n ity chairm en are: M a tt Freed
wah proparing to loava for Kla
B re t
H a rt a n d
M ark
math Falla whore ho teaches an competent,
The m ayor
prom ised
t h a t Mrs. Lew is
U lric h ,
secretary- M edford; M r and Mrs. Don Mac-
They also pointed out that
T w a in
•xto m lo n data. ...............................
should the council accept his ap- treasurer of the Jackson county W h irte r, A shland; Mrs.
A u s tin
Explanation, for tho g ift, was Briggs was one o f the co-found­ pointees, e ith e r S ke rry or Lorn- chapter revealed.
Jones, Rogue R ive r; Mrs. Krause
given , as tho fact that., things ers of the League o f Oregon bard as c ity a tto rn e y and S m ith
The spread of in fa n tile pa ra ly- of Applegate; A rden P inkham , of
The W hite T ow er
wore getting too "tropical" along cities, th a t he had d ra w n up a as ch ie f o f police, th a t he w ould sis, usually confined to the late C entral P o in t; E m il D iVecchio,
B y James Ramsey U ll-
Fordyce street .................................
rem ove any one o f them I f they summer and e a rly fa ll, continued C old H ill; Mrs. Eva Segessenman
Krieaman.. left., for Klamath H u n tin g to n , Oregon and th a t he failed to measure up to th e ir into w in te r d u rin g 1948.
The Shady Cove; E. D. M c In ty re , o f
Falls . Immediately after receiv­
duties and responsibilities.
, tw e lfth and one of the most ser- Jacksonville; Heston G rieve, at
ation o f m u n ic ip a l u tilitie s .
ing the gifts.
M ayor W illia m s also offered to ious cases of the year, was re- Prospect: Mrs. Jay T e rrill, T a l-
The council w e n t on to state
Than Monday night all the
eonsider the names o f other per- ported on December 10, the Jack- ent; M a rv in Fisher, Phoenix,
water pipes at the Krieaman th a t as councilm en th e y fe lt th a t sons than those already b e in g 1 son county health departm ent re ­ Glen Haie, Eagle P o in t; J, Fred
home frose solid, some burst, the they w ere g iven the rig h t to con­ considered fo r the positions in vealed. The case was taken im - Engel, B e llview , and Mrs. John
water tank flooded, and Mrs. fir m or refuse to co n firm in the questlon.
m ediately to Eugene and is now Shaw, B utte Falls.
Kriesman called the plumber to protection of the business of the
James D u n le vy w ill act as ra ­
under treatm ent there. The oth-
fix the frosen pipes.
dio coordinator fo r the events o f
270 East M ain Phone 8011
Following this line of reason­
The only thing that both»-
isfactory recover, the health de the d riv e and D ick Je w e tt as
the plumber we» "w hy the four ing the council, in a special meet­ W illia m s, w ho had been suspend­ pa rtm e n t stated, b u t a num ber sports coordinator.
ing Saturday evening, reinstated ed by the Mayer.
hundred pounds of leaf"
Lions Preview
Projection Book
Mayor Williams And Council Argue
Competency of Three Appointees
Council Re-instates
Two Saturday
Mayor Claims Smith
Skterry, Lombard OK
Odd Fellows To
Install Several
SOC Splits Series
With Chico State
In Season’s Opener
SOC Winter Term
Enrollment High
Sewing Club Works
On Layettes & Quilts
Jackson County March Of Dimes
Gets Underway Friday, Jan. 14
H arry Chipman, Vern s% ^ uoi"t"hVg'earteT.idS the
Smith Head Drive
What They're
A. Kriesman Turns
Iceman, All Freezes